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Ouch 05-30-2020 09:26 AM

People are rioting and freaking out..
Like my other Carona thread.. I mentioned it saying I knew this was going to happen.

The whole police officer killing a dude in minneapolis was just a spark that seems to be a fire. Fuck cops, everyone who's had personal with the police knows that a lot of them are bully's with some weird ego problem. I've been beat up by police before too, unjustly.

But the protests here aren't really about police brutality... it's about the whole Corona thing, people are worried about their future.. being completely told what to do, everytime you turn on the TV all the commercials are saying shit like... 'DURING THESE, DESPERATE HORRIBLE, TIMES... WE'RE HERE FOR YOU!' So buy a Whopper from burger king.. 'BECAUSE WE ARE HERE FOR YOU, IN YOU HORRIBLE DISPICABLE LIFE'

People hear that shit too many times... People are going to revolt. Its less about the police brutality thing, more so about this whole Corona mess.

Open the fucking schools and restaurants.

Johnny 6 feet 05-30-2020 10:13 AM

Sure, who cares about people with weakened immune systems who'll definitely die because people are socialising and causing the infection rate to spike again?

What's another 10,000 dead old people? I want a rare steak and a haircut.

Ouch 05-30-2020 10:23 AM

I mos def want a hair cut... I've got clippers but I don't trust my girl to not fuck my shit up.

But yeah... whats the other option then buddy? Just keep the country shut down until the Corona is over with? We don't know when the Carona will be over with... but we know for a fact that the country can't be 'shut down' for much longer.

Ouch 05-30-2020 10:26 AM

What are we gonna do... lets shut down the farmers too... because of the corona virus so they social distance.

Lets stay inside our houses... and then what when you get hungry? eat your fucking boot leather like they did in russia? Nah shit needs to be opened up and let the cards fall as they may.

Johnny 6 feet 05-30-2020 10:39 AM

Slow reintegration and getting the testing numbers up. A lot.

I'm as bored as you are. Believe me. But if everywhere goes back open for business at once there will be a second spike and a shitload of people will die. My auntie's a nurse who deals with end of life care, can you imagine how fun her job gets when people decided to take a 'Fuck it. I'm just going to do what I want and screw the consequences.' attitude?

Are your grandparents still alive? Imagine finding out one of your relatives rattled their last breath in a hospital bed because some fratboy cunt decided getting drunk and laid was more important than other people's welfare.

I get it. People want to get back to work. I'm climbing the goddam walls. Yes, we should reopen, but in a slow and controlled manner and be prepared to dial it back immediately if numbers start going up again

Coop 05-30-2020 10:47 AM

The CV is real, but the actions surrounding it are complete bullshit. In no way is it serious enough to justify unprecedented lockdowns, quarantines, or mask wearing. It is the perfect CREATION, yes it was created, to usher in an era where there is infinitely more surveillance, government control, and less overall freedom and liberty.

Destroy the middle class.
Mandatory vaccines, which will lead to massive “accidental death” ie population control
Condition the population to SHUN those who aren’t obedient. (Observe the mask situation)

I could go on and on

As far as the protests/riots? It’s about fucking time. But in reality, it’s mostly white supremacist groups and police agent provocateurs that are causing most of the property damage. There’s too much proof of it. Fuck it though, until there’s real change let this bitch burn

Johnny 6 feet 05-30-2020 10:56 AM

Why do I get the impression you think the 5G towers are causing this mess?

Plot 05-30-2020 11:07 AM

Lol really liked your post here Ouch.
As for the sitch, yeah shits fucked
Im fortunate enough to be an Australian

Ouch 05-30-2020 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Johnny 6 feet (Post 773936)
Slow reintegration and getting the testing numbers up. A lot.

I'm as bored as you are. Believe me. But if everywhere goes back open for business at once there will be a second spike and a shitload of people will die. My auntie's a nurse who deals with end of life care, can you imagine how fun her job gets when people decided to take a 'Fuck it. I'm just going to do what I want and screw the consequences.' attitude?

Are your grandparents still alive? Imagine finding out one of your relatives rattled their last breath in a hospital bed because some fratboy cunt decided getting drunk and laid was more important than other people's welfare.

I get it. People want to get back to work. I'm climbing the goddam walls. Yes, we should reopen, but in a slow and controlled manner and be prepared to dial it back immediately if numbers start going up again

That was a very clearly and concisely written valid point or else I wouldn't even respond.

To answer one of your questions... no I only have one living grandparent. My wife is an ER nurse.

I get it... but the big point you're leaving out/missing is there is no clear end in sight, as far as Corona. So what are we going to do, completely leave our country shut down unitl when????? Nah, it can't happen. We'll end up being some 3rd world country if it goes on much longer.

Johnny 6 feet 05-30-2020 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Ouch (Post 773942)
That was a very clearly and concisely written valid point or else I wouldn't even respond.

To answer one of your questions... no I only have one living grandparent. My wife is an ER nurse.

I get it... but the big point you're leaving out/missing is there is no clear end in sight, as far as Corona. So what are we going to do, completely leave our country shut down unitl when????? Nah, it can't happen. We'll end up being some 3rd world country if it goes on much longer.

Unfortunately true. I guess the only way forward is to find some way to balance the risk with people making ends meet. God bless your wife for putting herself in harm's way like that. You must be damn proud of her.

Steve Fox 05-30-2020 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Ouch (Post 773920)
Like my other Carona thread.. I mentioned it saying I knew this was going to happen.

The whole police officer killing a dude in minneapolis was just a spark that seems to be a fire. Fuck cops, everyone who's had personal with the police knows that a lot of them are bully's with some weird ego problem. I've been beat up by police before too, unjustly.

But the protests here aren't really about police brutality... it's about the whole Corona thing, people are worried about their future.. being completely told what to do, everytime you turn on the TV all the commercials are saying shit like... 'DURING THESE, DESPERATE HORRIBLE, TIMES... WE'RE HERE FOR YOU!' So buy a Whopper from burger king.. 'BECAUSE WE ARE HERE FOR YOU, IN YOU HORRIBLE DISPICABLE LIFE'

People hear that shit too many times... People are going to revolt. Its less about the police brutality thing, more so about this whole Corona mess.

Open the fucking schools and restaurants.

@bold, school would be out anyways. It's almost Summer. Most restaurants aren't even closed, they are still operating, but you have to get the food delivered.

Most people who want to "revolt" are idiots, just as the rioters are (although, I agree that the police who've abused their position should be rotting in jail). They should do it, though, so reality can shut them up

uh-oh 05-30-2020 11:33 AM

i know 6 people whose businesses have gone under. no one who has had the ronies

Hands 05-30-2020 12:47 PM


Pharaohs Army 05-30-2020 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ouch (Post 773920)
Like my other Carona thread.. I mentioned it saying I knew this was going to happen.

The whole police officer killing a dude in minneapolis was just a spark that seems to be a fire. Fuck cops, everyone who's had personal with the police knows that a lot of them are bully's with some weird ego problem. I've been beat up by police before too, unjustly.

But the protests here aren't really about police brutality... it's about the whole Corona thing, people are worried about their future.. being completely told what to do, everytime you turn on the TV all the commercials are saying shit like... 'DURING THESE, DESPERATE HORRIBLE, TIMES... WE'RE HERE FOR YOU!' So buy a Whopper from burger king.. 'BECAUSE WE ARE HERE FOR YOU, IN YOU HORRIBLE DISPICABLE LIFE'

People hear that shit too many times... People are going to revolt. Its less about the police brutality thing, more so about this whole Corona mess.

Open the fucking schools and restaurants.

Actually you're wrong. The protests and riots were about the police brutality and not the virus. Quit making shit up.

Urban Dialect 05-30-2020 10:40 PM

if you own a business, this is some bullshit

but if your a 9 to 5er like me.... :), that unemployment is lovely....

I didn't make $900 a week when I was working, unless I worked a shit load of overtime, which is offered.. but I not doing that shit, unless I really really needed the money.. but anyway...

i'm balling right now, just built me a $1400 dollar computer to fuck with that blender..

Coop 05-30-2020 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Johnny 6 feet (Post 773939)
Why do I get the impression you think the 5G towers are causing this mess?

False intuition?

Ouch 05-31-2020 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Dialect (Post 774046)
if you own a business, this is some bullshit

but if your a 9 to 5er like me.... :), that unemployment is lovely....

I didn't make $900 a week when I was working, unless I worked a shit load of overtime, which is offered.. but I not doing that shit, unless I really really needed the money.. but anyway...

i'm balling right now, just built me a $1400 dollar computer to fuck with that blender..

Urban Dialect!!!! good to see you man... one of the old heads.

But yeah that was partially my point. People getting money off unemployment, more money than they made working. Thats all fine and good but that can't last only so long. The government/fed reserve can't just keep printing out money likes its nothing or else the whole economy collapses.

Ouch 05-31-2020 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Pharaohs Army (Post 774026)
Actually you're wrong. The protests and riots were about the police brutality and not the virus. Quit making shit up.

And no, bullshit. If you read what I wrote you'd understand my point and see that i'm right.


that shit happens all the fucking time, who are you kidding. My point was that multiple cities wouldn't be 'rioting' over some random black guy who got unjustly killed by cops, if it weren't for the whole corona thing.

Its because people are freaked out about it, its a lot deeper than people are just mad about cops being pieces of shit and bullies. That happens every day and is a fact of life.

Ouch 05-31-2020 12:46 AM

My point is, and was... that during "normal times" multiple cities wouldn't be rioting over police brutality. Its way deeper than that.

If every city rioted over cops being brutal and doing unnecessary shit the entire US would be nothing but one big riot. Shit happens every day. I'm just one grain of sand on the beach and I've been unnecessarily beaten by police officers, twice.

Immolate 05-31-2020 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by Johnny 6 feet (Post 773926)
Sure, who cares about people with weakened immune systems who'll definitely die because people are socialising and causing the infection rate to spike again?

What's another 10,000 dead old people? I want a rare steak and a haircut.

we don't have the tests.

that was a huge deal. remember that? big deal. zero countries had adequate test kits

that never changed. where u getting ur numbers

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