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Flow 03-25-2019 06:58 PM

Week 2 MAG
Flow Mags Presents….


OK nice first week, still finding my feet and this shit started as I am moving house so give me a break Zelph you fucking lippy cunt. Anyways, this week the mag is guest hosted by no other then our gun clique number 3 (theres only three of them but hes a trier) @DynamiCz

I felt we did ok in regards to no shows and I died at how many predictions came through, the Infiltrate DQ lold me cus i didnt even realise what had happened, he just did it himself. But its all good, he had a brain fart in life and now hes back and ready. Kudos. Good to see.

Anyway I told you I would run shit a bit fresh with my Lime Twists so lets get to it….

The Banter League Table

I will continue to run you boys with a normal ranking system, however the “Banter League Table” is responsible for how the matches are arranged this week, an as long as it doesnt result in people repeatedly facing each other (No one should face the same person twice) then I plan to continue it this way. Take a look below and see how you did, it takes into consideration everything to really let you know where you stand AND MOST OF ALL VOTES MATTER NOW SO MAKE SURE YOU VOTE [/B}

The Banter League Table
[QUOTE=Killing Spree][QUOTE=Flow][QUOTE=Killing Spree]

Originally Posted by Flow
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b]Ok so, the way it works is.
A win is 3 points
A N/S Win is 3 points
A loss is 0

The vote difference is how many voted for you vs against you. So where points draw this differentiates.


Im lazy…. You all did really well. Bar those that didnt. An may i add this section is yawn. Why do we do it, you read your own votes. We only read for our own sections.

*Once upon a time sarcasm lived here



Orc vs Chyeahhh!!!

This should be a cool matchup here honestly, Orc who is getting back in the groove of things after coming off a week 1 lost against Blue Bayou. Chyeahhh who coming in from a lost against Snitch has something to prove this battle i believe. If Orc brings that old firepower here i have him taking this one

Orc 70/30

Allen Knight vs Killing Spree

Both here known for nice wordplay, i think this matchup is going to be nice. Last week Killing Spree came off a DQ win against Infiltrate. Allen is fresh off a good win against Bodysnatcher. With both seeds 1-0 this should be interesting. If both come out with fire i got Allen edging this one.

Allen 60/40

Blas vs King

Honestly this is going to be dope, Blas a new comer around the ways has brung us dope wordplay with creative concepts. King who is also a harsh direct text battler knows what to say to get a win. If both come top notch here i have King edging this barely

King 60/40

Maximus vs Ryno

Both coming off 1st week loses, but this is still going to be nice. Maximus has a simple style which can be effective for 1-2, but he can not slack on Ryno. Bro is becoming versatile with his verses in every aspect. Maximus will need to step it up here if he plan to compete with Ryno.

Ryno 70/30

Zelti vs Flow

Two different clash of styles here. The cartoon bar king vs the personal king. I hope Flow doesnt have any personals on Zelph cause if so, this could go one sided. If not Flow gone have to use that creative thinking to clash with Z, both coming in from wins on week 1. Should be dope..

Zelti 60/40

Incredible vs Pharoahs Army

This should be interesting, both coming off loses Week 1. I think Incredible will come in this match with alot to prove. His fued with Flow in recent days has him fired up. I hope PA has changed his style, last week his 1-2 was more written like a statement. He definitely will have to change that to compete against Incredible

Incredible 70/30

Infiltrate vs Prozac

Not gone lie, i peeped some of Prozac work and i feel like he's a alias. He has good work i can say so this wont be a easy task for Inf. Inf coming off a DQ week 1 will definitely be ready for war this week. He knows recently his work hasnt been up to par and he will not come to bullshit this week.

Infiltrate 60/40

Miss Netcees vs Knucklehead

Not gone even lie, Miss Netcees gone have to step it up heavy to hang with Knucklehead if he shows for the battle. Knuck is nothing to be taken lightly i promise you.

Knucklehead 80/20

MMLP vs DynamiCz

This should be interesting, MMLP coming off a wash against his opponent last week with a funny personal. Dyn coming off a debatable with Des edging with creative wordplay. This is a different styles clashing up this week. Even tho imma whoop MMLP i like to keep keep the predictions fair, but nah good luck homie


Destroyer vs Cred

This should be dope, we know Des is back getting in the groove of things. After a nice debatable with Dyn he plans to come in and do work. Cred the gunbar king has been on his N/S shit as of week 1. If my mans show up this week tune in for a dope one. I actually got this debatable as hell going either way


Ghost 1 vs Dominate

This gone be dope as fuck, Dom who has recently been displaying some good work. Had a crazy 1-2 with Jabari last week and is looking for redemption this week. We all know Bags is dope, but he has been off the scene for a minute. Bags coming off a N/S win against Knuck, so he havent had a chance to get locked in. The fact Bags may have to get in the groove i got Dom edging this barely

Dominate 60/40

Blue Bayou vs Snitching is Gangsta

Both coming off Week 1 wins, this should be good. Snitch is going to have to step up his game against a versatile Blue Bayou. Snitch with a Jamal Lyon bar last week which he executed simple, but did enough to get him a win. You will need to step it up this week homie thats all i can say. Blue is no joke

Blue Bayou 70/30

Superboy vs Resin

Yeah i kinda feel like this is a mismatch, but hey you never know. Resin coming off a N/S win against Superboy who had a good debatable against Jem. Yeah big difference in opponents this week. Please dont take Resin lightly or this could end up one sided

Resin 70/30

Jem vs BodySnatcher

This is going to be good here, both coming off Week 1 loses, i can promise you somebody is out for blood. Jem had a smooth combine bar last week which voters didnt find enough. Body had a home alone bar last week that didnt quite catch the voters eyes. This week i can gurantee either will come to play and Jem if you expect a victory over body you will have to dig deeper on the creative side

BodySnatcher 70/30

Plot vs Jabari Black

This will be dope, Plot who has come back on the scene known for his creativeness in his verse stands against a Jabari Black. JB had a war with Dominate last week that he ended up walking out victorious. Clash of different styles here, think Plot has what to take to stop Jabari? He will definitely need them creative juices flowing in this one

Jabari 60/40

Real Spit vs Barcotic

Now this is a nice matchup here, Real has a simple style, but his execution comes off harsh. Smooth reads as well. This week he face a creative Barcotic who is a dog when it comes to wordplay. Real will definitely need to be in his bag to get this win against Barc. If both come in top form i got Barcotic taking this one

Barcotic 60/40

Juan Dillinger vs Sharp

I honestly havent seen JD work since he has came back. He's up against Sharp who has a humorous style, but also direct. Idk how much of a groove JD will have coming back, but to beat Sharp he's going to need to bring the heat. Both entering at 0-0 this should be interesting.

Sharp 60/40

The Interview Room

This week I sat down with our guest host himself, Dynamicz. We run this shit on the Flow, Real talk… oh thats going to make me change the subject title… Anyway we spit this over whatsapp so the flow could really get going. I had a second interview prepared with a lesser cat but, another time… this mag already big enough.

Sound. So stick click. How do you feel about the term? Do you think it hampers voting because say jab or body might avoid you battles for example
I mean its pretty funny to me, just another way to call us a voting ring, but in a more joking matter. I feel sometimes us avoiding battles has its pros and cons. Where our votes could particularly help one gain a vote/win it also helps stop the level of complaining that may come from the opponent as well
Interesting. I am glad you see it in that way. Body recently took offence to a vote - this is no abnormal behaviour from folks. Cough Barcotic. But for real. How do you feel when you get voted against. Sometimes it can feel like certain people will never vote for you. We all know a guy who does that. Mine used to be Zelph ironically as we are pretty tight. But I'd say right now I'd find it hard to gain a sharp vote
I mean we are all human at the end of the day. We have a right to feel a certain way, but you should never let your actions take u to a blind place. I use to get mad also, because my style is more live then text so it took time for people to adjust to the reading. I rarely get votes from a couple people here, but at this rate it dont bother me. It is what it is, no matter how dope you are, 10 people might like yo shit, but its the other 2-3 in the pack that might not.
Fair play. Yeah your stuff is very live like. I guess that's what brought you to the site initially? Watching live battles?
Well maybe 2 or 3 people here know i live battle. Lol i just refuse to give yall my real credentials. To many personals lmao, but actually google brought me to Netcees. I do text to keep my mind healthy
Yeah your talking to someone who is a big fan of personals. Tbh I am a average battler unless I find ammo on you. lol. Then it's game on.
So what was your thought of the RB heads coming over an some of the hate they felt
Lmaooo u of all people cannot find out lol, but hey man i honestly love the merger, but also RB heads got to step out of they comfort zone. They are looking for preference in votes and overlooking new creativity which alot of Netcee battlers offer.
Theres more to text then simple wordplay. Even in my view of things theres more to text then gunbars, but i dont just off rip discredit somebody cause they not gunbar heavy. I love creativity
Yeah your bar this week. While it was still a gun bar. I thought was mad creative. I liked the double entendre I believe you were going for. It was not as crisp as your usual sinilae heavy style. But I preferred the added elements to it
Thanks Flow, i appreciate that and being on netcees im learning to elevate my style in different directions even with me being gunbar heavy. I thank Blue Bayou honestly, he told me time and time add wordplay
Blues the wordplay champ tbh. Boys a boss. He took out Orc quite convincingly. It's a shame you new cats ain't seen an Orc who's invested. He was a monster an you lot would of loved his style. Talking about this week, how do you feel the first weeks gone. Anything you'd like to see different or added over the weeks
Orc, was one of the first guys here give me props on my bars. Salute to him and yeah Orc probably just has to get back on his shit. Starting off against Blue didnt make it a easy welcome back 1-2. Minus the no shows first week was cool i believe. Honestly lol i dont ask for to much, i just be wanting to battle and hope things stay active.
Sane. I enjoy 1 2 but I felt this week dragged in the end. Im debating maybe doing more LRs in a week. Maybe three a week infact. What do you think. I think be almost fight night ISH in a way an gives another out let for folks. I've wrote about 8 bars as we had this interview.
Yeah 2-3 lightening rounds imo keeps people more active on the board through out the day which might also result in us not getting such a drag in votes
I think its a good idea overall
So going back to votes for a moment. Why do you think we had so many landslide victories those week. I honestly closed several where it was like 10 0
Its simple, everybody dont have they own opinion. After you get a thread with people voting the same people 2 or 3 times back to back. Voters dont read for themselves. They just vote according to how the thread of votes is going and then have the nerve to type "this battle can go either way". No tf it cannot
Hahahaha I appreciate your honesty
Hey man gots to keep it real
I must say Im happy to go against the grain. I may be wrong but think I was the only voter for body this week. I could be wrong. I did try to encourage more votes in a few battles because ironically the closer match ups of new and old were very tight in botes. Jab and Dom are 6 and 6 right now on that note. Tight as fuck.
Any bars stand out this week. Or any battles ? I know you might be doing a review section so no need to repeat anything you may already cover
Yeah Allen & Body was a good one this week. I also had Body but it took me numerous reads. It was closed by time i decided(which im happy lol), but nah you didnt go against the grain. You just have your own opinion. Not gone lie you got BOTW against Incredible, that shit was to harsh and very humerous. The jab and dom battle is neck and neck and i love it. Thats how all the battles should go instead 7-0/10-0 where the opponent really had a debatable bar which should have resulted in a close battle. Props to dom also he has been showing good work since he dropped against Aero.
Yeah Dom was a big player before my hiatus. Good to see he's back and dropping regularly. Haha thank you. I love me a personal. I had a few for him I was caught between. I won't share incase we end up regs battling sometime haha. Right man well I am nearly finished on my bottle of gin. So to finish off. Predictions to champ?
Dynamicz Lol hey man i just opened up me some Avion. My night just started, but truthfully man its some good competition this season. Its going to narrow down to Blue, Dom, JB, Body, Allen, Inf, or yourself. Its alot of good competition...barc, ORC, Ryno, idk man. Shits going to be have a crazy twist this season.

Dynamicz Shits going to have a crazy twist this season

Flow Long as people stay signed in! On that note im signed out. Good chatting Brodie @BodySnatcher

Killing Sprees LR Segment

I have given Killing Spree the duties of LR for the time being as there is way too much happening for me to manage efficiently right now. Any issues in this domain contact him, but of course hit me up if he is being a drunk cunt as well. Between us we should both manage to stay soba at least 12 hours a day given the time difference


EVERYONE IN LR MUST DWeek one was sort of a test run... New rules now... Battles go up tuesday morning @ 12:00AM EST(Maybe sooner)




Body Snatcher Vs Miss Netcees
-Body had a dope punch here... "get pop w/her own gun after I take the strap off her shoulder like a purse thief"
he could have wrote


and still beat the titty bug monster but he got the NS win. He tried his WP over on RB and it was cool just rather see him do him. cos hes dope... thats why...Fuck yall


Blas Vs SoSimple
-Another NS battle. Blas won he had a nameplay on so "So'll mate" i thought was cool. dont know anything about so so he wouldnt have won anyways. Also Zelph that bar was far to nice to be a Dia bar unless you ghost wrote it for

Barcotic Vs Zelti
-Barc won this. Zelph im sure feels like he was robbed and Hates RB for some reason even though NC heads voted against him to. Barc had a Zell-da business wordplay finishing with shots take the console... It was a cool punch i felt it wasnt his toughest tbh esp since both these guys hate eachother I figured Barc would go more for the throat... Zelph had a dope punch.. "slimes rude wit the 'long nose'" "arms wave".. ties in with "Squidward Shooters"... but thats not a thing. fallowed it with Barnacles which I prnounce bar nickles but he meant bar knuckles... eitherway wtf is squidward shooters? good luck with that bro. Barc won this

Infiltrate Vs Incredible
-Inf had a rough start this week...Think he rushed it. He posted a bar vs me in Reg battles no one got. IDK hes deff considered Top Tier(tell me different after seeing him win NBL) Incredible one of those guys who gets allot of feed back and somewhat uses that info to try to get better but...who knows his punch wasnt bad in this battle. had that savage "they'll put an image to your body w/only a razor & needle like a tatoo artist" shit. I like it and so did everyone else. Keep it up Inc thats a huge win for you

King Vs Dominate
-This was a cool battle. two guys who know whats going on...King a Dom nameplay and Dom had a weight clowning bar that was clever... "youstruggle to make ends the ends of your belt" was fucking funny. Kings bar was cool just didnt have that much heat as doms did. Good showing by both wish @King wouldnt sign out of these LR's he did this on RB to.

Lenox Vs Useless
-Lenox Beat Useless...

Chyeahhh!!! Vs Superboy
-Chyeah had a ns win here

"I'll put a slug in ya disc, you'll bleed out on the street while medics comin
They'll flip you over, and start gauze tape in ya back like Teddy Ruxpin like Teddy Ruxpin"

IDK what "Start Gauze Tape In ya Back" means.. so good luck next week

Killing Spree Vs JEM
-I was robbed "Gemel" "Heroldic(Her all dick)" is a shield..The Gemel is a strap on the heroldic shield, his names JEM'' Shields affection"

Jems bar...
"For a gram of blow?!? Ya hoe cunt of a girlfriend’s been abused with
SO.. MUCH… DICK… that bitch started her own #METOO movement"

NVM nice win JEM

Real Spit Vs Dynamicz
-Thought this was a nice battle... Some ppl didnt know what a SCAR is in dyns bar. idiots. the fill in w/p was a sneak to i feel like ppl ignnored that. Spit had asignal 5G's cellphone punch i thought it was cool..its a played concept but your angle was cool..tbh I didnt vote on this i may have just over looked it but I was feeling dyns bar a bit more tbh. but Spit took this one. Props to both

Maximus Vs Suthaveli
-SuthDaGawd wins by NS here... Maximus does this..

Suths bar
"I'ma wizard w. these burners. Put numbers on ya head when I clap stealth
Fire3 ta cause critical damage & no chance of a phoenix dwn ta get ya back Max health"

nice man..

Blue Bayou Vvs Prozac
-Another NS win for Blue.. @Prozac was thirsty for battles RIGHT NOW! and idk what happened maybe Blas really shot him in the head.

Blues bar

"this guy should avoid pics at ALL COSTS. dudes mug isn’t right
he’s ug as fuck – any Proposal gaurenteeee he never makes one in his life "

He was FTC in this and Pro wouldnt have won

Good showing week one besides the no shows. Any suggestions please let us know how you feel...This is your league! WE DO THIS SO YALL CAN WRITE!

Flows UK Education Segment

Last week we did a tune from England that had your own Method Man in attendance. No one commented on it so I have kept it in this week again you ignorant fuckers. This week given the intrigue in some old english slang from the cockney regions thats just made its way into our culture I have given a break down on the more well known ones we use.

Up the apples and pears — stairs
Hes got himself into a bit of Barney Rubble — trouble
Need to get my bees and honey — money
Hes brown bread --- Dead
you having a bubble (short for bubble bath) — laugh
Ill have a butcher's (short for butcher's hook) — look
Alright my ol china (short for china plate) — mate

Let me know your thoughts this time faggots


First off i like to say, Salute to Flow on having me guest host the mag this week. As of first week Flow has held up the 1-2 through a interesting week. Couple no shows didnt stop the party.. Now yall know i love The Culture, so i like to welcome u all to my portion of the mag..

***The Culture Interview w/ Jabari Black***

Had a interesting sit down with the current SOL Champ of the league:

Dyn: Popping off The culture portion of the mag today i have current SOL champion here live, Jabari Black my brother how you doing today?

JB: Excellent bro. It’s, Sunday, my bracket still somewhat intact - so no complaints.

Dyn: Hey man March Madness, you know this a live month here. So yes bro being new school you have displayed some of the best work ever against some of the top tier veterans all in a small set amount of time, how does it feel?

JB: It’s dope man. I just hit my one year anniversary this month so spent some time reflecting. My start with netcees was shaky. In my first battle on the site, I was down 0-2 to 2trip (probably wasn’t legit votes but still), to now having champed 4 different leagues and in the finals against Resin.

It’s been great seeing me grow as an artist. When I started a year ago, it was legitimately new to battle rap. When I first started, I decided that instead of focusing on winning and losing would just focus on improving every day. I’m a huge fan of battle rap, so I already knew what was dope and what wasn’t, it was all a matter of creating.

I think I still have a long ways to go. I’m still evolving as a writer. I’m adding the personals, changing up the pattern of my punches, utilizing wordplay, etc. my goal is to keep evolving and be twice as good as I am this one next year, but I do see and appreciate the progress I’ve made.

Dyn: Indeed, i dont think one would disagree with you evolving, because its defiantly showing. Now how intrigued were you about the Netcees/RB merger?

JB: Haha we jumping in the fire huh? I’ll be intrigued to hear your thoughts as well.

So overall, there are parts of the merger that I like and parts that I don’t. I think one of the biggest things to take into account is that I don’t plan on battling at RB. I do it for the Lime and the Culture. That being said, I’m not a fan of “well do the 1-2, and they’ll do a league” and things like that. Definitely like the idea of cross promoting and guys jumping in between, but I think the events should be business as usual. I would want us to not have a Summer Classic because RB having a tourney or I would want to have to wait for LLL is over to do the NBL.

As far as the niggas coming over, it’s dope to see the influx of battlers. Few guys who I’ve never seen battle before brought semi dope stuff to the table. I was nervous at first because i knew Useless was from RB and he’s a dumbass. I thought he was gonna bring a buncha dumbasses wit him, but I see it ain’t like that lmaoo.

From my understanding, RB isn’t as gun bar friendly so I think you both of us probably a bit wary of the voting, but I try to focus on votes as little as possible and instead just focus on the feed and getting better.

What are your thoughts about the whole situation?

Dyn: Me honestly and i had a similiar convo with Flow about this, i think the merger is good, its just alot of people has to step out they shell and not expect what they always see over at RB. Its like any bar that is simple wordplay can outshine a bar whether its gunbar or creative period.

JB: Yeah I feel you. I remember talking to you about ties go to the vet. It’s like in boxing where they said “ties go to the champion”. When we started we both had the mindset that if we battling a vet we gotta beat them by a good margin or we’ll lose. I feel like it kinda feeling similar with RB vets. Like if i battle I guy with a RB style (little less Gunbar heavy and more wp), I got that mindset of yeah I gotta wash them or I’ll lose.

I think everyone will adapt though. Typically people gotta get used to certain styles before they can really appreciate it. When I first started here, I didn’t even vote on wordplay heavy battles because I flat out couldn’t catch the wordplay lol. I used to just vote on battles with punchers til I got used to that style, but now some of my fav battlers here are wp heavy. I think it’s the same with folks who aren’t familiar with gun bars. Esp with us cus we can get complex with our bars.

Dyn: You are not alone, i too use to look over the wordplay, but now i do it, its more evident in the verses now, but still voters should exercise they mind to stay versatile

Dyn: So you and Resin had a crazy matchup for the second time, wont speak much on it since its open but had to acknowledge...

JB: Resin is a monster dawg. I’m glad he decided to come back, and hopefully he’ll stick around for a bit. His last run was well before my time, but I had heard good things about him. Both our battles have been wars. Glad I could have been apart of both.

Dyn: Couldnt agree more, Resin is a animal on the keys.

Dyn: How you feel about being affiliated with "Stick Clique"? On other hand if this was a real crew the roster would be crazy with additions of Ryno & Orc?

JB: Haha yo who all in it now? The roster goes crazy!

Bruh I think the funny thing about it is niggas tried to use that name to throw shade.

But yeah it’s gang shit now. Everybody else better get they bars up cus we’ll mop some niggas up.

Dyn: Lmao yo it's a crazy lineup

U, Body, Dyn, Zelph, Ryno, Orc

Dyn: So yeah man this been a good interview here, before we wrap it up who would you say currently the TOP 6 battlers that stand out right now on Netcees would be in your opinion?

JB: Off the top of my head, in order, I would say Blue, Resin, Me, You, Dom, and BodySnatcher.

Blue is the top battler on the site because of how how long and consistently he’s been able to drop heat and beat other top tier battlers. I talked about Resin earlier - he’s a monster. Me because I’m a strategist - I’m getting difficult to beat. You because I think you’re ahead of your time. If this was URL you’d probably have the most success. Dom should probably be higher, but I’ve only seen him in 2 reg battles and 2 1-2 battlers. Body is the reigning rookie of the year. He’s having a lot of success and it’s clearly not because of his likeabilty lol.

Dyn: This is a dope list actually of the current active battlers. Hey man want to give you props on all success and currently on one PPV event defending a belt and tagging with myself to gain the Tag Team belts. You have put in alot of work in such a little time. Im sure netcees is glad to have you as a battler. Rookie of the year is definitely a toss up between u and Body. Thats no debate. Salute and once again i appreciate this sit down with ya fam, stay dope.

JB: Same brother! I always a pleasure to sit down and break down this hobby of ours and the culture that we’re apart of. Preciate the love and you’ve been putting in a lot of work yourself. If you’re down, we can sit down again soon so I can interview and you can talk yo shit! Stay up fam!

***The BA PPV***

Man what can i say, this BA PPV presented by @Sharp was nothing less then heat. Everybody who were invited to participate gave us a good show with creativity, gunbars, wordplay, etc. All matches is still open so i wont say to much, but get in there and drop some votes.

BA Title Match: BodySnatcher vs Resin M-I-C

This match has dope written all across it, first off salute Resin M-I-C for battling on one PPV event for two belts at once. Thats a major salute, but for the BA Title it dont look like it will be a easy victory. Both opponents came with fire and hella consistent verses. Battles still open so get in there and vote. Resin is currently leading votes 3-0.

Grudge Match: Flow vs Bleak

This match was bound to happen again. Over the past weeks in the SOL league Bleak was getting on a couple people bad sides and Flow was one. Both here with different styles brought good reads for the voters. Please get over and vote. Flow is currently leading the war 2-1 in votes.

Barcotic vs DynamiCz

Interesting matchup here, for the first time this is actually there first meeting in a one on one dual. All i can say is if your looking for some fiya gunbars & wordplay mixed with dope creativity, you can expect that from both these opponents in this matchup. Definitely worth the read on both ends. DynamiCz is currently leading the votes 3-1.

Grudge Match: Lars vs Incredible

These two have literally been at each other throat the end of SOL. They came for blood in this matchup. You expect a high amount of disrespect, rude personals, etc. Neither came to talk it out the friendly route. Stop sleeping on this battle and vote. Lars is currently winning 1-0.

SOL Champ Match: Jabari Black vs Resin M-I-C

Shouts to these two meeting in the octagon again. They met at the beginning of the season(week 1) now ironic they both back here ending the season for the biggest prize in it....The SOL Belt. This is the second belt Resin will try to leave the event with and judging by each verse. It will not be easy at all. Both opponents came with nothing but heat and room shakers to end the season, lets get some votes in. Resin is currently leading votes 2-0.

BA Tag Team Title Match: Infiltrate & Blue Bayou vs Jabari Black & DynamiCz

Shouts to Jabari here, another battler on the PPV event that has a chance to leave with more then one belt. This matchup could end up being a classic when its all written in stone. Defiantly a fire read from both teams. Both sides came to play and to be honest this can end up going anyway with the votes. I know 24 apiece each team seems like alot to read, but trust me you wont regret it one bit. As of now Blue Bayou & Infiltrate leads in voting 2-0.

Dominate vs Blue Bayou

Man what can i say, Dominate has displayed hella text performance since first arriving back on the site. Creative wordplay and overall just a huge threat in the text department. Now he is set to face Big Bad Blue. Everybody knows Blue is nothing to take lightly PERIOD. The most versatile textcee on the site this match here is clearly in the runs for Battle of the event. Dom is currently winning 5-1 with votes.

Lars vs Sharp(Self-Diss Battle)

Personally i feel like this was dope concept for a matchup. A (Self Diss) battle, expect hella humorous & harsh bars from both sides. This will be a hard decision for voters cause both came prepared here to harshly diss themselves. As of now battle is 1-1 in voting.

***1-2 Matches In Demand This Season***

1. Jabari Black vs ORC
2. Blas vs BodySnatcher
3. Barcotic vs Infiltrate
4. Dominate vs DynamiCz
5. Zelph vs Destroyer
6. Flow vs Bags
7. King vs Blue Bayou

***Top Memorable Punch(Week 1 of 1-2)***

No lie this week in my personal opinion, @Flow gets this in his battle vs Incredible. Harsh and brought good humor as you were reading it....

Your life is like a snow globe of a christmas from the past
Only see the family home from the outside staring in through the glass-- @Flow

***Most Memorable Punches(Week 1 of 1-2)***

1. talk that gotti crap & im aimin at ya squad to catch a body fast
Im comin w/ firebird- Eagle to ya whole hood like a Pontiac - Blue Bayou

2. listennn. I brought a 4 inch shiv, its such a cutter
ironically you'll see Ryno hide BEFORE i skin the mf - Barcotic

3. sprayin a AK-47 at ya mug, just take ur hype an retire
after i send Acadia face i'll stuff ur corpse in a suv & light it on fire - Allen Knight

4. I cant relate.. styles get out of date they start to hate
Contradict the gun in this bar - side shots leave ya hypocritical state - DynamiCz

5. The tommy gun with me! Im shooting Dom til the drum empty
This legend dying after you see Black Dominate-n a machine like John Henry - Jabari Black

***Honorable Mention***

1. maaan. you's a bitch to me & its always been evident
only thing saying Nambia real threat, is our dumb fucking president - Destroyer

2. Ur the mythical beast w/ the hype? I'll leave ya dome so swole bro
Cos its nothing for me to "Snap a legendary head" like a Lochness Photo - Ryno

3. Over txt politics I'll air u bruh. Socialism.. u & ur ppl can share the snub
Cuz as soon i leave foreign country he'll be screamin SOS like Venezuela does - Zelti

***Lightning Round Toughest Bar(Week 1 of 1-2)***

This week, @Dominate gets my vote for best lightening round bar

You're fat and you're broke. I suggest that you look up some help
Dog ur struggling to make ends meet - financially AND when u put on a belt - Dominate

***Runners Up***

1. I hate fake.. & yall hoes. dont make my dogs roll
if we show Zelda business, our first shot'd take the console - Barcotic

2. I gotta body a bitch?...Normally im involved in the worst beef
She'll get pop w/ her own gun after i take the strap off her shoulder like a purse thief - BodySnatcher

***ThA Wrap Up***

Yoooo, Flow its been a dope one i must say. Salute for making me a part of the mag as a guest this week. Keep up the good work with the 1-2 League as well. Minus the bs its going to be a good turnout. Shoutout to the competition this season, no easy wins will be given unless you run into a no show that is. Im outtie..

Peace & Prosperity to all.. Dyn Out

The Black and Blue boys present THE EDUCATION STATION

I thought it be coo coo to have a break down each week of two bars that could of been improved and how that might come about by two well rounded battlers. Blue and Jabari have stepped up and I am hoping the people looking to improve can learn something from what both have to offer, I am happy for others to get involved so message me. But as it stands this will be a recurring segment by the black and blue boys

BLAS –This was a good flip on the fairways wordplay as I haven’t seen this used on PA before. The t-shirt/tee play closed the bar off nicely & it worked well as an attack line.

Small Critique – Don’t switch up your first & third person. Alternating between may work in live battles as the emcee can change directions, but for text be consistent in your set-ups and punches with your

“whether he drops a wordplay or meta, nobody’s buying what they see
cuz anytime FairWays his options it’s always ending with a 9-iron to the tee


dropping a wordplay or meta? who cares nobody’s buying what they see
FairWay your options but either way this’ll end with a 9-iron to the tee

To me being consistent with your direction always makes the punch stronger and leaves less guess work and/or potential for error with the reader. Dope start in the 1-2 tho!

@Jabari Black (Segment Waiting)


Couldnt meet the price so he dropped twice
Resin was on one and when he was no showed by cred he fucking threw in another bar for good measure. Good shit. @Cred wtf bro show man

Resin vs Cred

1-2 scheme like..

when ur dad twist a cap, he’s a drunk & it aint changin.. molested ur sis, now she hates mating..
when ur mom twist a cap, dyke softball- she great playing.. when YOU twist a cap, powder come out- you’re date raping.
and it was ur own sister, her life is painstaking..
cuz u banged her raw, befo she could tell u she’s an AIDS patient

Final Thoughts

Ok so we are still in the process of figuring this out. I think the LR will benefit from playing out as it did last season, we will do it separately and have its own champ matches but instead my little blitz match will be run as spotlights. We will also include LR matches into the main page so make sure you all vote.

NO SHOWERS. NS two regs you out. KS can run his own LR rules but id have it as an auto NS for a single miss

I NEED, NEEEEEED, some willing folk to try something new. @Blue Bayou @Resin M-I-C @sraL @Dominate @Ghost1 @Barcotic @Infiltrate @BodySnatcher

You guys come to mind for people who i know can either write quick or have a library of bars at their disposal. Its a twenty four hour slug fest with rebutalls and no double posting. Hit me up id like to run one this week and you get an accomp. Everyone is invited to pm me about this i will choose who does it on what i expect to be the best match ups

@Killing Spree make sure that link works bro im fucked now

Sharp 03-25-2019 07:01 PM

I mean... If you're gonna talk open battles... That's weird... But the consensus seems to be close battle and no one really 'follows suit' with votes

Weird reviews section but looking forward to reading this though

Flow 03-25-2019 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Sharp (Post 732876)
I mean... If you're gonna talk open battles... That's weird... But the consensus seems to be close battle and no one really 'follows suit' with votes

Weird reviews section but looking forward to reading this though

Speak sharply (no pun) an we edit it out. I was trying to give hype and exposure that end

Ghost1 03-25-2019 07:13 PM

Who in the fuck is highly anticipating bags vs flow tho LOL

Dope mag gang I dig it

Kill Spree 03-25-2019 07:14 PM

they work


Originally Posted by Jabari black
That being said, I’m not a fan of “well do the 1-2, and they’ll do a league” and things like that. Definitely like the idea of cross promoting and guys jumping in between, but I think the events should be business as usual. I would want us to not have a Summer Classic because RB having a tourney or I would want to have to wait for LLL is over to do the NBL.

its not like that... It once LLL is close to being done SUmmer classic then NBL will run... we just working on cordinating with eachother so both events on both sites can go smooth and be dope. No way will an NBL be missed or anything like that

Dope mag again props to you @Flow and @DynamiCz

Sharp 03-25-2019 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Flow (Post 732877)
Speak sharply (no pun) an we edit it out. I was trying to give hype and exposure that end

I mean, it's your mag. The ppv thing is appreciated, but the segment under 'reviews' struck me as a lil odd to do

Banter league is a cool idea, looking forward to seeing how the same record will have different scores, but the pic is a little blurry for me

zelti 03-25-2019 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Killing Spree
Zelph had a dope punch.. "slimes rude wit the 'long nose'" "arms wave".. ties in with "Squidward Shooters"... but thats not a thing. fallowed it with Barnacles which I prnounce bar nickles but he meant bar knuckles...

Gone @ the contradictions.

I did mean for it to be bar nickels. A nickel is an actual gun term, unlike the 8 or the desert Mac

Bar knuckles works too and I’m sure that’s what everyone thought I was going for but it wasn’t lol

Flow 03-25-2019 07:17 PM

I'll sort out that table in morning. Too drunk now an tired.

Kill Spree 03-25-2019 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by zelti (Post 732883)
Gone @ the contradictions.

I did mean for it to be bar nickels. A nickel is an actual gun term, unlike the 8 or the desert Mac

Bar knuckles works too and I’m sure that’s what everyone thought I was going for but it wasn’t lol

I liked your concept... I know what a fuciking nickel is... the squidward shooters was gay as fuck.

Flow 03-25-2019 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Sharp (Post 732882)
I mean, it's your mag. The ppv thing is appreciated, but the segment under 'reviews' struck me as a lil odd to do

Banter league is a cool idea, looking forward to seeing how the same record will have different scores, but the pic is a little blurry for me

Yeah it's late here I can't find a way too get this image up clearly. May need to link to the spresdsheet. It means little now but as time moves on I think the results will make good debate.

Again I asked Dyna to hype. An he did. It's on me if there's any sway or issue there. Let me know though

Kill Spree 03-25-2019 07:21 PM

Images worked for me in the PM but you cant read them shits

Flow 03-25-2019 07:22 PM

On a side note

Think this leagues popping great mags out. Thanks to the contributors this week. @DynamiCz @Killing Spree @Jabari Black @Blue Bayou

DynamiCz 03-25-2019 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Sharp (Post 732882)
I mean, it's your mag. The ppv thing is appreciated, but the segment under 'reviews' struck me as a lil odd to do

Banter league is a cool idea, looking forward to seeing how the same record will have different scores, but the pic is a little blurry for me

It's just hyping people to vote u will see I explain as each battle still open

zelti 03-25-2019 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Killing Spree (Post 732885)
I liked your concept... I know what a fuciking nickel is... the squidward shooters was gay as fuck.

“Damn that’s a dope punch but I don’t like it”

Ahh RB

Barcotic 03-25-2019 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by zelti (Post 732883)
Gone @ the contradictions.

I did mean for it to be bar nickels. A nickel is an actual gun term, unlike the 8 or the desert Mac

Bar knuckles works too and I’m sure that’s what everyone thought I was going for but it wasn’t lol

desert camo u stupid fgt lol

how many x u finna use those garbage ass go-to gun words to base concepts around ? LOL alla u

Flow 03-25-2019 07:29 PM

@zelti stop ruining moving in day and week 2 mag day for me

Blue Bayou 03-25-2019 07:30 PM

Awesome job fellas. Props on the effort & thoroughness involved

It was cool seeing a lot of diff ppls takes on a bunch of topics... Some cool bars last week, should be a great season!

White LGI 03-25-2019 07:30 PM

No way I'm reading this...I'm to gangsta for mags

Barcotic 03-25-2019 07:30 PM

sticks, cans, rounds, choppers, metal, chrome, etc.. lmao
try harder bra

zelti 03-25-2019 07:32 PM

Desert Mac
The 8 on me


Futuristic gun, no mag, no clip, no trigger or slide
I got the 3.14 on me, it’ll prove u dudes is pie

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