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Old 10-12-2015, 12:28 AM   #6
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Join Date: Jul 2014
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Battle Record: 23-10

- Art of Writing League
- AOWL Season 5

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UnbornBuddha has a brilliant futureUnbornBuddha has a brilliant futureUnbornBuddha has a brilliant futureUnbornBuddha has a brilliant futureUnbornBuddha has a brilliant futureUnbornBuddha has a brilliant futureUnbornBuddha has a brilliant futureUnbornBuddha has a brilliant futureUnbornBuddha has a brilliant futureUnbornBuddha has a brilliant futureUnbornBuddha has a brilliant future

Interviews (Spoken interviewed by Adonis)
Spoken - Give me your most glorious, over the top introduction. I'm saying, who are you, but let's not be polite.

Dbdidofnr woowsbdbfifkrnr ekdofngkeorjfbd ejrofofke lwpdgnf eenoeodnf by nroekenefloogernaggonpooperstoppinghippiedroppingm othefuckmesodewaydeepinsidemyfuckingpocketmynameis ....

I'll be real as well, I have zero clues to who the fuck you are but noticed your battle record is pretty damn meaty. I assume you are more of a traditional battle forum representative?

Name is Mr.Write aka storyteller. Ive had my fair share of Awol and Netcees writers league matches. Took out quite a few peepa ill refrain from spilling embarrassment! !!! So hello peeps im back! I did also the NBL and the 1-2 as well.... was iight but im adapting still. Ya kno...

What is the most advantagious thing in crossing over? (if you are battle, crossing to topical, or, if you are topical, crossing to battling?)

Back and forth honestly is wording. Get a feel for stunting a little bit for the thw battler to tooical cus u got this stride that advocates a content. Also a topical to battler condones better intellect and provides somewhat of a more broaden take or approach to a punch.. sometimes it kills us but most times it settles in with the fatality.

Fuck one, Marry one, Kill one

Rosie Odone'l

Id marry, if u need a reason then u must be nuts!!!

Sandra Bernhard

Marry so I cud fucking own the gratuities of insurance purposes!

Marrylin Manson

Ummmmm really?!...KILLLLLLLLLL


I don't know how much you know of the AOWL, but regardless, who are your top two selections in champing this thing and why?

My top 2 hmm.... tough shit... each writer is up and down honestly but at the end of the day my choice is on my own sole opinion of preferance towards how the writer fairs in all aspects of the field... with that being said I love to rwad pieces from frank and lars. Second hand tho closely I got Mr. J and Nigma

If spoken could speak about eating topicalists in his sleep, who is dreamt of first? WHY?

Honestly first victim should have been eTh real shit lol. (U still fam tho) my take wasnt no typical war shit it was the aspect of a ptsd veteran and the actual fact people face when families of the military are deep in.. common problem never really exposed but to each his own... I kno most people are used to me doing my usual storytelling but I got another style I working with to develop in top notch form!!!!! Watcha!!!!!!!!!

Battling or Topical, who do you consider the purest, rawest uncut level of talent over the years?

Deadman and Soulstice point blank... certain and u adonis as well but when I read from those two its like another planet... also oats. They just cultivate one to be in their shoes and its so indepth and gneooszbxokeow ssh bffindkdksnissn awesom!!!!

What do you consider more difficult. Constructing that one perfectly timed punch that has no fat on it, or writing a verse every week to a topic provided and still being able to climb the ranks?

Timed punch cause there are so many options that leave u dumbfounded and also typical on the take that its harder than writing a topical. Reason being is cause a topical.. u always catch ur groove sooner or later than u can always find ur way around writers block to make it more poignant and delved into the writing rather as a battle punch is just sometimes like a... ahhh fuck it put this with this type shit...

Thanks bruhv. Anything would like to add on some real talk other than complimenting my looks, or what you would imagine? Cuz that shit is saucy as fuck, lets be real.

Honedtly that deserved a veritas approach but im on mobile so.... I guess I just have to say.. show the fuck up stop the long fucking reads and lets get to fucking real work. We got serious competitors lets get the upper echelon and revive the writers of the lime.

Adios esta Gu'pa
Si yu'us ma' asi

(NYCSPITZ) interviewed by Unborn
Great to have you on board! These are the questions. Be honest, don't hold back for my sake or anyone, since you stated you hold back when voting, why is that by the way? A question before the questions, hahaha.

Because humans are primarily motivated by self-interest, greed, and fear. the vast majority of the population is filled by a laughably toxic rage whenever anybody points out their shortcomings, because they are so invested in themselves, irrespective of whether or not they feel like losers or champions. You can't de-program millions of years of evolution. Human nature has been constant throughot 6,000 years of recorded history, so that's not going to stop any time soon. I hold back dissing people because I sense that most people here are too weak to handle it, and being on boards since the early 2000's I see a juvenille pattern emerge - When you vote against people bluntly, they 80+% of the time do a spite vote against you. Can't remember the amount of times I won 7-1 or 5-1 with the one vote coming from a spiteful moron.

1. You've won the alias tournament and you went face to face with the legendary Deadman last season, you have quite a resume. Do you think you still have ways to improve as a writer and if so in what direction? (I've noticed you mention in getting A's on academic papers, as an academic, myself, I can tell you that there are other factors at play besides academia, what do you think?)

I think everybody can improve even Homer, Cicero, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Faulkner. Writing is an art and art is inherently imperfect but that's kind of the beauty of it. I think college is bullshit especially when it comes to writing classes because you have loser adjuncts (at least where I went) teaching, and they automatically assume they're smarter than the students and that all their thoughts are pure gold. Good writing almost precludes the presence of a degree. Look at Ray BradBury and Hemingway.

2. Why do you think you lost to Deadman, besides his talent, since you said you've bested him in the past. What could you have done different? Are you aiming for the championship?

I lost because more people voted for him, so they were obviously feeling his dope genius abstractions more than my samurai saga at the time. I could have taken a different approach and won but even though I'm 3-1 against him maybe he just had that battle won. Maybe it would've taken me one more verse to win, maybe I would've had to write 10 to find my flow and beat him. Who knows? I'm not aiming for the chip here because honestly this is the worst most diluted AOWL I've seen and I've barely been able to gather the motivation to write the keystyles I've posted so far. Winning this season would be shameful IMO. I don't see black, oats, soulstice, pent up, pinot grij, vulgar, lars, witty or anybody that's a heavyweight posting right now, except for Frank and I if we tried. Nigma is almost there but I'm skeptical about everyone else unless they've been holding back.

3. This following question was inspired from some of your comments, since you have quite a past in netcees and beforehand. Comparatively what is the state of this league to you? Many veterans have complained of "lesser talent", what is your viewpoint? (Consider that in life, things change continually, so why are veterans so hostile to newcomers? Is it self-entitlement or is there really a different factor in this topical terrain)

There's always that element of defensiveness which stems from insecurity. People are comfortable voting with and for their peers for an extended time frame, so they continue to vote for their peers even when their peers handedly lose. This is just another pattern of rap boards that's been around since the 90's and will never change. Dudes are pussies and they're afraid of hurting their online friends feelings. My utmost respect goes to the independent thinkers like deadman and vulgar who actually can spot good writing every time and vote accordingly. I already answered the first part of your question in the previous post. The talent right now is abysmal and that's why I'm signing out.

4. What does NYCSPITZ represent in netcees? And what kind of writing standards do you have for yourself, what you do you aspire when you are synthesizing your verse. What feelings do you conjure, if any. Do you need to go to a substance to create, to an emotion by thinking of a person, etc?

I create via stream of consciousness, typically sober or if I want to focus and write something great I will probably utilize caffeine. The feelings I conjure in myself are innumerable and span the spectrum of human emotion like any good artist. My standards for myself rise with the competition and thus why I've been writing loose keys so far; the competition is horrible this season. NYCSPITZ represents the burgeoning talent of the soul. Starting from square one and rising up in art, in life, in anything. He represents a deep animosity toward hypocrisy and bureacracy and cowardice. He represents freedom.

5. Who's your favorite writers so far in the league and why (If any)? Also, what type of writing are you inclined to stylistically like, who influenced you?

I think black and frank influenced me a bit, a bit of vulgar and oats maybe, soulstice, pinot, pent up, lars, basically all the best writers that I admire. My favorite writer in the league right now is frank because eveybody else is doo-doo and their egos (as well as their skills) are made of tin foil.

6. Why do you keep coming to netcees to compete, What do you think of the state of AOWL and its standing over the years, its prestige?

I came most recently because I got suspended from my job. I've just been selling shit on ebay and I think I can replace my job income that way but that's another topic entirely. Now that I'm going to be back on the squad, I'm gonna say fuck the league, because even when I had all the time in the world I couldn't find the motivation. Competition motivates me, intelligent discourse motivates me, and honestly all I see is morons and wack nerds at the moment. The prestige of the league is at an all time low.

7. Some people consider me a bibliophile, a book lover, some say a fanatic. Anyways, I have an extensive library, I've noticed you said that you like reading. What sections of literature do you like to read, Eastern or western philosophy, cognitive therapies which you seem to be interested in with the mention of superego and the child inside us. How essential do you believe is reading for writing proficiency? What do you like learning, is it important in life? Or is it more important to know less, but not in an ignorant way, but letting go of too much knowledge?

That is a long ass question and I'm not going to answer it comprehensively. It is important to have a balanced library filled with history, economics, novels, biographies, autobiographies, short stories, self-help books, spirituality books, books on culture, books on sophistication, books on learning the art of influence and power, the greek/roman/chinese classics, everything. Most people don't read at all, they just google and memorize facts like the vapid morons they are and think they know shit, but lack any and all ability for mental processes and calculations. I am currently focused on sales based negotiations so that I can quickly increase my net worth. Learning is imporatant because humans are learning machines and most of them are just dusty, rusted and humming zombies now. The indolence caused by relative prosperity and technological advances have fucked over countless empires in the past just look at what hitler did with a "civilized" society making use of newly minted mass media tools such as the newspaper and radio. Nobody thought it could happen but it did. History repeats itself and that's not a cliche, there is a precedent for everything and technology, wormhole travel, alien interventions and all that shit won't change human nature at all - we are still rapacious, cunning, lying motherfuckers who will stop at nothing to protect our own self-interests and sense of power. You can't just be rosy eyed with a panglossian view of the world (candide) but you can't be a total pessimist either. The world is a balance of opposite values, opposite forces and people need to understand that. As far as being well-read, it's important to read as much as possible but only if you know how to read. You have to process all the information, mark and underline your books, write down new ideas, and think about key concepts you just read (writing them down is best) in order to solidify them in your mind. In the digital age we have literally unlimited access to all the tools needed to do anything you want - learn a language, learn the art of persuasion, learn how to knit. The impetus is on the indivdual to be disciplined and his his thing when it comes to the learning department. Most people stop reading when they finish school and that's why they're 40 year old losers with illegitimate children, living in studio,s working for your local utility company, drinking forties and eating pizza every night.

8. Are you Aero?

What do you think?

9. How is the Hip Hop scene in NY nowadays and how has it influence you? Do you take part in it?

I go to open mics every now and then, and I record in the studio sporadically but right now I'm too focused on making enough money to achieve financial freedom so that I can live where I want and spend my time how I want to. The hip hop scene is cool though, The open mics are still live throughout the lower east side and brooklyn...I just saw a huge cypher the other day at union square with like 100+ people on a friday night. I've done a couple of large open mics at relatively live and upscale venues and it's definitely a great experience to perform with like-minded peers and doing your thing on the stage stretches your comfort zone like no other. I'm amazed that people do shows at 50,000 people events, energy there must be crazy. But yea, I take part in it but not as much as I want to. Your post might give me the impetus to dip into it a bit more here, there's definitely great artists and fly honies everywhere in the hip hop scene tho, just like always.

10. Any last words you might have? Feel free to say anything you wish, no censorship here.

Black, Oats, Pent, soulstice, pinot, vulgar, pent up, lars, etc. Where art thou? There are about 15 elite topicalists that have posted here within the last year and they're almost all extinct now as far as activity. Shit just makes me not want to log in at all. But yo, thanks to everyone for participating in the league, hope you all enjoy and elevate into topical hall of famers.

3nd Interview- YDK interviewed by Unborn
You've made it to the championship match in season three before I arrived on the scene in 4, so comparatively what is the state of the league to you? Many veterans have complained of "lesser talent", what is your viewpoint? (Consider that in life, things change continually, so why are veterans so hostile to newcomers? Is it self-entitlement or is there really a different factor in this topical terrain)

Well the talent is still here but the big names some of us have become accustomed to seeing; and seeing win, aren't. Personally deadman is the biggest missing member because I've competed in leagues with him for years on here and other sites also. Most people seem to not believe a league can be as strong talentwise without those members they perceive as the top writers being active. It's all about perception and to me this has been a great season with a few surprising newcomers. It's been fun

2. What does YDK represent in netcees? And what kind of writing standards do you have for yourself, what you do you aspire when you are synthesizing your verse. What feelings do you conjure, if any. Do you need to go to a substance to create, to an emotion by thinking of a person, etc?

I think, and hope slightly, that ydk represents the emotion people seem to be afraid of. It sounds corny and cliché as all hell but I remember listening to Eminem in highschool and the line "this is for the kids that don't have a thing" and that one line made me realize the effect a person can have on others with simple words that they can relate to. You can ask ETH, I've always been going through something most consider depressing as hell, but I've learned to handle it so it makes it easy for me to convey those deep emotions that some may not be use to seeing/feeling. I strive to connect with everybody win or lose and I hope with my second book I can really find my niche to help as many people as possible connect with themselves and not feel guilty or alone while doing so.

3. Who's your favorite writers so far in the league and why? Also, what type of writing are you inclined to stylistically like, who influenced you?

My favorite writers vary each week but ETH had been my comrade forever, you and nigma both have this deep understanding of the language, and Frank is able to spin a story better than most so you all really are my favorites to read. I try not to get my style from anybody in particular but alot of times I will try to beat people at their own strengths which doesn't have the best end result, but its challenging and fun. I've always tried to have a flow as smooth as deadman's while holding a story like Frank, but the writer I learned everything from was @Word.Smyth years ago on hha. He's my biggest influence and the one who taught me how to use emotion to capture the audience.
4. Did I read correctly that you wrote a book? Care to tell us more about your creation? Its themes and what inspired you to write it? Feel free to include the name of the book and ways to purchase it, if you wish to do so.

Yes I thought it was common knowledge that I published one lol its a simple poetry book titled unsure, I published it almost 5 years to this day actually. Sold on Barnes and borders, amazon etc. I titled it unsure because at that point in my life my mother had just passed away after fighting cancer for years, I had recently graduated highschool, and was just generally unsure about my life. Death is a constant theme throughout the book because I find it more relatable to people, but its more of mash up of alot of poems I had written over the years more than a specific genre.

5. Why do you keep coming to the AOWL? Basing off your experience you must be familiar with other sites, what makes AOWL so special in your opinion?

The consistency. It's always active, always full of talent, and has writers from multiple boards all here, so its nice to compete against everybody at once instead of at each individual site. Even at its "lowest" points the league still has a higher writing iq than any other site I've seen other than maybe hha in its prime. This is home to me now.

6. Since you are a published author care to share any tips on how to go about the publishing process? And what other authors of the past and present do you like?

As for tips I honestly can't give many that are useful other than be patient. It takes a lot of time finding a reliable company that you are willing to work with, and then the contract negotiations, editing, book design, its all a big headache if you don't have a personal editor or somebody to just look over things with you. I got lucky being published multiple times ever since 4th grade and then winning contests online like and getting free offers to get my work published, so I just figured I could publish my own instead of only being featured. It probably sounds horrible coming from me but I don't really have any favorite author. I read alot of piers Anthony books in my youth but really that's about it.

7. And any last words you care to say (feel free to say anything you wish)?

I just wanna give props to this entire league. Everybody has been great and alot less bitching than past seasons lol I've loved the newer members as well, its been quite a shocking season thus far and I hope the trend continues
Thanks for the questions godcomplex, you really are the best

Nigma inteview by Unborn
1. I scouted and saw that you did amazingly well in the Winter topical match that lars went on to champ, and by the looks of it had quite high competition. Thus, comparatively what is the state of this league to you? Many veterans have complained of "lesser talent", what is your viewpoint? (Consider that in life, things change continually, so why are veterans so hostile to newcomers? Is it self-entitlement or is there really a different factor in this topical terrain)

Ah yes, the Winter Topical. I remember it fondly. Winter’s a happy time in Canada. With the extra snow I’m able to add a second floor to my igloo and the extra space really puts me in a good place in my mind. That was a pretty incredible tournament in terms of not only the top tier participation, but also participation in general. That’s the main factor. A league infused with the benevolent rays of participation a true built league. And you build a true built league, the people will come. I would agree that the talent base isn’t quite where it was a few years ago, but that isn’t a bad thing. That’s like saying the Celtics aren’t as good now as they were in the 60’s. Although they had golden years, they are still currently at a level you would expect out of a team. Things come in waves, and this league is on the up push. We’re already seeing the likes of some monster writers making a return. Spoken and EtD both jump to mind instantly. They both possess the aptitude to drop a monster verse at any time, and that is the real difference about where this league is now, and where it was back in those days. Currently, there are a handful of writers I feel comfortable that’d I’d be more often than not, but back then each week was like as unpredictable as a UFC fight because anyone could drop a jewel. One step at a time!

2. I heard that you are multiple leagues at once? 2 or 3 or so. What propels you to write so much, is it just for fun, for the love of it, or some deeper underlying substructure such as an ideal. And juggling so many tournaments how do you about crafting so much material for all the leagues you're in? And still keep it high quality? (By the way you have my favorite verse this season, the Edgar Allen poe one. Tell us how you do it.

I wasn’t really writing much at all for awhile, the only site I was half ass active on was LA which is always in a fairly dormant state. I’ve been writing for over a decade now and in the past while I had adopted a long, drawn out writing process that I wanted to overhaul. I made this decision while I was in the first round of a tournament on LA when I saw a keystyle based tournament being hosted on RB so I decided to challenge myself. Got myself into a pace of jotting down lines and brainstorming concepts at work and was able to keep up with that workload. Ended up winning that tournament on RB and joined another one that followed the same format at the same time I joined this league. They keystyle ones are tiresome as it equates to a verse a day, so doing two back to back wasn’t a great idea especially with another tournament AND a league on the go. The hardest part is getting the votes in tbh. As far as how I do it? There is no way walk you down the 10+ year path I’ve been on developing the way I write. Everyone’s journey is different. Appreciate the

3. What does Nigma represent in netcees? And what kind of writing standards do you have for yourself, what you do you aspire when you are synthesizing your verse. What feelings do you conjure, if any. Do you need to go to a substance to create, to an emotion by thinking of a person, etc?

On Netcees, I’m just me. I don’t pretend to be anything I’m not, don’t go out of my way to brag or attempt to alter peoples perceptions of me, I just go about my business haha. I feel that in a site full of forced (albeit sometimes entertaining) personas, it’s really had me live up to the mystique behind my alias. I have very high writing standards for myself. I feel I have an in depth understanding of what makes a verse resonate with a reader, and when I do not reach that level with any sort of magnitude it bothers me. Feelings conjured for a verse is obviously dependent on the subject matter but aiming to have the plot drift through emotional areas that have happened to me or that I can relate to is crucial, because if I don’t feel the emotion while writing it, chances are the reader isn’t going to feel it either. As far as substances, I am definitely capable of writing sober however I smoke a lot of weed so when I’m physically writing the verse and melding my concepts together I’m usually benefiting from the abundance of creativity that comes with the cannabinoids. I do, however, jot down one-liners at work on a sober brain, and those are the ones that usually stand out the most to the reader.

4. Who's your favorite writers so far in the league and why? Also, what type of writing are you inclined to stylistically like, who influenced you?

Tough question here. Theres a lot of writers that have the potential to make a deep dive into the playoffs and there are seemingly more showing up every week. I have a very tough matchup this week against the undefeated EcB who is definitely a contender, I’ve really enjoyed reading his work. Frank is always a competitor, Spoken is well respected writer who can drop bombs, if Witty remains active he can easily make an impact, and I mean the list can go on and on. As far as stylistic preferences, I consider myself an extremely diverse writer who has taken bits and pieces of unspoken advice from everyone over the years, not just one person. Knowledge can be found anywhere if you look hard enough.

5. Why do you keep coming to netcees to compete, especially since you're active in other leagues. What do you think of the state of AOWL and its standing over the years, its prestige?

Netcees has made it’s mark and has a community willing to put in the work needed for a successful league. I must say, I’ve been in a few different leagues throughout the years but the way Lars is running this is incredible. Topics, mags, throwing votes when needed, hes doing it all and really deserves props for what he’s doing and continues to do. People are recognizing it and the growth these past few weeks is evident. Like the president himself said, this might be an attendance record this week which is awesome. I mentioned earlier that the talent base isn’t quite where it was a few years ago however it’s improving each day. This is clearly a very good time for topical writers.

5. What is with your avy? Do you look like that character? Lol, if so you are probably popular with the ladies right?

Lol no, that's a picture of my doctor, Steven Brule. Unfortunately I don't look too much like him so I have to rely on other strengths to pick up the ladies. He makes a few seasons of health advice on the internet and I encourage everyone to check it out!

6. Any last words you might have? Feel free to say anything you wish, no censorship here, well maybe a little, please don't tell us if you killed anyone

Umm well how about some fun facts about Nigma? I’ve had over 10 concussions in my life and don’t really have much of a memory. If I have a couple drinks I literally won’t remember the night. I woke up this morning with a massive hickey and have no idea what the chick looks like, but she been texting me and is probably gonna come over here pretty soon which is pretty scary. Big shouts out to you for putting this mag together, these were some thought provoking questions and it was fun to recollect. I need to clean up with house from the crazy as fuck after party. I’ve been informed we all came back here drunk as fuck and rolling, decided it would be a great idea to make some mushroom tea at 4am and, yeah. Thanks for reading motherfuckers and a happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian homies.

Last edited by UnbornBuddha; 10-12-2015 at 12:37 AM.
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