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Old 11-26-2013, 05:09 AM   #55
rhyme capsule.
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can i just say, the almost exclusive interchange of topical with poem by textcees attempting to belittle writers is some ignorant shit. what do you think your text battle verses are? just that -- they're verse. do you know what verse is? yea. imbecilic. just because you're on a rap forum and your main focus is to insult the other guy with whatever the status quo defines as 'funny' or 'sharp' certainly limits your work and has it lose its creative and artistic credit, but you're writing verse, son. those are poems. that is their pith. meek, weak and uninspired poems. typically. but uhm, yea. nothing differentiates you except your crippling lack of self-awareness.

also topical/open mic. not the same thing. you can throw a topical into the OM, sure. but an open mic'er is not, by necessity, a topicalist, really. that said i'm not even sure what a 'topicalist' is now, thinking about it -- fucking rap forums, lol, but i've an idea based on the lines ya'll draw. here's another idea: read a book.

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