Thread: Planet Music
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Old 06-23-2014, 09:57 AM   #1
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Default Planet Music

Ever since I was cocooned in the womb, I was consumed with music
The beautiful tunes that filled my ears were strummed to loom amusement
They move my mood to a vast planet where the crystal moon glistens
As stars form into symphonic notes, I take a soothed listen
I feel relaxed, touching the ever-green grass that sparkles subtly
The leaves dance with the wind, as I glance beneath the lovely trees
I begin running free - frolic in motion, near the sea of dawn and devotion
White sand breaks crashing waves - creating an everlasting bond with the ocean
I'm causing commotion - as blue whales awake from their slumber to swim
Dolphins rise, and Seals Dive - as salty wind runs under my skin
I come to a cliff - overlooking the mighty waters with inspiration
Raising my fists - I queue the Ocean's Orchestration of Innovation
Taking control of strings, keys and chords - I summon all animals of the sea
Now every single species that swims embarks to come in peace
Mammal and Fish swim side by side - with not one painful scrimmage
They're all elated to be alive - and the food chain diminished
For they live off the notes of instruments - and how they influence
As the sun rises behind the sea, we realize - this is the power of music

Last edited by Dragon; 08-15-2018 at 02:32 AM.
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