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Old 11-26-2023, 04:40 PM   #1
Senior Member
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Rep Power: 3853346
Frank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant future
Arrow The Official Season XII Preseason Sign-Up Thread:

Season XII!

Lets Go!!!!!!!

The Greatest Topical Competition On The World Wide Web

Starting Monday, December 25th: Vetwork Productions, Proudly Presents

Season XII:
The Twelve Commandments

“contest is scheduled for one fall!”


"this bout is scheduled for 12 rounds!"



@Certain @Adverse @UnbornBuddha @Vulgar @dead man @Pent uP @PancakeBrah @veritas @RichardCorey @White Earl @sral @MMLP @Zen @Wise Wiggles @big baby @Mr. J @Eŋg @Hush @Ghost1 @zygote @dull boy @CopyPat @2tripple0 @Witty @oats @Split Eight @Pinot Grij @Just Write @Cimmerian @JESODIST @Nigma @Soulstice @ill nik-A @Eviscerate @Mercy @e11even @Rawn MD @Lars @Fig @patrown @breathless @Inno @Dove Dozer @IamBenT @ThisisDAM @Atheist @ZeeDee @Diode @dyedinthewool @Dank @timeless @Universe @Three-Planes-Aligned @King Ra. @Orc @Cashius @Adonis @Darth Yoda @namix @Brian Bryan @TYSON @Bodey @Artifice @Blue Bayou @Scar @Eviction @Dominate @~RustyGunZ~ @Master Rock @Objective @NYCSPITZ @Nigma @Sinacog @Cereal @ACTIVATE SELF @MaCe @Dope girl @Concrete @Answer @Pharaohs Army @asylum @YDK @Spoken @Tha Pastor Reach Yeah @Soule @Urban Dialect @Aesthetic @Alice @White LGI @Pakistani Hand Cannon @Chyeahhh!!! @Shredder @john hensley @Etherwave@uh-oh @Concrete @Johnny 6 feet @Headless Verseman @Joko @EtH @Atheist @Johnathon Mercy @PiE @Seyance @Maximus @Sn00p @Ullr @Strikta @Sharp @Aero @kungfugrip @R!canTheoryz @Fracture @Clout @i single @UserName @Barcotic @Bobby D @Camp Bell @Coup @Darker Ego @Immolate @High Voltage @ribbit @david stern razor burns @Mike Wrecka
@Razah @brokenhal0 @Ink

@Certain @UnbornBuddha @Vulgar @PancakeBrah @veritas @RichardCorey @White Earl @Zen @Wise Wiggles @big baby @Mr. J @Eŋg @Hush @Ghost1 @zygote @dull boy @CopyPat @2tripple0 @Witty @Split Eight @Pinot Grij @Just Write @Cimmerian @JESODIST @Nigma @Soulstice @ill nik-A @Eviscerate @Mercy @Rawn MD @Fig @patrown @breathless @Dove Dozer @IamBenT @ThisisDAM @Atheist @Diode @dyedinthewool @Three-Planes-Aligned @King Ra. @Orc @Cashius @Darth Yoda @namix @TYSON @Pent uP @Bodey @Artifice @~RustyGunZ~ @Objective @Nigma @Sinacog @ACTIVATE SELF @Concrete @Answer @asylum @YDK @Spoken @~RustyGunZ~ @Tha Pastor Reach Yeah @Soule @Urban Dialect @Aesthetic @Alice @White LGI @Pakistani Hand Cannon @sacrifice @Chyeahhh!!! @Shredder @john hensley @Etherwave@uh-oh @Inno @Johnny 6 feet @Headless Verseman @Joko @EtH @Atheist @Johnathon Mercy @PiE @Seyance
@oats @Maximus @Sn00p @Ullr @Strikta @Sharp @Aero @Fracture @Clout @i single @UserName @Barcotic @Bobby D @Camp Bell @Coup @Darker Ego @Immolate @High Voltage @ribbit @david stern razor burns @Exoduzt @Angkor @rakontur @Bladed Thesis @EtH @Cormier @fraze @Argh @The Law @Razah @Exis @Maximus @Flow@detour @trajik @trap @WZA @Scripter @Vinzr @Answer @Anjahl @Clayray @Defiant @Echo @Profit @Greed @corleone @Que @Saint @Dominate @Quil @dead man @Zuo @Blue Bayou @Cereal @NYCSPITZ @Adonis @Split
@Geno @Vandl @Ryno @e11even @Adverse @Dope girl @symetrik @Scar @Bladed Thesis @Civil Rawr xD @ZeeDee @Scar
@Etherwave @namesake @Defy Gravity @Aesthetic @Fig @Nigma @Plot @Dove Dozer @patrown @Atheist @Scripter @YDK @Zenland @Pinot Grij @Just Write @Ink @breathless @lexicon @shogun dinero @storyteller @Cope @Alice @Rude @runade @Ullr @Sammy @SELF activate @ACTIVATE SELF @zyg @TYSON @ThisisDAM @mordycai @Just Write @vivdlyvague @Nigma @Echo @Amen @Suthaveli @King Ra. @bleak @asylum @Blas @Lenox @John Dillinger @Lucipher Howlz @Dynomight @Big Bolo @Razah @infiltrate @Mr. J @Score @Maximus @Exis @Artifice @jit @Lyme da Zeez @SMaSH @Prozac @Ryno @Wuxia @Split Eight @woosah @wasim @Defiant @Greed @CopyPat @david stern razor burns @Camp Bell @timeless @Stranger @Cormier @windu @Listen @kannon @Dominate @Zen @trajik @Arid @Systemic Infection @oats @bane baby @Saila @Awww Shit @Slechtn @Zaddy @legion @Coup @Insanevillain @e11even @wear shhh @emurgencee @The Law @Alice White @Tom @Og smokinstein @Concrete @Adverse @BigSoundz @neutral @Wise Wiggles @H4ZE @Bladed Thesis @JustRap @Bad Lieutenant @Dragon @Spoken @Lyfzaa Gamble @Clout @josh s @Chyeahhh!!! @Scar @fraze @Gunzo @DMS @Capital J @Immolate @dyedinthewool @Mitch @Culture @BraGGin Rights @Joko @Lyriscologist @Live heat @Vapeo @HalfTab @Illume @Quarter O @Mediocrity @Nice @rothschild @iR0N tHUND3R @Mr.Sinister @voidformula @Angkor @Malachi @Hamato Yoshi @Egocentric @Matriarch @Foxx @330 @Exoduzt @Brass Body @ShysT @Xces @Venom @IamBenT @Ox @Sn00p @BR Joe @Split @SiK @namix @Mr. J @Adverse @Red glare @jux @Toil @ill nik-A @zee dee @RichardCorey @jonathan mercy @sacrifice @Soulstice @pulse @Cimmerian @anime_boners @wasim @topicaldood5 @Saint @label @Kiki @fairydance2000 @Eviscerate @CRB @WZA @Brenn @Clayray @fresh @Texcellence @Mc Hype @Mike rips Mics @Verb @Bender @Abakus @Ttothe2 @HighEngineChief @logicprops @Aqwafina @Badweather @DexLabb @Batty @Neighbor @Poodz @cyph her @CJ the Poet @thewinnerallday @Kin @Megacito @EtH @erebus @gitto138 @Richard Schwartz @Alphadog @Free @blueflamez @Paradigm @Eŋg @beegee @Nicasso @SupaDave @AndyHiro @Mercy @KOSMOSIS @n10tional malice @Hiatus @Phanes @SpookyDeep @KennyCerealBowl @enigma @Lost in Thought @Scrollz @holocene @Luc Chang @Rugged Jus @ wickid @ribbit @Mutilate @Truth Iscariot @Devil @Ammo @Maniac @DerogatedD @FreezyCT @mayniuhh @King Soul @Gina @Blaccalicious @emcee squared @Nameflip @Half Wit It @Vlad @Dearg @Kold Breeze @Phawnex @Marc_Tesla @MadVerbs @Darius Da Terrible @Cool Hand @PiE @Coup Da Villain @Bodey @Tre the ABC Dorian @Sykonaut @Dabble MC @Reza @Rhymesake @FLOOR LINED @Otto Peighlaught @JESODIST @Just Belief @maurko @Thryjoe @MystyEyez @pamelnane @Final Boss @WRATH @Adonis @Ness @Do Not Reply @Gunplay @Deluzion @Elemental P @Problumatic @Immaculate @Darker Ego @cousin heat @Sovereign @crooked ways @Sunny @BodySnatcher @iLL ScriptureZ @Wutzit Tewya @Pronotfound @Introvert @Immolate @Kenny @Vammy @Qualm @Surplus @Debut MC @Prozac @Jayson Fresh @HollaFrontOG @Wise Wiggles @HalfTab @Sharp @UnoQuattroThres @grindin @Breh321 @C Raw @EndSane @Flak @Loose Logic @fenix osiris @J C @lyric ali @VENgeanc @willymuff2 @super pimp trillionaire @Jimbo @Matricks @Anjahl @voidformula @Nice @Smooth @Pyro @fuckoff @FR33KtheG33K @Scripter @Neal Rigga @Boredom @Defy Gravity @jdeek @Anonymous @Rawn MD @Figgly Wiggly @pup @Mael @143 @Deranged Change @Brain Thief @Arsenium @CymbiCort @Tic @Sho Money EMG @Nahhh @Celph Taut @Kaeo Seru @Kscott2 @Cashius @MarylandMade @Gazette @Albert Rhymestein @Big Tree @Word @dancake @Joel Venom @High Voltage @Dust @trap. @Slowhands @Atomic @Advocate @Minds @Battle Hymns @Jessica @InCizion @BottomUp Raps @Rap Maestro @Greed @Lotto Smirk @El Muffin @pulse @Larkin @ALIEN @wise @sutherland @blak tha don @Xquisite @sound @Deon @MetaSin @c. Gaffle @ideals @servical @calefaction @plague @KempoMRK @sir bling @odds @odd ways @King David @dolla @morehits @Final Chapta @jowelz @Marcus Aurelius @phuck yew @Sintro @Cunt @Meth @Alphabet @young philly @arch @Swerve @h.t @vivify @phryme @catalyst @deception @Seyance @Tettris @lefty @murda morris @maabsta @snatch @n. Tavarez @lyrs @Ronic @Plot @Creasey @Utmost @Xnub @Decibel @142 @330 @Abakus @ACTIVATE SELF @Adonis @Advocate @Aero @Aesthetic @Albert Rhymestein @Alice @Alice White @alen knight @Alphadog @Ammo @andy hiro @Angkor @Anjahl @Anonymous @Answer @Aqwafina @Arid @Arsenium @Artifice @asylum @Atheist @Atomic @Bad Lieutenant @Badweather @Battle Hymns @Batty @beegee @Bender @big baby @Big Tree @BigSoundz @Blaccalicious @Bladed Thesis @bleak @Blue Bayou @blueflamez @Bobby D @Bodey @BodySnatcher @Boredom @BottomUp Raps @BR Joe @BraGGin Rights @Brain Thief @Brass Body @breathless @Breh321 @Brenn @Brian Bryan @brokenhal0 @BWHAHA @Bxyunggritty
@C Raw @Camp Bell @Capital J @Cashius @Celph Taut @Cereal @Cereal_Killa @Certain @Chyeahhh!!! @cinmerian @CJ the Poet @Clayray @Clout @Cody Phoenix @Concrete @Cool Hand @CopyPat @corleone @Coup @Coup Da Villain @cousin heat @CRB @CrookedWays @Culture @Current faggot @CymbiCort @cyph her @Da BattleMasta Patrick @Dagel @Darius Da Terrible @darker eho @Darth Yoda @Dave @david stern razor burns @dead man @Dearg @Debut MC @Deffinition @Defy Gravity @Deluzion @Deranged Change @DerogatedD @Destroyer @Devil @DexLabb @Diode @DjFlame @DMS @Dominate @Dope girl @Dove Dozer @Dragon @dull boy @Dust @dyedinthewool
@e11even @EbadiBeats @Echo @Ego @Egocentric @El Muffin @Elemental P @emcee squared @emurgencee @EndSane @enigma @EtH @Etherwave @Eviscerate @Exis @Exoduzt @Eŋg
@fairydance2000 @fathead @Fig @Figgly Wiggly @Final Boss @Flak @FLOOR LINED @Flow @FLOW. @Foxx @FR33KtheG33K @Frank @Frank Metts @Frankie the Machine @fraze @FreezyCT @fresh @Friend Zone Fred Zim @fuckoff
@Gazette @Geno @Ghost1 @Gina @gitto138 @God Of War @Greed @grindin @Gunplay @Gunzo @H4ZE @Half Wit It @HalfTab @Hamato Yoshi @Headless Verseman @Hiatus @High Voltage @HighEngineChief @HollaFrontOG @holocene @House of Leaves @Hush
@IamBenT @ill nik-A @iLL ScriptureZ @Illume @Immaculate @Immolate @InCizion @Ink @Inno @Introvert @iR0N tHUND3R @Izzy Reef @J C @JaysonFresh @jdeek @JESODIST @Jessica @Jimbo @Joel Venom @john hensley @Johnny 6-feet @Joko @josh s @Just Belief @Just Write @JustRap @Kaeo Seru @Kenny @KennyCerealBowl @Kiki @Kin @King Soul @Kold Breeze @KOSMOSIS @Kscott2 @kungfugrip @Lecture @Lenox @Listen @Live heat @LOGIC PROPS @Loose Logic @Lost in Thought @Luc Chang @Lucipher Howlz @Lyfzaa Gamble @lyric ali @lyrisologist @Mac @MaCe @MadVerbs @Mael @Malachi @Malevolent @Maniac @Marc_Tesla @MarylandMade @MAS GRĀV @Master Rock @Matriarch @Matricks @maurko @Maximus @mayniuhh @Mc Hype @Mediocrity @Megacito @Mercy @Mike rips Mics @Mike Wrecka @mimic @Minds @Miss Netcees @Mitch @MMLP @Mr. J @Mr.Sinister @Mutilate @MystyEyez @N10tionalMalice @Nahhh @Nameflip @namix @Natural @Neal Rigga @Neighbor @Ness @neutral @Nicasso @Nice @Nigma @NYCSPITZ @oats @Objective @Orc @Otto Peighlaught @Panelnane @Paradigm @patrown @Pent uP @Phanes @PiE @Pinot Grij @Plot @Poodz @PotatoSackLegend @Problumatic @Pronotfound @pup @Pyro @Qualm @Quarter O @rahim @Rap Maestro @Rawn m.d. @razor wayans damon blades @Red glare @Reza @Rhymesake @ribbit @Richard Schwartz @ROETHLISBERGER @Rojo187 @rothschild @Rugged Jus @Ryno @sacrifice @Saila @Saint @Sammy @Scar @Scripter @Scrollz @Sharp @Sho Money EMG @Shredder @ShysT @SiK @Sinacog @Slechtn @Slowhands @Smod of War @Smooth @something @Soule @Soulstice @Split @Split Eight @Spoken @SpookyDeep @sral @StarFaggot @Strikta @Sunny @SupaDave @super pimp trillionaire @superboy estar legend @Surplus @Sykonaut @symetrik @Template @Terror wrist @testube @Texcellence @Tha Pastor Reach Yeah @The Law @THE REAL CAPTAIN OBVIOUS @The youngest boss. @theMuzzl3 @thewinnerallday @ThisisDAM @Thryjoe @Tic @TIGERSPITZ @timeless @Tom @TOP iLL DRAGSTER TWO @trap. @Trag. @trajik @Tre The ABC Darian @Truth Iscariot @Ttothe2 @Tyler Black @UnbornBuddha @Unfukwitable @Universe @UnoQuattroThres @Vammy @Vapeo @VENgeanc @Venom @Verb @veritas @VersAstYLe @Vlad @Void @voidformula @Vulgar @White LGI @Wickid @willymuff2 @Wise Wiggles @Witty @Word @WRATH @Wutzit Tewya @Wuxia @WZA @Xces @YDK @Zaddy @ZeeDee @Zen @Zombie @zygote[/MENTION Universe @Diablo


Last edited by Frank; 11-26-2023 at 09:24 PM.
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Old 11-26-2023, 04:50 PM   #2
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2001
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Rep Power: 3853346
Frank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant futureFrank has a brilliant future

Season XII: The Twelve Commandments
Art of Writing League

1. symetrik
2. Dope girl
3. Vandl
4. Zuo
5. Objective
6. Master Rock
7. Adverse
8. Soule
9. Cereal_Killa
10. Brokenhal0
11. Diablo
12. Scar
13. Larkin
14. Adonis
16. Mike Wrecka
17. MMLP
18. Sinacog

@Certain @Adverse @UnbornBuddha @Vulgar @dead man @Pent uP @PancakeBrah @veritas @RichardCorey @White Earl @sral @MMLP @Zen @Wise Wiggles @big baby @Mr. J @Eŋg @Hush @Ghost1 @zygote @dull boy @CopyPat @2tripple0 @Witty @oats @Split Eight @Pinot Grij @Just Write @Cimmerian @JESODIST @Nigma @Soulstice @ill nik-A @Eviscerate @Mercy @e11even @Rawn MD @Lars @Fig @patrown @breathless @Inno @Dove Dozer @IamBenT @ThisisDAM @Atheist @ZeeDee @Diode @dyedinthewool @Dank @timeless @Universe @Three-Planes-Aligned @King Ra. @Orc @Cashius @Adonis @Darth Yoda @namix @Brian Bryan @TYSON @Bodey @Artifice @Blue Bayou @Scar @Eviction @Dominate @~RustyGunZ~ @Master Rock @Objective @NYCSPITZ @Nigma @Sinacog @Cereal @ACTIVATE SELF @MaCe @Dope girl @Concrete @Answer @Pharaohs Army @asylum @YDK @Spoken @Tha Pastor Reach Yeah @Soule @Urban Dialect @Aesthetic @Alice @White LGI @Pakistani Hand Cannon @Chyeahhh!!! @Shredder @john hensley @Etherwave@uh-oh @Concrete @Johnny 6 feet @Headless Verseman @Joko @EtH @Atheist @Johnathon Mercy @PiE @Seyance @Maximus @Sn00p @Ullr @Strikta @Sharp @Aero @kungfugrip @R!canTheoryz @Fracture @Clout @i single @UserName @Barcotic @Bobby D @Camp Bell @Coup @Darker Ego @Immolate @High Voltage @ribbit @david stern razor burns @Mike Wrecka
@Razah @brokenhal0 @Ink

@Certain @UnbornBuddha @Vulgar @PancakeBrah @veritas @RichardCorey @White Earl @Zen @Wise Wiggles @big baby @Mr. J @Eŋg @Hush @Ghost1 @zygote @dull boy @CopyPat @2tripple0 @Witty @Split Eight @Pinot Grij @Just Write @Cimmerian @JESODIST @Nigma @Soulstice @ill nik-A @Eviscerate @Mercy @Rawn MD @Fig @patrown @breathless @Dove Dozer @IamBenT @ThisisDAM @Atheist @Diode @dyedinthewool @Three-Planes-Aligned @King Ra. @Orc @Cashius @Darth Yoda @namix @TYSON @Pent uP @Bodey @Artifice @~RustyGunZ~ @Objective @Nigma @Sinacog @ACTIVATE SELF @Concrete @Answer @asylum @YDK @Spoken @~RustyGunZ~ @Tha Pastor Reach Yeah @Soule @Urban Dialect @Aesthetic @Alice @White LGI @Pakistani Hand Cannon @sacrifice @Chyeahhh!!! @Shredder @john hensley @Etherwave@uh-oh @Inno @Johnny 6 feet @Headless Verseman @Joko @EtH @Atheist @Johnathon Mercy @PiE @Seyance
@oats @Maximus @Sn00p @Ullr @Strikta @Sharp @Aero @Fracture @Clout @i single @UserName @Barcotic @Bobby D @Camp Bell @Coup @Darker Ego @Immolate @High Voltage @ribbit @david stern razor burns @Exoduzt @Angkor @rakontur @Bladed Thesis @EtH @Cormier @fraze @Argh @The Law @Razah @Exis @Maximus @Flow@detour @trajik @trap @WZA @Scripter @Vinzr @Answer @Anjahl @Clayray @Defiant @Echo @Profit @Greed @corleone @Que @Saint @Dominate @Quil @dead man @Zuo @Blue Bayou @Cereal @NYCSPITZ @Adonis @Split
@Geno @Vandl @Ryno @e11even @Adverse @Dope girl @symetrik @Scar @Bladed Thesis @Civil Rawr xD @ZeeDee @Scar
@Etherwave @namesake @Defy Gravity @Aesthetic @Fig @Nigma @Plot @Dove Dozer @patrown @Atheist @Scripter @YDK @Zenland @Pinot Grij @Just Write @Ink @breathless @lexicon @shogun dinero @storyteller @Cope @Alice @Rude @runade @Ullr @Sammy @SELF activate @ACTIVATE SELF @zyg @TYSON @ThisisDAM @mordycai @Just Write @vivdlyvague @Nigma @Echo @Amen @Suthaveli @King Ra. @bleak @asylum @Blas @Lenox @John Dillinger @Lucipher Howlz @Dynomight @Big Bolo @Razah @infiltrate @Mr. J @Score @Maximus @Exis @Artifice @jit @Lyme da Zeez @SMaSH @Prozac @Ryno @Wuxia @Split Eight @woosah @wasim @Defiant @Greed @CopyPat @david stern razor burns @Camp Bell @timeless @Stranger @Cormier @windu @Listen @kannon @Dominate @Zen @trajik @Arid @Systemic Infection @oats @bane baby @Saila @Awww Shit @Slechtn @Zaddy @legion @Coup @Insanevillain @e11even @wear shhh @emurgencee @The Law @Alice White @Tom @Og smokinstein @Concrete @Adverse @BigSoundz @neutral @Wise Wiggles @H4ZE @Bladed Thesis @JustRap @Bad Lieutenant @Dragon @Spoken @Lyfzaa Gamble @Clout @josh s @Chyeahhh!!! @Scar @fraze @Gunzo @DMS @Capital J @Immolate @dyedinthewool @Mitch @Culture @BraGGin Rights @Joko @Lyriscologist @Live heat @Vapeo @HalfTab @Illume @Quarter O @Mediocrity @Nice @rothschild @iR0N tHUND3R @Mr.Sinister @voidformula @Angkor @Malachi @Hamato Yoshi @Egocentric @Matriarch @Foxx @330 @Exoduzt @Brass Body @ShysT @Xces @Venom @IamBenT @Ox @Sn00p @BR Joe @Split @SiK @namix @Mr. J @Adverse @Red glare @jux @Toil @ill nik-A @zee dee @RichardCorey @jonathan mercy @sacrifice @Soulstice @pulse @Cimmerian @anime_boners @wasim @topicaldood5 @Saint @label @Kiki @fairydance2000 @Eviscerate @CRB @WZA @Brenn @Clayray @fresh @Texcellence @Mc Hype @Mike rips Mics @Verb @Bender @Abakus @Ttothe2 @HighEngineChief @logicprops @Aqwafina @Badweather @DexLabb @Batty @Neighbor @Poodz @cyph her @CJ the Poet @thewinnerallday @Kin @Megacito @EtH @erebus @gitto138 @Richard Schwartz @Alphadog @Free @blueflamez @Paradigm @Eŋg @beegee @Nicasso @SupaDave @AndyHiro @Mercy @KOSMOSIS @n10tional malice @Hiatus @Phanes @SpookyDeep @KennyCerealBowl @enigma @Lost in Thought @Scrollz @holocene @Luc Chang @Rugged Jus @ wickid @ribbit @Mutilate @Truth Iscariot @Devil @Ammo @Maniac @DerogatedD @FreezyCT @mayniuhh @King Soul @Gina @Blaccalicious @emcee squared @Nameflip @Half Wit It @Vlad @Dearg @Kold Breeze @Phawnex @Marc_Tesla @MadVerbs @Darius Da Terrible @Cool Hand @PiE @Coup Da Villain @Bodey @Tre the ABC Dorian @Sykonaut @Dabble MC @Reza @Rhymesake @FLOOR LINED @Otto Peighlaught @JESODIST @Just Belief @maurko @Thryjoe @MystyEyez @pamelnane @Final Boss @WRATH @Adonis @Ness @Do Not Reply @Gunplay @Deluzion @Elemental P @Problumatic @Immaculate @Darker Ego @cousin heat @Sovereign @crooked ways @Sunny @BodySnatcher @iLL ScriptureZ @Wutzit Tewya @Pronotfound @Introvert @Immolate @Kenny @Vammy @Qualm @Surplus @Debut MC @Prozac @Jayson Fresh @HollaFrontOG @Wise Wiggles @HalfTab @Sharp @UnoQuattroThres @grindin @Breh321 @C Raw @EndSane @Flak @Loose Logic @fenix osiris @J C @lyric ali @VENgeanc @willymuff2 @super pimp trillionaire @Jimbo @Matricks @Anjahl @voidformula @Nice @Smooth @Pyro @fuckoff @FR33KtheG33K @Scripter @Neal Rigga @Boredom @Defy Gravity @jdeek @Anonymous @Rawn MD @Figgly Wiggly @pup @Mael @143 @Deranged Change @Brain Thief @Arsenium @CymbiCort @Tic @Sho Money EMG @Nahhh @Celph Taut @Kaeo Seru @Kscott2 @Cashius @MarylandMade @Gazette @Albert Rhymestein @Big Tree @Word @dancake @Joel Venom @High Voltage @Dust @trap. @Slowhands @Atomic @Advocate @Minds @Battle Hymns @Jessica @InCizion @BottomUp Raps @Rap Maestro @Greed @Lotto Smirk @El Muffin @pulse @Larkin @ALIEN @wise @sutherland @blak tha don @Xquisite @sound @Deon @MetaSin @c. Gaffle @ideals @servical @calefaction @plague @KempoMRK @sir bling @odds @odd ways @King David @dolla @morehits @Final Chapta @jowelz @Marcus Aurelius @phuck yew @Sintro @Cunt @Meth @Alphabet @young philly @arch @Swerve @h.t @vivify @phryme @catalyst @deception @Seyance @Tettris @lefty @murda morris @maabsta @snatch @n. Tavarez @lyrs @Ronic @Plot @Creasey @Utmost @Xnub @Decibel @142 @330 @Abakus @ACTIVATE SELF @Adonis @Advocate @Aero @Aesthetic @Albert Rhymestein @Alice @Alice White @alen knight @Alphadog @Ammo @andy hiro @Angkor @Anjahl @Anonymous @Answer @Aqwafina @Arid @Arsenium @Artifice @asylum @Atheist @Atomic @Bad Lieutenant @Badweather @Battle Hymns @Batty @beegee @Bender @big baby @Big Tree @BigSoundz @Blaccalicious @Bladed Thesis @bleak @Blue Bayou @blueflamez @Bobby D @Bodey @BodySnatcher @Boredom @BottomUp Raps @BR Joe @BraGGin Rights @Brain Thief @Brass Body @breathless @Breh321 @Brenn @Brian Bryan @brokenhal0 @BWHAHA @Bxyunggritty
@C Raw @Camp Bell @Capital J @Cashius @Celph Taut @Cereal @Cereal_Killa @Certain @Chyeahhh!!! @cinmerian @CJ the Poet @Clayray @Clout @Cody Phoenix @Concrete @Cool Hand @CopyPat @corleone @Coup @Coup Da Villain @cousin heat @CRB @CrookedWays @Culture @Current faggot @CymbiCort @cyph her @Da BattleMasta Patrick @Dagel @Darius Da Terrible @darker eho @Darth Yoda @Dave @david stern razor burns @dead man @Dearg @Debut MC @Deffinition @Defy Gravity @Deluzion @Deranged Change @DerogatedD @Destroyer @Devil @DexLabb @Diode @DjFlame @DMS @Dominate @Dope girl @Dove Dozer @Dragon @dull boy @Dust @dyedinthewool
@e11even @EbadiBeats @Echo @Ego @Egocentric @El Muffin @Elemental P @emcee squared @emurgencee @EndSane @enigma @EtH @Etherwave @Eviscerate @Exis @Exoduzt @Eŋg
@fairydance2000 @fathead @Fig @Figgly Wiggly @Final Boss @Flak @FLOOR LINED @Flow @FLOW. @Foxx @FR33KtheG33K @Frank @Frank Metts @Frankie the Machine @fraze @FreezyCT @fresh @Friend Zone Fred Zim @fuckoff
@Gazette @Geno @Ghost1 @Gina @gitto138 @God Of War @Greed @grindin @Gunplay @Gunzo @H4ZE @Half Wit It @HalfTab @Hamato Yoshi @Headless Verseman @Hiatus @High Voltage @HighEngineChief @HollaFrontOG @holocene @House of Leaves @Hush
@IamBenT @ill nik-A @iLL ScriptureZ @Illume @Immaculate @Immolate @InCizion @Ink @Inno @Introvert @iR0N tHUND3R @Izzy Reef @J C @JaysonFresh @jdeek @JESODIST @Jessica @Jimbo @Joel Venom @john hensley @Johnny 6-feet @Joko @josh s @Just Belief @Just Write @JustRap @Kaeo Seru @Kenny @KennyCerealBowl @Kiki @Kin @King Soul @Kold Breeze @KOSMOSIS @Kscott2 @kungfugrip @Lecture @Lenox @Listen @Live heat @LOGIC PROPS @Loose Logic @Lost in Thought @Luc Chang @Lucipher Howlz @Lyfzaa Gamble @lyric ali @lyrisologist @Mac @MaCe @MadVerbs @Mael @Malachi @Malevolent @Maniac @Marc_Tesla @MarylandMade @MAS GRĀV @Master Rock @Matriarch @Matricks @maurko @Maximus @mayniuhh @Mc Hype @Mediocrity @Megacito @Mercy @Mike rips Mics @Mike Wrecka @mimic @Minds @Miss Netcees @Mitch @MMLP @Mr. J @Mr.Sinister @Mutilate @MystyEyez @N10tionalMalice @Nahhh @Nameflip @namix @Natural @Neal Rigga @Neighbor @Ness @neutral @Nicasso @Nice @Nigma @NYCSPITZ @oats @Objective @Orc @Otto Peighlaught @Panelnane @Paradigm @patrown @Pent uP @Phanes @PiE @Pinot Grij @Plot @Poodz @PotatoSackLegend @Problumatic @Pronotfound @pup @Pyro @Qualm @Quarter O @rahim @Rap Maestro @Rawn m.d. @razor wayans damon blades @Red glare @Reza @Rhymesake @ribbit @Richard Schwartz @ROETHLISBERGER @Rojo187 @rothschild @Rugged Jus @Ryno @sacrifice @Saila @Saint @Sammy @Scar @Scripter @Scrollz @Sharp @Sho Money EMG @Shredder @ShysT @SiK @Sinacog @Slechtn @Slowhands @Smod of War @Smooth @something @Soule @Soulstice @Split @Split Eight @Spoken @SpookyDeep @sral @StarFaggot @Strikta @Sunny @SupaDave @super pimp trillionaire @superboy estar legend @Surplus @Sykonaut @symetrik @Template @Terror wrist @testube @Texcellence @Tha Pastor Reach Yeah @The Law @THE REAL CAPTAIN OBVIOUS @The youngest boss. @theMuzzl3 @thewinnerallday @ThisisDAM @Thryjoe @Tic @TIGERSPITZ @timeless @Tom @TOP iLL DRAGSTER TWO @trap. @Trag. @trajik @Tre The ABC Darian @Truth Iscariot @Ttothe2 @Tyler Black @UnbornBuddha @Unfukwitable @Universe @UnoQuattroThres @Vammy @Vapeo @VENgeanc @Venom @Verb @veritas @VersAstYLe @Vlad @Void @voidformula @Vulgar @White LGI @Wickid @willymuff2 @Wise Wiggles @Witty @Word @WRATH @Wutzit Tewya @Wuxia @WZA @Xces @YDK @Zaddy @ZeeDee @Zen @Zombie @zygote[/MENTION Universe @Diablo

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Old 12-01-2023, 04:03 PM   #3
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lmao this really starting Christmas Day though?
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Old 12-04-2023, 04:21 AM   #4
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Remember how much Frank complained the two seasons I ran this? Loool

Anyways I’m Down if this pops off
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Old 12-04-2023, 08:30 AM   #5
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I remember lol
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Old 12-09-2023, 08:47 PM   #6
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We got 8 so far. Keep it going
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Old 12-10-2023, 10:38 PM   #7
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im in
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Old 12-11-2023, 04:00 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by brokenhal0 View Post
im in
Don’t think I forgot your cutesy comment while the battle was still open. I never once spoke like that your direction before, you were out of order and owe me an apology.
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Old 12-11-2023, 04:34 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Diablo View Post
Don’t think I forgot your cutesy comment while the battle was still open. I never once spoke like that your direction before, you were out of order and owe me an apology.

Really, heels/faces, the whole professional wrestling theme Frank had going in the last league... To be honest, I felt my promo after the loss/open battle, if you want to call it that, really added much-needed energy to a somewhat lackluster tourney. Not to mention, I get criticized and penalized half the time I write by my opponents. Don't take it personally. I talk smack, but I back it up. Are you not convinced of those two victories you got over me? I appreciate your skills; you are one of the few who see beyond the veil of what I'm writing and motivate me to keep at it, so thanks for that. On that note, I will never apologize for anything I ever say, but I do respect you as a writer. I'm just having fun here. And the fact that I've been writing on internet hip-hop boards since the late '90s, '''' forums and others I forgot about, under the same name and still get questioned if I'm another writer's alias is kinda crazy to me. I've been on these boards long enough to know all walks of life, all sorts of agencies, gods, dirtbags, and pigs lurk amongst them. I rarely post anything other than keystyles and critiques. If my comments did get under your skin that much, just understand I was cutting a PROMO! Personally, I couldn't give a fuck less. I don't even apologize to my children after I beat them half unconscious or the deer I hunt and shoot in the face for fun.

I'm currently in 4 different leagues with sign-up dates going as far back as 2008-2009. I had mods delete some pretty cool bars I wrote just to add in some garbage verse of their own because they're part of the ''team''... How can I take this shit seriously ever? I'm just having fun. So hopefully, you're having fun too and not taking my shit-talking seriously. Let's be real here; a lot of mods on these hip-hop forums are wolves in sheep's clothing and little piggies whose house will eventually get burned down.

Last edited by brokenhal0; 12-11-2023 at 05:11 PM.
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Old 12-12-2023, 02:24 AM   #10
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When does this start?

Originally Posted by Wuxia
You're a really talented writer. And I've only ever said that to Baron Mynd.
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Old 12-12-2023, 07:19 PM   #11
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I remember the poplar trees
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Old 12-12-2023, 07:46 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Scar View Post
Quit laughing and sign in.
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Old 12-15-2023, 11:58 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Master Rock View Post
Quit laughing and sign in.
if youre running i will. if not, then no.
I remember the poplar trees
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Old 12-16-2023, 02:55 AM   #14
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franks running it but it'd be nice haven you in @Scar
curious más curioso y más curioso
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Old 12-16-2023, 05:30 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Scar View Post
if youre running i will. if not, then no.
You the scar that was on RB around like 2014-2016?

Originally Posted by Wuxia
You're a really talented writer. And I've only ever said that to Baron Mynd.
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Old 12-16-2023, 06:41 AM   #16
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yeh thats him
curious más curioso y más curioso
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Old 12-16-2023, 06:42 AM   #17
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raproyalty i think it was
curious más curioso y más curioso
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Old 12-16-2023, 09:30 AM   #18
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He might've been on RR too but I remember doing a Collab with a Scar and having him in my crew.

Originally Posted by Wuxia
You're a really talented writer. And I've only ever said that to Baron Mynd.
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Old 12-16-2023, 04:16 PM   #19
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Exclamation 12/25

@Certain @Adverse @UnbornBuddha @Vulgar @dead man @Pent uP @PancakeBrah @veritas @RichardCorey @White Earl @sral @MMLP @Zen @Wise Wiggles @big baby @Mr. J @Eŋg @Hush @Ghost1 @zygote @dull boy @CopyPat @2tripple0 @Witty @oats @Split Eight @Pinot Grij @Just Write @Cimmerian @JESODIST @Nigma @Soulstice @ill nik-A @Eviscerate @Mercy @e11even @Rawn MD @Lars @Fig @patrown @breathless @Inno @Dove Dozer @IamBenT @ThisisDAM @Atheist @ZeeDee @Diode @dyedinthewool @Dank @timeless @Universe @Three-Planes-Aligned @King Ra. @Orc @Cashius @Adonis @Darth Yoda @namix @Brian Bryan @TYSON @Bodey @Artifice @Blue Bayou @Scar @Eviction @Dominate @~RustyGunZ~ @Master Rock @Objective @NYCSPITZ @Nigma @Sinacog @Cereal @ACTIVATE SELF @MaCe @Dope girl @Concrete @Answer @Pharaohs Army @asylum @YDK @Spoken @Tha Pastor Reach Yeah @Soule @Urban Dialect @Aesthetic @Alice @White LGI @Pakistani Hand Cannon @Chyeahhh!!! @Shredder @john hensley @Etherwave@uh-oh @Concrete @Johnny 6 feet @Headless Verseman @Joko @EtH @Atheist @Johnathon Mercy @PiE @Seyance @Maximus @Sn00p @Ullr @Strikta @Sharp @Aero @kungfugrip @R!canTheoryz @Fracture @Clout @i single @UserName @Barcotic @Bobby D @Camp Bell @Coup @Darker Ego @Immolate @High Voltage @ribbit @david stern razor burns @Mike Wrecka
@Razah @brokenhal0 @Ink

@Certain @UnbornBuddha @Vulgar @PancakeBrah @veritas @RichardCorey @White Earl @Zen @Wise Wiggles @big baby @Mr. J @Eŋg @Hush @Ghost1 @zygote @dull boy @CopyPat @2tripple0 @Witty @Split Eight @Pinot Grij @Just Write @Cimmerian @JESODIST @Nigma @Soulstice @ill nik-A @Eviscerate @Mercy @Rawn MD @Fig @patrown @breathless @Dove Dozer @IamBenT @ThisisDAM @Atheist @Diode @dyedinthewool @Three-Planes-Aligned @King Ra. @Orc @Cashius @Darth Yoda @namix @TYSON @Pent uP @Bodey @Artifice @~RustyGunZ~ @Objective @Nigma @Sinacog @ACTIVATE SELF @Concrete @Answer @asylum @YDK @Spoken @~RustyGunZ~ @Tha Pastor Reach Yeah @Soule @Urban Dialect @Aesthetic @Alice @White LGI @Pakistani Hand Cannon @sacrifice @Chyeahhh!!! @Shredder @john hensley @Etherwave@uh-oh @Inno @Johnny 6 feet @Headless Verseman @Joko @EtH @Atheist @Johnathon Mercy @PiE @Seyance
@oats @Maximus @Sn00p @Ullr @Strikta @Sharp @Aero @Fracture @Clout @i single @UserName @Barcotic @Bobby D @Camp Bell @Coup @Darker Ego @Immolate @High Voltage @ribbit @david stern razor burns @Exoduzt @Angkor @rakontur @Bladed Thesis @EtH @Cormier @fraze @Argh @The Law @Razah @Exis @Maximus @Flow@detour @trajik @trap @WZA @Scripter @Vinzr @Answer @Anjahl @Clayray @Defiant @Echo @Profit @Greed @corleone @Que @Saint @Dominate @Quil @dead man @Zuo @Blue Bayou @Cereal @NYCSPITZ @Adonis @Split
@Geno @Vandl @Ryno @e11even @Adverse @Dope girl @symetrik @Scar @Bladed Thesis @Civil Rawr xD @ZeeDee @Scar
@Etherwave @namesake @Defy Gravity @Aesthetic @Fig @Nigma @Plot @Dove Dozer @patrown @Atheist @Scripter @YDK @Zenland @Pinot Grij @Just Write @Ink @breathless @lexicon @shogun dinero @storyteller @Cope @Alice @Rude @runade @Ullr @Sammy @SELF activate @ACTIVATE SELF @zyg @TYSON @ThisisDAM @mordycai @Just Write @vivdlyvague @Nigma @Echo @Amen @Suthaveli @King Ra. @bleak @asylum @Blas @Lenox @John Dillinger @Lucipher Howlz @Dynomight @Big Bolo @Razah @infiltrate @Mr. J @Score @Maximus @Exis @Artifice @jit @Lyme da Zeez @SMaSH @Prozac @Ryno @Wuxia @Split Eight @woosah @wasim @Defiant @Greed @CopyPat @david stern razor burns @Camp Bell @timeless @Stranger @Cormier @windu @Listen @kannon @Dominate @Zen @trajik @Arid @Systemic Infection @oats @bane baby @Saila @Awww Shit @Slechtn @Zaddy @legion @Coup @Insanevillain @e11even @wear shhh @emurgencee @The Law @Alice White @Tom @Og smokinstein @Concrete @Adverse @BigSoundz @neutral @Wise Wiggles @H4ZE @Bladed Thesis @JustRap @Bad Lieutenant @Dragon @Spoken @Lyfzaa Gamble @Clout @josh s @Chyeahhh!!! @Scar @fraze @Gunzo @DMS @Capital J @Immolate @dyedinthewool @Mitch @Culture @BraGGin Rights @Joko @Lyriscologist @Live heat @Vapeo @HalfTab @Illume @Quarter O @Mediocrity @Nice @rothschild @iR0N tHUND3R @Mr.Sinister @voidformula @Angkor @Malachi @Hamato Yoshi @Egocentric @Matriarch @Foxx @330 @Exoduzt @Brass Body @ShysT @Xces @Venom @IamBenT @Ox @Sn00p @BR Joe @Split @SiK @namix @Mr. J @Adverse @Red glare @jux @Toil @ill nik-A @zee dee @RichardCorey @jonathan mercy @sacrifice @Soulstice @pulse @Cimmerian @anime_boners @wasim @topicaldood5 @Saint @label @Kiki @fairydance2000 @Eviscerate @CRB @WZA @Brenn @Clayray @fresh @Texcellence @Mc Hype @Mike rips Mics @Verb @Bender @Abakus @Ttothe2 @HighEngineChief @logicprops @Aqwafina @Badweather @DexLabb @Batty @Neighbor @Poodz @cyph her @CJ the Poet @thewinnerallday @Kin @Megacito @EtH @erebus @gitto138 @Richard Schwartz @Alphadog @Free @blueflamez @Paradigm @Eŋg @beegee @Nicasso @SupaDave @AndyHiro @Mercy @KOSMOSIS @n10tional malice @Hiatus @Phanes @SpookyDeep @KennyCerealBowl @enigma @Lost in Thought @Scrollz @holocene @Luc Chang @Rugged Jus @ wickid @ribbit @Mutilate @Truth Iscariot @Devil @Ammo @Maniac @DerogatedD @FreezyCT @mayniuhh @King Soul @Gina @Blaccalicious @emcee squared @Nameflip @Half Wit It @Vlad @Dearg @Kold Breeze @Phawnex @Marc_Tesla @MadVerbs @Darius Da Terrible @Cool Hand @PiE @Coup Da Villain @Bodey @Tre the ABC Dorian @Sykonaut @Dabble MC @Reza @Rhymesake @FLOOR LINED @Otto Peighlaught @JESODIST @Just Belief @maurko @Thryjoe @MystyEyez @pamelnane @Final Boss @WRATH @Adonis @Ness @Do Not Reply @Gunplay @Deluzion @Elemental P @Problumatic @Immaculate @Darker Ego @cousin heat @Sovereign @crooked ways @Sunny @BodySnatcher @iLL ScriptureZ @Wutzit Tewya @Pronotfound @Introvert @Immolate @Kenny @Vammy @Qualm @Surplus @Debut MC @Prozac @Jayson Fresh @HollaFrontOG @Wise Wiggles @HalfTab @Sharp @UnoQuattroThres @grindin @Breh321 @C Raw @EndSane @Flak @Loose Logic @fenix osiris @J C @lyric ali @VENgeanc @willymuff2 @super pimp trillionaire @Jimbo @Matricks @Anjahl @voidformula @Nice @Smooth @Pyro @fuckoff @FR33KtheG33K @Scripter @Neal Rigga @Boredom @Defy Gravity @jdeek @Anonymous @Rawn MD @Figgly Wiggly @pup @Mael @143 @Deranged Change @Brain Thief @Arsenium @CymbiCort @Tic @Sho Money EMG @Nahhh @Celph Taut @Kaeo Seru @Kscott2 @Cashius @MarylandMade @Gazette @Albert Rhymestein @Big Tree @Word @dancake @Joel Venom @High Voltage @Dust @trap. @Slowhands @Atomic @Advocate @Minds @Battle Hymns @Jessica @InCizion @BottomUp Raps @Rap Maestro @Greed @Lotto Smirk @El Muffin @pulse @Larkin @ALIEN @wise @sutherland @blak tha don @Xquisite @sound @Deon @MetaSin @c. Gaffle @ideals @servical @calefaction @plague @KempoMRK @sir bling @odds @odd ways @King David @dolla @morehits @Final Chapta @jowelz @Marcus Aurelius @phuck yew @Sintro @Cunt @Meth @Alphabet @young philly @arch @Swerve @h.t @vivify @phryme @catalyst @deception @Seyance @Tettris @lefty @murda morris @maabsta @snatch @n. Tavarez @lyrs @Ronic @Plot @Creasey @Utmost @Xnub @Decibel @142 @330 @Abakus @ACTIVATE SELF @Adonis @Advocate @Aero @Aesthetic @Albert Rhymestein @Alice @Alice White @alen knight @Alphadog @Ammo @andy hiro @Angkor @Anjahl @Anonymous @Answer @Aqwafina @Arid @Arsenium @Artifice @asylum @Atheist @Atomic @Bad Lieutenant @Badweather @Battle Hymns @Batty @beegee @Bender @big baby @Big Tree @BigSoundz @Blaccalicious @Bladed Thesis @bleak @Blue Bayou @blueflamez @Bobby D @Bodey @BodySnatcher @Boredom @BottomUp Raps @BR Joe @BraGGin Rights @Brain Thief @Brass Body @breathless @Breh321 @Brenn @Brian Bryan @brokenhal0 @BWHAHA @Bxyunggritty
@C Raw @Camp Bell @Capital J @Cashius @Celph Taut @Cereal @Cereal_Killa @Certain @Chyeahhh!!! @cinmerian @CJ the Poet @Clayray @Clout @Cody Phoenix @Concrete @Cool Hand @CopyPat @corleone @Coup @Coup Da Villain @cousin heat @CRB @CrookedWays @Culture @Current faggot @CymbiCort @cyph her @Da BattleMasta Patrick @Dagel @Darius Da Terrible @darker eho @Darth Yoda @Dave @david stern razor burns @dead man @Dearg @Debut MC @Deffinition @Defy Gravity @Deluzion @Deranged Change @DerogatedD @Destroyer @Devil @DexLabb @Diode @DjFlame @DMS @Dominate @Dope girl @Dove Dozer @Dragon @dull boy @Dust @dyedinthewool
@e11even @EbadiBeats @Echo @Ego @Egocentric @El Muffin @Elemental P @emcee squared @emurgencee @EndSane @enigma @EtH @Etherwave @Eviscerate @Exis @Exoduzt @Eŋg
@fairydance2000 @fathead @Fig @Figgly Wiggly @Final Boss @Flak @FLOOR LINED @Flow @FLOW. @Foxx @FR33KtheG33K @Frank @Frank Metts @Frankie the Machine @fraze @FreezyCT @fresh @Friend Zone Fred Zim @fuckoff
@Gazette @Geno @Ghost1 @Gina @gitto138 @God Of War @Greed @grindin @Gunplay @Gunzo @H4ZE @Half Wit It @HalfTab @Hamato Yoshi @Headless Verseman @Hiatus @High Voltage @HighEngineChief @HollaFrontOG @holocene @House of Leaves @Hush
@IamBenT @ill nik-A @iLL ScriptureZ @Illume @Immaculate @Immolate @InCizion @Ink @Inno @Introvert @iR0N tHUND3R @Izzy Reef @J C @JaysonFresh @jdeek @JESODIST @Jessica @Jimbo @Joel Venom @john hensley @Johnny 6-feet @Joko @josh s @Just Belief @Just Write @JustRap @Kaeo Seru @Kenny @KennyCerealBowl @Kiki @Kin @King Soul @Kold Breeze @KOSMOSIS @Kscott2 @kungfugrip @Lecture @Lenox @Listen @Live heat @LOGIC PROPS @Loose Logic @Lost in Thought @Luc Chang @Lucipher Howlz @Lyfzaa Gamble @lyric ali @lyrisologist @Mac @MaCe @MadVerbs @Mael @Malachi @Malevolent @Maniac @Marc_Tesla @MarylandMade @MAS GRĀV @Master Rock @Matriarch @Matricks @maurko @Maximus @mayniuhh @Mc Hype @Mediocrity @Megacito @Mercy @Mike rips Mics @Mike Wrecka @mimic @Minds @Miss Netcees @Mitch @MMLP @Mr. J @Mr.Sinister @Mutilate @MystyEyez @N10tionalMalice @Nahhh @Nameflip @namix @Natural @Neal Rigga @Neighbor @Ness @neutral @Nicasso @Nice @Nigma @NYCSPITZ @oats @Objective @Orc @Otto Peighlaught @Panelnane @Paradigm @patrown @Pent uP @Phanes @PiE @Pinot Grij @Plot @Poodz @PotatoSackLegend @Problumatic @Pronotfound @pup @Pyro @Qualm @Quarter O @rahim @Rap Maestro @Rawn m.d. @razor wayans damon blades @Red glare @Reza @Rhymesake @ribbit @Richard Schwartz @ROETHLISBERGER @Rojo187 @rothschild @Rugged Jus @Ryno @sacrifice @Saila @Saint @Sammy @Scar @Scripter @Scrollz @Sharp @Sho Money EMG @Shredder @ShysT @SiK @Sinacog @Slechtn @Slowhands @Smod of War @Smooth @something @Soule @Soulstice @Split @Split Eight @Spoken @SpookyDeep @sral @StarFaggot @Strikta @Sunny @SupaDave @super pimp trillionaire @superboy estar legend @Surplus @Sykonaut @symetrik @Template @Terror wrist @testube @Texcellence @Tha Pastor Reach Yeah @The Law @THE REAL CAPTAIN OBVIOUS @The youngest boss. @theMuzzl3 @thewinnerallday @ThisisDAM @Thryjoe @Tic @TIGERSPITZ @timeless @Tom @TOP iLL DRAGSTER TWO @trap. @Trag. @trajik @Tre The ABC Darian @Truth Iscariot @Ttothe2 @Tyler Black @UnbornBuddha @Unfukwitable @Universe @UnoQuattroThres @Vammy @Vapeo @VENgeanc @Venom @Verb @veritas @VersAstYLe @Vlad @Void @voidformula @Vulgar @White LGI @Wickid @willymuff2 @Wise Wiggles @Witty @Word @WRATH @Wutzit Tewya @Wuxia @WZA @Xces @YDK @Zaddy @ZeeDee @Zen @Zombie @zygote[/MENTION Universe @Diablo

Last edited by Frank; 12-16-2023 at 04:22 PM.
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Old 12-18-2023, 01:22 PM   #20
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