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Johnny 6 feet 07-18-2020 05:36 PM

They're up and ready to go people. And I've got some added appreciation for @Inno for the pain of searching for decent topics. Everyone pumped up? Feeling inspired? Hating me for choosing quotes instead of pictures? ;)

Let's hear you.

and, since this bears a repost for the new thread:

Year End Awards - (Organised by @Universe)

MVP - Given to the most outstanding individual in all aspects. Verses, voting, sportsmanship, contributions to the magazine, chat etc. Basically who had the biggest overall effect on the GWL in making it what it was.

Winner - @Adverse - 3 votes

Without question the MVP of this league, and if the votes would've reflected otherwise I probably would've just overpowered them and gave it to Adverse anyway lol.. Congrats and well deserved, my friend.

"I'm gonna give my vote to Adverse. Dude's been helping mod, contributing to the mag, dropping verses, voting, and keeping the level of quality up with his drops. All around key ingredients to a successful league." - Artifice

Universe - 1 vote
@Inno - 1 vote

Verse of the Year - I dug through the archives people. There are some gems. I chose the nominees based on the responses to each and overall impact they had on the readers/voters.

@sraL - Untitled 'Mario' Piece - 1 vote

Co-winner - @Scar - "A Light Story" - 2 votes

It's very rare when I read my opponents verse and immediately think and KNOW it's better than mine, but after reading this from Scar in our champ match my immediate thought was, "fuck..." lol. I knew I was doomed. This is the type of piece that comes along once in a blue moon - where everything connects and there's just no topping it. He literally threw everything at me; quoting me, using my words against me, linking in past verses to make a connecting story (thus lightly mocking me haha) and even doubled back and connected it all in the end. It is hands down the Verse of the Year in my opinion... and I'm really happy the voters agreed. Well done, @Scar.

Co-winner - Universe - "The Water's Edge" - 2 votes

@Adverse - "Our Sandy Shore"

@dead man - "The Light"

Battle of the Year - What contest was so back and forth, so nail bitingly close, that it was difficult to choose a winner?

@dead man vs. @Inno - 1 vote

@Bodey vs. @Blue Bayou

@sraL vs. @Adverse - 1 vote

Winner - @dead man vs. Universe - 3 votes

An honor and a priviledge to battle this guy. I knew I had to bring my best effort to even compete with him and I'm glad at how well both our takes on the topic turned out. We literally had people not wanting to vote because it was too close. If there was such thing as a tie, this probably would've gotten it. Thank you, @dead man.

@Artifice vs. @Johnny 6 feet

Voter of the Year - Consistency and details matter. Who gave the best breakdowns, etc.

@Johnny 6 feet - 1 vote
Winner - Universe - 3 votes

I vote for the culture haha. Nah, I enjoyed reading everyone's verses every week - I'm very passionate about writing and always appreciate the effort it takes (in most cases) to create one of these topical pieces from just a morsel of information. It's extremely difficult to do it right and I felt if I didn't give the same level of detail to my votes that I bring to my pieces, then I would be doing the entire league a disservice. Thanks for the recognition everyone.

Pic Challenge Award - I went through them all... I suggest you do the same. Who gets the nod?

Co-winner - @Vulgar - 1 vote
Co-winner - @Artifice - 1 vote
Co-winner - Universe - 1 vote

Sucks we got a 3-way tie but it is what it is.

RKO Award - Who came outta relative nowhere and made the biggest impact on the topical scene?

Winner - @Bodey - 2 votes
@Scar - 1 vote
@Blue Bayou - 1 vote
@Johnny 6 feet - 1 vote

By far the most widely diverse category in terms of votes... but @Bodey takes it home. I think she surprised everyone with her topical prowess and her knack for crafting memorable, nostalgic moments in her verses. She humbly champed the league while moving lol... and continued to be a thorn in the side for all the favorites that went up against her. Great job, Bodey.

The Chatterbox Award - Who consistently entertained/infuriated us the most throughout the season with his gift of gab?

Winner - @sraL - 3 votes

"hmm, gotta with Lars here. Dude can really get under one's skin, but he can be funny as fuck too. Love to hate him, or hate to love him, he's definitely anything but boring." - Artifice

I've had my issues with this guy to say the least lol... but he is one of the few people I've ever come across online that matches my passion for writing, and I respect his work ethic. It's rare that a person can talk his level of trash AND back it up, but Lars does it with ease.

@Johnny 6 feet - 1 vote
@Artifice - 1 vote

Upset of the Year - Who shocked us all and came away with the most unexpected W?

@Bodey defeats @Scar - 1 vote

Winner - @Pharaohs Army defeats @dead man - 2 votes

Agree or disagree, this is and was a monumental upset by @Pharaohs Army. No one had him winning this, literally no one... and yet he pulled it off. Congrats on this amazing effort.

@brokenhal0 defeats @Artifice - 1 vote

@Johnny 6 feet defeats @Inno

@Bodey defeats @Blue Bayou

Holy Shit/Wtf Moment of the Year - What caught you off guard? The biggest upset? The most ridiculous post? The most heated beef? Could be anything...

- Lars/Universe debacle.
- Sinacog winning.
- dead man/Lars DQ - No Extensions.
-Lars loser ass tendencies

Lol love these votes. I think we can go ahead and give it to Lars though... I don't think anyone would argue he deserves it multiple times this season haha. Entertaining, if nothing else.

There ya go everyone. Congrats to the winners and co-winners. You can clean this up and add it to the mag if you want but I just wanted to post this before Playoffs got started.

Universe 07-19-2020 06:36 AM

@Johnny 6 feet can you add the seeding numbers beside each person's name? I wouldn't be mad about having the seasons records carrying over either in the thread titles...

Johnny 6 feet 07-19-2020 07:16 AM

I suppose I could but 2 seeds were joint 6th and 2 hadn't competed in the league so I just placed them around the middle for simplicities sake.

Essentially the seeding came out like this:

1. Lars
10. Candy

2. Johnny 6 feet
9. Master Rock

3. Adverse
8. brokenhal0

4. Universe

5. Inno
6. Scar

6. dead man
King Ra

I tried to make it as fair I could. I think I did ok. I think for the semi's it's supposed to be the winners from 1/10, 4/Razah and 6/Ra. in one match and 2/9, 3/8 and 5/6 in the other? Unless it's 1 on 1 again and the final is a triple threat. In which case it'd be winner from 1/10 vs 6/Ra., 2/9 vs 5/6 and 3/8 vs 4/Razah

Anyone got a preference for round 2?

Universe 07-19-2020 07:27 AM

Cool bro but I meant like... in the thread titles. Show each person's ranking

Johnny 6 feet 07-19-2020 07:33 AM

I'd be assigning some numbers arbitrarily but it would neaten things up I suppose.
@Inno @Adverse got pennies to add about this?

Universe 07-19-2020 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Johnny 6 feet (Post 781237)
I'd be assigning some numbers arbitrarily but it would neaten things up I suppose.
@Inno @Adverse got pennies to add about this?

The rankings are already in place man. The battles are posted. Just add the rankings beside the names and we are good to go ... (not a fan of the CAPITALS though...)

Johnny 6 feet 07-19-2020 07:42 AM

They've always been posted that way. I think it adds gravitas personally. Adding the rankings neatens things up I'm just saying the non-league competitors are being assigned battles based on the performance of league players and scar and dead man have the same records.

Editing now.

Universe 07-19-2020 07:51 AM

You've done well overall my man. But dead man should be #5 Ra #8... Scar #6 Inno #7.

Based on one on ones because both dead man and Scar have beaten Inno and have better records. I would nudge dead man ahead of Scar based on momentum and track record

Johnny 6 feet 07-19-2020 08:00 AM

Right. I think that's looking real cushty now.

Did you ever mod this Universe?

Universe 07-19-2020 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Johnny 6 feet (Post 781244)
Right. I think that's looking real cushty now.

Did you ever mod this Universe?

No, I felt it would take away from my writing if I ran the league I competed in. But I like to weigh in now and again because I've been reading everyone's verses since Week 1 and have a good feel for things

Clutbuck 07-19-2020 08:12 AM

I’ve a good feeling Candy is garbage.

Johnny 6 feet 07-19-2020 08:22 AM

Positive contribution Clut! :)

Candy 07-19-2020 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Clutbuck (Post 781247)
I’ve a good feeling Candy is garbage.

i have a good idea that you posted your verse

Clutbuck 07-19-2020 11:20 AM

Insert more incoherent babble here.

Master Rock 07-19-2020 11:54 AM

Not feeling the topic.

Johnny 6 feet 07-19-2020 12:18 PM

@Master Rock alright how about this:

'Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop- H. L. Mencken'

^One of the back ups I had.

Master Rock 07-19-2020 01:59 PM

Easier to digest, I began writing to the Shakespearean quote and was about 6 lines in and understood it perfectly but my heart was pitying the fool. I might go with the love, let's see what I drop.

Candy 07-19-2020 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Clutbuck (Post 781275)
Insert more incoherent babe here.

Johnny 6 feet 07-19-2020 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Master Rock (Post 781309)
Easier to digest, I began writing to the Shakespearean quote and was about 6 lines in and understood it perfectly but my heart was pitying the fool. I might go with the love, let's see what I drop.

You got to tell me which one you want man. We have to write to the same topic and I'm not waiting around to start.

Adverse 07-19-2020 02:37 PM

I am humbled by being voted MVP of the league. I appreciate it. I've been writing a long time and feel like this was the best opportunity I have had to put my best foot forward and just write. It's been fun and I'm glad I was a part of it. Here's to a productive playoffs.

Master Rock 07-19-2020 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Johnny 6 feet (Post 781312)
You got to tell me which one you want man. We have to write to the same topic and I'm not waiting around to start.

Cool, we'll go with the second one.

Johnny 6 feet 07-19-2020 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Master Rock (Post 781320)
Cool, we'll go with the second one.

Edited. G2g.

Johnny 6 feet 07-19-2020 06:09 PM

And @Adverse from what I've seen you deserved it man. Congrats!

Exis 07-20-2020 12:09 AM

Can I join or no...?

Adverse 07-20-2020 01:26 AM

Didn't even see Lars get back in until now lol

Johnny 6 feet 07-20-2020 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by Exis (Post 781377)
Can I join or no...?

Sign ins are closed and things are rolling atm. But If someone misses the check in I can sub you in dude.

Speaking of which... @Inno @dead man @King Ra. need those by the end of the day. Also @Ouch, you were pm'ing me about joining this. Do you want to sub in if someone misses a check in?

Johnny 6 feet 07-20-2020 07:14 AM

@Objective you too since you just pm'd me about it.

You need to clear out your inbox btw. :)

Exis 07-20-2020 08:53 AM

Aight...King Ra was a beast btw.

Universe 07-20-2020 09:49 AM

@Johnny 6 feet if you sub one of these guys in because someone fails to check in or allow Ouch to get in these playoffs I'll have your mod powers revoked.

C'mon man... Think.

Johnny 6 feet 07-20-2020 10:18 AM

Revoked? I'm doing the best I can. I'm thinking that I want this tournament to be active. I don't see anyone else stepping forward to organise this thing. I put out the word to everyone who'd been involved in this. Spent hours tracking down topics and figuring out who to put against who. I've pretty much had to solo it.

Besides, inactive or not, Objective is still a moderator of this forum. If he's willing to sub in when people who've signed up for it won't then what's the harm? The cream'll rise either way.

Only @King Ra. and @Inno need to sign in and this issue'll be resolved.

@Adverse , your input is sorely needed here.

Universe 07-20-2020 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Johnny 6 feet (Post 781425)
Revoked? I'm doing the best I can. I'm thinking that I want this tournament to be active. I don't see anyone else stepping forward to organise this thing. I put out the word to everyone who'd been involved in this. Spent hours tracking down topics and figuring out who to put against who. I've repeatedly asked the other mods for input but pretty much had to solo it.

Besides, inactive or not, Objective is still a moderator of this forum. If he's willing to sub in when people who've signed up for it won't then what's the harm? The cream'll rise either way.

Only King Ra. and Inno need to sign in and this issue'll be resolved.

I love ya, Johnny haha. And @Objective I'm cool with as a sub cuz he's been in the season and got some W's, but Ouch? Not so much. King Ra and Razah both have track records so there 0-0 records aren't as big of a deal. But these are the PLAYOFFS man, can't have Exis or Ouch stepping in or it cheapens everything. (Sorry, Ex.)

Not every request you receive should be entertained, is my point. And if I would've seen Ouch replacing dead man I would have quit lol.

But dead man just checked in so... thank God for that.

Johnny 6 feet 07-20-2020 10:36 AM

Right back at ya Uni. I see where you're coming from. I really do. I got teacher genes in me so I got the desire to see everyone grow into a beautiful metaphorical butterfly. Hence my encouragement.

Ok, Objective gets priority given his previous record and hopefully King Ra. or Inno or both check in before the cut off. As far as Exis and Ouch go, I'll leave that to Adverse and Inno since I'm the newbie in the mod chair.

Universe 07-20-2020 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Johnny 6 feet (Post 781433)
Right back at ya Uni. I see where you're coming from. I really do. I got teacher genes in me so I got the desire to see everyone grow into a beautiful metaphorical butterfly. Hence my encouragement.

Ok, Objective gets priority given his previous record and hopefully King Ra. or Inno or both check in before the cut off. As far as Exis and Ouch go, I'll leave that to Adverse and Inno since I'm the newbie in the mod chair.

Exis over Ouch for sure, if one HAS to be subbed. Ex has some cool topicals in Open Mic.

PS - I dont have the power to revoke anyone's mod status but I knew it would get your attention lol

Johnny 6 feet 07-20-2020 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Universe (Post 781435)
Exis over Ouch for sure, if one HAS to be subbed. Ex has some cool topicals in Open Mic.

PS - I dont have the power to revoke anyone's mod status but I knew it would get your attention lol

It did. I'm still new to the site. You could've run with the lie and I would've probably believed it.

@Exis I should be good to collab after this tourney's over.

Adverse 07-20-2020 01:13 PM

Sorry for kind of leaving you in the dark with this Johnnuly, I agree priority should be Objective then Exis if we have to sub. Ouch's only match this season resulted in him no showing

Johnny 6 feet 07-20-2020 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Adverse (Post 781463)
Sorry for kind of leaving you in the dark with this Johnnuly, I agree priority should be Objective then Exis if we have to sub. Ouch's only match this season resulted in him no showing

It's ok. I was just stressed. We're getting there. If Ouch's record is one no show and that's it then fair enough.

I'd suggest those battles get a 24 hour extension in the event of subs being used.

John Dillinger 07-20-2020 05:01 PM

Ouch ducked a topical lmfao

Exis 07-20-2020 06:42 PM

I think I got all that lol...

Inno 07-20-2020 07:46 PM

Sorry guys been a rough 2 weeks will show tho

Universe 07-20-2020 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Inno (Post 781534)
Sorry guys been a rough 2 weeks will show tho

Atta boy.

This 30 line shit is way too short for me lol. I sneezed on the screen and I'm done lol.

50 lines next round? Please? Haha.

@Razah ready when you are, sir.

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