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Old 11-16-2014, 12:03 AM   #3
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- Time to Kill I

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"You crossed the line first, sir. You hammered them and in their desperation they turned to a man they didn't fully understand. Some men aren't looking for anything logical. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn." — Alfred.

Dawning of the days, an apocalypse n we're the last ones in the race
An eerie unjust existence is how the few left see this place
Some are meant for living, some are meant to be dead
I'm meant for somewhere in the middle, someone for them to vent and be led
meant to a be a leader, meant to show them a path of solace
Someone awe-less, with a strength that's lawless
But I enjoy the fighting, to have someone's plight as it stands
I bask in the terror, the thought of taking someone's life in my hands
have them plead for there life and become a follower who I won't discard
My supremacy is my anchor, to be feared and held in such regard
This abyss is where I triumph, where I belong
I'm no longer just anybody, I'm a leader, I'm strong
used to be a recluse, someone no one cared about
now I'm a somebody who everyone wants to be paired throughout
What if theres a way out? Would it renew some doubt?
Everyone's looking for answers, for a thing they know nothing about
Because i found a way back into civilisation
I know the ways to end the fighting, to go back with earths creation
But I rejoice the anarchy, why would I want to see anyone alive?
Why would I give a damn if anyone of these survivors now survive
you see I've already found my solace, a life with half the strife
You see this is my Elysium, my heaven right before my after life
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