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Old 05-01-2023, 06:40 PM   #18
House of Leaves
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Default context for that last abortion take (sorry it's backwards)

Replied toTocsin 12w ago
Common sense and science tell us that once there is a developing fetus inside the womb, it is NO LONGER "Just" "her own body".

If you think I'm wrong, explain how I'm wrong.

Separate DNA, separate skeleton, organs, etc (as it develops with time).

YES, early on it's just a clump of cells, then a tiny sea-horse looking embryo...but (FACT:) as the WEEKS PROGRESS, it is more and more of a HUMAN baby. And by week 21-23 or so, it can be a viable being outside the womb (yes, sometimes w/ the help of medical technology and care)...

In summary, the timing is everything.

Taking a pill to terminate a clump of 16 cells, to me, is not a huge deal.

But an elective abortion for the purposes of birth control...after a certain amount of weeks (and yes, we can debate about the # of weeks) to End a pregnancy (NOT caused by rape or incest [small %]) gets more "wrong" as the weeks go on. In my opinion.

This seems like common sense to me.

Heartless late-term abortion-right advocates use shocking terms (not backed by science) such as "parasite", etc.. to justify terminating a potential life as n.b.d. lol...

If it's just a parasite/clump of cells why are miscarriages so devastating for women and their husbands?

Want it both ways much?

And yes I am a male without a womb. That should not preclude me from having an opinion about the sanctity of a 20+week old soon-to-be infant.

I'm trying to find some middle ground, as both extremes are ridiculous IMO. All about how long the fetus has been developing.

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