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Old 05-15-2019, 11:40 AM   #1
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Default Given the state of text battles, I feel it's best to share my method for modding success

Sharp’s time-tested and proven guide to modding a successful text league 2k19

Step one: Try to find a better hobby

If you’re reading this, there’s no chance of you ever being a productive member of society, but maybe consider occupying your time with literally anything else? Cooking? Gardening? Get physically active?


Step two: Try Cooking

It’s fun, creative, and while you spend a little more on groceries you save by skipping restaurants for an occasional night out. It’s also way healthier for you to have control of the amounts of oil, salt, etc, that goes into your food. Plus, if you meal prep enough, you won’t have time for text modding.

Step three: Give up enough to become a cold, emotionless robot

So, you really can’t find a better hobby. Get ready for some shit, unless you’re like me and had been done with this step for years. Can’t lose your cool when you’re supposed to be the foundation of a league.

You will take criticism. Know when to ignore, when to respond, and how to respond.

Step four: Know your Clientele, and treat them like Autistic Children

This is not a joke. I have taught at two elementary schools with a high population of kids on the spectrum and I have run all of my leagues the same way I teach their classes.

-Reliable, predictable schedules for battles/mags
-Predictable content for mags with a different twist every week (reviews, top punches, interview, power ranks, predictions)
-Not rewarding problem behaviors, but letting them ‘get it out’
-Focusing on positive reinforcement/recognition without pandering or overdoing
-Don’t overstimulate: an overflow of text related things will cause them to shut down

(note: this step is often misread as ‘act like autistic children’. Common mistake for battlers).

Step five: High School Macroeconomics

If you’re not familiar with the concepts, google ‘supply and demand’ and ‘opportunity cost’. Keep your battles in short supply (6-8 week league at most with little to no dovetailing of leagues). 1 cypher and 1 roast MAX for each 4 weeks.

Step six: Don’t do video mags

They’re almost always the sign of a league dying because they're often a signal of a mod who isn't putting effort in. Compare some of AOWL's best mags, just visually, to the average battle video mag and you see a palpable difference.

Most of the people reading your mags are reading to see what you say about them. No one is that interested in the average breakdown, but when you make the whole mag a video, they can't skip over the parts they don't care about.

Can videos work? Absolutely, as a color piece. Make it separate of the meat of your mags or don't make it at all.

Step seven: Try not to think about what you could’ve done with that time

Yes, you basically picked up an extra shift of work per week to do this. Yes, you could’ve done literally anything else (really consider learning to cook guys), but let’s not kid ourselves, if you’ve read this much, you were probably going to spend that time doing something less productive.

Follow these steps and you too can have the kind of success that only 50 people in the world will ever be able to understand, and half will think you're a faggot

Good luck.
Originally Posted by Dope girl View Post
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