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Old 08-23-2019, 08:53 PM   #2
Lime Life
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Witty has a brilliant futureWitty has a brilliant futureWitty has a brilliant futureWitty has a brilliant futureWitty has a brilliant futureWitty has a brilliant futureWitty has a brilliant futureWitty has a brilliant futureWitty has a brilliant futureWitty has a brilliant futureWitty has a brilliant future

The pain she receives is a pain that she needs
Paints a smile on her face but the rage that's beneath
Leads to disarray when she lays in the sheets
And prays for relief from the chemicals in her veins
She's dazed and fatigued, and skeptical things will change
When night falls these white walls seem to glow in the dark
She can't sleep, she knows in her heart she's been broken apart
As she lays there a mess...tired, sweating and bloated
And opens at the page she had carefully folded...

...And she enters the portal...

Now she's immense and immortal, strong and emboldened
The hair that falls from her shoulders is long and it's golden
She stands tall, she can't fall...a leader of people
She is a home for the homeless, a seat for the feeble
A beacon of peace where so many are deceitful and evil
She speaks for the weak...
...searches for the lost and leads the retrieval
Her fight is in the shadows as she searches for sunshine
Despite the looming gallows she's the first on the front line
To rid it of evil, every victory has her bursting with pride
She's filling her people with the thirst to survive...

...but she's thirsty, alive? you could consider her so
But if your question she living? then, no
And her frivolous hope for life is killing her soul
She's holding on...but it's ready and it's willing to go
Her husband lays by her side when he's not with the kids
All the years together...
...she had forgotten how caring and thoughtful he is
Why she had fallen for him, though in the end she took him for granted
But back was like God had them joined at the roots
Their souls were the shoots he had dutifully planted
They traveled the world, came back and started a brood
They had beautifully planned it...and it came to fruition
Each day was a vision of grace, but now as she prays for remission
She regrets not making the most of the days she was given
She tries to stare at his face, but she's too broken to look
And the pain is too much to she opens her book.

And she's fighting hate from day to night
Her mind ablaze with rays of light
Her movement fast and razor like
She moves her hand to raise her knife
Her belief is iron, so's her will
Hope instilled with each demon's life her soldiers kill
She won't succumb to the shadow
Love is her weapon...she has an abundance of ammo
And as the pages flick, her glory increases
We're almost at the end of this story...

She needs this.

She can't let it end, she craves the relief
Of the pages...
...The only way she can escape from the grief
And the aches and the pains of this heinous disease
So she'll wait just to see...
If she can make it through another day of chemo...
Then maybe she can read how the Queen had slayed the evil...
She gazes at her book...always dreading the day it is done
Because that portal to another world is the only thing making her stay in this one.
He listens to voices inside of his mind
Explicit and poisonous violent crime.

Last edited by Witty; 08-23-2019 at 09:01 PM.
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