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Old 05-01-2023, 06:45 PM   #21
House of Leaves
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Default Federal appeals court strikes down domestic violence gun law --Pushback on the Gun Nuts (even tho i usually defend them)

I've never owned or fired a gun, but I'm usually with the gun nuts on this issue -- on principle and arguments.

NOT HERE. No way!

An accusation won't do it....A judge has to agree you're a threat to someone (often to women & children).

This ruling makes no sense and I'd argue is insane.
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Old 05-01-2023, 06:46 PM   #22
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Default 1 dead, officer wounded in shooting at Memphis library - [Tired of the Race-baiting journalism]

"McAlister did not identify the officers or the man who was killed by name, but said all three were Black men."

The media (both print & video) have trained the American populus--like Pavlovian dogs--to salivate until they are "handed" the above sentence.

I could rant about how we're (just perhaps) over-emphasizing race in nearly every news report; arguably in every facet of life.
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Old 05-01-2023, 06:50 PM   #23
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Default OK maybe I am a Leftie

House Oversight Committee Demands John Kerry Turn Over CCP Climate-Negotiation Documents

*[Edit: sorry can't find the guy's original comment, but I said]:

--said a hypocritical conservative who (in all probability) will vote for Trump after Jan. 6th,
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Old 05-01-2023, 06:52 PM   #24
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Default Schooled a fucking Idiot about the 5-Cop beating of the black guy (was this one memphis i think - the headkick)

Replied toLucy 12w ago
"And you can tell from his actions he knew these cops personally."

No we can't.

"Until we know the answer to question of what caused the anger one cannot make a comment on the culpability of the officers."

WHOLEHEARTEDLY disagree, as does the DA, and as WILL a jury of their peers when they watch the video evidence.

He could have just broke an infant's neck! And ate the corpse.

Their conduct after the fact is still 100% unlawful.
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Old 05-01-2023, 06:53 PM   #25
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Default Debt Ceiling

"The real political battle, however, is over which side can most effectively trash the other before a last-second deal averts a financial crisis..."

According to some, we are the greatest country in the history of civilization.

We've GOT to be better than this sad sentence.
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Old 05-01-2023, 06:54 PM   #26
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Default Autism diagnosis rates tripled in less than two decades. What does that mean for schools?

My opinion:

Same as ADHD: over-diagnosis by mental health professionals!

"The increase in diagnoses coincides with a worsening shortage of special education teachers and staff."

Fair enough, but in no way causal - it doesn't at all answer why the rates are so high. They wouldn't need the dwindling special-ed resources if they weren't already diagnosed. "Lack of special-ed" may worsen autism's effects and make it more difficult on all parties, but it doesn't "cause" autism.

"What’s more, many parents during the coronavirus pandemic were unable to get their children a diagnosis or services, which could have long-term consequences."

Again, fair. But wouldn't this mean the #s should have gone DOWN?!

As you can see I'm having trouble making sense of the final two paragraphs.
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Old 05-01-2023, 06:56 PM   #27
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Default @boof

-What would it take for a viable third party?

Likely another billionaire or a group of billionaires* [who we'd just have to HOPE are reasonable and selfless/altruistic!]...?

Perot garnered 19% of the vote in '92; no small feat vs. Clinton & Bush I.

-Overturning Citizens United is impossible until some conservative SCOTUS justices die. [of OLD AGE, Yahoo, lol]

-Wouldn't heavily regulating campaign contributions be an incredibly difficult and exspensive task, which might involve a corruptible beaurocracy?

-Would lack of donations have the unintended consequence of ALSO giving a big advantage to wealthy candidates who can fund themselves?* back to my initial altruistic billionaires point above^

Just brainstorming and asking questions here, Eric, since I agree with your premise!
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Old 05-01-2023, 06:58 PM   #28
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Default 'Nonnegotiable': Advocates push for federal police reform after death of Tyre Nichols

I agree that there absolutely needs to be reform.

Just a quick fact-check first:

“We know that over the past decade — it really started with Trayvon Martin..."

No it did not; this article is about policing. George Zimmerman was not a policeman.

"The majority in both parties agree on using body-worn cameras, creating a database of police officers, banning chokeholds, eliminating no-knock warrants and providing mental health and deescalation training, according to Ray.'


Why let the "perfect" be the enemy of the "good"? Body-cameras should absolutely be Federal law. And I'm for the rest of the above list too. But,

Just because you can't get the ultimate cherry of ending qualified immunity ---WHY would you sacrifice all these other important things? [&I can see the other side on ending Q.I.: an abundance of frivilous lawsuits vs. individuals]

So no, Kamala, it's not "non-negotiable". Freakin' negotiate and get it done!...slightly watered down is SO much better than nothing. Am I wrong? @Certain
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Old 05-01-2023, 07:01 PM   #29
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Default AOC decries vote to remove Omar from House Foreign Affairs Committee - [K I'm Leftie again]

I don't think Omar's Israel comments were anti-semitic, and I don't think AOC is wrong about the GOP hypocrisy of putting MT-"space laser"-Green on comittees.
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Old 05-01-2023, 07:03 PM   #30
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Default Affirmative Action @LGI?

Good point. Asians were oppressed, probably 3rd-most after Natives&Blacks [yes, it's sick that I'm "ranking" it -- sorry]. Yet they are hurt most by affirmative action because culturally (in GENERAL) they study more, get better grades, have parents who focus on edcation, etc.

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Old 05-01-2023, 07:04 PM   #31
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Default Anti-Asian hate 'runs the gamut,' racist Yelp reviews show

Posted 12w ago
A century ago: were any world leaders labeled "racist" for using the term Spanish Flu?

Perhaps it just referred to the country of origin?

Posted 12w ago
"In total, Yelp said, it removed 26,500 business reviews last year that violated its rules about hate speech, threats or lewdness, an overall increase of 1,300 over the year before."

If my math is correct that's a 5% increase. Sure, that's bad news, but statistically not hugely significant.

"“I will not have my dog eat in this place because they might cook him,” read the Yelp review of Wong's eatery, the Curry Up Cafe in suburban Los Angeles. “The owner works for the Chinese government.”"

Would any mature adult looking to dine out on Asian cuisine take this review literally? The most common, corny/ negative stereotype of eating dogs&cats? And that he works for the Chinese gov't?

Not saying it shouldn't have been removed, but I think the writer and the owner are VASTLY overstating the customer loss from this review.

Then-President Donald Trump added to the controversy, referring to the coronavirus as “kung flu” and “the Chinese flu"...

Really? I understand that's unprofessional for a President, but did the virus not originate in China? Chinese flu phrase doesn't seem harmful or racist at all. "kung flu"? A little wordplay which the author essenitally claims caused a drop of 18% in customer totals vs. non-Asian restaurants in 2020? Doubt it. @kungfugrip

I have nothing against Asians, and I am NOT doubting the stats regarding the increase in Asian hate comments...I'm simply making the point that I think this is certainly an over-reaction to Yelp and Trump effects.
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Old 05-01-2023, 07:06 PM   #32
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Default Guess I'm a Rightie - when it come to Woke DA's

"A judge sentenced Foster to between one and 2 1/2 years in a Nevada prison. After factoring in the 729 days he had spent in jail awaiting trial, Foster could have been made to serve almost 200 additional days under the maximum sentence. Instead, he was released the day he was brought to prison, according to Nevada corrections department officials."

And again.

What part of REPEATED VIOLENT FELONS don't these DA's/Judges understand?

*context edit [The crimes this guy was in jail for were very violent - not pot charges or anything]
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Old 05-01-2023, 07:13 PM   #33
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Default DO NOT TRY TO TROLL OR FUCK W/ HOUSE OF LEAVES: tryhard is roasted (then i get friendly)

He says:
When did you find the time to mimic the Islamic Taliban?

You know, when you do EXACLTY what they do

1) Promise children they are under a cradle-to-grave supervision in order to determine eternal consequences

2) Polluting the underdeveloped and unprepared minds of children with vague mutterings of an eternity of torment for ingratitude

Yes, hanging your head in shame is way overdue

My reply:
Excuse me?

He says:
Read it again, I made sure to only use English so you'll get there kid. Oh, and there is no excuse for those who mimic the Islamic Taliban in the 2 ways I CLEARLY explained

My roast retort:
Perhaps you’ve mixed me up w/ someone else. I, like you, am an atheist. The difference between us would be I only lecture people who deserve it, and I am not a lame try-hard when it comes to attempts at satire and garnering reactions. In what ways am I like the Taliban? Be specific “kid”\

Congrats, after you said 'excuse me' I knew you were atheist. Now its time to level up.

See quotes by H.L Mencken "The way to deal with superstition...."

Then see quote by Hitchens "Im not so much atheist as I am anti-theist......"

I was going with the odds, turns out you do not mimic the Taliban. Going with the odds doesnt always work, like today my pocket Aces lost to Ace, 4 of spades when he went runner-runner for the flush

Yeah. Atheist is a simplified term. I’d call myself ardently non-religious. I own a couple Hitch books (beyond simple YouTube!).

Huge poker fan here. Both holdem and omaha high. Sick beat brah! We got off on the wrong foot I feel, but we have two big things in common already I suppose. I guess my advice to you would be don’t try so hard. And my question would be what about my post here made you think I was religious?

Good luck and here’s to running well and a +EV

Nothing about your post makes you religious. I'm not trying to hard to be an a-hole, I'm just good at it sometimes. I'm a lot like Hitchens, just not as much of a sweetheart as he was

Sportsbetting dot ag - regardless of state law, you can deposit and play.

Cash out comes in Canadian funds if you get a check so your bank will charge you $5 to convert it to our dollar. Stack up $1500 in winnings and you can do wire transfer.

They charge for deposits and withdrawals though. The big boys like Draft Kings do not, but sometimes they cannot determine my location because of my satellite internet so I just dont deal with them
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Old 05-01-2023, 07:31 PM   #34
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I'd of shot his black ass too
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Old 05-01-2023, 07:33 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by White LGI View Post
I'd of shot his black ass too
At this point I've lost track of the dead shot black ppl by cops

Can you elab on which 1 you refer to?

My bad you're prolly on the first take the KC old guy (not cop)
fuck u uncle tom wanna kill a kid ringin the wrong doorbell @White LGI

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Old 05-01-2023, 09:32 PM   #36
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Old 05-01-2023, 11:13 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by NYCSPITZ View Post
Any one sentence comment on any of the positions argued here on this thread?
IN A Non fiction fucking article drop DESIGNED for readers such as ppl like yourself?

Is anyone gonna vote in the Reddit Censor ship poll.??? My three IDs cannot even agree on what to post.

Guess it’s still a fucking graveyard.

More FREE Shit Witty. I love being a fucking slave LGI. You Irdhrebebeebdbbdbbdf have it rlly That Bad back then?? Pfff

That’s a joke the last sent. Lol.
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Old 05-12-2023, 03:46 PM   #38
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Old 05-12-2023, 07:00 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by kungfugrip View Post
swwwing and miss kung ur work was done when i pmed ujniverse vote gtfo come better or log off brah

yeah man im gonna smoke l8er littl cvaffeine tiny so

yeah what u need dude u beer? liq? coke? sober and all bait lies?
-if liqu r u like at the witty 4-11 per day level with upwards of 27 lying on the weekend to rape fara with dull orrr
-is ur tolerence well if ur fkn bored and failing 1line bates im jus quiiiickly as we not yet start weekend
yeah i'm just 4line leettin u know how to hold my attn over top 2UK and Eng here
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Old 05-15-2023, 06:07 PM   #40
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