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Old 03-05-2019, 11:34 PM   #1
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Default Semifinals Mag


Yo, we're back and going BIG this week to wrap up our short season because you guys went big this week. Only one noshow and some heat in most of these verses. Plus, next week there won't be as much to write about. This week saw the end of the regular season, the rise of 4 final contenders, some dope bars, a runoff 1-2 for the last spot in the final 4,and the most underwhelming alias reveal in text's recent history. If you missed it, I am Cynic.

Getting back into reading text battles as part of week one prep really made me see a disconnect between live battles and text verses. I wanted to go all in on the stylistic choices of a live battle fan/text noob vs Veritas, but I didn't like it that much so I upped my game for Flow, Sinacog, and Ryno while keeping some pieces of the live medium: rhyme schemes going past a couplet, bars that play with the format, even a full verse scheme against Sinacog (which took too much effort for an okay at best closer). Started to fall back into my old habits, so it's probably for the best this is winding down.

To veritas, Flow, and Ryno, I owe you a proper battle now that my identity is out. Sinacog, I want you to battle less and read more.

I felt I was treated reasonably fairly (but didn't get the best feedback), but you all missed this banger:

Originally Posted by Cynic vs Sinacog View Post
aka Sinai…
no ho'd fuck you sober. know youre lustin, shits tru bro
not tryna be rude doe. but the last person to Mount Sinai? Two Stoned

jk. Let's talk about some actual bars:

[Champ Match Analysis]

Jabari Black vs Blue Bayou

Smart move on Jabari going small. Each line you add to the limit tips the scales a little further in Blue’s favor. This was a solid battle that got overshadowed by the other two 20 line battles this week, but there was plenty of note in Jabari’s successful title defense.

The surprise, to me, was Blue going for so many gunbars in a battle. He can do well with them, for sure, but considering how I’ve come to expect so many creative angles from the guy I wasn’t expecting so many. Not to say they weren’t creative or gunbars are inherently not creative, but I really missed the personals that carried him past BodySnatcher last week. This wasn’t a wildly different Blue Bayou verse, of course. The wordplay that he does so well was still there (and I hate to say it, but until people spelled it out, ‘Aunt Ass’d get popped’... well… blew by me) but didn’t hit with enough voters. I think every single one of this gunbars had someone say ‘dope’ and ‘light’.

Jabari had the home field advantage here - gunbar for gunbar, he was able to get past Blue with the kind of concepts that show he’s put a lot of thought into his verses. This verse was Jabari’s style doing what it does best - fresh wordplay on concepts that are intrinsically mean. The Chelsea and Supercuts bars really did it for me (and most voters) because his wordplay is just so damn good sometimes. The attention complexity he can throw into one of these punches (and how smoothly he does it) made this verse, which narrowly topped Blue to cap off the regular season with JB as the number one seed.


Aero vs Dominate

Last week, I didn't expect this battle to happen, let alone be 20 lines, but this was a quality battle. Voters were justifiably split on this one. Two different styles had two different ways to appeal to voters in what's been my favorite battle this season. Aero had some funny shit that was hit or miss for voters, but generally hit. He swung big with his closer and if you didn't like it, it was one hell of a miss. I think Aero's wordplay didn't get the shine it should've - seemed to take a backseat to the funny bars - but there was some of his signature wp that we just don't see often. Aust railin ya is the kind of shit that would make a solid slow it down bar in a live battle but is still able to hit in text. Dominate came with his wordplay on point. He didn't lose a step after years.

Dom brought a fresh style back to the forefront this week, and matched with Aero it really had no choice but to shine. Aero has a good style of humor for battling and it conveys in his verses but the plays from Dom were pretty much spot on.

Useless vs BodySnatcher

Always good to see beef turning into bars, but this grudge match kind of lost steam here imo. I've seen Body drop better and Useless drop waaaaay better. Body was solid, consistent, decently worded, but he didn't get as personal as I was hoping. That said, his Gary Payton shoes, Magic bus and care bear lines were all sick (especially the first two). I just wish he went after Useless more. Not just nameflips. The two are already going back and forth, learning all this shit about each other, and the most personal thing in Body's verse was a setup. A good verse, but I feel like there's a missed opportunity here. Useless had some weird bars. Voters, interestingly enough, are theorizing that Useless dropped a verse he knew would lose just to make a point about NC voting. If anyone in text is playing politics that hard in 2019, it's Useless. He also knows how to drop a nameflip, so looking at that verse I won't entirely rule out the conspiracy theory. The first 4 lines were…. gunbars?.... that just didn't hit. The nameflips weren't nameflips so much as ‘how can I fit part of BodySnatcher’s name into a sentence?’ The restraining order was a cool idea that could've been done better and the closer didn't really do anything other than invoke the voting ring. BodySnatcher won this easily on the mechanics, not on using gunbars.

Certainly not what we wanted but what we kind of expected. Body had a consistent verse, no real highlights but no misses. You know this rivalry had lost its steam by the time it was posted, when no one roasted Useless’s silencer bar. Pew pew.

Resin vs Infiltrate - DQ

Someone must have thought, ‘wow, a whole season in the books and Infiltrate hasn’t been DQ’d’. It’s a shame because both verses were solid, but the way they way Inf got his together was in direct defiance of the OP. Pretty open and shut, unfortunately.

It had to happen eventually I guess. I hope Inf doesn't get discouraged by the way it unfolded, he had some solid verses this season.

Flow vs Veritas - Double DQ

In a way, this should read ‘lars wins’. He stirred the pot, got a multi-page argument going, and bleak had enough. Luckily, it got one vote so it’s not entirely baseless when I say this was a Flow win. I feel like he could’ve done more with his opponent (considering all of the angles you have with a guy who doesn’t battle but posts often), but in my opinion he’d done enough. The opener, V for vendetta and Sin bad were more than enough, the first two of which were definite standouts. I thought the Sinbad one could have been worded harder, but it hit enough. The closer was actually a really cool concept, but it wasn’t focused enough on V to hit as well as it should’ve. Veritas probably could have topped this, but only with his best battle verse and imo this wasn’t it. I liked the Tony Soprano opener and the BIlly Bass concept,, but Aero’s vote more or less sums it up - midway through he was sick of V using the exact same delivery and he kept going. I get where this comes from. I think Daylyt/Clips has a moment where Day uses what feels like 50 ‘that’s’ bars that all rhyme, but that’s one scheme in one round of a three round battle. If that’s everything, you will lose your voter’s attention. It didn’t help that those were mad stretched out with minimal inner rhymes (like, maybe ‘brains flowing’ and ‘two toned’ rhymed?) so lost in bars they didn’t read smoothly. Moot though, since we closed up shop after that.

Both asked for what they got and got what they deserved, didn't even read the battle.

Lars wins is the truth lmao Flow is nothing but a convincing puppet

Ryno vs DynamiCz

This one came right down to the wire and man, it was tight. Arguably battle of the week and certainly dope. I think there was a distinguishable difference in voter tastes that’s bound to happen when you go 20. Ry’s biggest advantage had to be the variation in his angles. Not that Dyn ONLY had gunbars, but when it’s such a large portion of your, it gets to be a little stale. Ryno had quality wordplay with and separate gunbars and well worded punches to boot, with Galaga and pulling strings being standouts for me. DynamiCz does gunbars well. Courtesy flush was wild and Offerup was mad clever. I think the biggest thing working against had to be the delivery. While punchlines had different language (not just saying ‘like xxxxxx’, which is something DynamiCz does pretty well) I noticed he has a similar formula to Blue, only more pronounced here. Aside from the opener there’s a comma or hyphen around the same point of every punch. I’d love to see him take some of that wordplay skill and get more into his opponent specifically because that was a dope 20 that could have been for anyone. Bash had some personal angles in his opener and last 4, and while they didn’t go over as well as the middle of his verse, I think being personal helps keep that 20 fresh. All in all, my botw.

This one got stretched out til Monday and reading it back I can see why. Dy brought more of the same as usual imo, he has had some good reads over the course of the season but not so much love from voters in close losses. Ryno is the story here, posting one of his best verses to date.

Cynic vs Incredible

Writing about this from the first person. Finally. Feels weird though. First off, I respect the fact that Incredible had a free DQ win handed to him and his reaction was to tell me to drop anyway. He's not doing it for the records and he got some feedback on his verse. I respect that Inc has shown up, taken feed, and developed this season. His wording here is a great example. If nothing else, the verse sounds aggressive, but there are times when I’m not exactly sure where my dude’s going (like his closer). But, he has the mechanics down, as seen by the opener and doorbell bars. Now, he’s gotta take some time and focus on concepts. His angles aren’t all bad, but I would love to see him get more personal. I know battling an alias, it’s hard to get personal, but you can still try to pick apart someone’s style. Might be the unpopular opinion, but nothing hits as hard for me as a good personal and if he can include more of them in his verses, he’ll do well. My opener was cool.

Can y'all believe Sharp was quoting his own shit in the top punches every week? LMFAO
jk I added them all

Shia LaBruh vs Sinacog

Sinacog is getting harder to write about because it feels like some groundhog day text mod shit. There's always a few bars with something there - a flip, some multis, a concept - that just gets lost in a flurry of ‘why did you do that’? Sin, I want you to do well, I do. But you're getting nowhere because your verses are all multis. Multis don't sting. They can be dope when they help the bar, but I can't get through 4 of your lines without going ‘wtf does that even mean’. Shia showed some promise here. Had a few bars that were all around solid. Voters responded most to his gravitational pull and butterfly effect lines. Out of 16 bars, though, you'd want more to actually hit and Shia's verse had a few bars that were close. The DLC and closer were workable ideas, but the execution was just sloppy (Johnny and plank… You're thinking Rolf, not Raul, but that's wrong). Shia's got concepts. He just needs to work on making them hit consistently.

Do I really have to do this? I'll save it for the previews.

Cyrax vs Prozac

This one turned out pretty cool. Both of em clearly know how to battle and actually showed up. Prozac had some nice nameplays on Cyrax, but he only had nameplays on Cyrax. Arguably, his closer was his best flip but by the time I got there I just wanted anything other than a nameflip. Cyrax was more varied to start but then fell into the same trap. What hurt him more was only flipping ‘pro’ and doing it four times in a row.

I actually did read this one and noticed the nameplays were rampant but what can u do against someone with 7 posts. That goes for both guys as well so you can imagine how this one read. Decent mechanics here tho.

[Top Punches]

Ryno vs DynamiCz
Dawg r u drunk? Clown ur hospital bound if u thought u could fuck w/ me
Clutch & squeeze! Think AA, he’ll be hesitant to pick the cans up after recovery
Shit is insane...No games, surround em w/ lasers & follow it up w/ 5 claps
This ain’t Galaga, once ur beamed up there’s no chance of u gettin ur life back

DynamiCz vs Ryno
What u sale corrupt, proper with ya gunbars, wwe kno u aint tough enough
Shots turn a shirt inside out, then i leave u hanging by the tag like OfferUp

Jabari Black vs Blue Bayou
The tool pop! I’ll travel cross the border just to spark rugers/
Think Montreal screwjob...a Canadian’ll get the snub from a sharpshoota/

Blue Bayou vs Jabari Black
pistol whip his bitch too. he can't stop me, she’ll feel her brain expire
i’ll blow through Black & Decker w/ the Tool... no refund or exchange required

Aero vs Dominate
Dom got emotional unable to write for tourny, I said I'll handle it dude
Bled his heart out, I carried an Aussie's deadweight like Irwin's camera crew

Useless vs BodySnatcher
U done fucked up letting them words fly out ur stupid mouth...
Pull the 9, Pew pew. Silencer kill him quieter than a church mouse.

[Verse of the Week]

Dominate vs Aero

Originally Posted by Dominate View Post
Rollin on em & the 4s are prepped. Body shots – he gettin torn to shreds
No questionnaire getting finished… motherfucker I’ll fill ya form w/ lead
You talk success w/ penny stocks. That’s some shit a fag rehearses
Fuck any holding ya own. You shoulda done that when u wrote for our tag team verses
You were WORTHLESS in that, so quit claimin the outcome “ours” son
U got by on what D composed - without me carrion ur ass u were dead meat in round 1
Now what?! You better pay me… Or I’m comin for you w/ 9s in hand
I ain’t triflin man - I’ll Spring Collection on u while u check the latest ways to dress like a fag
15+ years of text, you pioneered nothin but awkward & clumsy lines
If Aer considered a trailblazer? It’s to go w/ the sweatervest he wear on walks in the countryside
You ugly guy. & any girl you tried flirting with was REPULSED. You fuckin leper
The second you cauterize she wanted to burn them shut forever
But if a girl’s a 10? I’m beddin fast. Gets loud af when I wet her snatch
She start ridin & ‘groan on me overtime’… - that’s somethin your style NEVER has
I got a HUGE spot to keep jewels locked. My work is worth concealing
You got a safe space too - alone in ur bedroom where no-one can hurt ur feelings
This virgin’s reeling. I’ll let the toast pop til he sees no purpose in breathing
Throat shot! Get his diction airy… & leave him searching for meaning
Finish this rivalry once & for all. You’re weak, I’m beastin & vicious
This is the end of a warfare… I’m pushing you off it to sleep w/ the fishes

that fill ya form w/ lead shit was crazy wtf

[Next Event Teaser]

Part of the point of the SOL is to provide a model for future text events. I'm getting too old for this shit and text does need variety in modding. But this league also shows us how easily some guys can get swept under the rug with just two unfortunately timed losses, or how two dudes who could put on a classic just never meet. So, in tandem with the short league, we've got a BA PPV event coming late March to right those wrongs. More details will be announced as the playoffs wind down (want to time it well) but we're going to confirm some matches right now. But for now, I’m going into PPV mode.

Center Text

Italics off.


Grudge Match: Lars vs Incredible

Beef into bars. To be honest, I respect Incredible for enthusiasm for wanting to run shit and his improvement in the last few weeks of the league, but he can be an erratic character. I'm all for shit talking to fuel activity, but there's a high chance that he's in over his head with Lars aka Baron Mynd. If I gave Baron a deadline of 10 minutes after he reads this he could still beat out the average 10 lines that took a week to write. He's nice with them concepts, which is a where Incredible is probably the most lacking. Shit, we could drop this as soon as Inc is ready

Spotlight battle: DynamiCz vs Barcotic

Continuing the old/new school narrative from our SOL. Two guys with different styles of writing who both feel they're on the fringes of what is considered dope on NC. Bar, aka Cronus, is as prolific a writer as he is a heel and can't walk into a forum with causing some stir. DynamiCz, the man behind the two ‘Tha Culture’ blogs, is one of the ‘new school’ texcees gaining attention for wordplay. Both of these guys have felt maligned by the voting population. The question on my mind really, ‘what will this battle come down to?’ there are so many ways this could play out that its almost as interesting as the verses themselves.

BA TITLE DEFENSE: BodySnatcher (Champ) vs Resin M-I-C (Challenger)

A big old/new school matchup didn't get in the SOL, but could be a champ match. Resin's only lost one battle this season - to Zelph in a close contest - and he's made it clear he's not sleeping on anyone, let alone a new school head, again. This is Body's first real defense of the BA title and there's hardly a better test than Resin, one of text's most proven threats.

Grudge Match: Flow vs bleak

Flow's still salty about the double dq last week (and I don't completely blame him) and, in his words, the contender match snub (as the architect for the league model full of these snubs, I’m not entirely mad that one of these went and caused a beef). Meanwhile, bleak has got to be looking to blow off some steam from the season. These two generally prefer pics, but Flow especially is looking to go regs. They must have some shit to say to each other and they're gonna have a spotlight to air it all out.

Fuck that primadonna fagt Flow, everyone agrees with ur DQ. -b

[Playoff Contender Profiles]

1. Jabari Black
Originally Posted by Week One Mag View Post
I think JB’s biggest strength is knowing his opponent. Half time someone’s favored to win, the battle prediction includes the bit about ‘don’t sleep on the other guy’ but Jabari’s not going to make that mistake. The threat would be someone he doesn’t know, and by the playoffs, he’ll know who he needs to... If he stays aware of his competition, he can beat anyone.
Winner of 2/3 of the weekly champ matches, Jabari Black’s biggest advantage is easily his intelligence. I know he’s a dope writer with solid wording, good head for wordplay, and consistently able to find good angles, but he’s probably the most level headed of our finalists who are not Canadian. He’ll sacrifice flash and bravado to win in the big picture and when each line counts, a little bit of that big picture thinking can make a world of difference. Of course, the wordplay can be so smooth. I think JB’s achieved the right balance of text/live battle stylistic choices to do the most damage to his opponent, which is the other reason he’s sitting at the top. His style’s taken him this far, but this may be its greatest test yet.

2. Resin M-I-C

Originally Posted by Week One Mag View Post
...the guy’s Hall of Names thread has some heat... the main thing to watch for Resin is his adjustment to the times… As long as he stays out of the ‘old guy’ trap of using old concepts, he’ll be one to watch.
I feel like an idiot for ever writing that, but I honestly wasn’t familiar with Resin’s work. After the last month, it’s safe to say that we all are and he’s clearly settled any questions as to if he can still hang. The question now is really ‘who can hang with him?’ and of all the guys in this league, let alone the 4 man finals, I see Resin as the most motivated to bounce back from one loss. He’s the only one to beat the top seeded JB this season and you have to like his odds against Blue/Body. Resin’s not going to be thinking new/old school. He’s just looking at the guy right in front of him and man, he is hungry.

3. Blue Bayou

Originally Posted by Week Two Mag View Post

I see Blue putting in more work in lower quality leagues so I have to think he’d be more motivated to kill it here... likely fresh as ever... Blue can tear up a fn or a fifty line battle so it’s hard to see anyone topping him in regs.
Blue is a creative workhouse, no way around it. The man has such a penchant and passion for wordplay I’m amazed he can hold down a real job. Aside from the occasionally divisive wp (see: gay-jizz) he’s generally very reader-friendly. He doesn’t just tear up fifty lines, he makes the closer feel as fresh as any bar from the beginning/middle. The higher the line length, the better his odds get, and with 10 line battles past us, it looks more and more like Blue’s time to shine. He has the chance to avenge last week’s champ loss with a potential rematch against JB in what could be an epic final; coming off of that loss I know he won’t slouch these two weeks.

4. BodySnatcher

Originally Posted by Week One Mag View Post
in a short season ending tourney, virtually anything can happen and betting on the guy who’s just won a league season isn’t the worst idea…. keep up what he started before. The differences between other leagues aren’t going to affect much about battling itself aside from drawing better competition
Coming off of a close as fuck 1-2 runoff, Body makes it into seed 4. All that matters, though, is that he’s in. If anyone can go full ‘bull in a china shop’ I think you’ve got him right here. With these longer verses, though, I have to start wondering if Body’s gonna have the concepts to carry him - in my opinion, 20 lines of gunbars, while dope in their own right, will lose freshness and you’d need some personals to make them more effective and I haven’t seen much of them. His generic/personal game will be key this postseason. Body’s wording/execution, while dope in its own right, needs to be changed up to fit the longer format too - 24 lines against blue and 3/4 had ‘xxxxxxxxxxxx like xxx’ delivery. If he can find a way to work around those, he could KO the rest of the field. Don’t sleep on him.

[Roundtable Interview]

Bold: Sharp
Red: Resin M-I-C
Blue: Blue Bayou
Black: Jabari Black

Here we go. Top four. Now that the regular season is over and done with, I wanna know what you think - what would you have done differently?

great idea, great season. I would have written better so i didn’t cop that L., i vaguely remember Zelph, i read his shit in the league and knew he was terrible a couple yrs back and wasn’t really motivated. Lesson learned.

Ban Zelph from voting on my battles as he’s always first one in there giving ridiculous feed like the little pussy he is (i.e. you’re gunna shoot his ants acid wtf or whatever bullshit he wrote in his breakdown) lol..
No honestly I wouldn’t have done much differently.. Perhaps not go gun bar for gun bar against JB in last weeks champ match as I veered from my usual style quite a bit. That said, I enjoy the new wave of gun bar lines, it’s fun and out of my comfort zone for lack of a better word. I even searched Black & Decker and aside from Bags having some completely diff decker line didn’t find anything so that was annoying.. maybe “chicken wing” was a weird and dumb way to round out my concept, but my fav bar was pretty panned.
I’ll prob try & use less wordplay moving forward on NC and use that style more on RB… but Nothing major though, I thought it was a fun season & there were some really nice drops.

I feel like we made it out the fucking jungle lol. This was a wild season. The swaying this season was top tier. I saw swaying threads, swaying in the battles, swaying on different sites, swaying in the PMs...allat. It was like playing a pick up b-ball game on Rykers Island where you have to call your own fouls.

Idk why but I feel like a Infiltrate DQ is the perfect conclusion to the season. The season woulda felt incomplete with out it.

On a serious note though, I think the SOL is a great concept though, and laid the groundwork for future, short leagues. Sharp, I think you accomplished your goal because every week felt meaningful and the excitement didn’t wane at all.

Wouldnt change much though. First half of the season was up and down for me but it was a great learning experience.

I wouldn't have lost to Z and Blue, yeah, I probably would've done that differently. Maybe send out a few PM's to the chaps in my voting ring. It's the little things. On the real, this was a dope idea and 6 weeks was perfect. Props to Sharp & bleak for running this league, especially Sharp cause he's here just to write the mags.

Moving forward, we have some base of activity. What would you like to see next? Who would run it?

props to you guys. every couple yrs when i have a lil time i come back for several battles just to see where I stand. I’m not here long enough to suggest what works and what doesnt but what u guys are doing with this one off league and the upcoming ppv are brilliant, i’d like to see those tag and BA champs get more title defenses tho

I’d like to see some form of a pic battle league or tourney.. switch it up a bit
Dunno who is up for modding anything moving forward now that you are out tho

The 1-2 Punch League was probably the most fun I’ve had in a league. Having to write only one bar (2 with the lightning round) just made the weekly process fun. Since it’s only one bar, a lot of different folks signed in and I got to battle a lot of the greats and top tier names on this site. If Zelph willing to run that again I’m with it, but I ain’t finishing it for you this time lol.

I think the PPV is a great idea and one should take place like once a month or something along those lines. Tag Matches, Beef, Grudge, Championships, SNF Champ, 1-2 Rebuttal league. I honestly think DynamicZ should run something. His work with those mags are dope.

Did anyone stand out or surprise you this season, either with a single verse or over the six weeks?

there are some solid writers here, the usual suspects like body, jabari, dyna.. they are all solid.. ryno tho has been writin low key bangers.. dont care about aliases, vets, new class.. gun bars, wordplay.. if it’s fire it’s fire and these dudes can write. And that’s alot for me to say bc i use to think everybody sucked

It was an interesting season with some good drama & I felt like there was a good clashing of old vs new heads this season. That’s mostly Zelph tho imo, I don’t think most of the older guard feels like there’s some generation beef, and I don’t think the newer gun bar crew really feels that way either, most of them are all pretty cool & open minded

I wasn’t necessarily surprised, but I think Ryno had a great season that will fly under the radar. His record doesn’t reflect the amount of quality verses and bars he had this year.

I think Resins week one verse against me, was one of the better verses I’ve read this season.

Zelph’s run to be the first SOL champ was probably the most surprising.

Aside from the usuals, I think Ryno had a dope season, Flow had an under the radar good season. That nigga Sinacog might have dropped the most quotable bars this season.

What was your top battle this season - with or without you - and why?

for me i liked facing off against Jabari week 1.. read back at all his shit before the battle and was like aiiight, can’t sleep on this dude. That was prob the hardest verse to write bc i havent had a real battle in like 2-3 yrs i think.. and that dyna vs ryno battle, that was really entertaining

Probably Resin vs. Zelph just for all the fallout involved .. it was all pretty entertaining. While I thought Resin had the more diverse approach and better standouts, but I can see from a bar for bar perspective why Zelph got votes and ultimately won. It was a good read

Could be decency bias but I think this past week had 2 of the best battles of the season. DynamiCz verses Ryno was sick. Ryno came with what I thought was his best verse of the season. Idgaf what anybody said, that’s go through a phase/go through a wall flip was disgusting. Dy’s verse was ridiculous too. I feel like he’s been struggling to adapt his live battle style to Netcees but this week he just said fuck it and used a style authentic to him. I think he went over heads with a lot of bars just cus he was using lingo most not familiar with but I thought it was dope.

Then second, aero and doms battle was dope af. I left a review on that one so I won’t repeat myself but I really enjoyed that battle.

week 1. Resin vs JB
week 2. AK vs Body
week 3. Resin vs Dyn...Zelph vs Body
week 4. Ryno vs Blue...Resin vs Zelph
week 5. Zelph vs JB...Dyn vs Inf
week 6. Ryno vs Dyn...Aero vs Dom...JB vs Blue...Resin vs Inf.....wheeew! Week 6 had some fucking fire.

What do you think gives you an advantage over the rest of our contenders?

Easy. I’m THAT fuckin dude.

Hmm… I would say in the modern day my style is the least NC “friendly” of the Final Four so I don’t think that would be the general consensus. In my mind, I feel like I’m one of the more versatile of the bunch & am conceptually a top dawg. I will likely have more angles/personals then a direct gun bar after gun bar approach… if I can make em hit that might give me an advantage, we’ll see how it plays out… all the battles should be good, everyone’s talented

I’m very comfortable with my style. I’m writing bars that I like and using a style that’s authentic to me and I think that’s keeping the site fun and keeping me motivated. I’m a student of battle rap and a student of the site. I’m feel like I’m really getting a grasp of what lands and has an impact with voters. I’m also starting to get a grasp on what angles the nigga I’m battling might take and writing for that. It’s 3 other dope battlers in the field though so we’ll see. know who the fuck I am. Bang

Appreciate all of your input. Any additional thoughts/shoutouts/diatribes/villainous monologues/speeches/soliloquies?

To all the young ego lifters, stop it. It catches up to you in the long run. Trust me.

Just have fun with it!


All Love @Useless get your bars up lil nigga before you talk sideways again. @Barcotic you know how this story goes. Next PPV if you want to make it 0-3 against me. @Ryno shine young nigga shine. @DynamiCz up next. @Blue Bayou on the wave & I fucks with it. @Sharp my PA nigga @Zunto the Mel Gibson to my Danny Glover. @Jabari Black dope on mad levels @Resin 20-year text anniversary coming up, but for real you a text legend. @Infiltrate stop DQing yourself my nigga cause I know you threw that 1-2 like fuck it. @Amen you old my nigga. @sarL be on crack @Aero is NOT qualm, lol, my bad for fucking with you Brodie @Dominate I hope you stick around for awhile @bleak our beef seemed to have settled but anytime you want to catch that 4th L holla at me @Allen Knight good looking on updating recording and reaching 100. I'm glad to one of your 26? loses even if you were drunk @Knucklehead you missed your chance at the BA title


1. Jabari Black vs 4. BodySnatcher

We have the ‘new guys’ who champ everything kicking shit off here and after these last six weeks, I have to wonder what’ll do it - Jabari’s intelligence or Body’s hunger. The funny thing is, as I type it, I realize this is exactly how you get a professor K-Shine round so I wouldn’t put something completely wild past Body too. Jabari, imo, has dropped the stronger personals this season and if they both come out guns blazing - definitely likely - there’s a good chance that one fresh angle swings the battle. Looking for a gunbar frenzy, but whoever can make you go ‘damn, I didn’t expect that’ up against such a visible character is gonna take it 9 times out of 10.

This has turned into a fun little rivalry imo, seeing both of these writers evolve into real contenders. You could see their fine tuning every week, finding the right wording to appeal to the voters. Both have a very live battle style, JB moreso but Body can bring aggression too. I hope the last couple verses from Body are him just coasting because he's really gonna have to bring it this week. Props to Body for making it thru the PLAY-IN, that's a long road. 08 Giants, Wildcard to Superbowl Champions.

2. Resin M-I-C vs 3. Blue Bayou

Dope. Two titans of text who just barely missed battling each other earlier this season are finally squaring off. Right now, I think Resin is the only guy who can beat Blue in a 20 line+ battle and with a cap of 24 you can't rule it out. Blue’s got such a reader-friendly style that there’s no way he doesn’t take at least a few votes. Resin’s made slight tweaks to his verses, but really, he didn’t need to change much because he has some of the meanest wording I’ve ever seen. Both Resin and Blue lost their weekly champ match to a ‘new era’ battler (Resin to Zelph in week 4; Blue to Jabari in week 6) and with a chance to take the whole damn thing over Jabari or BodySnatcher, this battle’s going to set up what could be an epic comeback for a text legend. The only question: which one?

This one is interesting because Blue was throwing some subtle jabs at Resin shortly after his return. He told him his style was dated and he needed to shake the rust off. I'm excited to see how Resin responds because he seems the type to not forget things like that easily. This should be a max post gauntlet of heavy shit and all of us are equally ready. Blue comes off a champ loss to JB, that could be bad news for Res.


This shit is legit 14 pages in a google doc, pre-formatting. You all gave us some shit to write about last week and I’m looking forward to getting more in-depth with our season review/FINAL FUCKING MAG next week (hang in there bleak).

Editor's notes:

-BodySnatcher's responses edited in 2:19 AM 3/6
-Clapton is trash

Last edited by Sharp; 03-06-2019 at 06:46 AM.
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Old 03-05-2019, 11:53 PM   #2
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thank you all for a dope season. Best of luck to the final 4
@Infiltrate @DynamiCz @Flow @Resin M-I-C @Blue Bayou
Bodysnatcher @veritas @Ryno @Jabari Black @Sinacog @Incredible @Shia Labruh @Cyrax @Prozac @Aero @Dominate @Useless @Innovator @Suthaveli @Viper @Cred @Plot @Qualm @Killing Spree @Objective @Zunto @Allen Knight @Juan Dillinger
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Old 03-06-2019, 12:11 AM   #3
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This should be a fire week. You prob couldn’t handpick better playoff matchups. Dope mag too.
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Old 03-06-2019, 12:29 AM   #4
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LOL @ ‘Resin seems the type to not forget those things easily’

I see you
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Old 03-06-2019, 12:55 AM   #5
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Aw you gave me VOTW. Awesome.

Great mag Sharp.

Looking forward to these finals. Will vote in all of them.
The Bad Guys
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Old 03-06-2019, 01:04 AM   #6
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purdy dope mag
Dummies finna die if they coming into mine boastin
Twin glocks'll spark. Waterpark; everybody running when the slides open
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Old 03-06-2019, 01:06 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Jabari Black View Post
This should be a fire week. You prob couldn’t handpick better playoff matchups. Dope mag too.
ikr we were talking about that in discord
Originally Posted by takem2school View Post
Me vs you only if that’s what it takes.

Battle to the death
like a woolah what it do to one’s medulla oblongata- revenge of Montezuma on a blotter
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Old 03-06-2019, 02:20 AM   #8
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Body's interview portion edited in
Originally Posted by takem2school View Post
Me vs you only if that’s what it takes.

Battle to the death
like a woolah what it do to one’s medulla oblongata- revenge of Montezuma on a blotter
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Old 03-06-2019, 02:37 AM   #9
Too Dope.
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Preciate the comments on my battle. Any other places I can battle at now?
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Old 03-06-2019, 02:40 AM   #10
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shiiiiiittt, this was a crazy. You guys do workk..
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Old 03-06-2019, 04:52 AM   #11
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Thanks for hosting a good season fellas, dope mag too !
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Old 03-06-2019, 05:47 AM   #12
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Yo that table of squares interview shit was dope. Mad props
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Pussy soak when I'm horny
Topical Head
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Old 03-06-2019, 07:20 AM   #13
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Good read @Sharp
@bleak I see you shook kid - bless using your mag to slander like a typical corrupt faggot.
Originally Posted by El Muffin View Post
Jay Welsh took your lunch money
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Flow....that punch was disgusting. Mvgt Flow
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Old 03-06-2019, 07:24 AM   #14
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LOL @ I'm old... I am, young one. I am.

Is it me or does @bleak hop on every vets wang? LOL

AK bar still got me crying, tho... The no shirt one LMAOOOOOO
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Old 03-06-2019, 09:25 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Prozac View Post
Preciate the comments on my battle. Any other places I can battle at now?
depends on what you want to do (pics/reg/topical/etc)

If an NC/RB admin/mod actually sees through this little scheduling thing with me, I could give you a better idea
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Old 03-06-2019, 09:48 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Amen View Post

LOL @ I'm old... I am, young one. I am.

Is it me or does @bleak hop on every vets wang? LOL

AK bar still got me crying, tho... The no shirt one LMAOOOOOO
LOL, my nigga
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Old 03-06-2019, 10:05 AM   #17
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not sure about the top punches but cool mag either way
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YOu"RE NOT MY MOM; I don't torture my mom; I TORTURE YOU//
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Old 03-06-2019, 10:18 AM   #18
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Dope stuff. Great job
"I shit myself
I had to throw my underwear in the dumpster outback
Uve won"
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Old 03-06-2019, 10:26 AM   #19
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Fire, props yahll.
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Old 03-06-2019, 11:14 AM   #20
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My entire verse was based upon the sopranos. Y’all stay missing me.
Originally Posted by Consensus
The cerebral assassin, the molder of minds, the Omni potent being. Time transcending traveler, wisdom incarnate. Veritas needs no intro but I guess I have to. He’s not know in the battling world but who doesn’t know veritas? The guy us always original and if you pay attention to his bars, dude brings the heat.. The gawd.
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