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Lotto Smirk has a brilliant futureLotto Smirk has a brilliant futureLotto Smirk has a brilliant futureLotto Smirk has a brilliant futureLotto Smirk has a brilliant futureLotto Smirk has a brilliant futureLotto Smirk has a brilliant futureLotto Smirk has a brilliant futureLotto Smirk has a brilliant futureLotto Smirk has a brilliant futureLotto Smirk has a brilliant future

Lotto Smirk Lotto Smirk is offline

Senior Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 18
  1. Pharaohs Army
    02-14-2023 04:06 AM
    Pharaohs Army
  2. 2tripple0
    12-22-2016 06:06 PM
    Jacob? Jacob? You get me...
  3. 2tripple0
    10-22-2016 06:28 PM
    Yo can u do a bit of cleaning up in the ba..... its getting confusing which battles are open or not..... if you need help i can help u mod er watever, but fucking, shit needs some cleaning up... i aint trying to be a dick i just sayin...
  4. 2tripple0
    10-16-2016 05:19 AM
    nah its cool bro just wondering really...... good to see your still around.....
  5. 2tripple0
    10-15-2016 02:50 PM
    U alright my man?? U still mod in the ba??
  6. balackobama
    03-09-2016 06:01 AM
    “Không phải bệnh gì nặng, lúc về nhớ thoa thuốc mỗi ngày, chẳng mấy chốc lại ổn thôi. Trừ giờ thể dục, những giờ học khác đều không được bỏ. Lúc về nhớ nói một tiếng xin nghỉ với Trương Tam nhé.”
    “Trương Tam?” Tôi rất ngạc nhiên.
    “À, ừm, để thầy Võ của bọn em nói một tiếng với thầy Trương là được rồi.” Bác sĩ Trương có chút ậm ừ, tiện thể nhìn qua, Vũ Đạo đang trợn mắt nhìn anh ta. Bác sĩ Trương vội vàng nói:
    “Vẫn nên để anh ta tiếp máy chạy bộ điện
    bàn bóng bàn
    máy chạy bộ

    tục cõng em về kí túc xá thì hơn.”
    Vũ Đạo hơi cúi người xuống, anh ta cõng tôi rời khỏi bệnh viện. Mặc dù chỉ là cõng đi một đoạn ngắn nhưng không biết vì sao cảm giác lại
  7. Meth
    12-02-2015 05:45 AM
    Vote on Knux/Jun in FB
  8. Lotto Smirk
    11-29-2015 06:13 PM
    Lotto Smirk
    Gonna try man stuck in work ATM bit busy but will get something up
  9. Knux
    11-29-2015 06:06 PM
    U posting tn?
  10. Kill Spree
    11-12-2015 04:35 PM
    Kill Spree
    no biggie holmes

About Me

  • About Lotto Smirk


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 01-29-2018 05:30 PM
  • Join Date: 03-16-2013


03:38 PM - sral mentioned Lotto Smirk in post ATT Round One: MMLP vs Inno - OPEN FOR VOTES!
...s Rap Maestro Greed Lotto Smirk El Muffin @pulse Lar...
05:22 AM - sral mentioned Lotto Smirk in post TTT FINALS: SYMETRIK vs. ETHERWAVE
...s Rap Maestro Greed Lotto Smirk El Muffin @pulse Lar...
05:16 AM - sral mentioned Lotto Smirk in post TTT FINALS: SYMETRIK vs. ETHERWAVE
...s Rap Maestro Greed Lotto Smirk El Muffin @pulse Lar...
05:06 AM - sral mentioned Lotto Smirk in post TTT FINALS: SYMETRIK vs. ETHERWAVE
...s Rap Maestro Greed Lotto Smirk El Muffin @pulse Lar...
05:05 AM - sral mentioned Lotto Smirk in post TTT FINALS: SYMETRIK vs. ETHERWAVE
...s Rap Maestro Greed Lotto Smirk El Muffin @pulse Lar...
12:46 PM - Frank mentioned Lotto Smirk in post The Official Season XII Preseason Sign-Up Thread:
... Greed Lotto Smirk El Muffi...
04:18 PM - Frank mentioned Lotto Smirk in post 12/25
... Greed Lotto Smirk El Muffin ...
04:09 PM - Frank mentioned Lotto Smirk in post The Official Season XII Preseason Sign-Up Thread:
... Greed Lotto Smirk El Muffi...
04:40 PM - Frank mentioned Lotto Smirk in post The Official Season XII Preseason Sign-Up Thread:
... Greed Lotto Smirk El Muffin @pu...
08:06 PM - Frank mentioned Lotto Smirk in post Vote! Greed Lotto Smirk El Muffin @pulse...
04:18 PM - sral mentioned Lotto Smirk in post SZN XI Championship: Diablo (10-0) vs. Master Rock (8-3) vs. Universe (6-0) [DIABLO CHAMPS SZN XI!!!]
...stro Greed Lotto Smirk El Muffin @pulse ...
07:54 AM - Zaddy mentioned Lotto Smirk in post Any text battlers still alive out there?
... Lotto Smirk ...
11:51 AM - Inno mentioned Lotto Smirk in post AOWL 2020 SIGNUPS!!!!!!!
... Lotto Smirk ...
12:36 PM - Blue Bayou mentioned Lotto Smirk in post NBL Season XIV Week One Magazine: The RONA Made Me Do It!
...u Defiant Lotto Smirk Letterman ...
06:26 PM - Blue Bayou mentioned Lotto Smirk in post The 2019 Summer Classic - SIGN UP THREAD
... Lotto Smirk ...
04:21 PM - Inno mentioned Lotto Smirk in post Summer Classic
... Lotto Smirk ...
... Lotto Smirk ...
11:34 PM - Zaddy mentioned Lotto Smirk in post NBL WEEK 3 MAG: NIGHT OF THE LIVING TEXT
... Lotto Smirk ...
07:51 PM - Zaddy mentioned Lotto Smirk in post NBL WEEK 2 MAG: WHATS THAT?! A BUGS LIFE
... Lotto Smirk ...
03:02 PM - Kill Spree mentioned Lotto Smirk in post 1-2 CHAT/BEEF
... Lotto Smirk ...

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02:17 PM - Kill Spree quoted Lotto Smirk in post Week 4: SIGN IN/OUT
I got you bro get someone to set...
08:44 PM - Lotto Smirk quoted Kill Spree in post Week 4: SIGN IN/OUT
Let’s run a battle this week?...
06:00 PM - Kill Spree quoted Lotto Smirk in post Week 4: SIGN IN/OUT
Damn another thing you failed at...
06:58 PM - Flow quoted Lotto Smirk in post Week 4: SIGN IN/OUT
Sup zelph still trying hard I se...
06:25 PM - Lotto Smirk quoted For Battling in post Week 4: SIGN IN/OUT
Trying hard for you to not come b...
06:24 PM - For Battling quoted Lotto Smirk in post Week 4: SIGN IN/OUT
Sup zelph still trying hard I se...
05:57 PM - Lotto Smirk quoted For Battling in post Week 4: SIGN IN/OUT
Lol not so fast twerp Sup zelp...
05:46 PM - For Battling quoted Lotto Smirk in post Week 4: SIGN IN/OUT
In Lol not so fast twerp
02:32 PM - Lotto Smirk quoted Witty in post marijuana & fertility
I used to smoke every day ...
12:42 PM - Lotto Smirk quoted Amen in post Sup guys
...ou know me too well amen
10:39 AM - Lotto Smirk quoted sral in post Amsterdam
lmao Lotto a family man b...
10:37 AM - Lotto Smirk quoted dead man in post Amsterdam
I dunno there was one I went ...
04:16 PM - quoted Lotto Smirk in post Contenders: Suthaveli (5-1) vs Lotto Smirk (4-2) - Lotto Smirk WINS
Lotto Smirk, check.. Admit ...
09:26 AM - Hush quoted Lotto Smirk in post Contenders: Suthaveli (5-1) vs Lotto Smirk (4-2) - Lotto Smirk WINS
Lotto Smirk, check.. Admit ...
05:37 PM - Schadenfreude quoted Lotto Smirk in post Contenders: Suthaveli (5-1) vs Lotto Smirk (4-2) - Lotto Smirk WINS
Admit it whore, I'm funny & that...
04:08 AM - Lotto Smirk quoted Barcotic in post Week 7: Mag/Chat/Predictions
worst was in condenders copi...
06:29 PM - Hush quoted Lotto Smirk in post Lotto Smirk (3-2) vs Legion (3-2) - Lotto Smirk WINS
Axe over ya head ready for the c...
10:09 PM - Schadenfreude quoted Lotto Smirk in post Lotto Smirk (3-2) vs Legion (3-2) - Lotto Smirk WINS
...ue to harshness. LOTTO SMIRK took this one w/ som...
12:52 PM - Lotto Smirk quoted Zaddy in post Happy new year guys!!
I learned it isn't wise to...
07:22 AM - Lotto Smirk quoted Otty in post Lotto Smirk (3-2) vs Legion (3-2) - Lotto Smirk WINS
1 E 3 4 5 Y6 7 8 9 10 A...

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