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Old 07-27-2022, 11:20 PM   #8
Tread Lightly.
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Join Date: Feb 2013
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Battle Record: 26-9

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Dominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant futureDominate has a brilliant future


You wake up in a strange room, no memory of how you arrived
The door & window are locked. No-one answers your shouts and your cries
There’s a pot of tea on the windowsill. Next to it, a pair of glasses
Plants and flowers everywhere, - some c.acti and arid grasses
You notice some shelving above you. Some post-its on the wall
There’s something written on them but you can’t make out the scrawl
What is all this? You wonder. Is it all some optical ruse?
You’re determined to find out. The question is… what do you do?

See what’s on the shelves – go to verse 15
Try on the glasses – go to verse 5
Drink the tea – go to verse 10


You see your hands tremble as you drip the sap on the picture
Hoping the c.actus’s liquid is some kind of magic elixir
The book glows, then intensifies into a blinding, dazzling light
There’s a deafening roar… you hear a c.ackle, a CRACK, then a silence
A sudden weight in your hand. You look down at a magical sight
The golden pommel, the jewlled hilt… ‘Excalibur’ scratched on the side
You’ve done it! You summoned the sword, just as the post-it said
Now to turn your attention to those other notes your read…

Drink the tea & eat the flowers – go to verse 3
Shout out “Eyjeyissagod” – go to verse 7


This option was appealing. You’re hungry, and thirsty too
But… Does the order matter? Which one should you first consume?

Eat the flowers – go to verse 6
Drink the tea – go to verse 10


In your hands you twirl the frisbee. The pattern is hypnotic
You can’t seem to look away…. it spins faster and faster, robotic
You hear a voice in your head, posing a puzzle of logic:
I AM NOTHING AND SOMETHING... The tone is almost demonic
I AM NOTHING AND SOMETHING, it repeats... What does it mean?!
It’s a riddle without an answer… “Impossible!!!” you scream
I AM NOTHING AND SOMETHING - now less talking than taunting
You’re paralysed, despairing at this great philosophical quandary
I AM NOTHING AND SOMETHING. Over and over, over again
You scream. This really wasn’t the way that you hoped it would end.


A lighthearted distraction while the gods are deciding your fate
You’ll die here or be rescued - might as well look fly while you wait
You don the glasses, check the mirror… forget for one long minute
You flatter yourself a little thinking you look like a young John Lennon
But as you turn away, you shout with glee at the spectacle -
It seems those sweet little spectacles make the post-its easily legible!
“A sappy sacrifice supplies the sword”, you read, still short of answers
On the next note, “Eyjeyissagod” … could this be some sort of password?
It drinks the tea, it eats the flowers”, the final note instructs
Now… decide your course, cross your heart and hope for luck

Drink the tea & eat the flowers – go to verse 3
Shout out “Eyjeyissagod” – go to verse 12
See what’s on the shelves – go to verse 11


The flowers were beautiful.
You should have known to ONLY DEVOUR THE SUITABLE.
Now after hours of puking you’ll die howling, delusional.



Your mouth tingles and warms as soon as you utter the word
The sensation fades quickly but leaves you somewhat disturbed
You hear a sudden, primal screech. You turn to the window to see
A flap of wings. The glass shatters. You get a glimpse of some teeth
The side of the building groans under the weight of its giant claws
Shimmering crimson scales reflect the pale light of the dawn
Afraid and yet awed, you hold your blade in your palm, considering
Should you attempt to slay the dragon, or bow before it quivering?

Attack – go to verse 14
Bow – go to verse 16


You cut yourself with the c.actus and stain the image with blood
Holding your breath, you wait… you hear a sinister buzz
The book glows, then intensifies into a blinding, dazzling light
There’s a deafening roar… you hear a c.ackle, a CRACK, then a silence
A sudden pain in your chest. You look down and gasp at the sight
The golden pommel, the jewlled hilt… ‘Excalibur’ scratched on the side
The blood is warm on your body as it gushes from the wound
Then suddenly, you’re cold… Your suffering is through.


Amongst the books you spy a classic: The Legend Of Arthur
There’s an illustration of a sword and… the word “BLOOD”, written in marker
Is this calling for a sacrifice? You wonder with a shiver
You search the room, looking for a knife or something like scissors
There’s nothing of the sort, but one thing does look sharp
The c.actus’s thorns are beckoning, - all you’ll need is one good barb
Poised to prick your thumb pad, you hesistate. Do you want to do this?
Maybe just wait for rescue, drink some tea… Would that be foolish?

Blood sacrifice – go to verse 8
Wait and drink tea – go to verse 10


The tea is demon semen.

Satan appears before you in the form of a Greek policeman
I SUCKA YOU DICK… You nod in meek agreement
It’s amazing. It’s too good. You can’t believe it, even.
Your mind explodes and you die, still tasting that sweet secretion


On the shelves you find a frisbee and a couple of dusty tomes
Observing the former closely, you think you see it subtly glow
It seems to be… calling to you…. you have an urge to twirl it
Should you go along with this impulse? Or not? What’s the verdict?

Twirl the frisbee – go to verse 4
Read the books – go to verse 13



Your mouth tingles and warms as soon as you utter the word
The sensation grows stronger… you scream; suffering, burning
And as the flames engulf you, you hear a voice in your head
“…UNWORTHY…”, it whispers… you should’ve made other choices instead…


Amongst the books you spy a classic: The Legend Of Arthur
There’s an illustration of a sword and… the word “BLOOD”, written in marker
Is this calling for a sacrifice? You wonder with a shiver
You search the room, looking for a knife or something like scissors
There’s nothing of the sort, but one thing does look sharp
The c.actus’s thorns are beckoning, - all you’ll need is one good barb
Poised to prick your thumbpad, you stop and think, do you really HAVE to?
Does it have to be YOUR blood? Maybe you could use the plant juice?
Would the book even know? You ponder this all for a minute
Then nod sharply, committed. You’ve made your call, your decision:

Use your blood – go to verse 8
Use the c.actus juice – go to verse 2


It’s over in seconds…

Before you even move, the dragon knows your intentions.
You hear a monsterous roar the instant you go for your weapon.
Feel the furnace blast of its breath. Burning, - ashes and flesh
PATHETIC MORTAL.” you hear, then jerk and collapse into death


On the shelves you find a frisbee and a couple of dusty tomes
Observing the former closely, you think you see it subtly glow
It seems to be… calling to you…. you have an urge to twirl it
Should you go along with this impulse? Or not? What’s the verdict?

Twirl the frisbee – go to verse 4
Read the books – go to verse 9


Gripping your sword, you kneel. Seconds seem an eternity
Afraid to look up, you wait… until you hear a voice, internally


You stand up shakily and lock eyes with the powerful beast
SUSTENANCE. It commands you… You offer the flowers and tea
It seems to work… ! You feel your grip on the sword relax
COME. YOU ARE WORTHY. The dragon gestures towards its back
Climbing aboard, you feel strange… more confident and light
You take two steps to the window and launch into the skies
Below you, only insignificant mortals in their T shirts
Leathery wings beat upwards. You soar into the ether.
Blood and fire and steel. You understand your immortal truth
You are the sword and the dragon. The dragon and sword are you.
The Bad Guys

Last edited by Dominate; 07-27-2022 at 11:50 PM.
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