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Old 10-12-2015, 12:27 AM   #5
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Writer analysis: BY GC

@Mr. J- Ah, the J man himself, the joker, the jester, the wildcard. I do believe wildcard personifies him well. Not because he is not consistent, I doubt anyone will debate that, he drops more open mics than anyone else I have seen. Maybe 2 tripple got him on the open mic cipher though? Any who, Mr. J does not bring his full potential all the time, I think when I faced him and he bested me, he brought that heat. But, many times he slacks it seems and does not challenge his horizon, even though what he brings is still technically solid, but as we writers know that we must challenge ourselves once we hit our plateaus if not we stagnate. But, Mr. J has it in him to champ, if he goes into overdrive, showing the exemplary Mr. J that we see glimpses of all the time.

@timeless: I’ve competed with Timeless for a while now, even at the amazing tournament at Projectrhyme, good run by the way! Lars connotative comparison of timeless as the league’s iron man is quite succinctly put, Timeless shows and he gets better every league. Albeit, he doesn’t always bring the full weaponry and mechanical arsenal that his capable of firing, he still comes every time correct and will take the match from you, if you underestimate him. His weakness is really his own lack of motivation; he needs to break these thresholds of his own chains that bind him in his place, so as to reach greatness and beyond.

@Vividlyvague: I don’t know much about him, although do know he is a familiar face, albeit not to me. But, from what I’ve seen he has quite the knack to tell stories. I believe this to be one of the most important traits for a topicalist. Although, judging from his last entry, there is some rust there, which needs to fully oxidize so as to shine again. But, heck he brought Zygote from his cybernetic dormant sleep, so Vividly is one to look out for.

@Nigma: This guy is a heavy hitter; he is a proficient man of language. Albeit, sometimes he does forsake connection with the reader in order to connect better with his process and product. Which is fine, but you will lose votes that way. It can’t really be helped in some way because some writers do not write for the readers, but the readers are still captivated by the magnificence of the product nevertheless. I think your biggest strength is your abilities to conjure a schematic framework for your piece to flow so mechanically well, however the concepts themselves sometimes bleed out from different portals, and not all these channels of transference align with each other. And so you’re writing while not nonsensical becomes muddled in a metaphorical melting pot.

@2triple0: The myth, the man, the legend. Well, where do I begin? 2tripple has a big heart and it shows by his consistency to continue peddling his product like some type of hooligan in the projects, me against the world type of shenanigan. However, he doesn’t seem to care about the actual product his selling and for him to elevate I think necessitates him to change the neural pathways his mind is firing on. Thus, he will be able to produce more impactful brain chemicals for his writing to emanate from, thus securing a much more grounded source. I liked his magazine though, even though I didn’t really get the trajectory in which he was going. It was enjoyable to see the process from where his writing emanates from. And I don’t think his writing is ghastly, but it suffers from an inability to penetrate pass basic language deficiencies. And if you don’t rectify this vacuity, then there might not be a status upgrade.

@NYCSPITZ: He is a very sound writer and operates at a crème de la crème echelon, albeit he forsakes his abilities by focusing on prestige and self-importance rather than the actual writing itself. Therefore, looking down on his opponent and deciding not to craft what his capable of due to an air of superiority. But, when he puts his all, the verse is one of the best from any competitor. He is someone to always be wary of because he will best you, if you don’t give it your all, which frankly still might not be enough. His beef with @bigbaby was humorous, and both are incredible writers, truth be told. But they probably won’t acknowledge their rivals skills due to pride, perhaps, or whatever other illusory mechanism we human creatures operate from. He made it to the season’s championship last season, but for some reason he decided to write what most jokingly said he was going to write, a samurai-esque tale. Perhaps, he doesn’t care, or maybe he thought he would write such an epic samurai fabrication that it will turn upside down the critique of the readers, so as to make us swallow our tongues as we look at awe at his ninja riddled fable. To summarize, I always look forward to his drops.

@YDK: Every time I see his name, the rhyming side of my mind takes hold and Y2K comes to the forefront. Remember when that was a thing? I remember my dad storing food and water, hahaha, oh imagine if it did happen though, we might be doing this topical thing in an apocalyptic setting, anyways, sorry for rambling. YDK is one of a writer that validates his verses through the emotions that they convey. I don’t think I’ve seen write a verse that doesn’t carry an intonation of a universal sentiment of some kind. Thus, if you don’t counteract him with something that is personal and easily relates to most readers, then you will lose, especially if YDK matches you mechanically. I would like him to expand his armory though; I want to see him go to the battlefield with a different armor on, pne that doesn’t have etched into it his bleeding heart, which makes for a spectacle of a match, since he puts his heart on the line. But at the same it becomes a bit grotesque seeing a combatant put his deepest feelings to be viewed superficially each time, but, his someone to be careful of, because he will snatch your crown.

@Witty: Witty is someone who is humble and doesn’t take himself too seriously. Albeit, he does sincerely believe he can take anyone. Does he have a valid reason to believe this? Yes, he is someone who can craft something that is always worthy to be read. Now, he does seem to take similar routes, exploiting the themes of murder, although he does put a twist on them, just check out last season’s Disney or beloved princesses’ rendition. His mind when writing seems to carry him into the direction of showing the worst of humanity. But, he does it in a way that is not very depressing, and only thing I will like him to do more is to write more creatively. Because he writes well, but would like to see him write something with more imagination, something truly mind-blowing. His fully capable, but no-shows way too often and it’s a shame because he makes for an enjoyable participant all around. His a funny guy and a writer who can create works to be proud of, albeit it will be nice to see him adapt more to a process that transmits an evolution of ideas over time.

@CopyPat: This guy is a rhyming machine, he will write some of the longest multi’s, although simple in a way, they are still advanced schematically, and you could easily lose sight of what he did, if you don’t pay attention. His themes usually lighthearted and involve beer and the things that Homer Simpson will indefinitely approve of. If you ever get tired of the seriousness that most we writers here are inclined to produce, check out Copypat for something that will lift you from the slums. Thus, reminding you of the greater joys in life, intoxication and the mistakes that are produced from that stupor. I like his writing and he has one of the most enjoyable cadence, in a way his more of an audio writer because it is easy to see that his writing is geared for it. Because sometimes he becomes too trapped by the literal reading of the topic and doesn’t allow himself to go beyond the usual bounds of what he usually thinks and goes toward to.

@Sovereign: A relative newcomer in Netcees, his writing is very peculiar and different, not in a bad way. Even his votes differ, the rating of 20 he gives at the end of his votes always give me the giggles, it is an interesting way to rate another’s performance here. As for his writing itself, I think he needs to utilize a more customary and time-honored approach around here, one that therein contains itself on its own format. I think he is trying to be innovative, and he doesn’t have the foothold to do so. If he lets himself be more well-known around here first, before taking approaches that may not be what is the standard. And we should welcome different creeds and styles, but like everything else, the style needs to concord with the likings of others, if not they will be put-off by the different expression and way you utilize your words, which sometimes comes off as immature in your development.

@Razah: This guy has been very successful, here and the Martyrs tournament. I don’t know if he is bothered by others not acknowledging him more because he can write something that is very sound, although usually short to the point. He has stated he is very competitive, so I assume he does care somewhat. He is one of the most natural and reader friendly in his writings. I used to get the impression that he didn’t like me for some reason; its fine I can’t be liked by everybody, and it would be a dull world if I was. Nevertheless, I expect him to continue to climb up the rankings and beat other well-established writers. But, like I told him, I would like to see him write something that is more memorable not just because of the flow and all that, but because the content itself is fleshed out in a way that gives the reader new hope and understanding and that may require a lengthier process/ read. Razah says that he likes to read and rap the topicals out loud, so he is very focused on it being musically centered, and that’s really great, but in another perspective, when it comes to this kind of writing that is also a downfall. Because it means your flow will be great, but if you’re not careful you won’t carry out and manifest your original intention when crafting, and you will also overlook other writers whose work might be lengthier but worthy to be learned from. This is what I feel needs to happen for continual growth, we need to bypass our likings and try to see what others styles can be derived of.

@Dearg: Someone mentioned he is Dagel, for some reason people seem to say that name with scorn. And I heard he plagiarized someone’s work, which is always something to consider when reading his verse. A thief is always a thief, no? I myself don’t believe this, but those who compete have to take precautions. We already have had enough tension with Frank and such. His actual writing this week looked rushed and he told me he was experimenting with a new style. So besides that I cannot really speak on his abilities. He seems very confident and just skimming quickly through his open mic pieces he shows much more proficiency than he displayed this week. Check out his pieces and leave a comment. In fact, if you have some time to spare leave some feedback on some others writers. Sadly, open mic has been kind of lifeless lately, in terms of activity.

@Flo Real: Ah! Flo Real, every time I now hear his name, I see his grumpy pic. Perhaps, a smile would ease his cantankerous exterior. His raps are not the most advanced, but they nevertheless are smooth and carry these nice short length expositions. Most of the times he seems to write very quickly and for the effort exerted he manages to put something of worth considering the time put in. The big question is does he flow real? You decide.

@fraze: I don’t really know much of Fraze, to be honest. I haven’t had the pleasure of reading much of his work; I have seen that he is an active battler, so it takes quite a unique type of skill to be able to write topicals and battle raps. Judging from his short piece it was filled with much assonance and had tibits of great lines, but being so short it’s difficult to ascertain anything beyond that of capability overall. He obviously seems to know how to craft a proper topical, and probably has experience doing it. It was somewhat without a trace, a source. Meaning he wrote something that wasn’t fundamentally flawed, but the essence of it was muddled somehow in the midst of focusing on elements, such as placing the right words, etc.

@Ullr: I have faced Ullr more than anyone this year, I seem to be this lyrical superman’s kryptonite. Kidding aside, I enjoy his writing he is very technical and proficient, as in articulate. Check out our poetry battle that took place a while back, I thought it was excellent. Like Nigma, he is one that participates supposedly in various tournaments And I believe one of the reasons sometimes his vision doesn’t come out is because he spreads himself too thin. But, there is no denying his ability to write majestically. What really comes down to him is focus and resourcefulness. He usually takes the direct approach, so when facing opponents that are more cryptic or innovative his approach can falter and be slayed, metaphorically of course.

@Frank: What can I say of Frank, that hasn’t been said already? He definitely is conniving, but I don’t believe he means harm, I do think he is well-intentioned. But, as we know the “road to hell is paved with good intentions”. Frank writes some of the most descriptive tales that I’ve read, sometimes he does rhyme just for the sake of rhyming it seems, but still very few consistently carry a scheme throughout the whole verse, albeit sometimes the schemes are somewhat distorted, meaning syllabically imperfect, but to tell you the truth, I myself am not too concerned with those pedantic details, some are and view them in a more serious manner, and I respect that. It seems Frank doesn’t know how to lose in a chivalrous manner, not that everyone needs to, but it is a good trait to cultivate especially for someone whose skills are as striking as Frank’s.

@Spoken: Spoken has an interesting way he patterns his verses, every word seems fluid but somewhat stagnant as well. I feel like he has a very unique way in articulating things, but in essence there is still this rigidity that prevents him from accessing the depths of something greater. I don’t know if it’s his syntactical alignment, I don’t think so, I think he just places words that don’t resonate well with each other and it makes his writing appear disjointed, when it actually isn’t. If he can figure out how to keep his unique way of coherent, while doing away with the unnaturalness he will be at a better place as a lyricist. More eloquent and less lacking continuity.

@EtH: A stickler for multisyllable alignment, this is another enigmatic character for me. Looking into his material there seems to be a sense of polish, but also a sense of overwhelming simplicity due to neurotic grasping to syllabic presentation and order. With that aside, I do believe he can go and conquer some more writers here, but I haven’t got that sense of awe reading his material yet. His also very spoken person and sometimes he comes off as too inflexible in literal and literary form, if he implemented a softness to his approach then he can resemble more so the purity that is inherent in water, one of the softest elements on earth. Still, he made it to the championship match and that fact speaks for itself. Despite anyone’s opinion, he has proven his worth in that regard. Now his facing Nigma and I think his going to need to come up with something clever to defeat him.

@MMLP: President Lars close friend. MMLP always come through and I’ve seen him pen last minute verses when someone cannot show up. So he is very reliable and although he doesn’t come with the most tactical verbal attack, he nevertheless manages to write something that is assimilated neurologically into one’s machine capsule very effortlessly. I remember a while back Lars and MMLP were dropping these very cool verses in open mic and they flowed and meshed together well. There was even this Freddy Krueger one. Stylistically, he has semblance of Lars, but is not as technically precise, nor does he have his experience. I mean who does? Lars seems to have been doing this when I was a toddler. MMLP I feel with some more mental training from his friend/ mentor can reach a place where he continually churns out genuine gems.

@JESODIST: This is a long term e-friend of mine; we’ve known each for about 5-6 years now, maybe more. I cipher with him to this day, however his more of a battle MC, but not exactly either. His favorite emcee is Canibus, so he kind of synthesizes his craft along those lines. Will his style translate to topical, I don’t know. He does sometimes have trouble with wording things in a completely natural manner, since his native tongue is not English. His command of English is very good though, however topicals are a different breed, so I hope his skills will translate well to the arena, but most likely he will be bested this round by someone more used to the topical format.. But, if he keeps competing I think he will find his niche and develop into an incredible topicalist, but he must change the way he writes verses for that to happen. This is not a battle in the traditional sense.

@asylum: This man named after a mental institution wrote ironically not too long ago a piece about transcending that was stellar in its imagery. Adonis was quite taken by it and I liked it quite a bit as well. It was short and well put together. Last time I really saw him was when he and I battled and it was a close match, something along the lines of a Ukrainian revolutionary topic. I almost met my demise, for the week, to his hand. So, I myself do not take him lightly. Although, at times it does seem he writes relatively quick and the product ends up being less thought-provoking. Motivation and a longer crafting time with more planning will help lift him up to the topical heavens, where different writers live on different nebulous nimbuses.

@Rakontur- This enigmatic figure is one that operates at realms that vary. Sometimes, he comes with verses that are on the weaker side, but sometimes he comes with something majestic, with imagery galore that will knock your socks off. One of the most poetic here I find, besides Innovator. Although, he is much more refined, probably because he has done this for a really long time it seems. I don't want to say a lot, so as not to expose his identity, he got mad at me once for saying it, lol. My bad, I'm too oblivious at times. I enjoy reading him, but one cannot read him and expect most of the time for his writing to just clarify itself for you. He writes very minimalistic, in a sense, with good flow that accompanies those brief lines, but with those short lines he does forsake at times clarity. But, if you sit and slowly unravel it, it will open itself up to you and you will get a glimpse at his trained hand crafting.

UnbornGod or Buddhacomplex (me): As for me, I cannot speak on my abilities, but I will say I have become a much better writer competing here and just continually learning from others, paying attention. But, I can speak on what I am trying to do as of late. I am trying to transcend the limitations of mine by continually trying to write from a different perspective every time, coming into the process with no mind. Then, let the words flow while taking shelter in a different haven every time. In general, I am a person who’s of the intellectual tribe, I suppose, but I really am trying to write from a state that is not pretentious. I don’t think that serves me or anyone for that matter. I try to continually empty my mind and heart, as well as continually devouring volume after volume, scroll after scroll, dissecting and pondering the literary treasures and classical texts.

Last edited by UnbornBuddha; 10-12-2015 at 02:07 AM.
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