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Old 07-12-2023, 07:18 AM   #1
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- Art of Writing League

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Guerrilla Writing League


We did it! FINALLY a topical league at Netcees has a week where everyone shows and votes are cast on the matchups, in 2023! Who would have thought it, eh? Not many. It’s not only possible but it shows there is still an interest out there for this niche hobby of ours. The hard work doesn’t stop there, though, as I’m well aware. If we want this to continue it’s important we maintain the momentum and consistently do as we say we will until this establishes the platform. If you’re here, thank you for your time. I appreciate you. Now let’s get to kicking the AOWL some more…

Week One Recap

Did we just have more people show up to our guerrilla breakaway Open Mic league than Netcees did it’s own flagship topical league for the opening round of Playoffs?

Damn, I think we just did.


I sort of feel for Frank but there comes a time when you need to read the room a little and see people aren’t interested in the current setup. While I can appreciate trying something new, there’s also a reason adages like “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” exist. The format itself is pretty simple, but you need to be selecting topics you feel will suit both writers abilities in order to get the best out of them. If the topics are uninspired, the verses likely will be too. In boxing they suggest that styles make fights, and I couldn’t agree more in that regard, you can argue the whole ‘a good writer should be able to write to anything,’ schtick but I’ll be real - I try to look at both competitors respectively and find them something I feel both can work with, utilising their strengths, to help bring the best out of both of them. I feel like I’ve been around long enough to be able to see what peoples strengths are and if we can inspire them to write to a high level, both the competitors - the battle itself - and the entertainment factor for the voters should all be bettered for it. I hope to continue things this way with some inspired choices rather than lazily affixing any old topic image to the battles and considering it job done.

Yo, I just realised I went off on a tangent there…

Let’s keep it reality: Week One was a success in terms of all battles being completed, we had zero no-shows which was a massive plus-point, we also received more votes than most recent AOWL Championship matches have managed recently - so all signs are looking up for the GWL! Thank you guys for helping make that happen, I know some were unsure they would have the time as life came up and whatnot but thankfully everyone made sure they posted something. I respect the fuck out of you guys for that, and it means a lot to me to have you on board. As we move on to the second week of competition we’ve some new (old) faces joining the jungle hoping to beat their chests loudest and exert their dominance over the rest of the pack, I love to see it. We’re building. The league is growing. The roster has added depth to it. Interest has increased. People are starting to take notice. Long may it continue…

Battle Reviews

Dominate vs Aero had a narrative to it with these two both being tag-team partners and long time affiliates. While Dom had made recent topical league runs and was perhaps more familiar with the status quo around these parts, Aero was largely new to this particular side of the site but he had dabbled with the storytelling aspect on previous occasions and is by no means a novice when it comes to text in general due to his background in the NBL and Lyric Olympics etc. I think Aero surprised some of the AOWL regulars here, with them noting his “strong flow” and “sleight of hand”, but what impressed me most was the comedic value and entertainment factor - two vastly overlooked compared to what the majority of topical writers seem to bring. It’s fresh, it’s something different, and that doesn’t always equal bad. I think it was closer than some may have first expected, but ultimately Dom came out on top with a very solid drop overall to take this in week one.

Master Rock vs Scar - These two are quite closely matched in some aspects of their writing, stylistically it may not be immediately apparent but both are predominant storytellers utilising shorter line lengths for implied rhythmic cadence or flow and with a greater focus on using the topic provided as a springboard for their characterisation and helping drive the pieces forwards. They both utilise the topic image well, incorporating the various elements into their tales as they world-build around it and use them to great effect. The difference between them is largely in that where Master Rock tends to place more emphasis on getting to the emotion at the heart of the image and weaving that throughout, Scar will shift his attention to that of the character at the centre of his work. Imagery is always a strongpoint of Scar’s, and it’s these more intricate details and wording that really brings the best out of his writing. I think he showed that during the opening section of his verse this week while using it to set the scene during the build up, from a technical standpoint he was arguably the better of the two here but ultimately he ran into a focused Master Rock who has seen a dramatic improvement over recent weeks (maybe even months) and once again he came out on top. He’s been in enviable form of late and has been making himself a match for anyone. He’s determined to keep proving people wrong and we’re seeing it. Don’t sleep on Rock.

Verse of the Week

I feel that of the four verses dropped this first week, Dominate had the most impressive for me overall. There are so many great lines throughout, and at its core the concept is awesome, but even overlooking those sneaky snippets like the name ‘Prosperity Inc’ which are just added icing on a frosted cake really - what most impressed about this is the writers voice as the narrative from writer omnipotent carries the reader along. It’s very natural in tone, the dialogue never veers into territory where the vocabulary is overdone and becomes hard to understand - it’s just very cleanly written, with sharp observations, and based firmly within the current day social mediasphere. This guy deserves his flowers for showing out here:

Originally Posted by Dominate View Post

Jenny wiped the counter, mind filled with dreams of a different life.
She felt restless, convinced she was meant for more than this provincial plight
of serving pancakes and filling coffee cups, every shift from six til five,
feigning pleasantries to every idiot who wouldn’t end up tipping right.
“Jenny??” Squealed a familiar voice. She felt a sudden premonition
She looked up and gasped, eyes widening in recognition.
"Oh, hey Elle. Long time no see. How've you been, girl?"
Elle flashed a confident smile. “You wouldn’t even believe, girl”
Her manner had changed even less than her beauty had
The same as she was in high school, plus designer shades and a Gucci bag
"I've been sooo great, Jenny. Life has been serving me well
ever since I switched jobs and started to work for myself.
I set my own hours, work where I want, - a total Boss Babe
and the money is crazyyyy. I’m talking lobster and caviar entrees.
I’m telling you, this job has transformed my life completely.”
Jenny leaned in closer, curiosity ripe and piquing.
"What do you DO??” She asked, barely daring to blink
“Oh, I sell quality products for a place called Prosperity Inc.
If you want, I can talk to my upline and tee up a meeting.”
"That sounds incredible, Elle! I’ll make sure to free up my evenings”
Mere days later, she signed on with Prosperity gratefully
Bought a starter inventory, paid the admin and training fees.
She pitched hard to her family, pushing the catalog on day one
Reached out to every Facebook friend she had with a “Hey, hun”
Months went by, Jenny's efforts to sell yielded little results
Doubt gnawed at her confidence, - surely this was her fault?
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a new email tone
“OFFER: Exclusive training weekend with Prosperity’s CEO”
$499 to hear from top earners and learn all their tricks
"This is it," she murmured, a self-assured smirk on her lips.
She clicked confirm purchase. Here’s to a new beginning!
Then smiled with satisfaction at the life that she’d soon be living

Battle of the Week

While Dom and Aero was perhaps the most surprising encounter this week with both showing, though it did admittedly look touch-and-go for a second there, I think battle of the week for me goes to Master Rock vs Scar on this occasion. My reasoning is largely because I felt both were somewhat evenly matched, both in terms of skill set and also stylistically, plus there wasn’t as wide a disparity between the two in their approaches or execution - it very much came down to a style preference decision, for me at least, and I bet 8 times out of 10 I would tend to opt for the more mechanics-driven technically proficient verse just purely due to my own preference for rhyme scheme and technical mastery - BUT one aspect of his game Master Rock has been working on lately is his rhyme placement and implied flow, and his verses are all the better for it. He has been on a winning streak of late and I told you guys he isn’t playing. Do not sleep on him. He will catch you slipping and he will cause upsets. He is no slouch. Master Rock 2.0 is coming for that title shot. You will lose if you take him lightly. Believe me.

Originally Posted by Master Rock View Post

As the sunsets, my memories dawn, I hold on... to them, inside
thoughts of descent... gone, a lost cause, I despise... the goodbyes
attempting to fade away the past, trust me; I tried... so many times
peeking without seeking, plainly in sight, it hides
wash it away my shore, swallowing up the tides, angered tears... gurgling up, as frustration crys
I have seen the days pass, but yet I remain to where the light descends
with my bride and I, footsteps in the sand as the hourglass suspends
time, her hand in mine, retracing the binds of our tangled tapestry-sown lines
as the shadows of the past linger are grasping a climb, in a flash, blown mine, landed
whispering upon what I hear...the echos envelop the entirety of this atmosphere
the bitter-sweet symphony, memorizing my years, painting pictures into an ocean so deep
into a universe glimpsing at the abyss as the final light of the day seeps
its' rays etched into my vessel as I ward off the attacking decay
I look past the horizon, and I witness the pang of my everlasting rage
my seed was betrayed, tarnished trust rusted in the day, shattering my heart's way; vengeance is the only game I longed to play
with this snake slithering onto my stars display
venom hit, its venom spit; I can't believe the system that was put in place glitched
gullible, she accepted hiss of his pitch; ignorance caught with innocence lost in the drift
I sharpened my blade, playing out the scenes I staged in my mind's rage
pondering as the warmth of the sun fades
my sweet justice is drenched in a path I gladly paid
blood-soaked, I watched as the blood dripped from my dagger as his body laid
years stripped from my life, retribution was my accolade
I glanced to the side as my babies eyes were fixated on the tides
the ebb and flow gave her solace from the glides of
memories crashing along the splashes as they dive
deeply in her heart, she felt chills from the vibes
love is the answer; our stories intertwined
she felt my regret and hatred, intercept there is no right answer to connect
the oceans of lies is my only intersect, my lord interject, forgive my petty intellect
heal our wounds, renew us into a cocoon,
fly away in my mind the dawn sets butterfly divine


Originally Posted by Scar View Post

Wyman beach. Where salt meets sand
The sun was high and the water was grand
I glanced her eyes, teenage angst on the run
the chewing gum pop sound announced that summers begun.
The bees waltz to a bumbling pirouette
Dandelion patches regarded a summer I still regret
Blackberries and plums,
Kites and tire swung
Teasing the edge of the lake as youth enact days to come.

Billy was close to the edge. He’d often stare up to the golden arches . The corner offices,
You know CEO, board members talking shit
But he chose to walk a different path, be an artist, that’s it!
Explored the artistry that barters ones orifice
The right to tunnel through what god has gifted
And he discovered God, through missionary work a Mormon bit
But more on it later….
Pen and paper plane were so far from this. But his words took flight, winning writing contests and shit
A late bloomer, he salvage his inner sanctum
Untouched, untempted.
Oblongata undeveloped
And with Luck, he’s met some young ladies, to be fair
However to be fair is not to be balanced
Some had trust issues, others lacked tact
fact of the matter is he doesn’t know what he wanted
So he savor his space, rehearsing tropes like “I like my peace”
In actuality, he had no choice but to accept his creed.
A step beneath his fellow man, he became desperate; pleas
A rejected thesis was too tough, he’d crack in pieces
So he learned to laugh. Laugh at demons.
And rather wait for his self esteem to catch-up.
King of the Jungle
(Power Rankings)

With a strong start to the opening week, albeit with less than five competitors in total, where I would traditionally list a top five here (and likely will going forward) I think it’s only fair we once again give these guys their credit and list them all rather than a mere “Top Three” this week. They signed up, showed up, and showed out when we needed them to most. It’s that simple for me. No bullshit, no excuses, no one is getting overlooked here. They all did their thing and they’re getting mentioned here out of respect rather than any shade being thrown.

#4 - Aero

I think Aero perhaps entered because there was little else happening around the site for him to take part in. Perhaps he had seen that Dominate had made a post in here and came to check out what it was, ending up here accidentally almost, before deciding to throw his hat in the ring too. Who knows. I’ll tell you this much, even if his Week One submission was somewhat brief - he still shows early signs for improvement are there. The wording is good, he can tell a narrative story, he has creativity and originality to his writing which will serve him well so far as unexpected twists on the topics some won’t see coming, he has a well welcomed injection of humour to his pieces and while his style for this is perhaps a little less honed right now - It’s easy to see how well his flow can transition, especially if he can also implement the rhyme schemes and multies more than he showed he had in his first drop. I have him listed fourth here due to his lack of experience in this particular area of the board, but the distance he has to make up isn’t anywhere near as great as some may have first thought. He has the skill set in his arsenal, it’s going to be how he chooses to adapt and apply that which will decide how he progresses.

#3 - Scar

This was a tough choice and my ranking is based largely off the result last week, which went against him in a relatively close one. Scar is an experienced writer, both here and outside of here. If memory serves me correctly he’s reached the upper levels of contendership and possibly even championship contention in the AOWL. He was highly considered at also, and certainly knows what he’s got to do to achieve his goals at the business end of the league. If Scar remains motivated he can soon progress up the rankings here, he was just somewhat unfortunate to have come unstuck an in-form Master Rock last week but it was a close battle in truth - probably closer than the end result appears numerically - and that early setback will now show us how he responds to taking an L he may feel was undeserved somewhat.

#2 - Master Rock

I think even Rock himself may find it surprising to be ranked at #2 by me, especially as we’ve only recently battled ourselves both here and elsewhere (We don’t talk about that place, but you’re not missing much). Lol. Anyway, without wanting to repeat myself throughout the entire magazine this transformation from Master Rock recently has been refreshing to see materialise. He’s almost gone from perennial lower mid tier opposition to making life difficult for those supposedly in a bracket above him, I love to see it. He’s been in imperious form of recent and it’s really starting to show in his writing as he’s ground out the results slowly but surely over what must be close to 12 weeks now perhaps(?) - that’s pretty crazy given how overlooked he was prior to this purple patch he’s gone through in truth. The dedication to the craft is coming though in his writing and people are starting to take notice, but it’s his performance in the biggest games that are ultimately going to decide how his season is viewed at the end of it all. He really needs some big wins under his belt to help solidify his spot with guerrillas.

#1 - Dominate

The verse of the week winner from our opening salvo, and boy what a great take that one was! I think it’s only right he snatches this weeks #1 spot in the power rankings with that verse, it was a real highlight to read back and a lot will struggle to overthrow him on the basis of last weeks showing. It was more than just flow, or technical merit, but a multi-layered piece that you could peel back the layers on to find a humour in there as well as setting right here in the modern day societal issue and carving out a tale we could all relate to in some fashion while keeping this narrative tone to his writers voice that bled out from one line to the next. It seemed honest, it was sincere, yet it kept things ticking along the point it was almost unnoticeable what a great job he was doing of losing the reader in the story and immersing them right into the trap the character found themselves in. This is where he showed his real talent, in the choice of subject matter and the approach for its execution. It was stellar work throughout. There are few that have tangled in both the text and topical realms to a high standard, truthfully, but Dominate is one of them. If we can keep him focused and enjoying his time here, he will prove a real problem to beat and an absolute asset for the GWL as the weeks progress for sure. What’s even more impressive is that he’s Australian so he writes all of these verses upside-down. Crazy.

Battler Bios
(New Sign-In’s)

Adverse: This guy has a face for writing. I’m sure he will enjoy the memes posted this week also to be truthful, but will he show? I hope so, actually, because if anyone has been a staple of the writing scene here at NC over the past four (or more?) years now it’s surely this guy. He not only took part but moderated a great deal of it, and the effort to do both things can be pretty damn daunting as I’m sure he can attest to. Grown men want to act like children and in Adverse’s case - he looks like one too. Like an overgrown gremlin or a human man child or homeless troll with no bridge to go drown himself under. He can write, though, so there is that. I guess God figured he would make Adverse super ugly so that GWL would benefit from his time spent alone writing bars. I fuck with it.

Symetrik: Sym has been around the AOWL for a good few seasons now, I’ve never really seen him active outside of here in truth but he’s got a somewhat unique style in so much of him preferring to keep his lines short and succinct to place a heavier emphasis on flow over other literary elements some may do. I would say another strongpoint of his tends to be in his wording and descriptive visual imagery, lifting the scene from the page and firmly into the readers mind, but when he’s inspired he will give you guys a run for your money for sure. He’s another that’s perhaps considered just below the top tier, certainly capable of winning when the stars (and topics) align for him but I do still feel we have something more to see from Sym, his ceiling his higher than many give him credit for but he’s consistently showing up and actively writing so there won’t be much rust to his own pen.

brokenhal0: We could almost copy and paste the review for Symetrik and also apply a lot of that to BH, they’ve a lot of similar strengths to them in terms of style and execution - both favouring a shorter lined style with an importance on flow often overlooked by topical heads in truth. It can be an under-utilised element to the game but both of these guys have it in abundance and it’s a real strength of theirs equally. The two of them actually have a bit of history between them throughout their battles in the AOWL and the rivalry likely stems from the fact the two are so similar stylistically - whether they care to admit that or not - but as an outsider looking in, I see it. Where Brokenhal0 perhaps differentiates himself is he has previous successes through champing a season of AOWL and that experience is almost invaluable here. You have to beat the best to be the best, and he’s done it. He’s one of the few still barring out to the line limit each week in the AOWL with consistency. Don’t be at all surprised to be brokenhal0 rise through the rankings ahead of you.

Week Two Battle Previews

@Adverse vs @brokenhal0 vs @symetrik Goddammit, I hate three-way battles. I had considered signing in to split this up but I didn’t want there to be any sort of bias or whatever after a strong opening week. None of these guys are slouches, Hal0 and Sym have both remained active on the topical scene throughout and while Adverse may have taken a step back in recent times he’s also way more than capable of taking this one, all jokes aside for the moment. This one has added spice in the form of Brokenhal0 and Sym both being involved (and disliking each other) so I know they will both be looking to catch a body over the other for bragging rights if nothing more. There will only be one win given out here, second place gets a loss just as third place will get a loss. It’s do or die for these newcomers so they best bring it this week. Yes, I apologise for the three-way battle in your opening weeks but rather than hold the league up waiting for a fourth opponent to join we had to keep things moving for the greater good. Hal0 or Sym will both be turning up, I’m 99.9% sure of them not wanting to miss this one, while Adverse was perhaps unsure as to whether he still had it and doubting himself already. Now he has to prove me wrong and show. See what I did there?

@Scar vs @Aero - These two showed up with strong submissions last week but ultimately ended up on the wrong side of a loss (is there a good side? Probably not.) Anyway, this week it’s redemption time for one of them. Let’s see who has that bouncebackability factor. They’ve each got something to prove if they want to even up their record and both of them have now seen the other is beatable and what it takes to eek out a win from them. I see Aero has already checked in, which is a great sign because even though he’s predominantly a text battler he’s clearly showing me he’s interested enough here to take part and is enjoying it. This one could go either way, I think they’ll both enjoy the topic too as it’s thought provoking and somewhat open ended as to what can be achieved with it, allowing their creativity to shine which is a strong suit for both writers involved.

@Dominate vs @Master Rock While this may not officially be labelled a Champ Match, it’s as close to it as GWL has seen so far and definitely has that sort of blockbuster feel about it. I would say this is arguably the most anticipated battle so far (hey, we’re only into Week 2 after all). Both of these guys have been on a tear writing wise - fresh off winning Verse of the Week and Battle of The Week respectively (side note: Again, I know it’s only Week 2!) but let’s just enjoy this one. I think both these guys are writing to high standards and, Rock is perhaps an underdog here going into it but he’s really been trying to bare his teeth in his recent showings and a victory over Aussiemate here would definitely be a scalp for his resume. Dominate / Aussie mate is a super multi BTW. If Dominate can retain that laser focused dialled in approach we’ve seen from him, then Rock could have his work cut out for him this week. We’ve two competitors here that are both in good writing form and neither will be looking to get turned over easily. Don’t disappoint guys!

LMAO’s and WTF’s of the Week

LMAO @ Aero and his anal beads. I sure wasn’t ready for that read.
WTF @ everyone showing up last weekend? Dope as fuck.
LMAO @ Adverse nose being flat as Robranda ass.
WTF @ ^ that though.
LMAO @ Frank stopping by last week to see how to run shit.
WTF @ Master Rock’s resurgence lately out of nowhere.
LMAO @ GWL having more verses dropped than AOWL.
WTF @ playoffs continuing with that low level of participation.
LMAO @ Adverse nose again.
WTF @ a three-way topical battle. I must dumb.
LMAO @ How much time I spent on this magazine for a league with three battles


Thank you to everyone signed in and for taking part. If you’re just around reading this, please comment or share rep out to our competitors and all that good shit. If you’ve any ideas you wanna throw out there to be ridiculed, please feel free. This is a community effort. If you’re on the fence about signing in, do it already. If you’re still writing, we’re right here. If your home site is dead, join us already. The more the merrier and the longer the magazines (I’ll still thank you for it despite it being more work for me). Hope you guys enjoy the topics this week and, as always, I’ll be reading and voting to help keep things moving. With all that said, it’s over to you guys. Pick that pen up and start writing. Let’s get it!

- Diablo

Last edited by Diablo; 07-12-2023 at 07:20 AM.
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Old 07-12-2023, 07:32 AM   #2
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@Dominate @Scar @Aero @Master Rock @Adverse @symetrik @brokenhal0 @Dope girl @Alice
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Old 07-12-2023, 08:42 AM   #3
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Old 07-12-2023, 09:07 AM   #4
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Dominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant future

LMAO @ How much time I spent on this magazine for a league with three battles
The quality of the mags you’re producing is a very significant motivating factor for me. Thanks for doing them. Read all of this and enjoyed. Lol @ me writing upside down.
The Bad Guys
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Old 07-12-2023, 09:11 AM   #5
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LMBO @ this Mag! Entertainingly well crafted.
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Old 07-12-2023, 10:47 AM   #6
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symetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant future

honestly fund diablo

cheers for the engagement, format of the league, etc.

this is doing it right.

also y'all gonna lose it but I had a realization today...
I have no qualms against broken.
I THOUGHT HE WAS 2tripple0 lmaoooooooooo

also edited to say, memes are fire
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Old 07-14-2023, 04:20 PM   #7
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Verses due in around 12 hours @Everyone
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Old 07-15-2023, 10:25 AM   #8
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symetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant future

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Old 07-15-2023, 08:28 PM   #9
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symetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant future

@Scar naw I'm not but I didn't want you to get a NS win :D
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Old 07-18-2023, 01:50 AM   #10
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Scar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant future

Originally Posted by symetrik View Post
@Scar naw I'm not but I didn't want you to get a NS win :D

i'm sure we'll meet soon, bro.

and great read, Diablo.
I remember the poplar trees
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Old 07-18-2023, 03:49 PM   #11
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Even if they’re brief. If we have votes on them all I’m happy to put up new threads and magazine tomorrow for you all.

If anyone new wants to sign-in, you’ve got around 11 hours to make it known. I’ve got you @NYCSPITZ
@Adverse lemme know if you wanna be kept in for Week 3
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Old 07-18-2023, 04:07 PM   #12
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Scar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant futureScar has a brilliant future

Got u today after work brozzy
I remember the poplar trees
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Old 07-18-2023, 08:31 PM   #13
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symetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant futuresymetrik has a brilliant future

can I request a week indicator in the title of the threads just to see it more easily
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Old 07-19-2023, 12:50 AM   #14
Tread Lightly.
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Dominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant future

Sorry I've been AWOL. Should have signed out for this week in hindsight but eh. I will get my votes in tonight.
The Bad Guys
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Old 07-22-2023, 08:10 PM   #15
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Alice has a brilliant futureAlice has a brilliant futureAlice has a brilliant futureAlice has a brilliant futureAlice has a brilliant futureAlice has a brilliant futureAlice has a brilliant futureAlice has a brilliant futureAlice has a brilliant futureAlice has a brilliant futureAlice has a brilliant future

So much effort you put in this it’s really showing. Cheers for the mention I really enjoyed the read and tried not to skim through the memes which were on point btw. I’ll try to vote in the next one or when it’s a close call or so
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