Thread: Fuck police.
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Old 07-11-2016, 09:40 AM   #190
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Originally Posted by quaker oats View Post
you seem to be the reason that analogies were taken off the SAT. clearly they are difficult for you to understand. I was referring to people's reactions, not to the actions themselves, especially since they come from the same #BigGovSux crowd who get offended when you condemn cops for killing civilians but think it's perfectly OK to condemn another government agency for not indicting a criminal. come on, you're not even trying anymore.

even if my tax dollars are going to welfare recipients responsible for violent crime, it's not the same, because cops exist to "serve and protect." the fact that there are very strong similarities between street criminals and police officers is EXACTLY the problem. read that sentence over and over again, please.

to carry your comparison, lol@you for getting knocked out, coming to and thinking you tapped me out. I would say look at you go, but really you're too embarrassing for anyone to look at.

anyway, this is me bowing out of this discussion. I'm sure you will consider it a win, because...

Very strong similarities between street criminals and police officers? Lol wut? So less than one percent of all criminals are criminals? Orrrrrrr is 100 percent of cops criminals?

Orrrrrrr how very strong is very strong quantitatively? Orrrrrrr is this just your busted opinion fueled by the agenda disguised as truth.
Originally Posted by Consensus
The cerebral assassin, the molder of minds, the Omni potent being. Time transcending traveler, wisdom incarnate. Veritas needs no intro but I guess I have to. He’s not know in the battling world but who doesn’t know veritas? The guy us always original and if you pay attention to his bars, dude brings the heat.. The gawd.
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