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Slowhands is on a distinguished road

Slowhands Slowhands is offline

de ze ka

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
  1. Celph Taut
    10-18-2013 02:13 AM
    Celph Taut
    Nothing much, bro. What's hat'nin? (says like Martin Lawrence)
  2. God Of War
    07-22-2013 08:15 PM
    God Of War
    aye go sleep gazette wtf u ducking that dude for lol
  3. God Of War
    07-16-2013 08:03 PM
    God Of War
    none as of right now my dude but im working on that
  4. God Of War
    07-16-2013 06:34 PM
    God Of War
    welcme to voting now adays my dude, you get voted for based on your personality and not your bars ....fuckin sucks and is 100 times worse then it used to be thats why i barely ever battle
  5. Slowhands
    07-12-2013 06:07 PM
    but all i've heard was how rb is full of the supposed shit that voted in my battle. i know i'm rusty, but i also know shit when i see it. bad part is dudes are even quoting a bad gspot line. not sure which is worse, rusty vs audience
  6. Sharp
    07-12-2013 12:07 PM
    I just put up the battles this week. You are blaming me for the existence of 3 low tier battlers. You couldnt even word a g spot line right but still probably won. Votes will even out as decent people vote, get the sand out of your vagina and give it more than 10 hours.
  7. Slowhands
    07-11-2013 10:55 PM
    I like boys
  8. Sharp
    07-11-2013 10:50 PM
    that was my first time, naturally i was shy and prematurely shot my content. R!can is a patient partner

    congrats on being a better internet text battle rapper than a college kid who does this to kill time.
  9. Sharp
    07-11-2013 10:26 PM
    a verse i wrote in 5 minutes with the only vote against me one of the sites worst pic battlers? okay.

    but it warms my heart to know you're thinking about me enough to look at my every move <3
  10. Sharp
    07-11-2013 10:13 PM
    stinkin kids

    dont let them discourage you, they learn they suck soon

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  • Last Activity: 08-26-2016 04:49 AM
  • Join Date: 06-24-2013


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03:38 PM - sral mentioned Slowhands in post ATT Round One: MMLP vs Inno - OPEN FOR VOTES!
... Voltage Dust trap. Slowhands Atomic Advocate Mind...
05:22 AM - sral mentioned Slowhands in post TTT FINALS: SYMETRIK vs. ETHERWAVE
... Voltage Dust trap. Slowhands Atomic Advocate Mind...
05:16 AM - sral mentioned Slowhands in post TTT FINALS: SYMETRIK vs. ETHERWAVE
... Voltage Dust trap. Slowhands Atomic Advocate Mind...
05:06 AM - sral mentioned Slowhands in post TTT FINALS: SYMETRIK vs. ETHERWAVE
... Voltage Dust trap. Slowhands Atomic Advocate Mind...
05:05 AM - sral mentioned Slowhands in post TTT FINALS: SYMETRIK vs. ETHERWAVE
... Voltage Dust trap. Slowhands Atomic Advocate Mind...
12:46 PM - Frank mentioned Slowhands in post The Official Season XII Preseason Sign-Up Thread:
...trap. Slowhands Atomic...
04:18 PM - Frank mentioned Slowhands in post 12/25
... trap. Slowhands Atomic ...
04:09 PM - Frank mentioned Slowhands in post The Official Season XII Preseason Sign-Up Thread:
...trap. Slowhands Atomic...
04:40 PM - Frank mentioned Slowhands in post The Official Season XII Preseason Sign-Up Thread:
... trap. Slowhands Atomic ...
08:06 PM - Frank mentioned Slowhands in post Vote!
...t trap. Slowhands Atomic A...
03:49 PM - sral mentioned Slowhands in post SZN XI Championship: Diablo (10-0) vs. Master Rock (8-3) vs. Universe (6-0) [DIABLO CHAMPS SZN XI!!!]
...ust trap. Slowhands Atomic Adv...
03:16 PM - Orc mentioned Slowhands in post Week 3 Mag: I THOUGHT I TOOOOLD YOU
... Gazette Slowhands Animosi T...
04:46 PM - Orc mentioned Slowhands in post Week 3: SIGN IN & OUT THREAD
... Gazette Slowhands Animosi T ...
05:16 PM - Orc mentioned Slowhands in post Week 2 Sign In/Out: STOP GHOSTING & DO IT!!
... Gazette Slowhands Animosi T ...
01:32 PM - ...the Nagger mentioned Slowhands in post was there anyone else tryna battle?
03:48 PM - Sharp mentioned Slowhands in post Gazette Vs Slowhands - rematch - VOID
...Gazette but i think Slowhands ducked you since no...
08:14 PM - God Of War mentioned Slowhands in post Gazette Vs Slowhands - rematch - VOID
Slowhands u gon let dude dr...
05:05 AM - Flow mentioned Slowhands in post Gazette Vs Slowhands - rematch - VOID
03:46 PM - Flow mentioned Slowhands in post The Ultimate Writer II Pre-Chat
...if I'm not mistaken Slowhands Sharp nine
10:41 AM - Detective Mike Hunt, NCPD mentioned Slowhands in post ATTENTION CRIMINALS
...T Lecture Atomic Slowhands CRIME: DISORDERLY B...

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08:26 PM - Spoken quoted Slowhands in post US And Russia Simultaneously Announce Intent To Arm Opposing Sides In Syria
Hello would you like to be fri...
02:26 PM - Nigma quoted Slowhands in post US And Russia Simultaneously Announce Intent To Arm Opposing Sides In Syria
Life is bad when your country ...
01:41 PM - Sharp quoted Slowhands in post The Ultimate Writer II Pre-Chat
i ducked him? did you see NBL ...
11:57 AM - Slowhands quoted Sharp in post The Ultimate Writer II Pre-Chat
So you ducked the fuck out...
03:05 AM - Sharp quoted Slowhands in post The Ultimate Writer II Pre-Chat
this already looks not organiz...
08:53 PM - God Of War quoted Slowhands in post Elements Chat Thread
they just want to read their o...
08:10 PM - Slowhands quoted Lecture in post R.I.P David Lama (1985-2013)
Your sensitive behind a poin...
07:46 PM - Slowhands quoted God Of War in post Elements Chat Thread
its the first round of a tourne...
04:58 PM - Just Write quoted Slowhands in post R.I.P David Lama (1985-2013)
i don't give a fuck why we're ...
02:59 PM - Lecture quoted Slowhands in post R.I.P David Lama (1985-2013)
i don't give a fuck why we're ...
12:57 PM - ...the Nagger quoted Slowhands in post pink slip matches
you're just reaching now acta...
12:38 PM - Slowhands quoted ...the Nagger in post pink slip matches
U got that simple part Did u co...
12:36 PM - Split quoted Slowhands in post R.I.P David Lama (1985-2013)
you're analogy is like saying ...
12:34 PM - Slowhands quoted Lecture in post R.I.P David Lama (1985-2013)
so in other words you were a...
05:52 PM - Dominate quoted Slowhands in post GoW deletes votes/posts.
████ █████â–...
02:59 PM - ...the Nagger quoted Slowhands in post pink slip matches
yep, too complex to understand...
02:56 PM - ...the Nagger quoted Slowhands in post pink slip matches
I bully a block. We get tips a...
02:38 PM - SiK quoted Slowhands in post R.I.P David Lama (1985-2013)
bitch i've done 28 months in A...
02:35 PM - Chyeahhh!!! quoted Slowhands in post R.I.P David Lama (1985-2013)
bitch i've done 28 months in A...
01:15 PM - Lecture quoted Slowhands in post R.I.P David Lama (1985-2013)
bitch i've done 28 months in A...

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