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Old 09-10-2023, 11:54 PM   #341
R.Killsbury 3000
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This joker’s lost his marbles, it’s comically awful thinking I’ll “Marvel” at hype and glam
& I’ll “unleash Venom at Karnage thru the Web” til he’s Crying Uncle in part two of Spiderman!
You’ll disappear off Earth..just like Amelia Earnhart, your greatest failure is plane to sea
Talkin’ titles? “Mars made sure Karnage wasn’t displayed” like the aliens came in peace!
Able to rip Rev? Someone gave you a big head..til we see a guillotine, it’s off with your neck!
So as far as the ego goes, “In Karn, it’ll get crushed”, so he can really see his God in the flesh!
His sparks pathetic, you’re less online than the Amish, fuck all the fire your sentences start to credit
You won’t go to war, Ghandi! “Carn’ll lay in the pasture” like a sick farming fetish!
Accepted & now Karn’ll rue the gesture, give me the crown, clown! Start to cue the jester
Your performance is a joke..HoF? “Karnage shouldn’t be in that class” like a Martin Luther lecture!
We all know Tony put a Dark Mark on your record, it’s almost like Voldemort was tossin’ favors!
Beat til no brakes are left, ironic “Kar, Phax showcased your wreck”, like a known source for AutoTrader!
You’ve been known at least a while..for “bitch-made shots in title sequences” like Mona Lisa Smile
Humble pie? Give me a fuckin' knife, plus “Tony’s cut up a slice” without trips to a Frozen Pizza Aisle!!
Circle the wagon til he’s bent out of shape, just a “square full of X’s and O’s” who loves to admire my notes!!
Murder & burn with haste, everyone knows who’s got bodied..”cept, Tic”…genius, I’m turnin’ his dirt to waste!
Verses hit all of your Census; so you couldn’t “get rid of the Rust, Tic” if you were learnin’ an urban place!
Rev stole this premier..I see word of mouth says you’ll win? Damn…you’re left holdin’ veneers!
Wept, flowin’ with tears, thought you’d ‘blaze a Trail, but now you’re benched with heat’ like Greg Oden’s career!
Get killed in this square!, admit your place in the stocks!, stuck his neck out, got the guillotine..Tic’ll wait for the drop!
As far as ITL goes, you’ve been the face of this plot! But now “Tic’s dropped after a few weeks” like syndications on Fox!
I’ll conquer the middle earth as soon as this sentence lands..I’m the lord of this ring, servin’ seconds like the minute, man..
Too much of a murder, kid…only time we got “shook with a nervous Tic”..was meetin’ Ali as his biggest fan!

Revolution starts the CONSTITUTION!?? Retribution barks on this REVOLUTION!! TILL' I AM CHARGED LIKE A CHARGER!!
EMBARK ON THIS LONGHORN -- You may have ''THE MARK OF THE BEAST'' but I have the mark of a monster!!

I'm nothing to be fucked with lyrically!!? I'm nothing to be fucked with spirtually!! ON SOME SPIRITUAL MIRACLE SHIT!!
I'll hit you with a miracle whip!! I bust nuts on bitches!! Only time you ''BUST NUTS'' is when you're on your honey nut and cereal shit!!

You'll always be my apprentice!! You want to be a bard, a sailor!?? WILL PRISON IS ONLY TIME you'll get seamen(SEMON) SENTENCE!!#GETIT

I've battled guys like SINIS, EVILMINDED, you battled guys like carnage and encee!! OH WAIT WHICH ONE ACTUALLY takes bar to them mentally!!
I'll fucked up your brain so bad,, you'll see starts like disablity!! I get girls in bikini's, you'd hardly get woman armed with the dental strings!!*GOSEETHEDENTIST

SAY CHEESE IF you enter chuck e cheese!! BUCK AND SQUEEZE! and you'll see stars everywhere like a VUTIAMEASE(VIETMEASE)!!
You're a ugly bee, a fucking tree! but I'll ''EMBARK'' and ''fuck up'' this fucking tree!! like PUGS WHEN THEY PEE!!

I'll always be one stop ahead of you like RAS KASS! GATS BLAST!!, you'll sea tissue everywhere, like your mom washed up on the beach!!
You're caught up with the strings!?? We'll MODERN MUSIC WILL KILL THIS BETHOVVEN SHAKESPEARE'' -- with ''FUCKING E'S(EASE)(EMINOR)

I'm SINACOG, I glock burst, stock worth a zillion dollars, you got jokes than I JOT THROATS LIKE SOCK JOKES!!!

I'm here to prove a point like the invention of the sword//I AM ON THE BOARD!! fight your mami!!
FACE IT! We both cleared raproyalty!! But only time we're both on the board/bored is when I'm RYUK AND YOUR LIGHTYAGAMI!!#DEATHNOTE

Revolution..REVOLUTION.. CONSTITUTION..CONSTITUTION.. I am the MONARCHY killing your angels and demons!!
I'm breaking a heathen!! I am a ser pint.. the snake'll never be the snake of eden.. WE'RE FOR--SNAKING THIS GREVOUS!!

I've come to punch your jaw in half,, I'm the baal of wrarth.. CALL ME THAT.. THE SAW IN HALF!!
You have a broccoli me dad.. you ''brick house'' you're ''out of business'' like the BOSTON CRAB#JOE'SCRABSHACK

I'm SINAOG.. you're worst nightmare.. I've been the god.. the burst light flares//
My air, I AM THE HEIR TO THE THRONE!! there's no sharing the zone.. I'll ''BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU'' for a LIGHTYEAR!!

I've been the king of the throne,, BING TO YOUR ZONE.. SINGING THE THRONE.. BRINGING THE DOPE!!//
leave me alone.. you vegetable soup.. edible GOOF!!!// I am the best writer in history! HERE IS MY OAF/OATH//

This is a classic in the making// PLASTIC for your baking// I DRINK SODA NOT BEER//
BROUGHT CHEERS FOR HOT YEARS!! When you're burning the only time you'll sea ''HOT SEERS''//



I'm coming with harp songs and jubille sprees// you're a ''CUNT'' ''POOR CRUMPET''
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Old 09-10-2023, 11:59 PM   #342
R.Killsbury 3000
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Liquidus x:

my MATHEMATICAL-phrases, permanently-damage-ya-stasis
manhandle-ya-face-kid till it's split into so many FRACTIONS and ANGLES it would put Einstein's Calculations-to-shame-bitch~//
get trampled-till-ya-nameless, i'll prove you lack the components-to-uphold-dope-prose
smolder-smoke's-flows till he admits that he couldnt win battes even if his opponents-no-showed!~//
you got my condolense-when-ya-soul-folds, cuz it's higly probable-to-wreck-ya
stop 'LYIN' about how you got skills, cuz you've got more 'SKELETONS IN YA CLOSET' than fossil-collectors!~//
smoke's an imposter-with-lectures, watch me massacre-with-brutal-scripts
ya attacks-are-useless-bitch, this fag's fallopian tubes 'BURNT TO ASHES' after i 'BLASTED-HIS-UTERUS'!~//
disastrous-when-ya-pupils-slit, smoke you're far from bein gangsta so why-try?
bitch you a waste of my-time, cuz with men who like 'BOTH SEXES' as ya passenger is the only time ya pull drive-'BI's!~//

(!!(style switch)!!)

kid you'll get singed-till-ya-disappear, even if you 'MOONED THE VOTERS' you still couldnt 'WIN-BY-AN-ASS-HAIR'!~//
make ya spin-till-ya-lack-air then burn-ya-text, after i 'FINGER' ya corpse i can claim i 'FLIRT-WITH-DEATH'!~//
flame-n-curse-ya-rep as i bruise-jaws, force Smoke's skill to 'take a couple STEPS BACKWARDS' kinda like the MOON-WALK!~//
this fool's-mocked cuz he's a clown-missin-skills, you can't 'BANK ON' his text to be 'AUTHENTIC' like COUNTERFEIT-BILLS!~//
i'll pound-this-bitch-till he feels like a sensitive re-tard, Smoke has 'SUGAR' in his AORTA's cuz 'DEEP DOWN' he's a just a 'SWEET-HEART'!~//
actin like he's-hard but i'll make'em bleed-as-i-rip-this-fruit, cuz like pregnant dogs getting 'X RAYED', i 'SEE-THE-BITCH-IN-YOU'~//
with a DICK-on-his-tooth he's got a 'COCKY-smile', smoke reps Armageddon but his CATS 'got his back' only when fuckin him 'DOGGY-style'!~//
ya thoughts-is-vile, think you can withstand-my-attacks? not when ya 'NOSE GETS RIPPED' like ya nostrils was ADDICTED to the 'CRACK-of-my-bat'!~//[get it?.."crack"]
try catchin-up-with-my-stats and i'll bomb-on-ya-empire, cuz this verse'll make you 'COUGH UP more BLOOD' than a vomiting-VAMPIRE!~//
i'm stoppin-this-man's-fire cuz smoke is next-to-flop, he couldnt' 'GET A HEAD of me' if he gave 'ORAL SEX-to-clocks'!!...........~//


......smoke gets swept-like-mops, my thoughts-make-his-body-shiver, with his 'SLICED' butt cheeks in 'PIZZA' boxes, 'smokes ASS just-got-DELIVERED'!!~//---my flows-shock-ya-liver---smoke cant compete when my raps-is-lethal-and-vulgar, cuz he's 'BENT outta SHAPE' worse than FAT-people-on-YOGA!!~//---detach-ya-feeble-quotas---make this fool-beg-like-an-abused-bitch, cuz in audio i'd 'KICK' smoke so hard, he'd accuse me of 'BOOT'-'LEGGING'-his-music!!~//---smoke-aint-connecting-with-crude-hits---he'll be bitter-when-i-trash-his-dreams, smoke is so 'SOFT' i saw more 'TITS BOUNCE' in his verse, than watching STRIPPERS-on-TRAMPOLINES!!~//---this-nigga-cant-answer-me---he's just a trick demanding-to-be-bitch-slapped, i'd battle him in person but he'd look 'SHORTER by the SECOND' like midgets STANDING-on-QUICK-SAND!!~//---understand-i'm-sick-man---and your just a 'GHOSTwriter' flexing his 'PHANTOM-might', Future Dood should throw a *WEDDING RING* at smokes EYES, cuz he should be *BAND*-from-the-*SIGHT*!!//....

Liq Smoke:

...Winding up...FEEL This shit ma fawka!

LiquidSmoke Steamin, Brutally Beating this Being with Swords-Grips Mounted with Endorphine..Your verse?..more played out THAI's bullshit joints….This Battles like Depressed Rich Women, coz you’re Weepin-in-Ms.Fortune…I like your name.. faggot..but theres only one ILL Liquid..tha one that causes brain commotions.. I'll Twist the Key-in-the-Porche-and, proceed to Stampede on-ya-Corpse-then…Endorse-Ten Forceps into ya Cortex…Ya Existence is a Mix of Rabbits Feet and VIPERS, the Way You Luckilly DODGED-the-Abortion…When I Come off the Top-it-then-Worsens, You’re Comin with more LOOSE-LEAFS, then Autumn-in-ya-Orifice….I Got-Liquidus-by-his-Poor-Neck, and I’ll Exert-my-Best-Words…You Gave it all Got, But like Lackluster Graphs of Skin, it was a Pore-Effort…My Force-Severes, into Coarse-Pressure…. Liquidus thought he was Built, coz he Wrapped his Chest with Four-Sweatshirts…This Whore?-Pestered, I’ll Have Him Floggin-Disarmed…Beating me is like Seeing Chris Reeves on Campgrounds, coz this aint an Easy-WALK-in-the-PARK….He’s Soft-with-the-Bars, I’ll Make a Literal Figure Outta Pacino, when I Leave His Face Scoffed-with-Some-Scars…Got ya Confidence-Harmed, and Have this Aussie Speakin more Broken then his English-Is…I Ain’t Feelin-His, Spiel-of-Scripts coz You’re Only High Lights was in the Mullets ya Bleached-it-With!!!

...Here's the Pitch...

Get off my Jizzum’s-Dude, ya Only wise words Was Talking Durin the Removal of ya Wisdom-Tooth…My Quotables? Go Ahead and List-them-Fool….Ya scripts?-I-Missed-them-Too, coz They Get as Much ROTATION as Junkyards Pistons-Do…I’ll Grin-then-Spool, a Dagger to ya Stomach and have ya Abs-Since-Marked, like the Belly of the Beast when He Misses-School…(get it?)….It’s Okay, Don’t think Liquid-is-Pissed-at-You…Just at the Stupidest Played Punches that ya Spit-and-Spew.…I’m Swift-with-Moves, You’re an Infant-and-Mild…I’m Christening-Child like Jesus and then RIP-KIN-like-CAL!!!….Reminscin-this-Style, that made this Cat’s Career Comes to a Short-Stop like Midgets-at-Intersections…. About Now, ya Wishin I’m Hittin-with-Imperfections, So I Smacked ya with Each of ya Lines-and-Verses…The Nine-then-Surfaces, to Blow a Hole Deep in ya Thorax, so ya Spine-and-Nerves-Slip, Outta ya Cervix…My Raps-have-Served-Him, while I’m Cordial-with-Keys…Liquidus X Ain’t Nothing but the new Generation of Rejects from Aznraps…(yes sir!)…Horrible Beings, I’ll Make ya Swallow ya Eyes for an IN(t)ER-VIEW So Don’t Test-Me…coz No One Questions my Ass Except for Guess-Jeans… ya FANTASIZED Direly to FLOW with what this Vet-Brings, that I Became the Reason why You Dispersed into a WET-DREAM…(faggit)…I’ll Digest He, and His Choppy-Fillers…till we all Can’t See PEX, like Maternity Leave for Female Body-Builders…(got it?)…LiquidSmoke is Simply Hot-and-Iller, I’ll SLASH a CUT DEEP in ya Brain, and Start Peelin-it-Back…then FILL IT with a DECK of CARDS, and Start BRIDGING-the-GAP…Lynching-this-Cat, I’ll Be Dyslexic with "Liquidus X" and see Liquidus su{X}

...Knock the fucc outta the Stadium...

I Noticed ya Scripts and ya Typin-with-Hype while ya Punchlines Reminds-me-of-Mine….My Verses Must be a Criminal, coz like you, Everyone Wants to Take a Bite-out-of-Crime…So Start Sitin-ya-Rhymes, coz ya Normally come with Below Average-Scripts-Hoe…While ya Sex Drive is Found in Gay Districts of San Francisco…Bash-and-Strip-Domes, and Split ya Personalities like Self-Battling Raps-with-Skitzos…Crack-ya-Wish-Bones, with a Vex’d-Style to Embarrass ya Textiles…Resorted to me versus an IMPOSTOR Crossing-Columns, the way You’re “X-Isled”!…I’m Simply the Best-While, You’re just a Supporting Cast in the dream crew-You-Created….Everyone Knows I Bring the Best Shit to the Table, and Knew-You-Ate-it…You’re Useless-Played-Shit is all Pretentious and Fake-Kid…You Shoulda Known what I’m Embraced-with…, Faggit, You’re Barely-a-Foe, coz This Shit is Getting More Uglier then ya Scripts, Incorporated by Darin-a-Flow…like Jim’s Movies, if we Ever Collab’d, Liquid will Always Carey-the-Show…in Fact, You NOT Bitching After Losing is About as Rare-as-ya-Votes!!…Without Sparin-a-Tone, of Confidence, I’m Leavin ya More Blacked-Out, then Topplin Power Surged Burnin Cigarette Factories to leave ya Buried-in-Smoke…Carelessly-Broke-n-Two, coz ya Blasphamized my Name, ya Need-Homage…I’ll Have ya Seeds-Palmed-Quick, and Suffocate it till it Bleeds-Bondaged… coz like Clogged Toilets in a Plaza’s Restroom I’ll Leave this Cat ‘De-Mall-Ish’d

...And to Finish ya Off...

Write this Verse in Bibles and Smack Him with it, Get the Cue-Herb?…Probably Not, coz You’re too Delirious to Realize the Fuckin Truth-Hurts!…I Induce-Terms, Pull ya Eyelids Back and Smoother Them to My Audi’s-Lights….coz ya Can’t See LiquidSmoke like a Cloudy-Night…I’m Crowned-as-Tight, while ya Wordplay is Forced Nonsense, and Often-Lame…Even When I Knock ya Out, You’ll See More of Liquid then Trippin on Hollywood’s Walk-of-Fame

Winner = Liquid Smoke
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Old 09-11-2023, 02:15 AM   #343
R.Killsbury 3000
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Answer, you're weak like plaster! -- Physique a master, I'm shiek, you're bastard!
Believe you're cancer -- In SKOOL is the only time we'll SEEK A ANSWER!!
I'm your master, the expert technician in hip hop, you're flip flop with flip flops
Kiss rocks!?!? You kiss jocks!! All you are is ''GUN BARS'' I have GUNS ZIP LOCK*POLICE
I am AJ THE MENACE, AND SINACOG, you're nothing nothing something something..
In order of that like MCDONALDS!! Only time you'll ''SMOKE AJ'' is when you're hit with a blunt swing!!
I'm not sorry for this bodybag I'm giving you, you should sue -- MARY SUE!!
CHERRY BREW! HMMM,,, that's mad dope! You're sad bro -- you mad bro!?? You broke your head like JIM CAREY JUICE!!
You're a old head!?? VERY COOL -- MARY SUE!! LOOK AT MY LUCK, you'd mary sue*LAWSUIT!!
CAUSE I"m that dope like mad soap! HERE's NU FOR YA!! That's dreary NEW!!
I'm not your apprentice! Your bad INK is why you're always beliving the tempest!
NOW i'm here after SINI DISSPEARED! you were always seeking redemption with slyfe!
WELL HERE'S A KNIFE,, cheer for life! How about your girl's pussy,, that's very TIGHT
I'm a titan of tarsis, righteous with marksman..the crem of the crem
ZIM OF THE ZIM!! You're invader 5.. I'm INVADER ZIM!!
I'm SINACOG.. you're clockwork.. you think your very clever and witty!
I'm KING! you're a joke .. a're IT FOR HIP HOP!!?? My presence is pitty*NOPUNCHLINE
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Old 09-11-2023, 02:20 AM   #344
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13 Lines, Its OVA

X? rejected ... thats what's best bitch ... give up now, cuz i got this -battle on SHER LOCK, HOLMES- like a fuckin |WARFIELD DETECTIVE|..!! (KO - Wha!? ALREADY!?)

rape him n, now ... he's ravin with doubt ... cuz i got this -PUSSY RUNNIN-BACK HOME- like |STEPHEN DAVIS'S HOUSE|..!! (damn...running back for panthers - feline, hence pussy)
stop, you're a waste, kid ... choppin ya face, quik ... and have X fuckin -scared to check in- like |NERVOUS HOSPITAL PATIENTS|..!!
Answer - known to clap gats ... and smack fags ... cuz X couldnt -make a stand- with |2 KINGS IN BLACKJACK|...!!
you bet this ho's dyin ... cuz i leave ya testicles tightened ... *reach for the stars kid* cuz X couldnt -TOUCH THE BELT- if he |SLEPT WITH ORION|..!!
DI? well, they're slammed ... you think you'll see the belt in your hand!? ... this match is simply -account (a count) down to ya death- like |HEALTHCARE PLANS|..!! (Ouch...)
this kid bestin me? ... pftt, I wreck this G ... *Hell*, im'a -dance with the devil- just to prove |DAMIAN cant STEP TO ME|..!! (DAYUM ... his name is damian)
I'm fast to neglect ... the wack n the pests ... cuz I'm known to -CROSS X'S LINES- a fuckin |GRAPH INTERCEPT|..!!
leave you weary, bleedin, WHAT!? ... X dont fear me? please, ya guts ... got nothin to do with it -- cuz like -MALE STREAKERS- the whole *site* can |CLEARLY SEE YOU'RE (your) NUTS|..!!
i smash gay kids ... fck it this fag's wasted ... lets be real yo -- last time X -MASTERED A FORUM(form)- was his fuckin |LAST GRADE SKIP|..!! ( the carribeans they go by forms instead of grades)

Next -- dude, you're So ... Dead -- loser's old ... Sheeit -- last time there was a -COMMOTION ABOUT X- was at the |TENTH SUPERBOWL|..!! (the super bowl uses roman numerals - X being 10)

Got ya *Showin Team Spirit* as the *Shots Kill ya Rosters*!..
Holla Fame?..there's *No Sign of Answer* like *Got Milk? Posters*!!
My Gage Trails ya! i Got Yu *Facing Death* but ya *Image is Pailer*!..
Cuz like *Retarded London Security Guards*..i leave ya *Holding an Image of Failure*!!
Yu *Mutillate ya Skills* when yu Upload the *Insults to ya Drops*!..
Givin *High Fives to Karate Students*..Only time You'll ever *Kata Pulse to the Top*!!
Yur *Elevation Leads to Death* cuz I'm *Killin the Ranks*!..
i would tell *Answer* to *Stick to his Guns*!..but he needs to *Fill in the Blanks*!!
Like a *Confused Bass Tourney*..ya takin *Hooks from Opponents*!..
I'll *Hold an Empty Pesticide Can over Ants(ans)* and leave him *Shook for the Moment*!!
Yu *Apologised for ya Weak Punches*..So all of ya *Fights i Forgive*!..
Cuz like the *Ashes of an Abortion Child* Yu haven't *Urn the Right to Live*!!
Make the site *Picture Yu Dead* as I Put the *Gage to ya Art*!..
the Clips got yu *Holding Yur Emotions* *Contestants on Change of Heart*!!

Answer wins.
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Old 09-11-2023, 02:31 AM   #345
R.Killsbury 3000
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Answer and SLYFE, battle a knife!! I'm the sharpest kid in a mental hospital!!
Stunt your growth you midget slyfe, I've seen better wars in prison!!
You'd love to go to prison wouldn't you!! TO DROP THE SOAP! A X TRADITION(EXTRADITION)!!
I'm SINACOG, I've been at large you MC DONALDS FOOD DUMP!!
TO THE DUMP TO THE DUMP TO THE DUMP DUMP DUMP! you're a cum dumpster from a motherfucker!!
I'm here to teach you lessons in dope and war, rope the gore!
Show some more!! IF this was dragon ball z you'd two would be GOKU'S WHORE!!
Sometimes it's not always about what's shiek! you'd got to know who wins!
The shotty never swings.. till I SEVER THINGS!! cheat my ass with a son*SINI and beat your asss with a gun*NIGGER
I'm honest abe,, broly made me laugh my ass off, are you broly answer!??
You don't scare me at all. I'll JACK OFF THIS HOLY SPIRIT*HE'SNOTHOLYBUTHOLYSHIT and have your soul captured*YESBOTHMASTERS
I remember when CLARKE KILLINGSWORTH WAS a thing, you respect him more than me don't you answer!??
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Old 09-11-2023, 02:33 AM   #346
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Answer, you're weak like plaster! -- Physique a master, I'm shiek, you're bastard!
Believe you're cancer -- In SKOOL is the only time we'll SEEK A ANSWER!!
I'm your master, the expert technician in hip hop, you're flip flop with flip flops
Kiss rocks!?!? You kiss jocks!! All you are is ''GUN BARS'' I have GUNS ZIP LOCK*POLICE
I am AJ THE MENACE, AND SINACOG, you're nothing nothing something something..
In order of that like MCDONALDS!! Only time you'll ''SMOKE AJ'' is when you're hit with a blunt swing!!
I'm not sorry for this bodybag I'm giving you, you should sue -- MARY SUE!!
CHERRY BREW! HMMM,,, that's mad dope! You're sad bro -- you mad bro!?? You broke your head like JIM CAREY JUICE!!
You're a old head!?? VERY COOL -- MARY SUE!! LOOK AT MY LUCK, you'd mary sue*LAWSUIT!!
CAUSE I"m that dope like mad soap! HERE's NU FOR YA!! That's dreary NEW!!
I'm not your apprentice! Your bad INK is why you're always beliving the tempest!
NOW i'm here after SINI DISSPEARED! you were always seeking redemption with slyfe!
WELL HERE'S A KNIFE,, cheer for life! How about your girl's pussy,, that's very TIGHT
I'm a titan of tarsis, righteous with marksman..the crem of the crem
ZIM OF THE ZIM!! You're invader 5.. I'm INVADER ZIM!!
I'm SINACOG.. you're clockwork.. you think your very clever and witty!
I'm KING! you're a joke .. a're IT FOR HIP HOP!!?? My presence is pitty*NOPUNCHLINE
Answer and SLYFE, battle a knife!! I'm the sharpest kid in a mental hospital!!
Stunt your growth you midget slyfe, I've seen better wars in prison!!
You'd love to go to prison wouldn't you!! TO DROP THE SOAP! A X TRADITION(EXTRADITION)!!
I'm SINACOG, I've been at large you MC DONALDS FOOD DUMP!!
TO THE DUMP TO THE DUMP TO THE DUMP DUMP DUMP! you're a cum dumpster from a motherfucker!!
I'm here to teach you lessons in dope and war, rope the gore!
Show some more!! IF this was dragon ball z you'd two would be GOKU'S WHORE!!
Sometimes it's not always about what's shiek! you'd got to know who wins!
The shotty never swings.. till I SEVER THINGS!! cheat my ass with a son*SINI and beat your asss with a gun*NIGGER
I'm honest abe,, broly made me laugh my ass off, are you broly answer!??
You don't scare me at all. I'll JACK OFF THIS HOLY SPIRIT*HE'SNOTHOLYBUTHOLYSHIT and have your soul captured*YESBOTHMASTERS
I remember when CLARKE KILLINGSWORTH WAS a thing, you respect him more than me don't you answer!??


Here's some funny shit, fuck the website man, Hold it son
Cuz my idea of CollegeHumor is the fact spit didn't go to one
your temper is through the roof, how much can this slob be bitching
you'd be in luck, if anger management was a job description
You're NOT the best & you'll leave this embarassed, sucking. .
For spit, if there's a will there's a way, for his daughter to inherit nothing
I won't hate, I'm an old Legend, and you're the newest of nice vets
I was reading your profile
"Spitacular don't bother posting." you gave yourself the truest advice yet
this is my final battle... its funny you think you post witty
When your ass is on the line... & the lines the part the most shitty
Plus you're in The Truth, so I'll make this stomping a gift,
I'm not an author...but I'd leave any crew led by Johnathan swift..
Spit said he's Catholic in the lounge, you aint respected kid
He's the first 30 year old in confession, explaining what texting is
Bitch I'm savage, old man I'll fucking damage ya knees
spit doesn't know whats good for him, is only average for me
fuck your life & your job, & I'm not down with seeing your trailer
n' spit's good at what he does.. I doubt it's hard being a failure
your ego annoys me.. we aint friends, fuck your feeding & curses
u can call me a peer, cuz thats the longest I spend reading your verses
I saw your ugly pic, and who the fuck are you scaring son
Its kinda funny how easy we do rag on you for wearing one
you think your the agreed best, but you're not done the journey
Spit if we judge you badly... its cuz you've never won attorney
Like to think you're unbeatable, when you're below me for sure
you never miss a battle, but your stupidity shows even more
Spit claims he's good on any site, watch Feeble son then defeat him
I can name one username you faced, and none that you've beaten
when you think you're amazing, Rb's going through sad & scary times
Spit posting dope is like the prime meridian: just imaginary lines
Seen ya pic, you're dirty as fuck, I find ya wackness boring
crewmates with Jay Walker... cuz your face'll stop traffic for him
when I rid the site of you they'll prolly throw me a banquet
Spit talks shit year by year, annual know he's a faggot
This is my last bar for awhile.. fags like spit get randomly clowned
quit talking about violence, & when i come backhand me the crown..

Last edited by Sinacog; 09-11-2023 at 02:40 AM.
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Old 09-11-2023, 03:34 AM   #347
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Richard Corey

Originally posted by Richard Corey
Leave him fuckin’ gasping, barbwire noose hung under fat trees
And you’ll choke worse than I did against Oneduh last week

Nice opener, bitch, but sorry, I liked it better when I did it
Plus I lost more title matches than ya ass has been in
With graphic writtens I’ll Orchestrate your murder with ill ebonics
And so many instruments of death the kid’ll ‘Feel Harmonic’
real demonic! Loadin’ up, expose ya melon like Cornucopias
Syn’s always beside himself… proudly conquoring homophobia
When I turn syn into dust, he’s still bound to get stomped on
'Till his dickriders worship the damn ground that I walk on
Ya mouth hasn’t got the message, you’re style’s mired in flaws,
I’ll send punches and lyrical telegrams… and wire your jaw
You admire the raw fire I draw to clench wins in this venue
I’ll beat the-sis, the mom, the aunt and any other bitch that’s in you!

… I’ll drop you into the bottom 51, I know it sounds so tragic
but we all know 50 don’t feel comfortable around you faggot
This maggot’s town’s a soap opera, where’s the angst from?
Fuck the OC! Now Melrose Place…that was gangsta!
"O Dub Road!" I’ll keep posers out, the geek’s uruley
So OC’ll hit the big screen… and I don’t mean the movie
I could ask did I (a)Win (b) Lose or (c) Dust this bastard?
But like ya bars…anyting in the middle’s short and doen’t matter

Winner = Synthesis

Richard COREY, SINI!?? I thought you were the same people when I FRIST SAW THE VERSE!!
I'll leave you in a ball of hurt! It's like there's HELLTOUPE(HELLTOPAY) I'll leave you in a baal of hurt#HAIRCUTTIME
AIR DUCKS TIME! I'm coming for harp songs and jubille sprees to conquer this skool kid!
I'm more clever than the average joe! you're a sloppy joe,,a sloppy hoe!~
Fought this choke! you're phat ass don't scare me you sloppy ghost!
Now it's time for me to settle the score with you! I'm better than MORBID JUICE!!
Metal will spore your room! FUCK IT I'm not trying to settle the socre, I'm trying to settle this war with you!
I'm SINACOG..a legend in text battling,, vex handling leaves dead strangled beings!!
You got to get yourself together! I'll break your thigh! LIKE SEX HAMSTRINGS #BREEZE
I'm a genius with rhymes.. better than lines.. better than bars..
I have better lines// better bars like OLD MEN WHO DRINK TILL THEY"RE DEAD AT THE BARS!!
STRINGS OF A MEDIC! My man child ass cut the cheese at the banquest#CHEESYRAPPER
I am the GOAT, stabbing throats with jagged blows..
You're ugly bronze.. we'll I'm HANDSOME GOLD!!
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Old 09-11-2023, 05:16 AM   #348
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Lp Verse

Liquid Joke????

lets do it simple......

LS dies like a 'legend', livin in X's shadow like his red-reflections!!(his old sig had a red pupil with an X)
"Liquid's angels"??, just a 'cover-up', like 'reverends molestins to recked-confessions'!!
like 'fucked up grills-on-anerexics', this 'biter' should be 'up-on commodes',
this 'mexican' has no chance winnin at 'Tex(TX)', like 'Paper Wars' at the 'Alamo'!!
this kid get 'Beat Hands Down'!! like doin 'Push-Ups' before 'Masterbation'!!
Slash-ya-Face In..I'm gonna Fuckin 'Eliminate Liquid' like 'Evaportaion'!!
Lick-wid ur Signs Near..'like death-threats, LS is 'flat-lined' to his 'verse and Rhyme Clear'
Liquid havin Fuckin 'Ill Punch' is *Optional*! like an 'Insert Line Here________' !! KO
Liquid u Wack son! We all See! but don't say it that u got Played Punches-Dun..
only time 'Illness-Been-to-ya-NAME'!! is when on the 'OLD HOLLA-FRONT u 'BIT PuNiSh'Em'!! KO*
Bitch i'll make u Flee See..Liquid Droppin a verse is like 're-cycled free's' wit ya'Weak Keys'(7 day verses, not to mention soft)
this kid has 'No Knowledge' of Steve! so when they ask who LP Be...Liquids like "BEATS ME"!!**KO
Liquid gets pissed on like 'wet-n'd-electrics', only way he's 'deadly connected'
Smokes a mexican with seventies complexion....FAI cheerleader???...never Xcepted(why you think he runs tp his angels)
ur Sloppy Liquid Smoke a LEGEND! when he Got KO'D[/b]! by that Garbage Kid HASTE!
This kid is a Waste..make his 'Hip Hop'! when i 'Strangle his Waist'! Liquid Droppin an 'Ill Verse'! Due to 'Copy And Paste'..KO
like 'Musical Chairs'! i'll make u 'Take a Seat'! ur not ready for this! u can't See Me!!
Liquid Overall 'Record-is-Fake! like a 'Bootlegged CD'!! [93-6 (45 TKO's)]
ur TEXT is 'RAN DUMB'(RANDOM)! First u Original! but now ur Usin Supremace Style! so we know u 'Run Soppy'!!
Son Copy! when LP Spit! Liquid! Told to 'Hold-his-Words'! like when u 'SHHHH! Somebody'...KO
leave Son Afraid..i Hit so 'Hard in his Chest' i can leave Smokes 'Lungs Decayed'..
LP Takin 'Liquid-Out-the-PICTURE'! like *PHOTOS* of a 'Sunny Day'!! Its Ova
Speakin Liquid Is Ill! but when u *Post-ya-Verse*! we know u Mouth Blowin-whats-Felts..
cuz all we See is 'Wackness'! so like People wit a 'Guilty Conscious'! Liquid just 'Told-On-HimSelf'!!
Spill The Gats..i'm Ill Thats 'Bank Robbers'! i Punch Liquid, 'Till he Cracks'..
Battlin LP u must 'Itchin To Die'! so when I Flow Smoke get 'Killed On Scratch'!!
i'm Insane Yo..Mutterin a Humble Speech wit Syllables to Condesne Oceans in a Deranged flow..
ur Brains Fold! when LP 'Murder This LEGEND' so like Jayme and Trikka! i'll make 'Liquid An ANGEL'!! KO

*finishing touch*

LS's 'Heads-in-the-SKy'! well LP a 'Star Ender'!! Smokes known to choke like Sars-Sender!!..
i'll Fuckin 'Serve Liquid'! on a *Constant Basis* like an 'Overworked Bartenders'!!

*He Bit Po*TenSe AKA PuNiSh'Em On HF before it was Hacked and was Ban'd for 3 Months
**Statin that He doesn't know Me STEVE! so when people ask him about me! Liquids like BEATS ME which means He doesn't know and also mean He BEAT Him in Text

*LP beat 5-1 LiQuiD smoKE tha LEGEND

I'm cuming fast liKE OIL, you're a spoiled brat that doesn't know JACK SHIT
BACK QUICK< hit you with a bat quick,,shotgun blast at the banquest#JOKEGRR
I'm everything to hip hop,, you flip flop till' you see don't flop
OR KING OF THE DOT.. You'll him ''RUN"" the GUATLET when votes drop
I'm hail mary,, the ghost in the mirror,, turn you to spear dust
SEER THRUST.. you're fat as fuck like beer cups
I'm onyx stature.bubonic rapture.. raining./reigning at your door
I'm frying're just a lion I'm taming at the war..
I'm SINACOG//AJ THE MENACE.. try to beat me in war galore and I'll show you gore
BLOW THIS STORK.. CHOKE THIS BLOW.. only time you ''blow fire'' is when you blow some smores//
I cannot be defeated by LIQUID WHATEVER.. I'll sever this being
CLEVER AS CHEESE// *YOU STINK* I'll spray you febreeze//
I'm the wordplay warlord. the warlord of wrap..cum/come at your back
Come on attack.. fucking relapse.. You're falling from the precipice.. I SUMMON(SUMMIT) MY WRAPS
I'm a eon seer. killing this peon queer.. thinking I'm not unstoppable
I'm impossible to DEFEAT.. you're like a bad theather.. imPROPable
I'm SINACOG..wait a minute long.. and you'll sea you're in my shadow..
SIN WITH MATTER! WHETHER it's religion or science.. we'll always sin the cattle#SCARED
BEAR TRAPS to this guys mug.. air raps to this guys mug.. you're nothing
PENNY PINCHER.. I'll give you my 2 cents.. again.. FOUR FIT you're nothing!!
I'll always be one step ahead of you young lady.. PUN BABY
cause you're such a fat idiot.. you'll have PUNS BABY#BIGPUNSUCKS
I'm no ordinary emcee. I SQUEEZE the trigger.. you're a feeble nigger//
disease in rivers.. besiege the twitter hoe with seas of splinters//
PLEASE DELIVER PIZZA DINNERR> you fuck overweight nigger//
SAFE SPLINTERS like reality warping.. cake butter..this bitch can't cook..cake bitter..//
RATE NIGGER!?? I'll give you a megaton=/10 happy now//
FOR you stood up from the spider position// who's fapping now
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Old 09-14-2023, 10:11 AM   #349
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The King of Mountain Sinai --

Acreage, Mountain of Sinai; displaying triumph and dignity
Simplicity, sympathy; inclining lions and history
Pious with chemistry; isles of infinity
I am Andrew Flores; with iris of mystery
For I am the Potent supplier of words
Potent with fire will burn; Amaterasu
Black fire burning hell's flames;
I am Andrew Flores with hell's reign
I am Sinacog, I've been the GOD
Kissing Frogs with sickening jaws
The lion and the mouse; the iris on the prowl
Iron in the house; supplying from the spouse
I am Sinacog; I fucked a zillion woman
Swimming in woman; I sleep with the fishes
I am on Mountain Sinai; Mounting a woman
Counting the crows that bows it's head for the cattle
I am in battle; I killed the horse with the saddle
For it wanted water; but got slaughtered
I am the son of GOD; singing songs
ZING OF KONG; I've been the God
I am Andrew James Flores; King of Christinaity
Apthy; forsaken wishes on the bath of your majesty
I am atrophy; killing the calvary
The alliance of on perosn; is a lion of majesty's..
Iron and calvary; fire and brimstone..
Iris of shin bone; was the KING CYRUS of a lion that was known
I am Andrew James Flores; KING OF MOUNTAIN SINAI
I mounted; and read law instead of Scripture
Get the picture; I am God of the Universe
Facade is the stupid curse golden calf from the sheathe of hurt
I am the Lion of Majesty; eating the cows and chickens
The vow is wicked; every ounce is crickets
In the early morning dew; I ate the mourning dew
Source of Blues was not eating it; a journey through the tune
I am King of planet X having sex
Blasphemous sets; seen as threat..

The DEMON --

I am the cross shinebone of a fucking Lion; I am the iris
Fucking lions; catapaulting them to pieces; phlegm of Jesus
I am the cattle destoryer; the ounce of death
Owls are threats; LILETH WAS killed and devoured till' death
Hours are left before I finish my test..
Diminish a threat in the relinquishment of death
I am Sincog; killing apathy and atrophy
Sympathy of SYMPHONYS' the sickplicity of evening kings
I decapiated the head of a thousand lions
Proud of ZION for it's disguisting prowlness
I am SINAI; the king of the world
I drowned sharks and whales till' botomless pearls
I am the king of dystonia; been the kin and king of utopia
Been at large to small creatures; till' they saw the mouse kill the lion
Every ounce of respect; I ordered zillions of rulers
For I am a demon killing the devil as a dueler
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Old 10-13-2023, 03:00 PM   #350
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This joker’s lost his marbles, it’s comically awful thinking I’ll “Marvel” at hype and glam
& I’ll “unleash Venom at Karnage thru the Web” til he’s Crying Uncle in part two of Spiderman!
You’ll disappear off Earth..just like Amelia Earnhart, your greatest failure is plane to sea
Talkin’ titles? “Mars made sure Karnage wasn’t displayed” like the aliens came in peace!
Able to rip Rev? Someone gave you a big head..til we see a guillotine, it’s off with your neck!
So as far as the ego goes, “In Karn, it’ll get crushed”, so he can really see his God in the flesh!
His sparks pathetic, you’re less online than the Amish, fuck all the fire your sentences start to credit
You won’t go to war, Ghandi! “Carn’ll lay in the pasture” like a sick farming fetish!
Accepted & now Karn’ll rue the gesture, give me the crown, clown! Start to cue the jester
Your performance is a joke..HoF? “Karnage shouldn’t be in that class” like a Martin Luther lecture!
We all know Tony put a Dark Mark on your record, it’s almost like Voldemort was tossin’ favors!
Beat til no brakes are left, ironic “Kar, Phax showcased your wreck”, like a known source for AutoTrader!
You’ve been known at least a while..for “bitch-made shots in title sequences” like Mona Lisa Smile
Humble pie? Give me a fuckin' knife, plus “Tony’s cut up a slice” without trips to a Frozen Pizza Aisle!!

Sini the purple dragon; I'LL burn this faggot -- hurt this maggot..
Burn the magnum -- only time we get gems from merchant practice..
You're Cody phoenix.. a fucking pleb with a spider belly..
You're a stinker.. with a smell so bad.. the sight/site is smelly..
I have the tighter blitzscreen.. the number 1 in the universe..
I drop gems.. we''ll u just rhyme stupid words..
I'm a fiber optic.. tight toxic.. fight atomic
I'm a fast got burnt by a AMAETERSU fire comet..
In digusting're nothing.. you're a dragon and I'm a raptor
This is the rapture.. and ''it's over'' when I RAP WORDS
I'm atomic.. you're nothing like that.. you carry a knife
You're a joke.. when u hold ur pistol is the only time ur blaring on site..
U 4chan nerd.. always online.. posting poetry..
I know a punch hurts.. wait till' i damage ur nose ring..
I'm tighter than vagina.. u eat mc's? i eat sushi..
i defeated this guy in a rap battle.. yes i eat pussy..
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Old 10-13-2023, 03:36 PM   #351
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Fuck I hoped you were dead.
He listens to voices inside of his mind
Explicit and poisonous violent crime.

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Old 11-02-2023, 08:48 AM   #352
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Topical --

The Alliance of new Dignity..

I once was a man not a woman, a dragon bunch..
Dragon dutch, say too much..staying clutch..
I am Sinacog, I rolled fire and brimstone into a ciggarette..
Swimming pirrouttes, bayonet..dragon's breath..
Faggot's death, I am Sinacog.. I've been the stone..
Sin and bone, sin and chrome, sin and stone
The mighty death of people is my steeple cathedral
Jesus Christ, GOd ZEUS,, death with a needle..
the fire of dragons melted many shields
Swords have gone through plenty yields
Sin and wield the sword OF XCALIBUR..
I am SINACOG.. i will never have a new dignity..
One day my divinity will be with sweet serenity..

Sweet divinity with evening kings and XCALBUR
I kill next challengers and best amateurs..
The death of breaths is my shield
I am SINACOG, the greatest writer of all time..
I am a millipede snake climbing from spines..
I kill many crimes with swords and trumpets
Each glorious legend stands trumphant..

with muskets and swords and trumpets and lords
Buckets of Porn,, buffering ZORN
For I am king of Netcee's,, the best vex king
Having sex with dress queens in the best scene..
I am the seventh seal,,threats yield
I put the bible with a death seal..
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Old 11-02-2023, 09:05 AM   #353
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Default Glistening' Rainbow --

There once was' a Leperchaun who was a leper as-well, his essence controlled his pressence had dwelled
He was locked in a cell, he didn't like cents anymore, the yore galore -- prince of the poor
Together they nailed it, him and the rainbow -- time after time -- bunch after bunch..
When one rainy day..something happended to the Leperchaun -- A FISH'S ASCENSION SAID.. do not trust money anymore..
Do I still trust the rainbow, with the same glow? WITH MY HALO AND i'm a angel, I didn't expect it..
I didn't want to neglect the money.. but A FISH'S ASCENSION SAID.. give the money to me.. SO I DID..
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Old 11-03-2023, 04:21 AM   #354
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all my shit I had saved up when I clowend like 100% of niggas who thought they were good back in the day when text battling was a thing...

zoopp zupp zoop... (audio daily double, MF doof reference).. yeah I got that shit saved in a text document from when I was a kid... nigga im in my mid 30's been clowning people on text shit since I was a child... and I still will
I just figured out how to change this.
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Old 11-03-2023, 04:23 AM   #355
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hoped you had died
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Old 11-03-2023, 04:25 AM   #356
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and my audios were fire... nah they were horrible... consisted of me and my brother using a microphone that came with a gateway 2000 computer, yelling out neighborhoods around where we lived with...

but gotta admit it was pretty dope
I just figured out how to change this.
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Old 11-03-2023, 04:29 AM   #357
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we just yelled out bronx finest, and then every single other neighborhood in the area... it was no rapping, just that haha.

But not bad for a gateway 2000 microphone.. I actually can rap.. I don't do it and never tried to as like.. a job or took it seriously or anything, but my old ass can still spit bars i'llll betcha
I just figured out how to change this.
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Old 11-03-2023, 04:30 AM   #358
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we don't die we multiply --- bay bay kids
I just figured out how to change this.
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Old 11-03-2023, 04:35 AM   #359
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I just tried to read anything that dude wrote... come on now.. is that like an AI simulation or something, like beta test or some shit.

if that dude is serious with that he's either retarded or hella high or... autistic or some shit. thats like a retard AI Bot for real.
I just figured out how to change this.
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Old 11-08-2023, 04:00 AM   #360
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The FOUR little PIGS..

There once' was four little pigs,, bellitting zigs,, shit the wig..
EXISITED KIDS WHO DIDN't like being bacon stripes..shit the lid..
When one day the order from the thought police came from bane
Existed mace that was in a different place,, exsisted ways..
It was.. there time to go to torture.. and be SLAUGHTERED..

ONE BUILT A BRICK HOUSE so they we'erent bothered..
The slaughter of horses and cows happen,, the elapsing..
RAPPIGN RAPPING RAPPING at your door.. metal whores..
Settle scores.. settle wars..bending swords..bending wars..
I am the fourth little pig in order to save my family we built a brick house..
I didn't enjoy being the torture captain so I was rapping..

I told them to come my way.. and they came/cum..
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