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Old 10-28-2013, 10:35 PM   #8
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See the signs.

The first step towards seeing the signs in life are to be aware that they exist in the first place, whether or not perceived being totally unrelated to the fact. For it is most proper in relation towards reason to accumulate accurate evidence before assigning classification, and thus seeking the existence and subsequent meaning of signs fits snuggly into this realm. This is due primarily to the fact that if one may understand how the persons, places, and things of their lives are grouped and interact with each other, they will be the better. it is well that one may say that it is the glory of the intellect to recognize how concepts link and associate and that is thus in a nearby arena. At the very minimum the brain will respond in a positive manner through its own plasticity in forming the links, allowing for faster data retrieval, and in effect, a RAM boost. Furthermore because the ideas link to ideas and those to others and such and such, the brain will thus be shifted into a continuing state of growth due to the minds search within these sign seeking parameters. This happens because signs will manifest more frequently due to how well one is able to make groups and classifications out of input. Consequently this will increase the efficiency in the cleaning up and ordering of the input which the mind receives. When the mind feels less burdened by sensory chaos, is when it operates most efficiently, see meditation. Sign seeking is another means towards this end, and while not the chief end, certaintly a worthwhile freebie. Surely a persons mind with which could see the signs of their life would be better equipped to handle the problems of their life, on the simple, logical point of being better prepared. In taking an honest look at the general populous with which daily communion is expected, observe the chaotic nature of a certain type of common life, a life that is wrecked, and what is worse, unaware of how the calamity befell it!
On philosophical grounds one may presume to state that since the universe possesses both entropy and enthalpy in its daily workings, lives may then be subjected towards their various forces. Spiritually if one reads GOD’s Word they will clearly assimilate the fact that there is an order towards life, conversely, there is a chaotic trend which works as well, and this could be called grace and sin, truthfully whether it be entropy and enthalpy, or grace and sin, the point stands of how life changes, and in fact moves up and down in a rhythm which seems almost seasonal. This leads to the next point, the second step in thought and the first step in seeing the signs, is to accurately be able to discern the present season, and if it is predominantly positive, or predominantly negative. This understanding is of the primary importance due to the fact that if a person can observe the signs that they are in a season of losing, the sooner they may take action against it, just as well if a season of winning is perceived, the possibility of its duration increasing expands. As one progresses through a season properly they ought to increase in the ability to do so, as experience builds upon experience, but more so the tendency towards problem solving instead of problem creating, being able to see the signs is a tremendous boon towards problem solving, even if only on the ground of the aforementioned early detection.
The signs of life are essentially vital messages for the individuals sub and unconscious that manifest through the systematic arrangement and amalgamation of information. this is done through the minds tendency to do so, on some automatic level, that can only be tapped into through discipline, and even when utilized properly still almost feels like a surprise yet natural. If one was to really comprehend the true nature of how reality is more effective the better it is grouped into orderly patterns of behavior through effectively focused thought, one might be able to more easily reach the deeper levels of thought, and thus subsequent mysteries of the unknown. Sure enough the notion of destiny smiles upon this venture as the mind starts to become fully aware of the effect the world has upon it, and even more so the effect it has upon the world. At first the knowledge is almost too much, and while overload is possible, it is only to those whom give up before they truly start. still in yet, the point being, that the total shifting of the mind towards the proper ordering, pattern linking, assosiciation derived, sign seeker from the original shallow causally chained emotion machine is mentally and psychically challenging, and taxing. For this reason keep in mind that all levels of ability must be worked upon slowly, but for all there is a different measure of grace.
The mind that seeks the signs of its life is a mind which operates according to means which would confound the supposed wise of the world. This is said due to the worldly wisdom of shallow and weak associations mentally created only along the paths of worldly, physical realms. The signs of a person’s life are often only recognized when looked through the lens of a strong intrinsic, almost spiritual, focus. Due to the world’s science being completely devoid of any spiritual intake or output, they will miss this ability, and is evident in that there has still not been recording of a monkey turning into a man.
Whrere the first step is to recognize the season, the second step is that of the nature of the sign. Elaborating, the nature of a sign simply means its broad application. There are numerous applications of the signs and will be categorized as such: guiding signs. Signs of this nature manifest clearly enough to inch the traveler ever onward, towards the great unknown, and do so while consciously imparting to the receiver that they represent an organization for which this unknown is not. A prerequisite towards being able to receive these signs is having a general idea of what ones passions are, and having a idea of life purpose while all the more certaintly fuel this flame, conversely proving the point which states how few actually do so.
Another would be warning signs, these are self explanatory and a recognition of one’s own vices is a prerequisite. It needs be said at this crucial junction that this often takes a good while, as the human mind is programmed to enjoy what kills it, and thus is very slow in metabolizing the necessary energy required towards recognition of faulty patterns formed into vices and the subsequent treating and solving of the problem it produces. Known in ones own inner realms are the things which are done at great peril, yea even enjoyed before hand, and thus even these very words may be considered a sign for their extinguishing. There are certain behaviors which increase the value of life, while others decrease it. What humanity would classify as the most easiest process to bring about a failure in any way, be it physical, mental , or spiritual. Examples lay strewn about the ether. These vices need to be acknowledged and dealt with and thus when an individual is able to see the signs of warning, they will know that enough is enough, and the time to turn around is nigh, furthermore, they may even receive the information of how to directly counteract the patterns of hindrance! The main enemy of this venture is the mind which remains unrebukable, and thus unteachable, oh how vile! The mind which perceives that it is all right, all knowing! This is the mind which goes against all of what this discourse seeks to accomplish, by violating the first principle in seeking signs, to understand that there are signs, for a mind which can not be corrected has no need for signs, in that it is totally oblivious to its need for extra guidance because it is doing perfectly fine guiding itself. One must at this point make a fearless self inventory and recognize all of their own shortcomings, and areas of stumbling. When one does this they are then able to be warned as to the wrong, and guided as to the right, which is the whole point of seeking the signs in the first place.
Every sign may have a more specified sub guiding, but suffice it to say, all will eventually be able to reside within the realms of guiding or warning, and possibly others along with, or in greater an order then this, upon the which I am unable to perceive presently. The signs viewed through a temporal reference is an important issue before we delve into deeper questionings, for not only is the either/classification of importance, but as to the order; if one thinks of their “continuing story line” in the dream world, they may see how important knowing the order of the falling of the pieces is towards gestalting the whole thing, for sometimes the dream world is assembled gestatly, other times not. What is meant is that order is just an important guide of classification as state, or either/or. Upon which the dream world, which may have a man dream different parts of a running story where the man is different ages at different times down a linear time path, would better respond positively in the minds understanding if the order in which the ages of that man were perceived. Discernment is indeed enhanced through not only classifying its spacial state, but also its temporal. The law of first reference is the summation of the previous ideas on temporal discernment. Not as to say that it encompasses the concept in its entirety, but more so, the tie in between temporal order and the discernment of signs through mainly classification.
Another area of discourse needed is that of the context of signs. Not only does one need to know the classification of the sign, whether it be a warning or a guiding sign, as well as the temporal element, meaning is it the first time this sign has been seen, or the millionth, but in what context to view this sign. For an example, when one is on the job, there will be more of a propensity to receive signs related to the job, but not always! That is why one must be able to discern the issue, for what may be good for my career and thus a guiding sign, may also be bad for my personal life, and thus a warning sign at the same time, however, understanding the context of what the sign is presented in, helps bring discernment to the issue.
Deeper still…
If one is able to consistently see the signs of the their life they will stop attempting to force the universe, sometimes one is told to wait, and whether or not they hear the mandate, will be made to. This being said, the main concepts to be grasped are thus: 1. there are signs. 2. It will benefit immensely when noticed, and understood.
The realm of dreams were discussed because that is the closet experience we have to the visual picture produced by the invisible workings of the unconscious and subconscious minds. These minds are where the signs originate. It is proper that an quest to understand how data is absorbed and then turned into pattern forming associations be made. In the dream world there mostly appears to be little, if any sense of continuity. This is the first rule, we must learn that, like dreams, the inner mind is not bound by time. Since this is true, one must remember that signs can be generated by events occurring in no particular order, and their first, intermediate, and final occurrences when finally perceived, may have no discernable pattern in time as a linear concept.
Seeing as how the signs can be constructed from information in various orders throughout one must be ever vigilant to keep an accurate mental and wishfully, physical journal, of their occurrences, along with their date and time if the later. This is true because the first piece of any particular puzzle might be given five years after the last piece
Right choices make right results, the terrible dinner party
The signs of other life.
Originally Posted by Consensus
The cerebral assassin, the molder of minds, the Omni potent being. Time transcending traveler, wisdom incarnate. Veritas needs no intro but I guess I have to. He’s not know in the battling world but who doesn’t know veritas? The guy us always original and if you pay attention to his bars, dude brings the heat.. The gawd.
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