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Old 04-19-2021, 11:23 AM   #5
dull boy
consults Lloyd
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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Battle Record: 0-8

-1-2 Punch League Roast

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dull boy has a brilliant futuredull boy has a brilliant futuredull boy has a brilliant futuredull boy has a brilliant futuredull boy has a brilliant futuredull boy has a brilliant futuredull boy has a brilliant futuredull boy has a brilliant futuredull boy has a brilliant futuredull boy has a brilliant futuredull boy has a brilliant future

Week 4

(0-1) Hush Vs (0-0) Diablo

(Sharp h - Ajax h - Adverse h - User h - Me)

User -

Both started rocky, I wasn’t really feeling the back and forth in the beginning from either until about the Gollum line for Hush and the first Bugs life line from Lars. What sets them apart the most is how much I loved some of Hush’s ENTIRE retorts though. The crop and apple line were both funny, The Sméagol & Bugs Life flips together were clever, the 3 quarters and magic wand lines, it kinda goes on and on. Fire Marshall bill was another heater. That’s not taking anything away from Lars, he had his moments as well. The original Bugs Life and Frodo lines were good on their own, but the fact that Hush flipped them better and continued to do that on a repeated basis really sealed the deal for him. Same happens later with son a gram and baby gap, both originals were good on their own but the flips were so off the wall hilarious they outshone the originals. Hush was a problem throughout the entire thing.

V - Hush

Adverse -

Lars 1:
Cliff note was alright not a haymaker tho

Hush 1:
Adoption release was funny and a good rebuttal
Under six foot is kinda played but I think in this context it was solid

Lars 2
Stray with your name on it was a cool flip, letterbox was a weird twist on it
I didn’t really mess with the cousin/sister bit

Hush 2:
Get infected was okayish
Second tombstone was cool for a rebuttal but yeah idk if a second tombstone is a thing lol

Lars 3:
I really liked the leak bros reference that was a cool tie in to all the dog bars
Tri mister was a decent wp, liked the reference back to the pregnancy, two strong rebuttal lines

Hush 3:
Agent orange was decent tie in but lacked a power punch
Raising your spirits was nice good job

Lars 4:
Lower jaw expectations could have been special but idk just didn’t connect completely
Crop/weed pusher was an alright enough connection

Hush 4:
Crop/jaw rebuttal was awesome, nice one
Shotgun was funnyish lol

Lars 5:
Bugs life/worms eye view could have used a better connection imo.
Marriage proposal was a funny short joke

Hush 5:
Lmao Sméagol was funny
And bugs life 2 was harsh but funny..Hush going for some nerves

Lars 6:
Booster seats was jokes lol know the lisp is a fake personal but funny none the less
And 9 3/4’s was a funny Harry Potter reference

Hush 6:
3 quarters for oral LMAO okay
Magic wand/Harry potter was a decent flip, played as far as actual bars

Lars 7:
Pay my moms for a blowjob was kind of...weird? Lol
Horcrux was cool, idk why Lars saying “nigga” though lol

Hush 7:
Wife’s gums qualify lmaoooo
Gingervitus too damn haha

Lars 8:
Kneeslapper was dope
Couch cushions was funny, oompa chalupa hahaha

Hush 8:
Jurassic park mascot leaned me
Rotting corpse was cool haha

Lars 9:
Child neglect okay lol
Smoke during pregnancy was meh

Hush 9:
Legend was alright ha
Bill in the face was okayish

Lars 10:
Clean bill was a decent flip
Mini in Dominican was jokes lol short story was a decent punch

Hush 10:
Tales over 6 feet was okay but brought up a concept you used in the opening again
Cavities was dope hahaha

Lars 11:
View above my knee was pretty decent
Neo natal was a good connection man

Hush 11:
Wooden fuck was funny but he just bragged about fucking her a few bars so ehh
Matrix/May Tricks was a cool wp

Lars 12:
Itsy bitsy spider was jokes,
Sonogram was kinda harsh lol

Hush 12:
Son a gram of puss was terrible but decent
Catholic connection was cool

Lars 13:
Off the earth permanently was decent
Baby gap line was funny

Hush 13:
Good flip on the baby gap line lol
Better off yourself works both ways cool haha

Okay well I don’t have time to do the rest but you get the point, feel like Hush won pound for pound here he rarely had a slip up. Lars tried to do a little too much sometimes. I’ll give it to Hush


Ajax -

Wow. 29 drops. Definite props to both guys here, because this is exactly what folks should be doing in this league. Fun as hell to read.

I thought they were equally good at rebutting the prior flips.. and at responding quickly.

Wording/flow wise, they were essentially even (and solid), although Diablo had a couple head-scratchers.. and Hush could’ve done a lot better with multi’s..

Each guy also went to the well too often with certain topics. Diablo with the height, and Hush with the kid jokes.

But, all in all, this was great to read.

I think, at the end, Hush won because he had less low points. A couple of Diablo’s punches didn’t hit for me at all, and it seemed like he stretched a few too many concepts. Hush was simpler, but ultimately more effective. He wins, in a close and dope battle.

(2-0) User Vs (2-1) Des

(Sharp u - Ajax u - Hush u - Seth u - Me)

Sharp -


Feel like I've seen enough User battles go the way of 'you're fat' 'you're unoriginal'. Des' fat bars were inconsistent to me, but the very last post was dope. If the rest were up to that level he would have dominated. Meanwhile, User was generally good with combatting them. Credit to him for finding fresh angles within 'you're fat'. Kind of a shame all the battle was angles we've seen done better but when they found fresh rebuttal material it got great. User had more solid rebuttals that I thought landed, so he gets my vote.
v/ user

Ajax -

Ok, now this was fun to read. 17 flips, and a number of them right on top of each other. It’s what the league is supposed to be all about.

I have to say that User is starting to stand out in this format. His brand of humor just seems to work really well here.

Des’ arteries line was cringe-worthy, and a tough place for him to start. But, after that, both guys started to settle into a really good rhythm.

Des stuck to the User script by throwing fat jokes around. He did it better than most (his “words that relate to sandwiches” actually made me LOL, and was probably the line of the battle). But, once again User rebutted him with the “called me fat six times” comeback. At some point, people are going to have to stop throwing fat punches at User, or at least intersperse them with other ideas, because User gets more credit by burning them for non-originality than most get for throwing them in the first place. Even with Des doing a much better job on the fat joke tip than most I’ve seen, it got old after awhile.

To be fair, User harped on the age angle a decent amount... but, he also varied it up. He went after the baby angle, his job, his age, his failed wordplay, and specifically addressed the fact that Des wasn’t varying his attacks.

All in all, I thought both were essentially tied on wording/flow, with the exception of Des’ wordplay.. and roughly equal on wit. What set them apart was User’s ability to use Des’ lines against him. He was better at it, and so he gets the win.

But, I’ll also say that both guys should get credit for bringing heat. This was one of the better battles I’ve read in the league thus far.

User wins.

Hush -

User got it that battle was fire des had some crazy rebuttals but user kept 1 upping him and predicting his angles

Seth -

had des and user neck and neck with Des up a little until the second half, then user pulled ahead
20 vs 15 points in my system
was 12 to 12 then went sour for poor des
he gassed out
fat flips not only got boring but were also getting unoriginal

(1-2) Rusty Gunz Vs (0-2) Inf

(Sharp - Ajax s - Hush s - Blue s - Me)

Hush -

Seth won rubber pussy was wild

Ajax -

Another battle where they were trading jabs consistently. Entertaining read. And very close.

Both did a really good job of responding quickly and rebutting the prior flip. I think Rusty did it slightly better, but it was really close.

Rusty has improved his wording significantly, but he still has a ways to go, to be consistent. You can’t drop 27 and 22 syllable lines back to back without some internal rhyming or rhythm. But, it was markedly better here than it was in the early weeks, so he gets props for that. They were effectively tied on that front, with Inf having a slight edge.

Ultimately, I thought this was exceptionally close. But, I think Rusty’s slight edge in rebutting Inf’s lines give him the win. But, Inf was solid. He put up a good battle. Rusty takes it.

(2-1) evaD Vs (1-1) Adverse

(Sharp d - Ajax d - User d - Seth d - Me)

Sharp -

I'm not going to automatically give Ad the L for using the phrase 'Even if I did watch kiddie porn' but that's about as close as it comes to an auto-loss for me. The battle started slow imo. Wasn't a huge fan of either guys tiger woods or golf flips. Dave really didn't do much aside from say 'that bar was bad' and he was really statementish with it. Started to heat up with the stroke bar and after that it felt like each post had a good rebuttal. After the stroke bar, he did a good job capitalizing on the 'kiddie porn' shit, bulldogs, and even the notepad. Adverse had at lot of predictable things but I really fucked with his flip of the 'keeping it clean' bar. He's finding his footing but a lot of it was 'see a word dave used -> flip that word' instead of coming at him the way he did at the end.


Seth -

Dave raped Ad. He is trying just uses some old concepts. Wording is still an issue. Nothing has sting yet.
Dave started strong then just stayed consistent with jabs and Ad never hit the gas and went off

User -

Dave’s retorts were on another level than Ad’s, but he put up a valiant effort. Individually, their lines were both both equally fine, but the angles Dave hit Ad with seemed to keep Ad on the defensive the entire time, rather than him spinning the rebuttals into hard hitting lines themselves, he wasted time consistently downplaying Dave’s flips instead of crafting and landing solid ones of his own. Dave got the better of him during the golf exchange, Ad’s kiddie porn line was a bad whiff and a setback when Dave flipped it pretty well on him, and just in general anytime Ad fell back on a creative gun line, Dave seemed to be ready and waiting to flip it against him humorously. All around solid attempts from Ad, but Dave got him in this one.

V - Dave

Ajax -

This was entertaining, as well. Lots of drops, and solid wit from both sides.

I think evaD’s wording was slightly better, but both were on point, for the most part (adverse had a few poorly worded lines that ran way too long).

I think wit-wise, evaD’s was slightly better, as well. The dick size rebuttal was perfectly executed. But, both guys dropped some solid stuff.

I also thought it was effectively a tie with respect to rebuttal quality. Both did well.

All in all, I think evaD pulled it out, in a close one.

(1-2) Mac Vs (0-0) Defiant

(Sharp d - Ajax d - User d - Adverse d - Me)

User -

Decent battle. And I’m being very generous calling this battle that. Why was this battle 90% about the WWE and wrestling? Anyways, Defiant seemed to pick and choose when he was retorting meanwhile Mac was following the rule a little better and flipping consistently but they just... weren’t very good. And I think Defiant going 4 more lines than him in such a short battle didn’t help Mac’s cause either here. Any ground he gained, Def beat him back with at least one retort per verse even if the other line chose to go in a different direction. I want to reiterate that I think both could’ve done better, but again, Def seemed to have a bit of an advantage by posting last and it was enough to take the W from Mac, IMO. Eddie Guerrero flip was probably the best flip in the whole thing and I don’t even know why.

V - Defiant

Ajax -

Lackluster battle, in more ways than one. They only had 7 total drops, so they didn’t seem as into it as everyone else (those who didn’t no show, anyway). More importantly, the level of wit and rhyme scheme wording was pretty subpar. From just a punchline/wit perspective, this may be the worst battle I’ve seen so far in the league.

That said, they both did a decent job on the flow side and in specifically rebutting the prior flip. So, kudos there.

Ultimately, I have to give it to Defiant by a hair. But, it was close.. I thought he had slightly better punches. But, both will need to improve a fair amount of make any headway in this league.

Sharp -

Defiant showed, dope. Wasn't a huge fan of this one but it didn't drag. Lot of bars that just didn't quite connect from both, but I thought defiant had literally one more solid hit. If mac had responded on Sunday it could have easily gone his way, but

Adverse -

Despite this being one of the shorter battles of the week, I had to reread it a few times and my winner is still up in the air quite a bit...but I enjoyed the exchanges. Think Mac’s two best bars were the break the mold bit and sexual lists. I liked Defiant with the Vince Mac tie in, I liked Defiant’s first couple responses though, after that there was a definite drop off in quality.

Gotta roll with Def here, MAC shows really bright spots but he hasn’t got it all together yet, I don’t feel like he landed two consecutive punches and that hurt him.

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