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Old 08-01-2013, 12:05 AM   #3
Rawn M.D.
Posts: n/a


word im inclined to agree with mike.

Gow - solid verse, flowed real smooth, some parts felt a tad bit forced due to multi's but did not detract from the the pz in full. I did enjoy it. Content was on point throughout as well.

"cough up retarded jokes and clown the useless stuck in our shells
diss the sheep, until we realize were only making fun of ourselves
conscience tuggin our belts, in love with help, no independence
so inconsistent, there'll be no ups n downs if i end tha sentence" - felt that was dope

geno - u approached this a little differently, more brag'ish but dope non-the-less. Flow was fluent to me, and content was on point with some nice swag to it as well.

"Versatile, wild, or maybe just cool calm collected nd deep
Over exceptional beats, im in the studio nd ain't fuckin slept in a week
My resume's heavenly priest, or reverse that to collectively beast
I just aim ideas, until every asshole gets the message I speak" - dope as well, esp the priest/beast line

overall i felt that gow's was wrote from a more artistic standpoint, like a painter or something, while geno was more a recording artist...maybe swag did it, but wordchoice and tone indicated that to me. Each one complimented the other though, and since both are 'art' both came solid on the topic. This was a dope collab that I did enjoy.

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