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Old 03-25-2014, 06:20 PM   #1
Mad fucking dangerous.
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- AOWL Season 3
- Art of Writing League (2x)

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Season 3, Edition 5

Five Five Five Five Five

Hello, friends. We're back with another edition of the Art of Writing League's Season 3 magazine. We hope to get big baby back from his and mustachia's honeymoon soon, but for now we are doing what we can. Week 4 was not our finest hour, but I'm confident we will bounce back this week with a really strong slate of battles and topics. The big thing is, vote up! If you don't vote, we don't have a league. There's a title match this week, which is fun. It's a three-way battle, which is less fun. Anyway, this edition of the magazine features contributions from El Pancake, ZYG and oats, along with myself. So let's get to it.

WRITER'S BLOCK by El Pancake and ZYG
This is where we learn how ZYG's central processing unit functions.

El Pancake: What's your process for writing so fast? I think most of the top tier writers could respond as fast as you do but you have the confidence to actually do it. Is it out of confidence that you do this or is it a sort of gambit?

ZYG: Completing any writing task efficiently always begins in the planning stage of writing. My rule of thumb for the planning stage is always 20% and a bit. So if there is 2 hours allotted to finish something I'll spend about 25-30 minutes planning. Having a good, clear plan with all the major aspects of each paragraph/argument and a few examples for each of them set out is key for not getting stuck while writing. For the second part, it is no gambit or confidence or psychological ploy or anything like that. It is just a bit of an old habit. You have written 'top tier writers' - how would you define that, what are your features for a 'top tier writer' in this type of format? Like how much emphasis do you place on things like the multiple rhyme and this so-called 'flow' people sometimes comment about?

El Pancake: To answer your last question first, I, personally, put a lot of emphasis on rhyme mechanics and my voting tends towards that. We aren’t writing short stories here. I understand that the ‘text rap’ form has evolved, at least in the topical sense, into its own form of writing. But I feel that if we depart too far from technical rhyme schemes it eventually becomes mediocre poetry (not to say that if this site’s focus was purely poetry the good writers couldn’t adapt). Everyone here has a basis, or touch point, with hip hop. So while I enjoy a poetic piece I think the ‘top tier’ consciously reconciles the dichotomy of ‘rhyming’ and ‘content’ with an emphasis on rhyme. Vulgar is my favorite example of this. Oats, too. Neither write raps, neither write poetry. But they write text with a point, with an eye for the use of the English language. And that’s where I think the Netcees topical scene should be and why they’re considered the best, or part of the best. big baby/damon falls into that, as well.

What’s your writing process? I understand your 20% concept idea (I disagree). You obviously know that the trend is for writers to wait for the deadline to post. You purposely don’t do that. I suppose I’ve already asked this question, but I’m trying to dig deeper into the ‘why’ of your posting of verses.

ZYG: OK for this type of writing specifically, my full process has 4 parts. Firstly, identify and familiarize the stimulus - usually some aspect of the topic will stand out, I like to choose an approach that is interesting to me and then commit to it. (For here, no research is needed but sometimes if the topic is unfamiliar a little internet search can help with overall approach.)

Secondly, planning stage - this is the most critical stage for whether or not the quality is any good. There are three major things to be considered before even an outline is created. Tone, language and then general content. Tone is considered first and should mesh well with my approach identified in stage one. Language then should be self-evident to compliment the tone. Then general content is how I want to present everything (what kind of medium, maybe a story, maybe nonfiction discussion, maybe something else). Once these 3 are settled an outline is made for the specific content, the outline is just a number of shorthand dot points to help keep the progression focused and on track.

Thirdly, the writing stage - 90% of the time for these things I don't write anything in order, kind of jumping from part to part, a sentence here, a phrase there, a thematic word that fits with the topic etc. Mostly it doesn't rhyme much and is not coherent early on. It's only later that it gets changed into rhymes and made more coherent, the earlier plan and dot points are used as a guide.

Finally, reflective exercise - at the end I will spend time for some self-evaluation, generally looking at it once or twice more, a few days after it is finished. It is a critical reflective exercise completed for all of my writing, including on this website too. Reflection my favorite part of the process. Not reflection in the common sense of the word but reflection as the ability to remove personal bias and consider the writing critically and analytically from a meta-kind of position. The reflection considers the whole effort, not just the final product. When identifying a bad or confused section, I reflect on if there were any difficulties in the planning or initial stages that may have caused it. This way I can know what to avoid to maximize future efficiency. Not necessarily to make the future writing better, but to make each future writing process easier.

What is your writing process and does it involve 'new-age folk'?

El Pancake: It involves the perfect equilibrium of new-age folk and Jack Daniels. (srs) (notsrs) (semisrs)

Really, though, my writing process is probably roughly the same as yours but I feel like you’re a bit more process oriented and professional about it than I am. Lars recently said that he takes his opponent into account in topical matches and I do the same thing. I often think about what route my opponent is most likely going to take and I than try to out-think that hypothetical concept. It sets a standard I want to exceed. As for plotting out a concept, it's a fickle. I probably over think it, trying to think of the single most original concept and that often leads me to paralysis by analysis. The best pieces I've written, in my eyes, have been the ones were I just picked a concept early on, stuck with it, and worked in the nuances.

I find your process of writing in bits and pieces interesting. I write linearly, almost exclusively. The most I'll do is write the ending of a piece after getting to the middle. That's not to say I don't have ideas or lines in mind as I write, I think everyone does. I just never commit and write them early. That's largely due to the fact I like to structure my schemes very organically. I write from rhyme to rhyme, trying to fill in (hopefully) good content and wording with the rhymes as the pre-built frame. So if I were to pre-write lines ahead of time I would have to couch and reword lines/rhymes constantly to get the flow/effect I'm looking for. In typing that out it might not be a bad idea to try going that route sometime.

As for the actual writing, it’s a long process. I’d hazard to guess I take multiple hours to write a piece unless it all just clicks right away, which can happen. I enjoy taking time and letting myself work through possible rhymes and wording combinations until I get it exactly how I want. There are, of course, times that I don’t allot myself enough time to do this and I have to rush.

As far as a ‘reflective process’ goes I re-read my pieces quite a few times after they’re posted. I often dislike most of what I write initially but after the re-reading process I become okay with them. I find that the pieces others have liked the most from me don’t often match up with my opinion of my best work. Or that voters liked a piece/section for completely different reasons than I did. Self re-reading and taking votes into consideration has definitely shaped and refined my style, for better or worse. Probably better. As a side-note to this, I don’t read my opponent’s verse until the battle’s over or something in the votes piques my interest. Not meant be disrespectful, just a habit of mine.

You have this mystique of being an alien/robot type entity that just pumps out high level content at a quick rate. Do you ever feel unsatisfied with a piece, or go through stretches of lack of inspiration/motivation?

ZYG: Being an alien robot has some advantages and disadvantages. The joke is good and it's fun to go along with it, but when the satirist becomes the joke itself it’s time to do something else. Of course there's a feeling of little satisfaction when something doesn't translate well from original idea to final form, but that's why having good reflective skills is important. That being, pretty much in all facets of life I aim low to avoid feeling unsatisfied. The idea is - being consistent is all about being realistic. Work goals and life ambitions are split into different levels and then aim to achieve the most achievable targets first. The same principle goes for here too, I don't try to write some magnum opus piece de resistance every time, every effort is treated individually, so if feeling unsatisfied it's not because of not meeting some arbitrary or self-grandeur influenced unrealistic standard.

Stretches of lack of motivation for this kind of writing don't really occur often, when they do I just don't log onto this website. However, if there is some outside situation where there's no avoiding working through a lack of motivation, there are different techniques to use. It's a good exercise to figure out where the lack of motivation is coming from, if it's due to burnout I like to do 15 minutes mentally on and 5 off alternating, nobody can tell by looking at you but just switching off/meditating without the meditation/sleeping without the sleep can help get motivation levels back temporarily. If lack of motivation is due distraction over some relationship controversy or interpersonal stressors I like to put those thoughts into the back of my CPU while there is still some task to finish and just concentrate on the very small details of whatever is at hand. As for inspiration, the original inspiration to write something is difficult to capture. That's why these contests with their attached stimulus are my favorite. I like being able to respond to something rather than trying to do something from scratch. Sometimes for ultimate rhyme inspiration I listen to twelve different Canibus songs all at once while standing in a slowly rotating sphere. Do you ever feel unenthusiastic or unmotivated? How do you deal with apathy towards writing?

Also, thanks for the interview. It's early on in the competition but it looks like at the moment either Oats or Vulgar have the momentum, it's always unwise to discount Frank. To finish, which users do you place your bets on?

El Pancake: I usually just sign out and try to avoid writing altogether. That's where I was after my loss to Just Write; I felt burnt out and just had to take a breather and focus on more important problems. When writing feels like work I like to take a step back and hopefully come back refreshed.

As far as favorites go it’s a toss-up between Vulgar and Oats. It’s early yet but from what I've read they've been the best writers this season. I think Vulgar out wrote Frank in their latest match and should be in the first champ match. Oats seems committed when he's not getting Genocide-drunk at weddings. It’s entirely too early to pick a favorite but they both have the skill and performance in-season so far to champ. If I was forced to pick one I’d go Vulgar. This is excluding me and you because obv favorites are obv. To cap off this back and forth, who do you have as the favorites?

ZYG: Good point about things feeling like a grind, agreed, if it's not fun or enjoyable then there isn't really much point. My favorites are the same as you've mentioned, although my personal favorite is Pinot Grij - just a really good display of advanced multiple rhyming and interesting subject matter. Adonis seems to be capable as an underrated favorite this time, would like to see Nigma and the Big Baby sign in at some stage as well. YDK is also up there as a favorite - he has a great control over all aspects of writing and has great takes on topics with a special mastery over writing tone and voice. Good luck to you and all others as well, all the best.

El Pancake: Thanks for your time. It was interesting to hear about your writing process brah. Good luck this season.

Week 4 Rewind
Our first picture week was a rough one. Topics were street art, and too many of you took it as though you were the only one writing about graffiti. The idea was to use the specific street art as the inspiration, and the best verses did that. But I was underwhelmed by the quality of verses this week, even with our first contender matches of the season.

1. oats beats Just Write 7-1. | "Adorable Suicide Bomber"
BATTLE OF THE WEEK! My question entering this battle was whether oats would come up with content interesting enough to hang with Just Write so that his technical prowess would shine through. Instead, he far outstriped him in both areas. Just Write took one of the best topics of the week and made it about the artist, while oats explored socio-economic developments and the exploitation of the middle class while writing about a family. I do wish oats had gone a little less heavy-handed in his parable. But Just Write never even bothered to explain his characters demonic possession or whatever it was and brought out the topic as a point only at the end, failing to develop the girl at all.

2. Vividlyvague beats Pinot Grij 6-1. | "Girl frisks soldier"
The surprise here was that Vividlyvague wrote the funnier verse. He had Hitler's illegitimate (and fictional) daughter using her mental powers to allow her to frisk military men who also had mental powers. It was the exact kind of weird, off-beat verse we've come to expect from Vividlyvague, and it did the trick. A big part of that was Pinot Grij being rather uninspired. He apparently holds graffiti in disdain and thought the ideal move would be to write a verse bashing it. Then that verse accidentally was erased, so he had to type it as quickly as possible from memory. Vividlyvague clearly won this battle

3. ZYG beats timeless 6-0. | "Graffiti in Burqa"
This topic was the only one that really opened itself up to writing about graffiti, and that may have played a role in the quality of the verses. ZYG wrote my favorite verse of the week, tackling the societal and political statements of the image through metaphor. The clarity of ZYG's writing really cannot be underestimated; he never lets his reader get lost as he guides them through these verses. He can dazzle with complexity when he feels like it, but mostly he prefers to focus on the content and let the reader do the same. Here, he opened his metaphor up more and more as the story went, to the point where the end might have been a little too on-the-nose for me. timeless dropped a more typical verse, writing about graffiti from the vantage point of a father. His three stanzas all felt disconnected, though, and I'm not sure he tied his theme up well enough, particularly within the realm of the topic.

4. Frank beats Vulgar 4-3. | "Illuminati Slave Table"
Several people called this the battle of the week, and it certainly was close in both votes and quality of verses. But I thought it was a major disappointment. Vulgar had a creative take on the topic that he failed to stick with properly and connect on the humor of. He didn't parody El Pancake particularly well in terms of personality, and there were large swaths of the verse that seemed more like the words of a conspiracy theorist than someone against them. Frank wrote perhaps the most straight-forward graffiti-based verse of the week, barely scratching the surface of the specific image he was given beyond power structures involved. I also wasn't crazy about the number of allusions, some of which weren't clear. But Frank won because he wrote his verse better, and he did write his verse well. Part of this ranking probably is from the high standard to which I hold these two.

5. YDK beats Adonis 5-3. | "Father, Daughter and Plane"
People like B.o.B? Really, though? I thought this was one of the best topics of the week, and Adonis decided to turn it into a tribute to a shitty song that had almost nothing to do with the topic. I thought it was a terrible decision and a mediocre-at-best verse even as an Open Mic. Adonis has been on such a roll while furthering his own style, but here he dove headfirst into the kinds of cliché a shitty rapper like B.o.B lives on. But text isn't audio, and the demand on the words is a lot higher when we can't judge by anything else. YDK had a really cool take on the topic but didn't develop it enough. The transitions were jarring, espcially because the cryptic beginning didn't allow his characters much chance to breathe. That cut into the emotional impact of the verse, and the mechanics weren't as sharp as they had been in the past. But the idea was enough to win.

6. King Ra. beats Mr. J 5-0. | "Burning Down the House"
This battle turned out to be quite disjointed. King Ra. wrote a verse with a lot of interesting ideas and good writing that never fully connected. There was some real mania going on with the dialogue and political aspects of this political topic, but it never felt completed. Mr. J wrote his verse in his laconic, smooth style but seemed to essentially say "Fuck it" toward the end because the verse lacked direction anyway. He might have drawn more voter interest had he not put a strange, short couplet on the end of the verse that didn't fit and mentioned the league, which often is a no-no.

7. Ink wins via patrown quasi-no-show. | "Asian Children Love Swings"
I don't totally know what happened here. Ink posted a very short verse about writing to the picture and what he might have done, then expanded it significantly until it was pushing the word limit and made it into a rather interesting take on Asian culture but also a puddle of disassociated jokes. So it was strange. patrown dropped a full verse that easily would have beaten Ink's, but then he decided to pull it in favor of numbers and said he was retired.

8. Mike Wrecka wins via dyedinthewool no-show. | "Jar Girl"
Mike Wrecka again messaged me his verse and now, not coincidentally, is using the topic for a Battle Arena matchup with someone I've never heard of. dyedinthewool partied like it's her birthday but did not show.

9. Zenland and sacrifice both no-show. | "Hookahristocrat"
This topic seemed so perfect for this battle, but sacrifice said he had something personal come up, and Zenland took offense to Hagrid jokes.

Week 5 Preview
Part of our complete breakfast would have been on top of my power rankings, but instead he decided to take this feature himself and, of course, left his name off the list.

10. timeless (2-2)
W Dyedinthewool (5-0), W Tyson (6-0), L oats (10-0), L ZYG (6-0)
Timeless started out hot, but now finds himself on a 2 match skid. Though suffering lopsided defeats at the hands of oats and ZYG, Timeless still showed strong rhyming and creativity. In order for him to get over the hump of toppling top-tier opponents, he’ll have to start focusing on more unique angles for topics.

9. Mike Wrecka (2-2)
W Splight Eight (NS), L VividlyVague (6-5), L Pinot Grij (NS), W Dyedinthewool (NS)
It’s hard to place Mike in the rankings, since his only match that actually took place was a narrow defeat to top contender VividlyVague. Still, he’s a proven force to be reckoned with, capable of beating anyone on any given day. With an even record, now is the time for him to start stringing together wins.

8. King Ra (2-2)
L Vulgar (5-0), W Exoduzt (NS), L VividlyVague (9-4), W Mr. J (5-0)
After a shaky start, Ra posted a momentum-building win with a shutout of former champ Mr. J. King Ra is another dark horse in this league, flirting with top-tier status this season, but yet to post that signature win against a high-level opponent thus far. Ra is consistent, so look for him to start climbing the rankings.

7. Adonis (2-2)
W Soulstice (NS), W Diode (9-7), L Vulgar (7-6), L YDK (5-3)
Adonis has been painfully close in both his losses, and thus situates himself near the top of the list for a spot in an upcoming Contender match. His close battles prove that he can be competitive with the best in the league, but also the converse that he hasn’t convincingly beat anyone. That makes this week do or die for him, as a thorough win would bring him one step closer to a shot at the title.

6. Pinot Grij (2-1)
W Fresh (6-0), W Mike Wrecka (NS), L VividlyVague (6-1)
Pinot is a real threat, but failed to land a spot in this week’s Contender Match with a loss to Vivid. He’s easily one of the most creative writers here, making him somewhat of a riddle to have as an opponent. A win against highly-touted Vulgar would send him back to the front of the line for championship contention.

5. YDK (3-1)
L Ink (9-8), W WZA (NS), W Objective (NS), W Adonis (5-3)
Undeterred by a tough loss in the opening week, YDK has kept busy and rebounded into a Contender Match on the shoulders of a hard-earned victory over favored Adonis. YDK has been improving significantly, and he appears to have a chip on his shoulder to prove that he belongs with the best the site has to offer. He has a golden opportunity to do that this week with a win over former champ ZYG to get a crack at the title.

4. ZYG (3-1)
W Exoduzt (8-2), L oats (5-0), W Neutral (NS), W Timeless (6-0)
The man, the myth, the machine, ZYG cashes in on the mystique bestowed upon him by being minimally involved in the discussion. Instead, he routinely posts VOTW candidates within hours of the topic being up. When he’s on his A-game, ZYG is as tough as they come. As the favorite to clinch a spot in the title match next week, ZYG can’t afford to slip against a hungry YDK.

3. Vulgar (3-1)
W King Ra (5-0), W H4ZE (NS), W Adonis (7-6), L Frank (4-3)
It came down to a tie-breaking vote, but even with the overtime loss Vulgar doesn’t look to fall far from the title picture. Still the perpetual favorite against almost everyone, Vulgar will look to bounce back into the contender’s box with a win this week. At this point, nobody is going to pull punches against Vulgar, and only time will tell if he bounces back with an emphatic victory or a disappointing loss.

2. VividlyVague (4-0)
W Verb (NS), W Mike Wrecka (6-5), W King Ra (9-4), W Pinot Grij (6-1)
Vivid has been on a tear, forcing himself into the first title match. He’s quickly shedding the reputation as a potential contender and cementing his name among the elite topical writers on the site. While he may be a bit of an underdog in the champ match, he’s shown the writing chops to be champion, punctuated by his unrivaled creative musings. He’ll need to be firing on all cylinders to take the first belt of the season home.

1. Frank (4-0)
W Sacrifice (11-1), W Clockwerk (NS), W Ink (6-4), W Vulgar (4-3)
Anchored by wins against topical titans Sacrifice and Vulgar, Frank has easily had the toughest road to the championship threesome. Behind his sterling storytelling and descriptive menagerie, he squeaked past Vulgar in arguably the best match of the season, once again securing his spot atop the rankings. He looks to be a threat to the throne for the rest of the season.

Welcome Back:

Totoro (0-2)
Season: W Alphabet (NS), L Innovator (NS)
He’s an elite writer with a fan-friendly style that makes him a tough customer for anyone. His achilles heel is his motivation and consistency, as he’s prone to get drunk on the first sniff of malt liquor and no-show. Hopefully his battle with Season 2 Champ Pancake will ignite his competitiveness this week.

El Pancake (1-1)
Season: W Maths Debate (6-0), L Just Write (9-1)
Pancake has thrust himself into the top-tier topical scene, cashing in on his talent and champing season 2 with a 9-0 beatdown of Frank in the finals. Though he suffered an upset loss at the hands of Just Write earlier in the season, he will make immediate waves in the AOWL, and he seems poised to make another title run if he sticks around.

Welcome to Beatles week, where one band's seven-year existence determined all of our topics. Zenland says they're the best topics he's ever seen. Zenland isn't in this week, though. Whatever. Enjoy and stimulate your mind. We're bigger than Jesus.

Championship: Frank (4-0) vs. oats (4-0) vs. Vividlyvague (4-0) | "Don't Let Me Down"
BATTLE OF THE WEEK CANDIDATE! Welcome to the first Season 3 title match, where we assuredly will get 200-plus lines of bombastic stories and creative rhymes. I chose this topic for this battle both as a directive and because I thought it was one of the most open-ended. There's so many potential stories to come out of this concept, and I expect these three to come up with very different angles. Frank usually takes the earth tones, writing with grit and that gutteral flow that impresses every week. I expect him to go with heavy emotion. oats probably will look for a creative outlet, something a little more off the beaten path and more clever, to counter with. He needs something that will allow his polish to stand out, which will be less difficult in this three-way scenario because Frank and Vividlyvague are similar writers, stylistically. Vividlyvague easily is the weirdest of these guys, and he might go in any direction off this topic. I think that weirdness and unique creativity will be essential for him to stand out against two better writers. Making a pick here is tough, but I'm leaning toward the pro's pro. Prediction: oats 43, Frank 41, Vividlyvague 16.

Contender match: ZYG (3-1) vs. YDK (3-1) | "Think for Yourself"
ZYG already has posted, yadayadayada. This topic provides an interesting dynamic for these two. For ZYG, it's a mission statement. For YDK, it's a directive. YDK's best verses come when he hits on less trodden territory, when he shows his creativity instead of reaching for the easiest approach. He's did that well last week, coming up with a very unique approach but failing to validate it with a strong followthrough. Still, he won, as he has for three consecutive weeks after a one-vote loss to Ink in Week 1. The key for YDK to pull off the upset (which, yes, it would be) is to stay regimented in his mechanics and creative in his approach. Outthinking ZYG is not usually an option, but you can't beat him with a boring verse ever because he's constantly interesting. Prediction: ZYG 56-44.

Vulgar (3-1) vs. Pinot Grij (2-1) | "Run for Your Life"
BATTLE OF THE WEEK CANDIDATE! I have no idea what's going to happen in this battle. The topic is such that it plays almost perfectly into their respective wheelhouses, letting Pinot Grij's storytelling come into full effect while also hinting at the dystopia Vulgar washes his knickers in. (The song also happens to be the most misogynistic in the Beatles' catalog, for what that's worth.) Here's what I do expect: one hell of a battle. Vulgar and Pinot Grij both took rare losses last week and both showed with verses below their caliber, even though I got the sense they both had fun writing their verses. This week, the competitive fires hopefully will be stoked for a topic that they should handle even more deftly. I'm going with my gut. Prediction: Pinot Grij 51-49.

timeless (2-2) vs. Mike Wrecka (2-2) | "Getting Better"
Much like the title match topic, this one could be taken all sorts of directions. And these two writers have shown the capacity to do creative things with topics. timeless has not hit his stride fully but keeps showing us flashes of his immense potential. Still, he has lost consecutive battles against elite writers and now has something to prove. Mike Wrecka has posted all of one verse in four weeks now, and he lost that one battle (in a very close one against Vividlyvague). But he's the proven hand here, an experienced writer with creative approaches. Hopefully he'll invest himself more in that creativity. With more effort, he'd have been the easy favorite here, but timeless can make a move. Prediction: Mike Wrecka 52-48.

Adonis (2-2) vs. King Ra. (2-2) | "Child of Nature"
"Child of Nature" was never released by The Beatles, a John Lennon song beaten out by Paul McCartney's "Mother Nature's Son" for its spot on the white album. (Lennon released it in 1971 on his Imagine album as "Jealous Guy.") But I picked topics for this week after making matchups, and this topic seemed so perfect for these two writers. This matchup in general is really cool, pitting two of the three people who ran Season 1 but apparently have never battled before. Adonis has shown an aptitude for writing about nature, while King Ra. handles big topics and concepts very well. I'm expecting Adonis to move back toward his more natural style after last week's departure, though. Prediction: Adonis 54-46.

Totoro (0-2) vs. El Pancake (1-1) | "All Things Must Pass"
BATTLE OF THE WEEK CANDIDATE! Here's my actual projection for the best battle of the week, if these two gentlemen decide to give a fuck. El Pancake probably will. He's a prideful champion who still operates with a chip on his shoulder. He's also one of the most talented storytellers we have because of his great grasp of characters. I expect him to come up with something very dark for this topic, which also was never released by The Beatles but became the centerpiece and title track of George Harrison's masterwork. Totoro is an enigma. He sometimes dabbles around a topic too much for my liking, but the man knows how to string words together. The problem for him here is that his polish won't show as evidently against someone as good as El Pancake, who might be better than Totoro at his own game and does it within the confines of topics. Prediction: El Pancake 59-41.

sacrifice (1-2) vs. Mr. J (0-2) | "Tell Me What You See"
I'm more confident Mr. J will show than sacrifice, but I'm really hoping these two talented writers find time to put together strong efforts. This topic should be right up their alleys, allowing for some abstraction but also content-based creativity. sacrifice might be the best lyricist in this league (or even to compete regularly in topical battles anywhere), and I have to favor him if he has time to give a good effort. But Mr. J has that silky style that can win over voters, particularly if he keeps his content on point instead of running astray, as he is wont to do. Prediction: sacrifice 63-37.

Parting Words

So that's it for this edition. Thanks to oats, El Pancake and ZYG. Sorry to timeless for forgetting the interview. We'll get it done next week. Until then, put in work.

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Old 03-25-2014, 06:51 PM   #2
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So much good.

Like much.
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Between the viaducts of your dreams
Where immobil steel rims crack
And the ditch in the back road stop
Could you find me?
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Old 03-25-2014, 07:20 PM   #3
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Yeezus. Awesome.
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Old 03-25-2014, 07:31 PM   #4
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Dope mag, really enjoyed the zyg/cake discussion.
You should be water
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Old 03-25-2014, 07:35 PM   #5
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Good job as always gentlemen.
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Old 03-25-2014, 08:27 PM   #6
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HOLY CHIT. That was the most insightful interview I've read, season 2 included. Great mag.
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Old 03-25-2014, 09:26 PM   #7
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Word this was a dope read made me finish my verse up. Wont have much more time to write. Props though, that interview was the best by far. Hope this shit mptivates more people
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Old 03-25-2014, 11:35 PM   #8
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Contemplated no-showing @King Ra. But I'm in. Should post by tomorrow cuz I'm always busy on weekends

I'm tryna fuck like A-don-is

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Old 03-26-2014, 12:03 AM   #9
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great interview. great magazine.

also nice to see you make good on your word @Certain. if nothing else, you are consistent.
Zack Wicks for president
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Old 03-26-2014, 12:15 AM   #10
Mad fucking dangerous.
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Originally Posted by dead man View Post
great interview. great magazine.

also nice to see you make good on your word @Certain. if nothing else, you are consistent.
Subtle dig at me for not reading your Open Mic?
I'm just swinging swords strictly based on keyboards, unbalanced like elephants and ants on seesaws.
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Old 03-26-2014, 12:22 AM   #11
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what? not even

i tend not to dig
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Old 03-26-2014, 12:25 AM   #12
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Last edited by Frank; 03-26-2014 at 12:31 AM.
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Old 03-26-2014, 12:35 AM   #13
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good idea
Zack Wicks for president
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Old 03-26-2014, 02:10 AM   #14
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dopeness was defined here gentlemen.
props and thank you's are in order
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Old 03-26-2014, 03:21 AM   #15
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Like how much emphasis do you place on things like the multiple rhyme and this so-called 'flow' people sometimes comment about?
@ZYG I'm curious what you mean by this
You should be water
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Old 03-26-2014, 03:24 AM   #16
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Flow is not 'so called'...It is very much a real thing.

And I embody it.
He listens to voices inside of his mind
Explicit and poisonous violent crime.

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Old 03-26-2014, 03:50 AM   #17
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Old 03-26-2014, 04:10 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Witty View Post
Flow is not 'so called'...It is very much a real thing.

And I embody it.
someone irish quotes Jay-Z.
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Old 03-26-2014, 04:11 AM   #19
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you're welcome for the tag
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Old 03-26-2014, 05:03 AM   #20
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thanks :)
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