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1. fat wife 2. fat wife 12 week season 250$ = champion prize money @murda_sho @hush @dex @muzzle @servant journalist @jesodist @silver @lady_poet @dope girl @wise wiggles @zuo @zygote aero is successful in life bags is better then me - aero barbituates/bar bit you its big baby kamehameha billion syllable syllabus blue is so trash -text comanchero constantinople death by antacid dexlabb infinte whackness don’t battle me bro dragon alias confirmed falls count anywhere fig didn't make this tag fig made this tag foxisafaggot frank stoppable hof gay geno begs for relevance gillionaire girls club hal0 v.o.t.mix? hbk>sral heel turn i also made that tag - fig if frank aint hof in-ring psychology itt old timer circle jerk lame lars absolute fire lars wants his moola! learn to be human first -barc lol mc fussy confirmed tr0ll mildly gay mini gun in my mini gun -neigh no holds barred no pacifier oh let me guess bar lost poets reminisce too premature put my bald eagle in ur mouth put on om cypher see chyeahhh!!! for critique seth got beat by a retard seth is trash though show me the money! sinacog is a great writer stfu & leave the site storylines tag him in tag me in tag team me boys - amens wife trash trash-ghost1 unstoppable hof what? when does a coop verse hit? why is muff here still? you mean stfu and write? zelph is trash

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