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Hush 09-11-2018 10:30 AM

Should racism be accepted in battles ?

Amen 09-11-2018 10:36 AM

If used a punch, why not? Punches are supposed to be mean, insulting and offensive. Purpose of battling.

Maybe text battlers shouldn't be so sensitive.

Just my opinion that doesn't matter.

~RustyGunZ~ 09-11-2018 10:36 AM


John Dillinger 09-11-2018 10:40 AM

Racism belonging in txt battles is like saying sour cream belongs on any type of food

Not acceptable imo

Destroyer 09-11-2018 10:41 AM

To a degree
To those wondering where to draw the line, see @Cashius

Meth 09-11-2018 10:44 AM

I think Vic said it best already.

If u wouldnt say it in a live battle, dont say it in a text battle.

I think that should be the line, imo.

Hush 09-11-2018 10:45 AM

There is a obvious line between stereotypes and blatant racism

dull boy 09-11-2018 10:53 AM

Oh, for fucks sake.

Should bigotry? What about insulting someone’s mother? Fine? Sister. Fine? Children? Uhhh IDK. Yes. Fuck your children, face, race, shoes, financial situation, relationships, personality.

Racists that go out of their way to hate and hinder are one thing. This is a fucking rap battle. Think I’m going to go battle somewhere and not have my race mentioned? Pfft.

Ghost1 09-11-2018 10:57 AM

I guess my thoughts are that it should be allowed as long as it still receives votes

applying the racist approach is a gamble....if utilized to the correct degree as destroyer indicated it can be successful....if done in excess see cashius summer classic example

I feel like voting trends should determine acceptability

the idea that u wouldn't say something to someone in person is based on the environment you would be placing yourself in...........if the environment of nc gives safe haven to racism then the user is right in utilizing it in the same sense that if an in person environment were lets say.......a giant group of white people......the user would most certainly feel comfortable using racism....strength in numbers and consensus...and the same vice versa............find any single battle where a white guy isn't battling a black guy and doesn't immediately get called out for being white

as long as nc continues to accept racist perspectives and promote that type of environment based on voting trends I think it is perfectly acceptable

I personally don't think that it is something we should be promoting but I think concepts should live or die in the free market arena with regard to the environment that we establish in our community as the backdrop/

~RustyGunZ~ 09-11-2018 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Ghost1 (Post 700097)
I guess my thoughts are that it should be allowed as long as it still receives votes

applying the racist approach is a gamble....if utilized to the correct degree as destroyer indicated it can be successful....if done in excess see cashius summer classic example

I feel like voting trends should determine acceptability

the idea that u wouldn't say something to someone in person is based on the environment you would be placing yourself in...........if the environment of nc gives safe haven to racism then the user is right in utilizing it in the same sense that if an in person environment were lets say.......a giant group of white people......the user would most certainly feel comfortable using racism....strength in numbers and consensus...and the same vice versa............find any single battle where a white guy isn't battling a black guy and doesn't immediately get called out for being white

as long as nc continues to accept racist perspectives and promote that type of environment based on voting trends I think it is perfectly acceptable

I personally don't think that it is something we should be promoting but I think concepts should live or die in the free market arena with regard to the environment that we establish in our community as the backdrop/

Was gonna post this basicallly but didn’t want to type it out

Thanks Bags

Yeah basically nothing should be allowed or not allowed it simply should be subject to consequences to your success

Like dull boy stated if we allow one thing that is extremely personally offensive and not another than it’s a slippery slope.

veritas 09-11-2018 11:09 AM

No censoring. Battling is in its nature politically incorrect and amoral.

Hush 09-11-2018 11:10 AM

When I said accepted I meant in the community

Never do I think it should be a DQable offense

Amen 09-11-2018 11:16 AM

Racism shouldn't be accepted with in the social side of the community. The area outside of battling.

But battling - anything is acceptable. That's why it's called a battle. Don't want to be called a N word or S word or faggot then don't battle.

Punches should be just that a PUNCH. Not a pat on the back or censored because the opponent is too sensitive. Man up or don't battle.

I don't battle because I don't want to be called a "spic" or the common reach "wetback" anymore.

Destroyer 09-11-2018 11:17 AM

Racism against what race?
Because black people I’m gonna say no, but Indians??? Yeah

~RustyGunZ~ 09-11-2018 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Hush (Post 700101)
When I said accepted I meant in the community

Never do I think it should be a DQable offense

Then there isn’t a definitive answer, everyone is different.

In regards to the bar you’re talking about, he didn’t need to say spic but it was a part of the punch. He could have said Puerto Rican/Hispanic etc.

I have never seen that word as offensive as nigger so I would have not thought anything of that bar if you didn’t say anything (albeit a badly worded bar anyway lol)

Ghost1 09-11-2018 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Knucklehead (Post 700104)

I have never seen that word as offensive as nigger so I would have not thought anything of that bar if you didn’t say anything (albeit a badly worded bar anyway lol)

this is a problem too

I think as a community we are trending away from racism but some of it is deeply engrained into the site

~RustyGunZ~ 09-11-2018 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Ghost1 (Post 700106)
this is a problem too

I think as a community we are trending away from racism but some of it is deeply engrained into the site

I think in a community we’re making fun of family members, dead and alive, and other social and life altering personals it’s pretty insane to say not taking the word spic that seriously by default is as cancerous as not taking it seriously by default

Amen 09-11-2018 11:29 AM

Spic and nigger are equally offensive, dude wtf lol.

~RustyGunZ~ 09-11-2018 11:35 AM


And if so explain how it wasn’t offensive than for you and others to call me a kyke for years?

Ghost1 09-11-2018 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Knucklehead (Post 700107)
I think in a community we’re making fun of family members, dead and alive, and other social and life altering personals it’s pretty insane to say not taking the word spic that seriously by default is as cancerous as not taking it seriously by default

I agree getting away from the insanely personal attacks based on shock value is something we should have long since disposed of honestly

without thinking hard at all......zelphs punch about des wife miscarrying wasn't overly clever but it hit hard because its like WOW cant believe someone would say that

we need to be getting back to the bars and away from shock tactics

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