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Detective Mike Hunt, NCPD 06-04-2015 01:01 PM

Dad Joke's cell
@Fatherly Wisdom

Motherly Wisdom 06-04-2015 01:21 PM

Wanna hear a good gay joke?

You and Knucklehead.

The two of you seranade in the candlelight of a Yonkee Doodle Candle since your combined income of $13 an hour can't provide luxuries such as a real Yankee candle where knucklehead is crying in your effeminate shoulder because Glee is over and you're crying because you cry daily and it was about that time.

The life of Michelle Hunt is one where a cot is his sleeping place and it is in his grandmother's attic. She feels bad for him since he was recently fired from his job at Subway, where he loved to pretend to be a dutiful housewife every time a male customer ordered a sandwich. The devastation of this loss had introduced more nightly visits from Hunt's very close friend Knucklehead, where the sounds of giggles and soft slaps would occasionally be heard. They must have been exercising while singing since every now and then one of them would leave the attic wiping fluid from their mouths.

But they both bonded together on their love of reality television, being bullied in school for their alternative lifestyles, and gossip. But they sure hated being unable to gossip without being called effeminate in a mean way as compared to them using it as a compliment to one another. So one night after they played their usual round of hide the tic-tac did Knucklehead come up with an idea.

Knucklehead: hey mikey
Mike Hunt: yea babe?
Knucklehead: wouldn't it be cool if there was somewhere we could gossip and snark and have other men do the same with us?
Mike Hunt: yeah it would
Knucklehead: but wouldn't it be better if we could also be Eminems too?!
Mike Hunt: hes so dreamy
Knucklehead: I mean like microsoft word and eminem, we could be like those rappers on MTV without those icky women
Mike Hunt: lol! I mean El-Oh-El that would be cool
Knucklehead: but we gotta be in charge so we can get rid of any mean men who think it's ok to hurt our feelings. We're allowed to be girls
Mike Hunt: yeah! girl power, sista
*they reengage in inappropriate activity*
Knucklehead: i like boys and i like gossiping about them
Mike Hunt: i like boys too, but I kinda wanna feel like I matter
Knucklehead: you matter to me
Mike Hunt: i know but i mean like in the real world
Knucklehead: so... on this site would you like to be our security guard? You can be like a real cop on there
Mike Hunt: oh yay! Can I put a picture of a cute hunk as my avatar?!
Knucklehead: oooooo yeah so I can imagine you being righteous on my bill

And that is how Knucklehead and Mike Hunt came to be what they are today on here. They also have been seen time to time in the audience of tapings of "The View".

Motherly Wisdom 06-04-2015 01:23 PM

I have to make a correction and swap Knucklehead with Sharp, since seems Sharp was the one who had his womanhood ruffled by my presence.

Motherly Wisdom 06-04-2015 01:25 PM


Wanna hear a good gay joke?

You and Sharp.

The two of you seranade in the candlelight of a Yonkee Doodle Candle since your combined income of $13 an hour can't provide luxuries such as a real Yankee candle where Sharp is crying in your effeminate shoulder because Glee is over and you're crying because you cry daily and it was about that time.

The life of Michelle Hunt is one where a cot is his sleeping place and it is in his grandmother's attic. She feels bad for him since he was recently fired from his job at Subway, where he loved to pretend to be a dutiful housewife every time a male customer ordered a sandwich. The devastation of this loss had introduced more nightly visits from Hunt's very close friend Sharp, where the sounds of giggles and soft slaps would occasionally be heard. They must have been exercising while singing since every now and then one of them would leave the attic wiping fluid from their mouths.

But they both bonded together on their love of reality television, being bullied in school for their alternative lifestyles, and gossip. But they sure hated being unable to gossip without being called effeminate in a mean way as compared to them using it as a compliment to one another. So one night after they played their usual round of hide the tic-tac did Sharp come up with an idea.

Sharp: hey mikey
Mike Hunt: yea babe?
Sharp: wouldn't it be cool if there was somewhere we could gossip and snark and have other men do the same with us?
Mike Hunt: yeah it would
Sharp: but wouldn't it be better if we could also be Eminems too?!
Mike Hunt: hes so dreamy
Sharp: I mean like microsoft word and eminem, we could be like those rappers on MTV without those icky women
Mike Hunt: lol! I mean El-Oh-El that would be cool
Sharp: but we gotta be in charge so we can get rid of any mean men who think it's ok to hurt our feelings. We're allowed to be girls
Mike Hunt: yeah! girl power, sista
*they reengage in inappropriate activity*
Sharp: i like boys and i like gossiping about them
Mike Hunt: i like boys too, but I kinda wanna feel like I matter
Sharp: you matter to me
Mike Hunt: i know but i mean like in the real world
Sharp: so... on this site would you like to be our security guard? You can be like a real cop on there
Mike Hunt: oh yay! Can I put a picture of a cute hunk as my avatar?!
Sharp: oooooo yeah so I can imagine you being righteous on my bill

And that is how Sharp and Mike Hunt came to be what they are today on here. They also have been seen time to time in the audience of tapings of "The View".

P.S- Knucklehead is pretty queer too.

Sharp 06-04-2015 01:36 PM

...? I came in say you can be funny sometimes


Motherly Wisdom 06-04-2015 01:36 PM

Hell, if I'm talking to myself seems I'm talking to 50% of all heterosexuals on this site, Zelph is the only other straight one.

Also, @Hush the type of dude to get paid his $90 check from Walgreens then tell his dealer he's broke so he could alternatively "pay" for the drugs even though he has the money.

Motherly Wisdom 06-04-2015 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Sharp (Post 487848)
...? I came in say you can be funny sometimes


I'm funny all the time, but to me. You just happened to be on my page when that conglomerate of homosexual desires that calls itself Mike Hunt pulled it's lame gimmick so I connected the dots.

So you're also here to tell me you're not The Weenie?

Motherly Wisdom 06-04-2015 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Sharp (Post 487848)
...? I came in say you can be funny sometimes


I'm funny all the time, but to me. You just happened to be on my page when that conglomerate of homosexual desires that calls itself Mike Hunt pulled it's lame gimmick so I connected the dots.

So you're also here to tell me you're not The Weenie?

Motherly Wisdom 06-04-2015 01:46 PM

I lolled at the name change

8===D~~~~(}: 06-04-2015 01:48 PM

I just don't understand why some people are being shunned and bashed for being a hetero?

Yet we are giving out awards to transsexuals?

And we have a hetero hero in a holding cell right now?
@Motherly Wisdom accept me as your attorney at once, I'll grab Magnum PI

Witty 06-04-2015 01:49 PM

lol hi

Motherly Wisdom 06-04-2015 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Zelphish (Post 487855)
I just don't understand why some people are being shunned and bashed for being a hetero?

Yet we are giving out awards to transsexuals?

And we have a hetero hero in a holding cell right now?
@Motherly Wisdom accept me as your attorney at once, I'll grab Magnum PI

They won't care or pay attention to any valid defense so long as it is understood that all my intentions are heterosexual and that I only seek for a world where men act like Robert Mitchum instead of Bruce Jenner. Because there are a lot of artificial girls up in here.

Also, hello @Witty.

Witty 06-04-2015 02:20 PM

How are you?

Motherly Wisdom 06-04-2015 02:20 PM

Again being persecuted on a website because of my beliefs. How is all by you?

Witty 06-04-2015 02:24 PM

Not bad.

I haven't slept in two days so things seem kinda weird right now, but i just ate my weight in pizza so all is well with the world.

Why did you get locked up?

Motherly Wisdom 06-04-2015 02:27 PM

Pizza is quite excellent, I may have some later.

I got put in this "lockup" after calling a thread devoted to gossiping about a dude queer. A flock of guys sitting around gossiping about a guy is pretty damn queer, they talking about how his lips taste and shit like that.

That "mike hunt".... talk about lame gimmicks. Even my Olde English gimmick was better.

8===D~~~~(}: 06-04-2015 02:33 PM

Justice will be instilled

Motherly Wisdom 06-04-2015 02:41 PM

The shroud of antiheterosexuality looms heavily here. Just because I think men should never act like ladies does't mean I should be treated like a leper.

8===D~~~~(}: 06-04-2015 02:44 PM

I almost broke up with my girlfriend last night because she said if we had kids and they wanted to be gay or tranny that I'd have to accept it and love them for it.

God almighty I almost undid her seatbelt and crashed the car on purpose

El Muffin 06-04-2015 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Zelphish (Post 487877)
I almost broke up with my girlfriend last night because she said if we had kids and they wanted to be gay or tranny that I'd have to accept it and love them for it.

God almighty I almost undid her seatbelt and crashed the car on purpose

Lmaao. I can totally see that

*accent of Butch's girl from Pulp Fiction"

Iv we Nam her Angelique!! And She Once a coc? You have to accept it bootChie

Oooooh bootchie

u give me owal pweasures?

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