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Geno 09-22-2021 03:10 AM

So, lets talk the vaccine mandate and its possible real world effects on your life, career, and immediate futures..
Here is an example of whats going down in another state at a different 3M location..

"Employee organizing rally at 3M plant over federal vaccine mandate"

So, as we all know, i work for 3M. At 3M the mandate is being supported and us employees are being told that it is now mandatory to be vaccinated to continue working, no one knows yet how 3M plans to enforce this mandate support, but ..ive already been vaxed even before this happened.. i do feel its BS to enforce that and remove peoples RIGHTS to refuse and continue working. But at the same time i am of mind that being vaxed is a step in the right direction towards promoting myself and everyone around mes health and safety. Having said all that. I work in a plant composed of a little more than 1700 employees. Only about 55% of us are vaxed, it seems the other 45 are not and are even up in arms and ready to start picketing and rebelling on a more grand scale in the attempts of raising awareness that our rights are being removed.. im concerned, i dont think my site can run itself if 45% of us employees were no longer able to work.. that would ultimately possibly spell me not being ejmployed. Dont know why im telling you all this, but i am legit concerned about the future of my career and i almost expect to see a mob crowd gathered at the gates when i go back to work weds. I do know that groups of employees have been meeting and pushing an agenda towards perhaps a peaceful protest. Fuck. Ive worked here for 4 years now and have every intention of retiring from this company/jobsite. At this moment in time, idk what to expect or if thats ever gonna happen now. This shit is getting out of hand.

Who else here works for a large company that has, or is perhaps seriously considering this mandate. And what would you do if you were a non vaxxer who was told that you are out of a job because of your decision to not get this vaccine?

I am vaxed, and i am chilling. Wasnt gonna do it, but only because i was being lazy about getting off my ass to make it happen. My Girls persistance in insisting that we get it to be safe since people in our age bracket are dying is what pushed me to get it. I am very comfortable with my decision to get vaccinated and so far have not experienced any adverse effects or side effects other than feeling rough for about 36 hrs after each dose. My point being, i honestly hope that people who are deciding not to get this vax are making that decision based on more than my decision was based on, which was all out laziness. I support your opinions and decisions EITHER WAY let that be known. I hope for everyones safety and endurance in the matter and dont wish to see anyone become negatively effected on either side of this fence. I just want to see this thing come to a conclusion peacefully, but we all know that its beyond to late for that now.

Earl Loves You All <3

Ghost1 09-22-2021 08:17 AM

If the plant shuts down ull get unemployment easily and unemployment is good money right now. Ull be good fam.

Just figured I'd offer u that consolation before this thread gets weird w 9 pages of answer vs kung

Ghost1 09-22-2021 08:21 AM

Probably worth reflecting that u may be out of a job because of all these "freedom protesters" tho my guy

Maybe your question should read

What would u do if u worked for a company mandating vaccines and you were going to lose your job even though you complied because half the work force refused

Amen 09-22-2021 08:38 AM

People in your age bracket dying lol…

Sheesh. It’s simple, comply or don’t. If the vaccine is mandated and you refuse to be vaccinated, find new employment.

No one is forcing shit on you. I know out here it’s either vaccinate or be tested weekly. Many choose to be tested, however it’s at their own expense.

Answer 09-22-2021 08:47 AM

3M is a private sector company. America's version of capitalism is centered around the idea of businesses having their own rights, and one of those rights is the right to discriminate. If a cake company doesn't want to sell a gay couple a cake, that's discrimination. The justification for that being acceptable is that businesses have their own right to choose how they conduct business. If an employer states that you can't work for them unless you're vaccinated, that's also discrimination. The justification is the same.

You can't be in favor of one of those things and opposed to the other and be logically consistent. So you have one of two options:

a) Be against all kinds of discrimination, including unvaxxed worker discrimination. At that point you're saying that the government should step in and regulate businesses and tell them who they can and can't sell to, who they can and can't hire, etc. and that comes with all the string attached to big governments.

b) Support business rights. The only way to do this is to leave your employer that's asking you to get the vaccine and then find a job that won't require you to be vaccinated. That's just how free market capitalism works. People who are unvaccinated have the right to seek jobs elsewhere, create their own businesses, and boycott companies who require vaccinations. Ultimately either the vaccinated companies will implode due to lack of workers and customers or the plight of the unvaccinated will just be unsuccessful causing many of them to choose between getting vaccinated or struggling financially.

I'm actually not really that opinionated on which is better between choice a or choice b. I think they both have pros and cons, but you can't spend your entire life being in favor of B and now decide you want A because for the first time in your life those discrimination policies are affecting you. That's hypocritical and ignorant. That's what the majority of conservatives and libertarians are doing right now.

But if we're talking about government jobs, that's a different story. I am actually opposed to the U.S. government mandating vaccines for federal workers, but it has less to do some big conspiracy that the government is trying to strip people of their rights and more to do with the inevitable fallout that would happen in the political and economic landscape if that were to happen.

We're on a rollercoaster. You're strapped in, and nobody's gonna be stopping the ride for you anytime soon.

Geno 09-22-2021 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Ghost1 (Post 813935)
Probably worth reflecting that u may be out of a job because of all these "freedom protesters" tho my guy

Maybe your question should read

What would u do if u worked for a company mandating vaccines and you were going to lose your job even though you complied because half the work force refused

Ya homie. This is basically what i was getting at. In the back of my head im like yo... Unemployment might not be able to sustain even my cheap cost of living cause my child support alone is a fucking mortgage, before i even get to what sustains me personally. But its gonna be what it is. Idk man. Im really hoping the shit dont go down that way. My site is the LARGEST 3M scotch tape manufacturing plant in the US. The money that pumps through here, if lost, would really hurt 3M as a whole. So i hope they dont fuck us little guys over but my fear is that its gonna be unavoidable. 45% is just too large a number

Geno 09-22-2021 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by Amen (Post 813936)
People in your age bracket dying lol…

Sheesh. It’s simple, comply or don’t. If the vaccine is mandated and you refuse to be vaccinated, find new employment.

No one is forcing shit on you. I know out here it’s either vaccinate or be tested weekly. Many choose to be tested, however it’s at their own expense.

You do realise, that i am vaccinated, right? Cause i feel like your response was aimed at me and that you read very little of what i actually wrote here. But ya.

Ghost1 09-22-2021 09:15 AM

Amen has the brain of a dog. Idk why people still read his posts. Baffling.

An despite answers personal need to perfect rational and logical consistency....I don't see the benefit in every one becoming machines or even worse...economists lol

If the conservatives are contradicting themselves clearly the liberals are as well...not sure why u left that out of this faux objective statement. U can't be in favor of a your whole life then switch to b either which is the liberals plight.

Thankfully you can be a complex individual capable of making choices and decisions that conflict with previous ones despite the mathematical laws of logic.

Ghost1 09-22-2021 09:16 AM

Also making discrimination black and white is dumb

U can do better answer

veritas 09-22-2021 09:34 AM


Amen 09-22-2021 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by White Earl (Post 813939)
You do realise, that i am vaccinated, right? Cause i feel like your response was aimed at me and that you read very little of what i actually wrote here. But ya.

Was a general statement. I saw where you mentioned being vaccinated because your pussy whipped.

Answer 09-22-2021 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Ghost1 (Post 813941)
Also making discrimination black and white is dumb

U can do better answer

The part that's black and white is whether businesses are allowed to discriminate. Either they can discriminate or they can't discriminate, there are no other options available.

Once you start talking about the nuances of which groups of people they're ALLOWED to discriminate against, you've already made the black and white choice and are insisting that businesses should be allowed to discriminate.

I'm not really interested in the nuances of who businesses can discriminate against because people are only going to view that through a self-serving lens.

I have a half-sister and her mom is a jewish conservative who has some racist views. She'll hear a racist joke about black people, and find that shit hilarious. She'd probably pay good money to see Jim tell cracker barrel live. But if she hears someone tells a joke about jewish people or the holocaust, that person is a bigot, the joke is not funny, and that's a subject that should never be talked about.

Similarly, it would be hypocritical of me to say it's okay to make fun of jewish people, black people, gay people, women, but if you say anything about deaf people you've crossed the line and that's going too far.

So the only non-hypocritical view I can have is to say "it's okay to make fun of everyone" or "it's not okay to make fun of anyone". Which is why in this argument, the scope has to be pushed back to "it's okay for businesses to discriminate against everyone" or "it's not okay to discriminate against anyone".

We can't pick and choose when discrimination is or isn't acceptable because it's not possible to do that ethically. Most people don't care about an attack unless it's an attack against them (or by proxy, someone who they're close to). But then it's no longer about being objective. It's about who has the most people in the population with the power to make changes, and anyone who's not in that majority is going to get the shit end of the stick, which creates inequality.

To your other point, if liberals were staunchly against cake-makers having the right to discriminate against gay people and are now strongly advocating the rights for businesses to force their employees to get vaccinated then yes, that's hypocritical. I'm not saying those people don't exist, but I haven't seen them. I've seen plenty of people arguing and telling people that they need to go get vaccinated, and if someone is demonizing someone who is antivaxx by saying "You're a souless, selfish piece of shit blah blah if you don't get vaccinated" that's still not the same as saying "businesses should be forcing their employees to get vaccinated" which isn’t an argument I’ve seen anyone make.

What I have seen is numerous people claiming that (private sector) businesses forcing their employees to get vaccinated is a violation of employee rights, which is just false, because as we've established from the black and white choice we've made, we've decided that businesses are allowed to discriminate against anyone, and they have the right to choose who they discriminate against.

Zuo 09-22-2021 10:23 AM

@Objective is that you?

Geno 09-22-2021 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Amen (Post 813943)
Was a general statement. I saw where you mentioned being vaccinated because your pussy whipped.

Jright. Just checking. But let us not forget, you the one whos wife is built like halfthor. Pussy whipped lmao.

Amen 09-22-2021 10:41 AM

She can be built all she wants. She knows her place. I call the shots, feel me?

UPN Zuch 09-22-2021 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Ghost1 (Post 813940)
Amen has the brain of a dog. Idk why people still read his posts. Baffling.


Nobody reads anything he writes. I haven't in over a month. Just scroll right past.

Amen 09-22-2021 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by UPN Zuch (Post 813948)
Nobody reads anything he writes. I haven't in over a month. Just scroll right past.

You’re too busy entertaining ouch.

uh-oh 09-22-2021 06:22 PM

yo i didn't read answers posts but i agree nazis shouldn't have to sell cakes to jews and blacks if they don't want to and vice versa

If my company was forcing vaccine mandates I would take my dads vax card and turn the III into an IV with photoshop and a scanner and print it with the card paper at work and pen over it to make it look official

if that didn't work I'd find a new job or kill myself

Geno 09-22-2021 06:27 PM

But im vaxed

Ghost1 09-22-2021 06:41 PM



Tldr for every other retard that just reads the thread title and skips geno's entire post

Geno is vaccinated

They are mandating vaccines at his job

He is vaccinated

He is


And worried that because about 45% of the plants work force is refusing to vaccinate that they may be forced to shut down the plant because they won't have enough staff on hand

And he's vaccinated

With a vaccine

For covid

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