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cyph her cyph her cyph her cyph her cyph her cyph her cyph her cyph her cyph her cyph her cyph her

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decept the con

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  1. tambiet
  2. Paradigm
    05-26-2014 01:51 AM
    San Jose CALI nice
  3. cyph her
    10-24-2013 10:05 PM
    cyph her
    It's rap time.. for you, that means nap time

About Me

  • About cyph her
    29 F
    San Jose, CA
    Rap, cars, football, games
    Business Development
  • Signature
    It's rap time.. For you, that means nap time..


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 06-04-2020 08:29 PM
  • Join Date: 06-08-2013


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03:38 PM - sral mentioned cyph her in post ATT Round One: MMLP vs Inno - OPEN FOR VOTES!
...atty Neighbor Poodz cyph her CJ the Poet thewinne...
05:22 AM - sral mentioned cyph her in post TTT FINALS: SYMETRIK vs. ETHERWAVE
...atty Neighbor Poodz cyph her CJ the Poet thewinne...
05:16 AM - sral mentioned cyph her in post TTT FINALS: SYMETRIK vs. ETHERWAVE
...atty Neighbor Poodz cyph her CJ the Poet thewinne...
05:06 AM - sral mentioned cyph her in post TTT FINALS: SYMETRIK vs. ETHERWAVE
...atty Neighbor Poodz cyph her CJ the Poet thewinne...
05:05 AM - sral mentioned cyph her in post TTT FINALS: SYMETRIK vs. ETHERWAVE
...atty Neighbor Poodz cyph her CJ the Poet thewinne...
12:46 PM - Frank mentioned cyph her in post The Official Season XII Preseason Sign-Up Thread: cyph her CJ ...
04:18 PM - Frank mentioned cyph her in post 12/25
...oodz cyph her CJ th...
04:09 PM - Frank mentioned cyph her in post The Official Season XII Preseason Sign-Up Thread: cyph her CJ ...
04:40 PM - Frank mentioned cyph her in post The Official Season XII Preseason Sign-Up Thread:
... Poodz cyph her CJ the P...
08:06 PM - Frank mentioned cyph her in post Vote!
... Poodz cyph her CJ the Poet...
01:58 PM - sral mentioned cyph her in post SZN XI Championship: Diablo (10-0) vs. Master Rock (8-3) vs. Universe (6-0) [DIABLO CHAMPS SZN XI!!!]
... Poodz cyph her CJ the Poet ...
08:54 PM - Candy mentioned cyph her in post like the aowl writting league opening
...ertain Cormier Coup cyph her fairydance fenix osi...
03:39 AM - Frank mentioned cyph her in post Post Season Chat
...aded Thesis Strikta cyph her @Zyg Rawn MD Ink
03:32 AM - Frank mentioned cyph her in post Post Season Chat
...aded Thesis Strikta cyph her @Zyg Rawn MD Ink
02:03 PM - Frank mentioned cyph her in post Post Season Chat
...aded Thesis Strikta cyph her @Zyg Rawn MD Ink
04:46 PM - Certain mentioned cyph her in post Week 15 voting links
...ting on votes from cyph her, King Ra., patrown,...
11:39 PM - Vulgar mentioned cyph her in post Mother Earth.. A drunken written
...ork, keep it up. cyph her
06:08 PM - Certain mentioned cyph her in post Week 15 predictions and chat
cyph her, you can disable sig...
05:59 PM - cyph her mentioned e11even in post Week 15 predictions and chat
Vividlyvague It's all good. ...

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03:34 AM - Certain quoted cyph her in post AOWL SEASON 3 MAGAZINE — EDITION 16
...Certain (5-4) beats cyph her (2-2) 7-0. Here's wh...
12:36 AM - Adonis quoted cyph her in post Week 16 sign in/out
Out. May pop back in later ju...
01:44 AM - big baby quoted cyph her in post Week 15 predictions and chat
Marry me @bigbaby married
04:37 AM - Certain quoted cyph her in post AOWL SEASON 3 MAGAZINE — EDITION 15
...u possess. 4. cyph her (2-1) beats Vividlyv...
06:45 PM - cyph her quoted Certain in post Week 15 predictions and chat
cyph her, you can disable si...
05:34 PM - cyph her quoted Bladed Thesis in post Week 15 predictions and chat
Calm down the forum-use at work......
12:52 PM - Bladed Thesis quoted cyph her in post Week 15 predictions and chat
Jesus @Blasis_Thesis My boss ...
01:43 AM - e11even quoted cyph her in post Week 15 predictions and chat
Sounds good, and yes.. You pr...
01:00 AM - cyph her quoted Fig in post Smoking weed with this girls dad last night
She tells me to come ove...
12:07 AM - cyph her quoted e11even in post Week 15 predictions and chat
I'm down for that. And are y...
06:11 PM - e11even quoted cyph her in post Week 15 predictions and chat
Vividlyvague It's all good. I...
05:00 AM - Certain quoted cyph her in post Week 15 predictions and chat
Certain if you'd like to shar...
07:22 AM - Witty quoted cyph her in post Gone
fugg you big baby negged. ...
05:42 AM - Certain quoted cyph her in post AOWL SEASON 3 MAGAZINE — EDITION 14
...ff in a crate. 4. cyph her (1-1) beats Zenland ...
12:13 AM - Certain quoted cyph her in post M.O.P. vs MOBB DEEP
M.O.P. still making music? Ne...
01:13 AM - kannon quoted cyph her in post God Damn Nicki Minaj...
The only thing worse than dis...
06:51 PM - cyph her quoted kannon in post God Damn Nicki Minaj...
Justin Bieber is prominent ...
04:38 PM - cyph her quoted dead man in post Tupac's last words
01:44 AM - El Muffin quoted cyph her in post God Damn Nicki Minaj...
Umm yeah... Lauryn Hil >>>>>>...
03:36 AM - cyph her quoted Cereal_Killa in post Week 13 rankings, chat and predictions
1: regina spektar 2: Kimya Dawso...

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