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Old 08-31-2016, 04:07 AM   #1
Shrewd as evearthed
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Wolverhampton, England
Posts: 8,270
Battle Record: 28-3

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So the S.T.I clinic is officially declared OPEN! I'm your lovable host Dr. Lars, here to issue you sick faggots with your weekly dose of fun and text-related entertainment. I did consider naming the different S.T.I groups Chlamydia, Syphillis, Gonorrhoea and HIV - but I didn't know how offensive some of you may have found that considering the 5/10 Tinderellas some of you bang *cough @Bags*cough*! How many awful medical related puns can I stretch this magazine to? I'm sure we'll find out!


Nurse @NYCSPITZ has provided me all with your medical records, so while I have the file to hand, LETS TAKE A CLOSER LOOK AT YOU NASTY ASS MOTHERFUCKERS and some of the illness you've coughed and spluttered up on your keyboards!

by President Lars

Richard Corey vs PancakeBrah - This battle pits RSTL and RHYME alumni R.C against AOWL Champion PancakeBrah in what on paper is one of the best match ups this round. Two fantastic storytellers with a gift for catching the reader off guard and twisting a topic to their advantage. Both have been inactive for a while on the scene and that could possibly be a factor here, but form is temporary. Class is permanent. I'm expecting big things from these two. Richard Corey 60-40

UnbornBuddha vs Vulgar - This match up makes perfect sense to me from a stylistic standpoint. I love both these guys. They're very evenly matched up in terms of creativity, writing ability and execution, so the thing that separates these guys could be one of them out-thinking their opponent and delivering something completely left field - which isn't unfamiliar territory for either guy. UnbornBuddha has been more somewhat more active of recent than Vulgar, and that too could be decisive here. For that reason I'm giving UB the slightest of edges this time out. UnbornBuddha 55-45

NYCSPITZ vs dead man - Two of NETCEES brightest topical starlets are set to bump heads here and it's a mouthwatering prospect. I don't think I've seen them ever go up against each other before! dead man is less of a storyteller, tending to place an emphasis more so on his delicate wording and really pulling at the heart strings with his descriptive imagery and overpowering emotion. NYCSPITZ is by far the more natural storyteller of the two, but will that be enough to bury the dead man? There used to be an old saying in topical battles that stories won over topicals. I wouldn't say that is always as clear cut as it reads, though more often than not it is the case. I have a feeling this one will also divide the audience and come down again to personal preference. I'm giving dead man the marginal nod here over NYC, but it is very marginal at a dead man 55-45 split.

Cimmerian vs Bags - This may quite possibly be the battle of the round with the least expectation surrounding it, in fact! That's not to say these guys aren't immensely talented when the mood takes them, more so that people are just unfamiliar with their body of work. Cimmerian has been doing this a very, very long time. Longer than me even. He's from that @trap. era of text, largely known to me as being from UPN and I believe RapLeagues. He is probably one of the best natural flowing textcees you'll come across, which is no mean feat, though a lot of people underestimate the importance of flow these days - and more fool them. There's been a resurgence somewhat in this era of recent, favouring shorter and more concise lines and verses - and in such we've seen a revitalised second coming of Cimmerian in recent years, returning to the fold with a heavy blend of captivating turns of phrase and imagery. The guy is very reminiscent of dead man in a lot of respects, IMHO. Bags on the other hand is more a battle-hardened veteran, which is perhaps why he leans more on the original and creative angles he wields so well. His time on the text side gives him an advantage very few of his adversaries here have. His wit. His ability to flesh out a concept quickly. His wording to create quotables. He knows what the reader wants from a couplet, and his resume of accolades proves his talent. The only real thing not going in Bags favour here is the fact he is relatively out of practice in the storytelling realm and doesn't compete regularly - but he had thrown down with great success in the past, champing a tournament over Veritas and having a very good battle against Cashius. I expect Cimmerian to have a shorter verse, also, as is custom with him now and so for that reason I am edging this one in Bags favour - though not by much! Bags 60-40%

Frank vs big baby - This should be one for the record books. Frank is the current AOWL Season Six champion but he faces a colossal challenge in the form of big baby here. These are two of the best to put pen to pad, period. The fact they're also both now NCG's in their own right only adds more of a sibling rivalry feel to this one. These two are also matched evenly from a stylistically standpoint, relying heavily on mechanics, but both rather unique in their approach to topics and overall execution. The deciding factor here could well be momentum, of which Frank has the slight edge due to him coming off the back of a seasonal win in the AOWL. Few would consider it an upset were big baby to come away with the victory though. Frank 53-47

Atheist vs Split Eight - This one is a very difficult match to call, in all honesty. Split doesn't have what many consider the "classic" linear storytelling steez. The way his style goes over could well prove a decider for or against him here. Atheist on the other hand is an old hand at this level, he knows exactly what the voters are looking for and just what it takes to win. His verses are largely reader-friendly affairs executed very well. I can't see him deviating too far from this, which shifts the chess game back into Splits hands to see which move he makes next. If Ath plays safe this round, as I expect him to, this could really come down to personal preference and leave the voters split between them. Pun always intended. I guess I'm giving Atheist the lead largely based on my familiarity with his style and the fact it's very appealing to the voter base and more easily digestible. Atheist 60-40

Pinot Grij vs Eng - Pinot is probably the most naturally gifted storyteller around today. He's a veteran of the game, just as another name. I love his comedic stance that he adopts in battles and I think more of the same here could see him come out on top. He is notoriously difficult to beat on his A-game and one of the few textcees I hope to face before I eventually hang up the keyboard. Eng on the other hand may be an unknown to some of the participants, and in that sense he is maybe an underdog here - but that could see him surprise people and snag a win. Do not sleep on this guy. He is more than capable of beating just about everyone here on his day, this will be a real test and I know for sure he won't be sleeping on just how good Pinot is. The two writers are both very good storytellers and equally matched in terms of ability, writers voice, direction, and technical merit. There is very little between these two guys and I have the feeling this one will also be dependent on who can flip the topic the most creatively and draw the voters towards their verse over their opponents, winning by personal preference. For my money, I'm giving the edge to Pinot here in a 60-40 bet

Soulstice vs Pent uP - I saved this one for last because I love both these guys. I've been crew with both, I've come up with both, I've probably even faced both myself before truth be told. This match is about to be a slobberknocker! Pent is returning from a short hiatus while Soulstice has been crying out for something to get involved with for a while now without success, until the STI clinic opened its diseased doors! This is the first NC will have seen of these guys for a little while now, but I've no doubt both will live up to their billing. Match ups don't come much bigger than these. Soulstice has really matured in his writing over past couple of years, while Pent has been pretty much untouchable since finding his own groove. The unstoppable force meets the immovable object here. Very touch to call. I'm going with Pent as I feel he may just raise his bar in the first round to send a warning shot out there for his later competition. Pent 55-45 The real winner is us readers here though!

by Certain:
Originally Posted by Certain View Post
The seeding being random actually makes sense with a field like this. Almost every person in this tournament could win it all. Anyway, predictions:

Pinot Grij vs Eŋg
This is such a massive clash of styles. Pinot Grij has the storytelling thing down pat — one of the best ever at it — but everyone loves Eŋg’s style, and the topics might lend themselves more to his bent. I’m going with Pinot Grij.

Split Eight vs Atheist
Atheist probably will no show. If he does show, he’ll probably be rusty as fuck. But if he’s not, he’s one of my favorites ever. His ability to set a scene was the best on the Internet circa 2005, and he and Split Eight should make for a very aural matchup. I’ll play it safe and pick Split Eight.

Frank vs big baby
This is awesome. I have no idea what either of them is going to write about. I’ll pick big baby because I think he’s going to try in Round 1.

Soulstice vs Pent uP
I feel like I’ve seen this battle eight times over the past decade. I’ll go with Pent uP because Soulstice got him last time.

Cimmerian vs Bags
This will be the shortest and possibly the most entertaining battle of the round. I’m leaning toward Cimmerian’s professionalism, but we’ll see if Bags can win it with creativity.

PancakeBrah vs Richard Corey
Richard Corey is literally the best to ever do this shit. PancakeBrah arguably was the best active writer in 2014 or so. The question is how much Richard Corey has been writing and how much he’ll put into this tournament, assuming he shows. As with Split Eight vs. Atheist, I’ll play it safe here. PancakeBrah seems moderately hungry (though I expect him to stop caring by no later than the third round).

dead man vs NYCSPITZ
We’ve seen this one so many fucking times. I pick dead man.

UnbornBuddha vs Vulgar
This will be the weirdest and probably longest battle of the round. Vulgar wins 1-0. zygote shows up to cast the only vote.

by Soulstice:

Originally Posted by Soulstice View Post

Whatever happened to a good old predictions thread?

Pinot Grij vs Eŋg
- Pinot has a finer grasp on delivering a palpable concept to the audience. Eng is abstract which, to me, means his verses peak and valley, from metaphorical magnum opus to non-resonant. Pinot might have one of the finer flows of the 16, though Eng is sound too. I pick pinot.

Split Eight vs Atheist
- The most unfamiliar & polarizing match up yet. I've read atheist in the mid-aughts days of RM and am well aware of the storytelling talent. Split is one of the forefront talents when it comes to the 'netcees' heads and has the touch when it comes to flow intertwined with emotional imagery, creating a sense of ethereal haunting. A clash, both stylistically and historically. I don't know what gutter atheist crawled out of (sorry but if you were in a league recently I would've known), so I go with split with a potentially legacy-making W. too dramatic?

Frank vs big baby
- opposite of what I said above. AFAIK, ive never encountered these talents on any other board. they are star crossed. Big baby has dropped one of my favorite verses in the past half decade (that seasonal verse in the 1st winter topical), but Frank is insanely consistent, both in-verse with the rhyme scheme and consistently showing with fresh concepts. If bb is ready to go, and i think he is, I pick Big baby.

Soulstice vs Pent uP
- anotha one

Cimmerian vs Bags
- I read a cimmerian verse about/called ghost hunters. shit was fire. I am unfamiliar with bags abilities and am surprised he got the call over Witty tbh. Maybe he proves me wrong but my ignorance is pointing to cimm.

PancakeBrah vs Richard Corey
- Well RC is up there on topical rushmore, pancake is up there on the netcees rushmore. I don't think RC gets rusty, as evidenced by his brief appearences in the RHYME when I was there. I have to go with him, although, like many of these matchups, its a tragedy they face each other first round.

dead man vs NYCSPITZ
- dead man, another on the rushmore. flow is impeccable. similar to split in that haunting atmosphere he creates with his verses. NYC is a master of direct imagery and physical storytelling. 2 contrasting styles that will be a treat to read. dead man wins in not-an-upset (a sentence written many times before)

UnbornBuddha vs Vulgar
- UB seemed to come up as soon as I deactivated. He has a super intelligent flow. It seems like some sideways evolution of sacrifice's (RIP lol jk) style. or maybe a sliiiightly backward evolution (no offense, sac is that 3rd rushmore head bro). but what ive skimmed of him he clearly has skills. Meanwhile vulg has made a surge in recent years to become possibly the 4th rushmore dude, as far as I have read. which is why I think UB faces an uphill bottle. prediction to vulg.

good luck to all.
by Vulgar:

Originally Posted by Vulgar View Post
Pinot Grij vs Eŋg
Pinot has some heavy crowd favorite buzz going for him, and I think he feeds off of it. Eng is a dark horse simply because he prefers to be. Pinot has the best humor themed verses on the site. Eng leans on his literary style and intellect, a somewhat limited yet still potent arsenal. If he diversified in the past and displayed his grit in the process, I'd give him more of a chance. But Pinot is no joke. 5-2 Pinot.

Split Eight vs Atheist
This one will be a lot of fun. I don't know if Split has his gameface on for this one, seeing as he's focused on winning the stock market game. I wish I was more familiar with Atheist's work so I could recount some of his pieces. I'm going with Split, 3-2, he's less rusty.

Frank vs big baby
My prediction is that fuckery will ensue when Frank drops a no show verse. beeb will somehow turn it into a troll-off contest. If they both come to do battle properly, I see Frank winning 4-2. He can be off the wall, but he is usually adherent to some form of structure which readers identity with. big baby is a bit of a wild card, in that if he comes too unorthodox, it might be hit or miss.

Soulstice vs Pent uP
This is going to be fireworks from two arch nemeses. The last time I battled Soul, he toppled me with a swift 1-2. Pent has been away for awhile, so does he still have the passion for this to hit one out of the park again like he has so many times before?

Cimmerian vs Bags
I think Cimm humbles Bags here with a devastating knockout. Either that or Bags wins 315-2. Cimm is really nice with it. Bags has shown flashes of his arsenal in the past to convince me he's a legit threat tho. Plus Sn00p almost beat Lars, so battlers are underrated tbc.

PancakeBrah vs Richard Corey
If RC wins this tournament it'll be awesome. If PB wins, Frank will have to re-examine his life purpose. All jokes aside, both are strong writers. I wasn't around for RC's prime by the time I stumbled over into the RHYME, but he's vicious when he wants to be. RC 6-3.

dead man vs NYCSPITZ
Something in the back of my gut tells me that dead man will struggle with time, and drop an 8 bar short verse. NYCSPITZ will counter with a 20 bar extravaganza, and take it. If both show to their full potential, I'm going to dead man. He's slick.
by Frank:

Originally Posted by Frank View Post
The eerie accuracy of that random selection, though? Some of these matches, man, damn. Classics!

Pinot Grij vs Eŋg?

English hasn't stepped foot in the AOWL arena for reasons unbeknownst. A Riddler rhymer. Once took shots at him in a Topical Diss way back when. His favorite piece of mine is Esmerelda? Til this day I don't know why? (detained, can't PM, let me know in this thread?) I am a spectator of his work. "Eng" can weave the intricate with pin point preciseness. Conceptually, No, I cannot put a finger on anything specific he has ever done. Crafty in his own right, though. I'm putting Enj in my Top 5 Most Underrated Writers category. He, along with Genocide, who I felt could've got a nod, along with others, over Enj, are the quiet ambassadors of the Open Mic forum, imo. That's Enjs turf, that he shares with Genocide, Deadman and a few select others. English doesn't have the big time charisma of a Pinot Grig - but like someone said, their picture is lending itself to a cerebral assassin like approach. Pinot Grig has mainstream appeal in the topical sense. Go big or go home against that guy. He will make some funny approach seem larger then life with videos and pictures and the works. Not aware of the guys previous aliases, but the name Pinot Grij is somewhat revered now? He's won the winter topical. Another Tournament would surely solidify Pinot Grij. If he doesn't come funny, he doesn't have that same entertainment factor going for him, though. Stands out conceptually. This match is very evenly balanced on the minds tipping scale right now. Enj hasn't champed any grand events, let alone participated in, if any, but he has single handily saved the entire open mic page from mediocrity, time and time again. Pinot Grij is the favorite. Going with Pinot Grij. Pulling for Enj though. Mike Wrecka is fucking watch bro. Get her done.

Split Eight vs Atheist
Atheist was a powerhouse. A prominent writer: whom I competed side by side with in my hay days on RNR, decades ago. I watched Atheist become the ISTL Legend from the sidelines of RNR. Atheist is from humble beginnings. A fast learner, Atheists storytelling was textbook. A behemoth. A prodigy, if you will. His alias "Kuja" made a few guest appearances in the AOWL over the years, but it wasn't anything to write home about. Seeing Atheist's name - brings me back to a land far, far away. I want to say I had a big part to play in Atheists Manifestation. (Perhaps, @Atheist?) Split Eight. I need to see something, frl, frl. Yes, you you can delicately scribe. Again though, like "Enj" I am having trouble identifying you with a specific piece... Have said it before, Most Improved Candidate Circa 2014 - Split Eight gets his pull because he's in the CLICK of the discussion forum. Which is unfair to say, the Man has stepped up numerous times in the AOWL's legendary history. One of the best feedback givers, imho. His critique is some of the most in depth around. Atheist name holds weight on All Time lists, though. Split is every-bodies favorite underdog here. Not the size of the dog, size of the fight in the dog? analogy applies to him. Would love to read a Vintage Atheist story with all the quotations and dialogue. Remember @Tha Talent. Split Eight has a golden opportunity to pick up his most noteworthy victory of his young career here. Can Atheist hang with the young Split Eight? Split Eight has the edge, imo. Historically, Split Eight would have to win this tournament and the next 2 to be mentioned in the same breath as the ISTL legends. Split Eight can write diligently. I'm looking forward to him burying an old legend here.

Frank vs big baby
Big Baby is Dull Boy? Yeah right. And I was Red glare. Big baby is a true wild card selection. Dudes Paragraph Structure was pioneer. Big Baby and his countless aliases lit up the open mic forum. Big Babys Thread Titles get the most views ever. Dude types like an idiot on one username, types manically depressed on another username, has the usernames interact like the netcees norman bates. Strange thing is, he can, and will write very eloquently so it is truly perplexing. I got him winning the whole tournament. Better bring it, kid.

Soulstice vs Pent uP
Stuff of legends, man. Apparently they've dueled throughout the decades. Both fixtures of the topical ages. Top 20 all time? And that's without acknowledging their Netcee feats. Consistently dominant in different eras. Soulstice and Pent Up were figments of my imagination before finding this site. These names ring bells in the topical world. Soulstice made it clear that he wasn't some hasbeen by going to the finals of the AOWL Season 1(I keep telling you wouldn't of got passed red glare) eventually winning Certains Short verse tournament. His 3 bar rhyme scheme is one of the more unorthodox around. A vague & dreamy writer who encapsulates that golden era of topicals. His opponent owes me a 100 bars right now. I don't give a fuck. This dude is going down as my biggest nemesis of all time. This guy can't brew better then me (4-1 against him). Growing up, 14-15-16 years old, I identified with Pent uP as the Topical God of the ISTL. You must understand how big their league was compared to RNR's. You could be dope and still get lost in the mix due to the sheer amount of heads. Baron Mynd was another name that was colossus back in those days. Pent uP champed NWL Season 1. Dude basically bulldozed something like 13-0 . I can never forget how Pent uP did everything in his power to stop me from winning his season 2, which he modded. Pent uP has made his impact in the AOWL under a plethora of P names. He idolizes this guy Richard Corey. I think Richard Cory's presence in this tournament significantly boosts him past Soulstice

Cimmerian vs Bags

Cimmerian is another name from the history books that has shown and prove in the present time. A refined simplist who beats verses twice his length with 16's. The stuff of folklore. I am not familiar with Cimmerians origins but I can fuzzily remember his name also being in the rafters of the ISTL. Bags is the CampFire Storytelling Champ. Do not sleep. Bags street/NBL approach to topicals is refreshing. Cinmmerians name holds weight. Bags been putting up weight lately. Can he topically mandhandle cimmerian? Good possibility here that he can stun voters with a gritty tale that overwhelms cimmerians play it safe style.

PancakeBrah vs Richard Corey
@Vulgar, not sure what you meant by that? PancakeBrah got me that one finals? I re-read my verse the other day and it was horrendously rehashed. I didn't get robbed but still, I'm not sold on PancakeBrah. He has more posts then the other 3 top post counts - combined. Making his piece to post ratio in the lowest percentile in Netcees history. Pancakebrah is a notorious no shower. Another member of click. Topically he won't ever surpass his opponents reputation in a million years. Infact, when the two names are viewed side by side - you can almost see just how drastically different the magnitude is between them. Richard Corey is supposedly the king of kings? Have not had the pleasure of watching this man work. My expectations are high, though. Rooting for Pancakebrah, though. I hope he defends Netcees valiantly here.

dead man vs NYCSPITZ
AOWL SEASON 4 FINALS REMATCH!`!@#$%^& But it goes further back then that. These two have a checkered past. Dead man, the writer formally known as Black, is without a doubt, Netcee's first born son. Competitively he gets turnt up in tournament situations. 0-60. Black AKA Dead Man can string together 3-4 doozies and get crowned and ghost the open mic forum for the next 8 months and he's chillin'. Practically no showed his way through AOWL Seasons and has 2 AOWL Championships to show for it. My favorite verse of his, week 1 verse from AOWL Season 1. It was the first time I read anything colorful from you, not to mention it would be the first time you introduced the bright, sunny avatar that juxtaposed your recent name change from black to the deadman. A force to be reckoned with. NYCSPITZ is going to out Samurai any writer of that genre. NYCSPITZ is so honed in with that approach that it's gained wisdom and grey hairs over time. NYCSPITZ has slept on my couch. Dead Man questioned where I had been in the AOWL and NYCSPITZ sought me out. Both of these individuals view each other as the pinnacle. They're in a competition with one another - even when they're writing against other people. Upper echelon of this thing of ours. *Popcorn*

UnbornBuddha vs Vulgar
BOTW? Unbornbuddah AKA Godcomplex? Lebron James Potential? Will be a mainstay in the late rounds of topical tournaments for years to come? The greatest addition to Netcees AOWL in recent memory(Artifice aka magic returning going on a 10-0 run being the other) It's like Zygote disappeared and you took his place, bro. Back to back finals appearances? daily epic Cypher submissions that trump all other proceedings. Juggernaut knowledge. Extremely well read. A truly positive prominent presence that other topicalists can look up to. Salute to you - Vulgar. One of the few names synonymous with creativity for me. A smorgasbord plethora of vignettes. I just read his verse before writing this STI prediction. Vulgar is Netcees most prolific painter. A visionary artist who has influenced my own writing at times, along with others, as we all have. A true original.

A true meeting of the minds here. Damn this tournament is fucking dope @sraL


Unfortunately the STI clinic doesn't boast the greatest survival rate. In fact, it's pretty poor. The reality of the situation is, all but one of our patients will fall by the wayside at some point throughout the tourney. The last man standing though will be returned to relatively full health and allowed to gloat of his win from the comfort of his favourite computer chair. A marvel of modern medicine indeed. The rest will no doubt be plagued by a rash of votes against them and proverbial flys in the ointment.

So let's have a look at those given the best survival chances:

"Power Rankings"

1. Pinot Grij
Pinot is named as #1 survivor, mainly because he is the most natural storyteller we have here. His unique blend of comedy and creativity has seen him assert himself as an early favourite to take home the entire thing, and he could well do it.

2. Richard Corey - RC is to a lot of people the best of the best to have ever done this. The weight of expectation on his shoulders is unparalleled, the only reason he isn't ranked higher is because of his time away from the scene and the uncertainty of how much ring rust may have set in after a lengthy layoff.

3. Frank - The AOWL Season Six champion elect is in ferocious form, having stormed his way to another title. Some may argue he hasn't champed the strongest of seasons, but he is the current champion all the same and noone can take away that accolade. He has the momentum to carry over into this tourney, but will he have the momentum to champ the whole thing?

4. PancakeBrah - Pancake is a returning star of NC's topical side, and his early encouragement to get a tourney of this stature underway underlines his desire to compete. A motivated Pancake is a dangerous one. He wants this. It's his for the taking even though he faces a humongous opponent in the first round. The odds are surely stacked against him, but if he can knock out the sleeping giant he could clear the way on his path to destruction and steamroller the competition.

5. Pent uP - Pent uP is another returning favourite of NC's. He may not have been as prolific of recent, but when has that stopped Pent? You know his name for a reason. He strikes fear into the hearts of opponents just by having his name matched up against them. Sure, he's returning from a period of inactivity on the forums but you can bet your bottom dollar he's been writing offline - even if not so frequently on it. Pent is one of the best to ever do this. Could he champ the entire thing? It's not as far fetched as you may think.


So, young padawans, it's time to open the textbook archives and examine some previous cases to find what underlying root causes may have led to our patients falling so terminally ill in their medical files:

The Patient Notes

RichardCorey (vs Vulgar, 2015):

Utopia Fallen: 2000 years A.D. Tiny Doo

It remains one of man’s great dilapidated, eradicated landscapes.
Society’s evaporated; though it was fabricated from the damn gate.
Utopia: A concept built on the shiftiest of sinking sands, came
crashing down under its own, cold and bland, soulless grand weight
I was one, born in the swampy muck and the utterly hostile,
raised in the gutters and hostels, among the ugliest mongrels.
Our tonsils, vocal chords removed at birth to soothe official’s fears
that the writhing populous of the putrid poured any wishful tears
for a better day. All words or wistful letters spayed and neutered
for mute security. So we were hurriedly rushed, trained and tutored
in the skill of wall writing. The elders called us scribes;
voiceless young people, filling underground halls with rhymes.
We chronicled the old days, when the culture was above ground,
when we produced love sounds, fiery, violent and full of passion.
The colorful violets, blues of action, attacking the rich, who uptown
in their fancy mansions, quickly clenched and clutched crowns.
Back when we were the boogymen in plain site: society-created
monsters who fled shadows even as the light of day had faded.
It was inevitable that they would soon find a way to close us down
sending militia into our homes, checking the initials of our poems.
They were in our phone lines, interconnected with every miniscule
aspect of our lives. On the ancient Internets, scouring our digital
world. That’s when we fled underground and they built the façade:
This false world run by sinister images, integers and digital gods.
We took the mainframe down, then they responded brutally.
We retreated further below, maintaining a despondent unity.
And yet, we still had our words…until the virus was released
Infecting the children’s voices, and one day our voices just…ceased.

So now we wait underground, mindlessly covering halls
with our stories, former glories, love letters and such on the walls
We are the voiceless remains of a culture of rebellious few
who spew these tales of our destruction and no one to tell em to.
Lost in the vortex and labyrinth, trapped in crafting paragraphs
and myths until our last days, when we are tracked, collapsed
and corralled. Herded to the gas chambers singing death is near
miles above the lost caverns and wall scribbles that say


Eng - "sleeveless"

((i am the blues))

i am not a poet. that's a label.
i'm an able, ancient force of creation
predating words to shape it.
i am nascent:
sapience growing only
when it's known it's not grown.
i am home
when wandering amongst
foreign winds not foreign.
to lack a sense of belonging
is to forget one's Self.
forfeit one's self-image;
identity tied to other's eyes
will compromise your visage.
instead actualize your instinct.
that often forgotten knot in your gut,
untie its corrupt tangle and tug.
wear your heart on your tongue
-- what's your sleeve ever done?
except deceive that we are spun
from the same fabric of unchained magic
or obscure that we are pure as we begin,
but unsure what we’ve become,
pure... as we begun,
pure as we come in – naked, skin and bone.
ruled by will alone,
shifting stone to house our souls,
if we could just crack the mould
of our old habits I know that it’d grow arid lands
and make verdant the earth between us.

but you don’t listen. you’re a genius.

you’ve lived a thousand lives a phoenix,
you know we lie between mars and venus,
but you don’t know we lie to ourselves and believe it.
looking outside to see what’s scenic,
yet never within because the tremulous din
of cavities sing sorrow.
are we then hollow, living in atrophy?
little black holes dripping causality
-- pull me in, give me more gravity.
fill my lungs with dirt to peel borders back.
let me breathe earth and bleed water that
cuts the sinewed strings
wound around this thing I call mortality
and I wake the fuck up. sleeping far too happily.
no, i’m not a poet.
i’m just poetry that’s happening.

Pinot Grij (vs. Soulstice)

Originally Posted by Pinot Grij View Post

***pls view the video first***

Vincent Smith - A Fictional History

^ That's Vincent Smith, and that's Jadeveon Clowney laying him out
But what the replays don't show is Smith's soul escape through his mouth
It changed him, no doubt - before draft day, teams were staking him out
But Smith fumbled and stumbled each time he played for the scouts
Now Clowney, he's a Lone Star in Houston - 1st pick in the draft
While every team passed on Vincent, hardly a sniff from the pack
He returned to Michigan, to get his reputation on the mend
But he played shitty there too - and he was stapled to the bench
So he focused on academics - but he failed on every test
Tried to bag chicks, but his sad dick couldn’t even stay erect
Passing off as a laughingstock, he was the college’s joke
Got his athletic scholarship revoked and that was all that she wrote
Poor Vincent - he was dragged off campus punching and kicking
His life was shit. Ever since that hit, he just knew something was missing


Vincent is fat now. He looks like crap now.
He only wears sweats and lives on a campground.
Down at the trailer park, he’s always buggin’ people
Tellin’ stories from his glory years like Uncle Rico
He works at Wal Mart so he can never save a penny.
Spending days aplenty with his neighbor Cajun Remy.
Now, the pagan Cajun practiced voodoo still to this day.
And told Vincent his theory that had him filled with dismay
“Vince, your soul left when that man popped off your head
I’m no doctor, but to the spirits, child, you’re already dead.
But the soul never ceases and yours is left intact.
And if you trust Remy but any then I can get it back.”
See, down at the NFL Drug Center, Remy knows of a man
Who hooked Remy up with a phoney custodian’s badge
The Cajun was a thief and here’s a pure example
He walked in and stole Jadeveon’s urine sample
Back at the trailer, the Cajun insisted Vincent drink it
Smith was disgusted but this sure wasn't time for thinking
Vincent chugged the piss cup and his face fell flat
As he saw Remy hit him in the chest with a baseball bat

Meanwhile, at the stadium, Clowney’s vision went all blurry
His body seized up and he left the game twitchin’ on a gurney


Smith is a CEO, pockets flush, miles away from his poor conditions
Smokin’ stogies on a private yacht, surrounded by gorgeous women
Taut physique, built like a freak - lookin’ like a college day throwback
Plus his hair’s grown back - hell yeah, Vincent Smith has got his soul back
Soulstice (vs. Pent uP)



He thought of the clouds
Where he drank away his arrogant youth
In that crotchety town
That would barely approve
Of his trumpeting mischief
With his careless, uncouth
Thunderous misfits....

Songvale. A mortal might call it: a lakeside dream
As Michael tore through it at break-neck speeds
On his triple-crown Pegasus, the City-Cloud eminent
of all race-adept steeds. With a bottle of golden elixir
in one hand, the other: a magnificent vixen
To be forgotten tomorrow, she'll be lost in the bottle
While he wishes his liver forgives him.
Later that night, representing Aegis Academy
He finishes first in the race, with radiant majesty
He savors it happily. He sees the next one..
his lips pop on her cheek
And they retreat to the estate which his father bequeathed

His father,
Lord Achil. The mighty protector of Heaven's realms
Slayer of horned beasts: emissaries helming Hell
It's hereditary, He's next to shelter and conquer the patterns
Of the six-headed hydra-riding monsters attacking.

In a spherical room, trapped in blue-electric restraints
Cursing the ancient magic that kept him in place
While he was nearing his doom, he shivered and wept
And thought of the Moment.. became filled with regret.

At the Achil Estate..
Where the bubbly's shared..
champagne erupting from bottles, spurring laughter
It hung in the air, you could gaze into eternal rapture
While burning ashes of dead golems for a spectacular high
Compelling dancing for now, forgoing the chalice of wine
The palace divine, trysts barely hidden behind tall ivory pillars
Drunk angels peering into the pit of false idols and sinners
Has father imprisoned.. as they whistled, hooted, laugh
Until one tipped over and fell, into the abyssal supermax
Became coated in putrid black, teeth angled in impossible ways
Eyes flaring red, but at least locked in the grave...

In a fractal steel-gray prison in the Outer Dark
He remembers it all, it nearly drowns his heart
His captors have forgot him in this metal barge
In the Forbidden Galaxy, where he's left to starve..

In the morning, cups and precious jewels littered the lawn and
Ancient amulets hung from the intricate fauna
Last night was awesome, he mused in hungover pride
He wandered the house and found there was someone inside
What's up, he inquired, an empty stare was returned
But hes still drunk, the soulless iris barely disturbed
Can you show me the Aegis? Eyes blank as ever
Bro... of course! He took him to the sanctuary

The sanctuary. Where the Blade of Immortals rested
The Infinite Arc and other important weapons
But none more respected than wars bane itself
The intersection of battle and peace. The Aegis Bell

He opened the Golden Gate like a proud parent
"This thing moves mountains, makes clouds perish"
He's loud, relished the moment. Another friend he impressed
When suddenly he lashed out, put a welt on his chest
His eyes flared red... shadows engulfed the ***kling figure
The aegis was gone, and powers balance had shifted
dead man - "Anticipation"

Originally Posted by dead man View Post
i guess

it's sad for itself. a silhouette that sat on the shelf
unaware of how abandonment felt. home is a thought
of overindulgence. note to mirage - you're bad for my health
what can you do but wait in silence for the capsule to melt
my brother heard a voice, screaming. asking for help
now that he's gone it seems i've picked up on the habit as well
so pick me up a twenty-bag or drag me to hell
from an era where the thrill is gone and abstinence sells
it gets harder to tell whether monogamy counts
when there's passion in the battlefield but not at the house
olive her skin, tonic her svedka, cotton her blouse
communicating undercover like reconnaissance scouts
put my keys on the table. put that shot in her mouth
she opens up like caves of wonder Ali Ababwa recounts
it only got quieter once we started to shout
called an audible and walked. the only option was out
couch surfing for a theta wave to throw me a sign
from an era where GD stands for growth & decline
my city is a battlefield for soldiers to die
i've seen their moms' smile when those diplomas arrived
how their brows twisted tearful when they lowered the box
speaking reassurance with my stomach in knots
pandora holds a piece of mind i've opened a lot
jotting thoughts even though my demons told me to stop
optimism, realism, theologists agree
that no matter what, it's all okay. it's only a dream
i left a note on the fridge that should be reason enough
to let this hate become a seasonal drug, read it and shrug
read it or weep. follow the sheep, i am leader of goats
making hall of fame worthy look like decent at most
focus and you'll understand. believe it or don't
there is no good - only absence of the evil in folks
breathe into your center. let the chemicals float
soak inside the hologram and breathe into smoke
people are so terrified. it's really a joke
remember. no, anticipate. amnesia, she wrote

Bags (vs. Cashius)


“Between the wish and the thing the world lies waiting.”
- Cormac McCarthy

I bus yo head trick!

I bus yo head!

I bus yo head trick!

I bus yo head!

Then im when im awake....

i feel like i left a dream to the chill of death....

So i breathe for a milisec & see thru the silhouette
From a beastly gorillas neck, wen i squeeze in can u hit 10?
jesus, shes the reason for prilosec. If she was bulimic id be upset
cuz then we couldnt see this unbelievable living wreck
treat the fridge like an achievable mission threat.
Thank you doris, i nod....and start to think as i breathe again.
I wish....
i just wish for one day
These heathens knew how i REALLY percieved them then.....
Maybe theyd see.....
I mean look at their means to a squeamish end
They act weak
But only cuz they think
that the meek will step up to recieve what the demons left
But to me?
their inner demons are equally evil an streaming from discontent
I see the false allegiance begin to weaken from being so indirect
An with that fleeting beacon...
Just breathe....
Let me reflect.
everytime i dream im in full effect....if i wake from my sleep?
Then i cheated death.
If im able to beathe? Then im living less
But dont u see?
What they see....
Is worth nothing ......if u cant see what they see the best.
Now i can see it,
We're so alike
Our agreements r a bill of debt, i kno it seems egregious .....
Still i bet
If u bolt down our reason w/ a philips head
u could watch what u speak an see we're Bill and Ted.
What a brilliant blend
A wish is worthless if u get to see it redeemed
Cuz then the search just ends
Hope is gone.
So what will we see when the earth is dead?
I plan to just sleep
where i can be free
and reach perfectness.
but i dont say it.....
i would never....
I simply thank the bitch.....
Throw on sum gangsta shit
and head to my dreams to be at peace so i can feel again.....

I bus yo head trick!

I bus yo head!

I bus yo head trick!

I bus yo head!
NYCSpitz (vs PancakeBrah)

Topic: Road to Nowhere


bubble wrap windows taped, conceal the tinted civic sedan
A man sits sipping beer, brewing his militant plans
dutch guts on the floor like shattered remnants of his vanishing soul
...he swore to right all of his wrongs playin paladin roles
Kevin sensed it - foreboding drenching him in ravenous cold...
yet turning ignition he creeps away from his abandoned abode
four blocks west, a sharp left to St. Nicholas Ave
every crack fiend stared - so uncommon was his villainous path
an iphone rings, its sound synchronized with audible breeze
and his celly screen reads the moniker off: "Solomon's Key"
"yaoo...I'm outside your crib now wit the bronco my dude"
'word keep that shit running my nigga, I gotta grab my poncho too'
Rakell steps in shades, a vest and jeans with black platform boots
an early twenties iconoclastic rounded back formed youth
dark clouds loom over the palisades - they slowly creep for the city...
we find them in a new car Jersey bound, feeling lethal and gritty
Harlem turns to Washington Heights, the Heights turn to the bridge
to parkway which leads to muddy woods in stride with a cliff
"you ready Sol"? Kevin asks it with controlled animal vigor
lockjawed, his partners' eyes reflect a fathomless winter
Kev slows and doubt now and action could wither
the man steps, walks around to trunk and opens the shit
then reaffirms seven sealed packages loaded with sniff
The pitter patter of rain starts to flow in noonday night
an engine roar approaches...along with a set of blue red lights
'ayo, what the fuck! what the fuck is this shit Kev'?
"Relax Sol...I'm only making sure that business is deft"
the undercover charger rolls next to Solomon's window
Kev steps out, approaching them as if laudable kinfolk
The sky darkens - Solomon's jaw drops in grey dim light
and when the three cops turn, they see the dealer making haste in flight
one of the new men casually states... "we should go get him"
Kevin: "later...first we gotta rob this crooked felon"
the brook is swellin some yards west, they pop the trunk with sleight
exchange efficient, like grammar rules from Strunk and White
The rain picks up - and undercovers retreat to sanctuary in glee
clapping hands, counting cash - three nefarious fiends
Kev sits in the back, a steady gaze as they smoke cigs in the front
an ebullient, yet nasty mood - he'll kill 'em at once
pullin twin nines he headshots, then starts fillin 'em up...
blood splatters dashboard - Jackson Pollock on the brink of divine
discarding bodies haphazardly, he shoots out of there in the blink of an eye
c'est la vie New York! He crosses the GWB a last innocent time...
entering Port Authority with simply a backpack and his wiles
approaching the woman, she receives him with a laugh and a smile
'Where you headed stranger'? he offers her the grandest salute
"I'm gonna have to lose the land of Peru"
he boards the Greyhound, headed away from justice, evil and fame
knowing that everywhere he goes, he'll find the people the same.

big baby - "broken walls"

there’s lies that i tell, with no repercussion in sight
roll over for the fall out. mushroom smoke destruction tonight
blood on the vinyl, the stylus goes over it every time
i heard a whisper that others swear i made up in my mind
i mean, i’m sorry. i’m apologizing for apologies sake
anthology of poems, that i swore i never created
signature, me. my hand writing becomes sloppy by noon
hollow out the wine cabinet. 3 P.M oktober lagune
philosophy twist. take a trip with me to corpus callosum
where coordinates of your ghost consoles the subconscious
sort of robotic. you can control my wiring with a jolt. electronic
my own pocohantas, brunette soul. roses from tarzan and tonic
theres more than what meets the eye. morgue detailed in disguise.
the force in which you assort to, distorts the ailing device.
tobacco road, collages corroded by writings in code
chorus in falsetto, i need endorphins for one night in chicago
dr. zhivago. fireplace blisters. a crackle for every sip that i take
stolichnaya. palm reader dyslexic. punches rolled with the fist that i make
a soft season in texas. missletoes, sam adams, king cole for your taste
dismissive soul. for every broken heart, there’s a home i invade
and for every cold day, theres a lava-breathing demon. i lay
lion gazelle syndrome. in your bed, like a wolf in sheeps clothing.
love that you run from me. love that you bleed slowly
i could see you at the gazebo from the window that i deliberately sit at
pumpkin red, summer dress, willow branches whistle witcher’s “Priscilla”
i wish i knew, maybe tomorrow i’ll love you again
maybe it’s the summer air. maybe i hope that summer never ends
it’s culture and ethics. economic bolster synthetic
vulture paradigm culled and then etched in, the permanent pull of forever
do you remember we kissed? the sole member of this ringing inaction
I heard about your schrödinger attachment. how the elixir is magic
pronounce your name for me. i want to say it in dead language
i want to say it how they said it before we even existed
out loud, and painfully. full of rage, in a sweating panic
seasons remiss, i want to breathe it into existence
velvet sage. i want to say it with your hand on my neck
great minds think alike, so thats why we both brandish contempt
showered with my clothes on, alone in the stall
emptied the heaven hill, and put a hole in the wall
called the dont do it lifeline and was put on hold for an hour
wrote a letter to my parents, and choked on the vowels
bit on my tongue til the blood diluted the taste of the bourbon
put a slit through my bandage. put a blade to my churches
said a prayer so nervous. layed still for eternity
the shower ran through 6am. i heard knocks on the door
answered with an imaginary gun that held me hostage. its more
than what i made it out to be. told them i fell and i slipped
told a joke and laughed it off. told her hell is a bitch
denim has a subtle smell when drenched in whiskey and slaughter
waded as anonymous caller. speakerphone the rain of the water
looked to the sky, dissolute, dissuaded, demise
cried, laughed and told the operator i had already died
asked me if i was alright. i know id be never the same
desolate rage. i wonder where my crucifix lays.
if they could talk, what would these broken walls say
you only remember me when i start to walk away
PancakeBrah (vs Mr. J)


David isn’t Patrick Bateman, no. He isn’t Travis Bickle deranged,
he’s simply kempt. Face bathed in soap, tailored in Valentino layered coats
strictly arranged. Fickle, in gator toes. Lapping the ladder rungs,
watching as colleagues slip from the gable’s ropes back to the cattle run.
Detached, with a smile flashing off of his platinum tie clips
with patented dryness. Can’t recall the last he saw of the back of his eyelids
off on his Zoloft and Ritalin coughs. Driven. Medicated in a millionaire loft,
living in salt. Capitalist chakras in tune. On business, he’s visited Prague
and Ibiza, only to know their every marketable feature. His margins aligned,
a cognizant leader with a slight temper and dulled spark in his eyes.

He meets Ava in a bar, of course. She’s wearing Gothika chic and pockets of lint.
Little tassles, lockets and trinkets. Soft in the cheek, she moves like a walking of winks,
adorned with the gaudiest ringlets. Black sheer stockings with her body anemic,
she frolicks the scene, often caught with a free drink from the Johns she was seen with
while David sat sated, starched. A suit, holding an Old Fashioned fashioned with Maker’s Mark
annoyed that the napkin sticks. Passive. A pacifist in matching wits in a scene so dark.
So when she sits down, it’s an adrenal spark. Flush of face in an awkward pause.
This is no place for business cards. There’s no Action Plan if you can’t chart the cause.
He’s fucked his whore or two. Of course. But there’s a difference between rotten and fresh;
“Want to buy me a drink?” He nods with a “Yes.”

“Your performance has declined as of late, David” says the Chairman.

David doesn’t know gossamer from satin. Is gossamer satin?
Lost in the patterns. Aloft, drinking coffee with her is Latin. Innate.
Naked cross section of passion. Winterlove, winter in cabins. She’s late.
Often. Ava is the watch. Time is so latent. Time is so late.
What is a problem? Cross legged, thatched in a snowy mornings wake.
So foreign, these once pressing capitalization rates.
Cracked fire wood is the pace. Slow. Soaking in every falling flake
outside. Fingertips fire. A single blanket, an ice rink once called a lake
as a view. Teenage dream, renewed. The lack of a ledger,
warmth in Ava. At peace, eyes now undulled, together.

“We need to have a serious talk.” says the Chairman.

It’s an interlock of moonlit fingertips. Surround sound tinnitus. David locked into her. Life's lack of animus. Her locked into him. The big bang phantom dust. Neutron candle lust. Disregard of the rational. She’s his ration, him hers. Each other’s hymn verse. From here to sand, to dust.

“You’re fired.”
“I’m pregnant.”
Freedom. What's to your goal now?
"None. I'm happy."
UnbornBuddha aka Godcomplex (vs asylum)


Celestial slave

Two explorers plunging an underground complex,
Descending its depths becomes a profound process
As we absorb the spellbinding background contents.
Traversing deeper, our consciousness begins to shift;
We see a secret so big and majestic –
For a moment, our being ceased to exist.
The voyage has taken us to thy father’s head;
It seems he was captured, kept in bondage by other men
Where he spend millennia’s suffering in satanic zen
Unable to grow seraphic wings and transcend matter’s flesh.

As we come closer, and glimpse into his shadow's depth
Systemic bliss ripples into our hearts, sadly the feeling eclipses.
A glyph reveals the distant past, by giving us a spiritual vision.
Here we thought we the heavenly children were victims,
That he abandoned us. But, how could he safeguard us?
When our ancestors seeing heaven craved carnage,
Upon the Towers of Babel collapsing, they disparaged you.
Your image became that of an inherent fool;
Your enemy’s views were declared the truth
Depicted as an enlightened pluralist ready to parry you.
Here we are now, staring you face to face… I only ask for your love.
Father responds wailing,
It must be because his been trapped for so long.
But on closer examination, they’ve yanked off his tongue!
Silence. It’s only grand when you can stand being shunned,
Taken for granted like this planet’s sun. It too will vanish once.

Father o’ father,
These catacombs were designed to extract your soul.
For the hope of discovering your serum plasma’s code
So as to clone ourselves in the image of eternity
--Reborn like the sinful phoenix in purgatory
Burning away the perversity despite the setting.
Father, we looked to you to provide the light of heaven
But, our prayers went unanswered, making us lose faith.
Lethargic energy eventually had us forsaking you as fake;
Cathartic liturgy only created further stasis of your veins.
Please say something to us, or we’ll leave you here!
In tears, he then spoke, though tongueless: “Evil near”.
Then HE appeared, a man of a gentlemanly figure.
He said: “we aren’t anything like he mentally pictured’.
Nevertheless, he welcomed us, grinning abysmally.
He longingly awaited us, he said. We listened amicably.
He explained: We were here to execute god.
It was our destiny. But, a destiny few sought.
We didn’t discover him by accident. It was planned.
He further stated: “the captive is the antagonist of all man
Since, conception you’ve had his contaminants in your hands,
Original sin is a catalyst of his past, an aggregate he taxed”.

We were being manipulated like pawns in chess.
I knew this. So I remained calmed, unstressed.
Yet, suddenly I felt this urge to give alms to death.
Oh, Lord, I love you. But, destiny waits.
No more descending,
We’re ascending now to take your heavenly place.
Embracing Nietzche’s virtue,
God is dead. When he no longer serves you.

Vulgar (vs. SacriFICE)

"The Caribou, Wolf, and Man"

The attack from the wolf sent the other animals into a chaotic spin
Advancing aggressively, it showed the herd of caribou uncommon strength
It clamored incessantly after the youngest and weakest - followed them, grim
One in particular gave it a good chase, but soon, jaws locked onto its limbs
The wolf grinned widely—dinner was served, and for hardly a fetch
Indifferent that its guardians wept, it sensed the sweet taste, the rawness of flesh
Better than vennison? It was harmony. Yes!
A carnivore's three course meal at its rollicking best
teeth like serraded scythes, it prepared for the fatal bite to that soft little neck
The young caribou continued to struggle in a noble display of an animal's pride
Until its mother suddenly charged the wolf, who barely managed to slide
Her antlers were designed to severely damage an ambling amateur's side
but this wolf was an experienced hunter with a total absence of fear in its eyes
With its comrades, it'd slayed many a veteran moose of Eastern mandarin tribes
Tonight, it was hell-bent on dragging this grub back to where it'd reside
After a quarrelsome duel, the mother caribou was plenty bruised -
The wolf strode away victoriously, and snapped the baby's neck in two

A few days passed by, and the mother caribou was still facing tragedy
Her wounds were healing; the light of a new moon revealed an ancient strategy
Ancestral spirits instructed her, "Seek out the man by the name of Allenby."
The rest of her herd—their noses swollen blue—were discussing migration allergies
They'd seemed to have forgotten her precious cub. But she was out for revenge
To punish that nuisance of a wolf who'd commited nature's most incalculable sin

She journeyed to the town of Elderdorn, and knocked upon a blacksmith's door
A middle-aged man answered, covered in soot, and with surprising tact, implored:
"Greetings, caribou. I am Allenby. What would you have me for?
Don't stir any trouble, 'ya hear - my neighbor's got a savage labrador!"
The caribou replied, "You can relax, of course. I've come to request your assistance
I've been sent on a mission. A vicious wolf snatched the neck of my infant
but with the help of your unanimously effective weapons and trinkets
I can ensure that wolf's deathly inscription; it's what's best for my kindred"
Allenby agreed to help her slay the wolf, but only if he could saddle her back
She accepted the terms to wear a harness with reins—that was the catch

The following morning, the man rode a caribou laced up with straps
Silently treading after the scent of wolf saliva and bloodshed, tracing its tracks
They arrived at the wolf's lair in an open clearing - its insatiable marsh
to find it sleeping next to a pile of bones, hidden face in its arms
The mother caribou burned with rage—impatient, she'd made it this far
Allenby appeased her by shooting an arrow straight through its heart
Dead instantly, the wolf keeled over; she rejoiced, & said in a reserved tone
"Thank you, Allenby. Now take these things off me, and let's return home."
He replied: "Not so fast, my furry friend. Can you pay my final toll?
I'd prefer to keep you saddled as you are now, under my control..."

The caribou served the man henceforth, wondering how she'd so foolishly fared
"If you allow men to use you for your own purposes, they'll surely use you for theirs..."
@Pent uP vs. Echo

As a kid I swung from the tire swing until it was tiring.
I'd gaze at portrait landscapes while the breeze would inspire me.
I was rooted in the feeling when watching the grass pass underneath,
but never felt grounded as I ran passed summer eves.
This backyard homed my imagination and freedom
while opening up fantasy places where we'd run.
A nursery of innocence blended with beauty and nature
that allowed the mind to peruse the universe, moon and creators.
Here, friendships gained decorative scratches and cuts
without acknowledging that growing up was rather abrupt.
While our bones mended and turned more solid than ever,
the place and the tire swing grew to become a squandered endeavor.
- But every now and then - After a rain or a storm
I would revisit its afterglow for my brain to adorn.
Life is just a set of feelings that society reflects
like the bottom of a sneaker to a puddle when violently upset.
The summer is dry and hot, slow and relaxed -
like the swing creaking with the breeze flowing to match.
Autumn is serendipitous and usually too soon gone,
but it teaches us to remember the beauty and move on.
Winter is too long, and remains a lesson in itself:
the warmth we're forced to release keeps our pessimism checked.
Lastly, spring showers are about growth and rebuilding.
I wish I could say it was about attitude and forwardly thinking -
But its not. It's about overcoming, overrunning, and staying dry.
It's about finding a cliche in the muckiest, grayest skies.
It's about staying on the rope when your yard is flooded,
because you grew up here before the garden suffered.
Each year our responsibilities grow and resilience changes -
while our feelings reflect another inch of rain sent.

The elements are existential threats here to mark our words,
and our personalities fight to make a rainforest from a water-world.
Cimmerian (vs Lars)


a [d] diction

The death of me: these words work incessantly
Like cooks in a kitchen mixing without a recipe
Phrases speed on pages, collision on the precipice
Crash of a diction, the prescription is the melody
Art is a catharsis or a needle to a vinyl vein—
Scratching the surface, bleeding as I write away
Drowned in the sound, surfing on a tidal wave
Sands through my hand, slipping with the light of day
Been drunk off the ink, the pen parries the sheets
Stabbing wounds in a womb to carry the seed
The birth of thought, blooming, I'm buried beneath—
The root of all evil, and now its married to me
All bark and not a bite from the family tree
Let's pretend we're all peachy, syrupy sweet
Knocking ourselves out for the feel of the beat
Popping pills/taking notes hoping nobody sleeps . . .

on me.
Split Eight (vs Ullr)

there's beauty in the soft of decay.
boston. in plain, plastic bags and
rained acid splashes. smog. summer haze.
the bay laps up the ashes. but only cause nature
lacks any formal expression for human disgust.
so the fauna conducts a foray into the ruins of rust,
ants gently parade through the bluing of guns-
it's funny, how these microcosms go unobserved,
humans passing by are involved in whole other worlds,
with coasts of azure. forests so lush,
you could farm them to stumps for so many decades
it would yet take four generations for a fourth of an acre
to be warmed by the sun. maybe more, at the rate that
these postings go up- on reddit, your media served,
here's the barrier reef, its species submerged in crystalline depths,
glistening like iridium, pure. so lucid. unsealed, fluid so still,
the rays don't begin to converge, the resolution's unreal.
revolution, the feel- despite global warming, pollution,
and mounting concern- that we haven't seen the big picture yet.
in our own little worlds, this is self-importance is the shell
from seeing the bliss we've afforded ourselves.
Frank (vs Vulgar)

Noor Hassanali - but to me you're simply, Dad.
We dedicate our complexion to the mixing of the light skinned mom and dark skinnded dad.
We put candles on the cake in front of you. Blow each one of them - all sixty, dad
Make a wish - cause there is 60,000 on a list in front of you for a kidney, dad
All the kids tease us at school, why is our hair so frizzy, dad
You lose all control over the question - why you always get into a tizzy, dad
10 years old, running to your lap, taking a sip with tipsy dad
Glenfiddich 1937, 55 year old Macallan, Glenfarclas' we know our whiskeys, dad
We knew the careless, self centered, egotistical, stingy dad
Our heroic, chivalrous, charmingly silly dad
Blow out those candles, or are you too busy, dad?
Piggy back rides across the room, this little piggy had...
Gather the family for one last photo in front of the chimey dad
Chef hat, festive man - 'you just gotta try this chili' dad
We miss our dad - we had to write this quickly, dad
You see, you taught us not to be wimpy, dad
But right now we're teary eyed fore' the breath from your wish was windy dad
You were always shitty, dad. But we want you to know you weren't a shitty dad
Flip flops - tank top - country boy - city dad
Rags to riches, Dad
70's hippy dad - 2015 Indie dad
We're singing Happy Birthday now... your grand child dances in my wife
She is doing your shimmy, dad
Dad, feel the kicking - dad got a kick out of that - don't say you didn't, dad...
He kisses me, 10 years old on the cheek, his cheek grizzly, his whisker bristly
Dad, you're dying
We wonder who is in the will for Dad.
Close your eyes dimly, dad.
The window a crack,
Wait, one of your wishes, dad.
They have found a donor for you but the operation will be risky, dad.
So, where is my kidney coming from?

Atheist (vs Got Life?)

A Chain Reaction…

Joseph lay in a mangled angle, with his body crumbling
from life and its constant strain. He was oddly mumbling
bout the times he longed to change; it always troubled him
and tonight was all the same.
That’s when all of a sudden, he
called me, struggling to manage his whispering words;

“Life is a denouement of entanglement, so listen and learn,
cause I have lived it by burning the candle at both ends,
and now I’m finished, I yearn to grab onto hope’s threads.”

I simply nodded, then rolled up his shirt sleeve and let go,
as I plunged the dripping syringe into the crease of his elbow.
His mutterings became faint and his eyes were withering;
as I gave him respite for one night
from the Alzheimer’s that lived with him.

* * * * * *

See, Joseph has dementia; it’s no surprise, he’s eighty-one,
and he may not remember it, his memory maybe hazy, but
I’ve been his doc for many years, so I can tell you his story.
He was a rowdy teen;
several run-ins with the law by fourteen.
And two years later he was stealing cars and joyriding,
but that’s when his life changed. The noise strikes him
with ferocity as the car tumbles and its windshield cracks;
copper blood flows in dark puddles as his skin peels back.
And as the metal crust hits asphalt, he’s holding his breath,
cause he’s thrown from the car like a rag doll,
only moments from death.

But that’s when he saw her, the first paramedic on the scene,
a stunning Isis; he could feel her caring essence in the breeze.
And from that day on they were meant to be, they invested now;
they were each other’s past, present and future.
I remember their wedding vows…
For better, for worse,
In sickness or health,
To have and to hold.
For richer, for poorer, my God, they had the happiest home.
To love and to cherish, as time elapsed they had grown,
Right up till death do us part when she passed from a stroke.

* * * * * *

Now that night, Joseph’s room filled with rasping swirls
as an apparition appeared before him. It was a phantom girl
who looked human but floated around the room carelessly.
She approached him and began to speak, “Bare with me,”
she said then sighed; Joseph winced as his head went light.
“Never fear,” she continued, “This is what death is like.
And in a moment I’ll recap your life with three vivid shows;
two will be happy memories…
the third will be something you didn’t know.
At the end you’ll have to make a choice. So, hold on tight!”
That’s when her hand brushed his head and closed his eyes.

Joseph awoke…church bells rang and shook his chest plate
as rice was thrown by familiar faces; it was his wedding day.
And his wife glowed so beautifully, Joseph smiled so happily;
as he embraced the booming cheers from friends and family.
“This was the happiest day of my life,” he says with pride,
and as he feels the build-up of tears, he closes his eyes.

Joseph awoke…he sees his wife lying on the kitchen floor,
knowing that she is already knocking on death’s wilted door.
“I love you,” she said, the right side of her face glowed with hope,
as the left side was motionless from the stroke’s coldly hold.
“This was when I knew how much I loved her,” he says with pride,
and as he feels the build-up of tears, he closes his eyes.

Joseph awoke…he stands in the garden of an unknown location
as he surveys his surroundings. The sun glows in his face and
he asks, puzzled, “Where am I?” as the words echo in silence.
But suddenly, a sharp laughter breaks the tranquillity of quiet.

The noise came from inside, so he approaches the window pane,
and sees a man and woman dancing. “Swing low, again!”
the man screams excitedly as he’s starting to laugh,
holding the woman close; his hand on the small of her back.
The woman dips and turns, and Joseph stumbles fast,
as he realises it’s his wife in the arms of another man.

You’ll have to make a choice, but those words have faded,
as he rushes into the home. His heart abated and cradled
by hurt and anger. He rushes at her with a bloodcurdling poise
and wraps his hands around her throat, purging the noise
of her attempted screams… Joseph’s pulse is racing,
as he hears a crack and the choking sounds of suffocation.

The other man tries to get her from Joseph’s angered body.
But Jo grabs him in a chokehold.
His neck dangles oddly.
And as blood pours onto the carpet; Jo bites his tongue
as the nauseous scent of iron starts clogging his lungs.

“I said you’d have to make a choice,” the language was clear
as the swirls circled Joseph and the phantom reappeared.
“You could’ve followed the adage, to forgive and forget,
but instead you decided on actions that befitted revenge.
And now you’ve changed your life entirely; I warned you,
but now you must forever live with the demons that haunt you.”
The words struck Joseph as he felt the hold of demise,
and as he feels the build-up of tears, he closes his eyes.

* * * * * *

Joseph sits in a mangled angle, with his body crumbling
from life and its hard restraint. He was oddly mumbling
bout the times he longed to change; it always troubled him
and tonight was all the same.
All of a sudden, I began muttering…

“You were found guilty of murder in the state of Massachusetts,
and are hereby sentenced to death by way of execution.
It will be lethal injection and the liquid will course your veins,
disabling your body until eventually it will torch your brain.”

“Any last words?”
I asked as I tightened the binds on his wrists.

“I do,”
he replied.

“Hindsight’s a bitch.”

I simply nodded, then rolled up his shirt sleeve and let go,
as I plunged the dripping syringe into the crease of his elbow.
His mutterings became faint and his eyes were withering;
as I paired him for eternity
with the demons that lived with him.

The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes
an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.

C. S. Lewis.

No clinic would be complete without the trusty flip chart (otherwise known as the tournament brackets). This will help keep us informed on which of our patients have passed away (no Sac lol) and which have fought off infection during the length of their stay. We'll keep you all updated on the patients progression as their chances improve or decline as the tournament progresses!

The Medical Chart:

The Docs Diagnosis

Dr Lars PHD delivers his verdict on the results he expects to see occur after this initial bout of treatment. While his experience is worth its weight in gold, it should also be noted he practices in the science of crystal balls, black magic and blind faith. Don't be surprised to see some unexpected results arise here!

WTFs of the week:

WTF @ RichardCorey and Atheist still doing this shit!?
WTF @ me having to get Frank unbanned just to compete?
WTF @ Witty, Certain, Nigma and B.E having to sit this shit out?!
WTF @Bags red shoes in his recent lifting video
WTF @ how good NYCSPITZ battler bios were though?
WTF @ Diode being so salty he didn't get in?!
WTF @ Pinot Grij being power ranked #1 for the tourney?
WTF @ Sacrifice being DEAD? Damn.
EDIT: WTF @ that not being true afterall.
WTF @ Cimmerian still hating the forums banner I made?!
WTF @ me being forced to mod this alone?
WTF @ some of the potential classics we have on our hands here?!
WTF @ me spending my lunchbreak filming a near 15 min video mag for this?
WTF if anyone no-shows after seeing how much effort I just put into making this happen?!


During the course of the next four weeks our medical staff will work tirelessly around the clock to treat our guinea pigs for the STI. Thank you to everyone who signed up to participate, I hope all enjoy your stay, but please ensure you wash your hands before entry. These are some sick ass battles we have in store!

Yours sincerely,

- President Lars, PhD
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- AOWL Season 11 Champion (Undefeated Season)

Last edited by sral; 08-31-2016 at 08:39 AM.
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Old 08-31-2016, 05:35 AM   #2
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@Vulgar @Frank @Soulstice @Pent uP @Atheist @Cimmerian @UnbornBuddha @Pinot Grij @RichardCorey @Split Eight @eng @PancakeBrah @big baby @NYCSPITZ @Bags @dead man @YDK @Innovator @Diode @Certain @CopyPat @Vapeo @Hearder Hearder @Chamber @Adonis @asylum @ZeeDee @PiE @breathless @timeless @Witty @Mr. J @Objective @2tripple0 @Nigma @EtH @Echo @Orc @Vividlyvague @dyedinthewool @Exis
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Last edited by sral; 08-31-2016 at 08:37 AM.
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Old 08-31-2016, 07:50 AM   #3
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Thanks for the read. Definitely dope mag y'all put together.
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Old 08-31-2016, 08:47 AM   #4
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I fuck w this hardbody. lol cracking up listening to lars w my morning coffee right now hahaha. fucking motivational as fuck/

get a haircut tho, an cmon man I thought u were hittin the gym>? sheesh u look like shit. LOL./
Originally Posted by DMS View Post
My dad once had like 4 beers at a family reunion, and drove us home better than my mom usually drives.
Not saying being drunk doesn’t mess up you reasoning. I’m turning 20 soon so I haven’t had a drink ever.
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Old 08-31-2016, 08:49 AM   #5
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lmao yo my wife been cooking up extra sized meals with her being pregnant and all so I've been beasting for like five months solid

meant to hit the barbers at the weekend but ended up working it again

all money is good money with the baby on the way my dude
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Old 08-31-2016, 08:56 AM   #6
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ahahaha I aint mad atcha. repppppped for this mag. highly entertaining.
Originally Posted by DMS View Post
My dad once had like 4 beers at a family reunion, and drove us home better than my mom usually drives.
Not saying being drunk doesn’t mess up you reasoning. I’m turning 20 soon so I haven’t had a drink ever.
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Old 08-31-2016, 09:12 AM   #7
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Awesome mag.
If I ventured in the slipstream
Between the viaducts of your dreams
Where immobil steel rims crack
And the ditch in the back road stop
Could you find me?
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Old 08-31-2016, 09:16 AM   #8
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Word. Lars gots a baby on way. Didn't realize this.
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Old 08-31-2016, 09:25 AM   #9
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dope shit. getting all these topical heads together for a tournament in 2016 is as impressive as the topical heads involved, so kudos to you @sraL.

The vid was funny too.

Looking forward to these match-ups.
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Old 08-31-2016, 09:40 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by 2tripple0 View Post
Word. Lars gots a baby on way. Didn't realize this.
expected the end of the year bruh

30th december
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Old 08-31-2016, 10:47 AM   #11
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lmao just +repped Artifice from

508947 to 3944922 in one go

I feel like god
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Old 08-31-2016, 11:18 AM   #12
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Listened to the vid on the drive to work. I do like using words.

Have to say these mags are on par or even surpass my work in The Winter Topical and Certain's AOWL work. Impressive stuff.
If I ventured in the slipstream
Between the viaducts of your dreams
Where immobil steel rims crack
And the ditch in the back road stop
Could you find me?
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Old 08-31-2016, 11:45 AM   #13
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Great work on the mag people! This is some dope shit.
I'm not a slave for entertainment, I'm entertainments personal slave,
So deep into writing I'm concerned bout the text on my grave.
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Old 08-31-2016, 11:46 AM   #14
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I've done all I can do to make this a success. The rest is on you guys man.

You've seen the effort we've put in.

We've all still got it.

Let's make this happen.
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Old 08-31-2016, 11:53 AM   #15
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Default tho?
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Old 08-31-2016, 12:13 PM   #16
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Such passion in the video. So good.
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Old 08-31-2016, 12:17 PM   #17
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Man I'd is on my phone can't check vid out at the moment. Soon as I get to a computer though I'm deffo going to watch. Lol people seem to like it, get in @sraL
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Old 08-31-2016, 12:28 PM   #18
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The hype train has departed. Mind the gap
Originally Posted by asylum View Post
? subtly? what the fuck is a subtly? i dont know what that is. can someone help me out?
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Old 08-31-2016, 12:38 PM   #19
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Noone does tourneys like The Pres does a tourney.

It's why I'm here.

Much love to all my wiggers that posted up predictions also, I love you guys for that, it was unexpected and I'd already wrote mine up but THANK YOU!!!

This is why I show out for you all. I honestly appreciate it.

Keep up the good work!
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Old 08-31-2016, 02:43 PM   #20
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Good shit bruhv. I really am not active right now but if you need help with anything holler, I vowed to not mod anymore though, but it is what it is if you need shit I got you.

Also I talked with FICE yesterday, Def still living strong
I'm tryna fuck like A-don-is

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