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Old 09-08-2014, 12:44 AM   #13
rhyme capsule.
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oats - your tone is didactic at times - which isn't a bad thing, i know, i say it a lot. and in fairness: i can see why. you do have some colour to offer the average grey matter. this was one of my better liked verses of the round, with particular resonance coming in the form of the final sentiment, though i might not entirely agree, it nails the topic. the parenthetical expression was cute. great ten liner.

diode - your final five lines were comfortably better than the five before them. this was a good verse, with something of a similar moral as your opponent's, i suppose, via vastly different approach. this was a little uninspired to begin with, for me, but improved as it progressed. it ended with something akin to a sobering thought too, which i think was good. out-written, though.

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