Thread: My grand theory
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Old 03-27-2019, 09:35 AM   #21
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I am fixing to start proposing my points to try and flesh out my grand theory. Please challenge me and try to shoot holes in it.

Thesis: The Devil rules the world, and wishes for the destruction of as many Christians as possible, be it through physical death, or causing them to fall away; and his greatest trick is what I call the Burn the candle at both ends whenever possible tactic.

foundational Scripts:

2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

1 John 5:19
And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.

The burn the candle at both ends whenever possible definition: orchestrate situations and/or words that contradict the Bible. Whenever possible, present an idea/situation/words where both sides appear contradictory to each other and produce cognitive dissonance and ultimately tap out the human mind.

This is a rough draft, i may need to work on the brevity and articulateness.

example: a goal of the Evil forces is to get the mind of man to equate Muslim extremists and Christian extremists. They must both be terrorists for obvious reasons of removal.

In order to do that: on one end create the situation where Muslim terrorists kill many Christians. on the other, repeatedly state the truth that not all Muslims are terrorists. This locks the average brain. Burn the candle on both ends.

Follow that with the idea that there are Christian extremists, and that they are white nationalists, on the other side, preach the modern gospel of prosperity, non-judgement, cowardice, etc. to piss off the "extremists" to provoke them into moving upon the evil of their heart.

I will continue thinking on this. this is but one example of the burn the candle at both ends.

Ferguson: one on hand you so racial strife, on the other you program the people to accept the militarizing of police.

I hope I am articulating this well.
Originally Posted by Consensus
The cerebral assassin, the molder of minds, the Omni potent being. Time transcending traveler, wisdom incarnate. Veritas needs no intro but I guess I have to. He’s not know in the battling world but who doesn’t know veritas? The guy us always original and if you pay attention to his bars, dude brings the heat.. The gawd.
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