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Dominate 01-06-2020 05:46 PM

Andrew Yang for president?
How do my American NCGs feel about this guy?

Heard the Joe Rogan podcast with him on. Really interesting ideas. Radical in the sense that no one else is pushing them, but with elements that might appeal to people right across the political spectrum.

Anyway, I dig how he doesn’t really virtue signal or dog whistle either to the left or the right, he’s very matter of fact and data driven. Refreshing af. Here’s a thing that we all agree is a problem, here’s my proposal to fix it.

I know we’ve got a pretty broad swath of political opinions here, am I right in thinking he’s pretty likeable to most of you guys?

uh-oh 01-06-2020 05:59 PM

Hes a dope dude. I disagree with 90 percent of his ideas and politics but I like him as a human.

Dominate 01-06-2020 06:07 PM

Can you expand on that? Pick one of his major policies so this doesn’t get too broad. UBI maybe? Or take your pick

Sharp 01-06-2020 06:21 PM

Sup Dom

I like the business-centered approach to human/civic problem solving. Cynically, I think overemphasizing fiscal responsibility is the best way to bridge the political gap on social programs/entitlements. Don't know if he'd do well in the general though.

Klobuchar/Yang though....

uh-oh 01-06-2020 06:23 PM

ubi for sure. im not for redistribution of wealth. i think he's one of the free healthcare and college for all guys too.

basically all his leftist stuff but i don't disagree with him solely as much as the left as a whole.

my same problem with tulsi, although i find her the more attractive candidate. physically as well. see what i did there boom im the man

Dominate 01-06-2020 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by uh-oh (Post 751971)
im not for redistribution of wealth.



i think he's one of the free healthcare and college for all guys too.
He says he’s for ‘the spirit of’ Medicare for all but doesn’t agree w ripping apart an industry that’s 18% of the economy.

He’s def not a college for all guy - talks about how college isn’t for everyone and shouldn’t have to be. I think his counter to Bernie’s college for all proposal is just that the UBI will make it easier for people who do want to go.


uh-oh 01-06-2020 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Dominate (Post 751972)

your money should be your money.

Zuo 01-06-2020 06:49 PM

Is he still trying to give families 1000$ a month?

Dominate 01-06-2020 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Zuo (Post 751974)
Is he still trying to give families 1000$ a month?

Not families, 18yo+ citizens. So probably 2k/family in most cases.

Dominate 01-06-2020 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by uh-oh (Post 751973)
your money should be your money.

Do you see any issue with the widening distance between the richest and the poorest?


to what extent do you believe a person’s wealth is a reflection of factors that person can control (eg work ethic, good decisions), both under the status quo and in your idea of an idealized system?

boof 01-06-2020 07:46 PM

i like him most at the debates. i think he really shines / stands out and comes off authentic amongst mostly fakes. unfortunately the more i hear him talk recently the more he seems like he's evolving into a typical politician. not a fan of his healthcare or immigration language. he coddles big business too much imo like i think "human-centered capitalism" is pretty full of shit but i get what his target audience is. i think his stances on drug reform/ubi/data/voting reform are good and important. that plus his overall character/i believe him is why he's my #3

boof 01-06-2020 07:46 PM

i like what you're saying in here tho

Dominate 01-06-2020 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 751979)
i like him most at the debates. i think he really shines / stands out and comes off authentic amongst mostly fakes. unfortunately the more i hear him talk recently the more he seems like he's evolving into a typical politician. not a fan of his healthcare or immigration language. he coddles big business too much imo like i think "human-centered capitalism" is pretty full of shit but i get what his target audience is. i think his stances on drug reform/ubi/data/voting reform are good and important. that plus his overall character/i believe him is why he's my #3

How do you feel about UBI vs $15/hr min wage + free college?

Saint 01-06-2020 07:59 PM

Edit: nvm, saw the climate thread lol

boof 01-06-2020 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Dominate (Post 751981)
How do you feel about UBI vs $15/hr min wage + free college?

i support both. and we could afford both. but you know i grew up in ohio and there's a lot of similar states where min. wage is $7 and $8 something. $15 is $1000+ extra for them but also i just think it makes more sense to give people the ability to earn a much better wage themselves than to hand them money through a universal social program and allow companies to keep unacceptably low wages. free college seems like a no brainer to me, this includes trade schools. these are examples to me of yang shying away from putting any real pressure on a lot of big industries that deserve it

uh-oh 01-06-2020 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Dominate (Post 751976)
Do you see any issue with the widening distance between the richest and the poorest?


to what extent do you believe a person’s wealth is a reflection of factors that person can control (eg work ethic, good decisions), both under the status quo and in your idea of an idealized system?

to answer your first question, not really. when looking at our "poor" and our "wealthy" overall its how it always was, if not BETTER, for the poor today. if you are looking at strictly numbers than sure the gap is widening because there are more 0's to throw around, but money doesn't equal contentment/happiness etc. modern technology and everything else affords the poor luxuries that the poor from other generations couldn't fathom, in terms of everything from food/housing to entertainment etc.

and to the second part i think a persons wealth, in a perfect world is dictated by their worth. jeff bezos should be paid ridiculous amounts of money for creating services that people want to take advantage of and use that makes their lives better. but no single person is dictating his worth, the masses dictate it because they fund him by using his services. with the same logic the single mother who works for amazon making "only" 15 dollars an hour, is only worth 15 dollars an hour. that is the job she sought out and accepted. if she is worth more, she will work towards bettering herself and building a career where she can make more.

basically i don't believe in a government entity taking money from any citizen because they believe another citizen needs it.

i also don't believe in the minimum wage though, and don't believe the government should dictate what anyone pays their employees.

uh-oh 01-06-2020 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 751983)
i support both. and we could afford both.

who is the "we"?

boof 01-06-2020 08:33 PM

the we is the richest country in the world that spends trillions of dollars blowing up and rebuilding other nations

Blue Bayou 01-06-2020 08:36 PM

Vote Warren

uh-oh 01-06-2020 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 751986)
the we is the richest country in the world that spends trillions of dollars blowing up and rebuilding other nations

you get that the government doesn't pay every americans wages right

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