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Blue Bayou 05-26-2020 05:18 PM

NBL Season XIV Week 8 Stir da Pot MAG: By Coop

Here’s all you need to know about me:
  • I’m 30 & a nigga (which is apparently… rare… on this…. rap battle site.)
  • The only text site I’ve been on is RB, about a decade ago, for a few years under -Coop-. My first ever account was T.I.M. I have no other aliases so STFU
  • I despise chain voting, people who take things too seriously but suck at writing, and gun bars.
  • I ain’t new to this. I effortlessly write mags better than you:
  • Your girl has my number in her phone under “Papa Johns”
  • No, I don’t know any aliases, or 99% of you, or give a fuck. This all but guarantees my votes are unbiased, and you should be grateful & stop bitching about it.
  • Cuz I see all the shit talk.
  • All of it.
And I will kill you.

-State of the League-

I’ve only been here a few weeks and have seen numerous people say the league is more active now than it has been in a long time. You’d think with more battlers, there’d be more votes..?

(Coincidentally… shit got active around the week I arrived. Just sayin)

As far as talent, it’s a top-heavy league. Maybe 20% of the battles will feature two good verses. There are also a few heavy hitters currently signed out.



Props to @Blue for running this shit smoothly and even shelling out his own money at one point.

What? Shidddd... Let me hold $20

(Sidenote- Blue is one of maybe 5 names I even recognize from way back when I was new. I felt we were on a similar level back then and I come back 15 years later and he’s morphed into a fucking legend across multiple sites and shit. Respect.)


This week’s bitchassnes callout is two-fold.

Yall from RB remember a dude named Chrit? Barcotic had those same vibes this week.

So he had a battle last week against Wanderer, who isn’t bad.

Wanderer had some hits and won 5-3, and of course, Bar had some shit to sway… I mean, say… in the sign out thread:


Originally Posted by Barcotic
Voting at an all time low quality wise. Barc is retired for good after that fiasco


Originally Posted by Barcotic
My bars were more than enough

Only one worth a shit that voted was Neigh and it was for me

Mind you, even Neigh got it wrong bc it was NOT close
Wand was ass ftmp

The crowd then makes some excellent points:


Originally Posted by Wanderer
If everyone acted like u do when they lose, the league would go to shit

Ur such a pussy


Originally Posted by GUDELJ
What a hoe lmao


Originally Posted by ORC
@Barcotic you can’t drop that kind of wordplay and expect to win. You already know that’s not what will get votes but you still do it. Tyke Wand Oh? Come on man

Then Barcotic had stepped out:

Originally Posted by Barcotic
That's 1 bar
Read the whole verses and then 'come on' me

*record scratch*

Not the best choice of words there buddy

Look, the point is...

We are all competitive, minus the few trolls among us. You’d be a gargantuan limp-dick mega-pussy if you go into any battle expecting to lose.

And if you spend any amount of effort in your verse, you’re going to think you won the battle. But you gotta realize, you can’t please everyone.

You shouldn’t be writing the bars for the voters, real ones write because they enjoy the craft.

If the crowd rocks with it, cool, if not, cool.

What ain’t cool, is shitting on “the league” cuz a few people weren’t feeling a verse of yours.

That’s reactive behavior.

Emotional women react emotionally. Strong outcome independence is the measure of a man.
I will say, Barcotic had a point with this:


Originally Posted by Barcotic
Yall let mfs ruin potential by praising shit for more than it is

Preschool verses getting props

I agree.

***Don’t be afraid of criticizing a verse just because it’ll ruin your little e-friendship you got going on. Grow some balls and speak your mind.****

Yall get on me for being overly critical, which brings me to my next bitchassness award…

I didn’t notice tags in these threads until recently.

Yall are fucking hilarious.

However, please know, if you talk shit only in the tags, and not in the public chat….

Well, you already know that’s bitchmade.

I’ll give you a chance to redeem yourself and say it with ya chest in the comments..

Stop hiding behind anonymity, and come accept this bitchassness award.

You know who you are.

-Play Fair-

If you wanted to be technical, you could argue EVERYTHING is played.

So, can we all just agree:

1) Just because you saw the same exact two words in some battle 4 months ago doesn’t mean the concept is tired.

2) Just because you used “a similar concept” years ago, (probably in a blowout loss), doesn’t mean that someone who uses something similar NOW, and MUCH BETTER, should get docked for your shittiness.

3) Some of you have seen somebody’s name for so long that you assume every NP on them is played or has been used. Stop that. Now.

If you find yourself asking "Have i seen this before?", don't forget to ask yourself "Is this version BETTER?"

And if it is, and it isn't a bite, then just judge it normally.

-Wouldn’t Bust a Grape…-

Y’all know Smack URL, right?

Yeah, see… gun bars work there.

It’s cuz they’re somewhat believable.

Niggas look strapped up on stage. The best can throw the right amount of inflection in their voice to emphasize the aggression. It's effective.


I’ve been here 2 weeks and already seen like 7 pictures, and all of them look like skinny suburban white boys, or old rednecks. Just sayin…

You’d stick out in that crowd, and not in a good way.

The crowd would laugh if, in real life, you spit the same gun bar you tried here.

Likewise, it’s similar to why I laugh when I read them here.

No one believes you.

Now, if you ARE going to do one, do it like @Adverse did:

"Got the hammer on deck, shots to your belly and melon tear the fella to pieces
Gunplay leave fork twisted without me ever touching em - that’s telekinesis

The rhyme scheme & flow is perfect, the set-up is relevant to the punch, there’s a nameplay in there (the opponent was ‘forkz’), the punch wording is equal parts braggadocio & harsh, and the fork twisted/telekinesis concept itself is creative.

TLDR: It doesn’t take much to make a decent gun bar, just make sure there’s more creative elements to it than just:

“I’ll shoot and kill you”

My $0.02.


So Snitching Is Gangsta & Zuchie fiasco went 20 last week.

After the battle they said this:


Originally Posted by Snitching is gangsta (Post 772483)
Good shit zuch.......I should of taken your old ass more seriously....fuck you though.....bitch


Originally Posted by Zuchiefiasco (Post 772493)
I didn’t take it that seriously either because I thought you were super wack but you’re not. Good shit brother. Respect.

Look, I’m all for the good sportsmanship,


If you know you aren’t going to take it seriously…


No one wants to read 20 lines of half ass.

This goes for everybody.

Also, I know it’s a trend to act like you don’t try in your verses.

“I’ll key something real quick”

(That way, if you lose, “oh well I barely tried blah blah blah…” )

Have some fucking pride in your shit.

And if you don’t, don’t complain about losing when you know you didn’t put full effort in. Who’s fault is it really?

We’re smack in the middle of a global quarantine, and you’re stuck in the house 90% of the time like the rest of us.

You got time.

-Battle Reviews-

Starting with the worst ones….

If you no-show a battle, you are a certified hoe.

-Username posted his ugly mug last week, got roasted, and hasn’t been seen since.
-Inno did the same shit.
-Kenny the G is one of the names I recognize from way back, and I destroyed him then, and woulda destroyed him now. He knew what was up and tucked tail
-And I’m still confused… WTF was up with the champ match? Was that a legitimate Flow verse? Who the fuck is Clutbuck? Too many questions, not enough answers. If Flow truly did no show a champ match, that was an ultimate pussy move, until proven otherwise.
Sharp (0-0) Vs Sinacog (0-5)
My Grades: N/A
Winner: Sharp 5-1

Sinacog’s opponent posted, therefore Sinacog’s opponent won. Moving right along…

Sin da GAWD! Think that shit's genuine? You must be dumb or something
godamn tho, you're a rare breed... the kind that comes from cousins fucking
Packed Graves (0-0) Vs TOP iLL DRAGSTER TWO (0-0)
My Grades: N/A
Winner: PG 6-0

As if you didn’t know he was a fag by his name, here was TOP’s opener:

"I lick, 69 hits different from a side lip
You a faggot. Id suck ur dick but im afraid you’d like it"

Clearly another troll account. The battle was already over after that. PG had two hits. His best one was a drag queen bar, but I did a better one 2 weeks ago.

Packed Graves:
date women as a cover & ya wife for streets, now I’m breaking ya lid
I would take Drag queen on a date, but he’d interpret that as get dressed with make up & wig
Incredible (2-3) Vs Slecht (2-4)
My Grades: Slecht – 2/10 over Incredible – 2/10
Winner: Slecht 6-0

Both posted past the deadline. I’m fairly certain Incredible keyed his verse and Slecht is simply below average. However, he did have the LOTB.

Highlights –
I've body bagged many times but this time I can say I know the art, I mastered it.
For the green, anger me and ill have incredible out quicker than Banner Did
Mbombz (0-0) Vs Mac (0-1)
My Grades: N-Bombs – 4/10 over Mac – 2/10
Winner: Emmboms 5-0

Not the greatest battle. Both went 16 and had a punch and a possible between them.

Highlights –
M. Bombs:
How'd you even get a vote? I'm just asking cos all that shit was poor
As far as dividing opinions...Now we enjoy text a fraction of what we did before
Bomb Bard (3-1) Vs Allen Knight (2-1)
My Grades: AK – 3/10 over Bomb Bard – 3/10
Winner: Allen Knight 5-0

Bard had a subpar verse, and AK dropped worse than usual. In a battle with no haymakers, AK won with more jabs.

Highlights –
Allen Knight:
This redneck alkey faggot, thinks he's dope w/ the spits he flexes
Neva see a verse from Bardwell written shit sounds like a drunk hick from Texas
Ryno (2-1) Vs Zunto (2-1)
My Grades: Ryno – 5/10 over Zunto – 3/10
Winner: Ryno 6-0

Another battle that should’ve went 10 lines. Zunto just bragged his whole verse and Ryno had LOTB.

Put a stamp on it. He’s finished. It’s a shame whenever he tries to rhyme...
I don’t respect what u post, mark...all those lines are dated & behind the times.
Snitching is Gangsta (1-0) Vs Zuchiefiasco (1-0)
My Grades: Zuch – 5/10 over SIG – 3/10
Winner: Zuch 7-0

SIG posted 18 to his opponent’s 20, which is a sneakily good tactic. If you are worse than your opponent, post 2nd and write a lesser amount.

I got a old dusty ratchet that don't mind randomly blowing on command
ain't spitting a gunbar...I'm talking bout that ugly bitch wit your ring on her hand

Voters will SEE your words are not as raw as mine
Although you may have a window of opportunity, if you can somehow draw the blind
Letterman (4-2) VS FGR (4-2)
My Grades: Letter – 6/10 over FGR – 3/10
Winner: Letterman 6-0

Letterman won handily with superior wit. FGR had a hit.

I bang them sticks like a drummer. So those fist ain't hurting me
Letter better run before he gets struck biatec like minting celtic currency

U being fat is biblical. Seeing proof about ur weight is astounding dude
Cuz I’ve read about Miracle’s, & if he missed a meal we could feed five thousand too
Food has fucked ur life up. It’ll take years to erase those damages
We wont see Miracle whipped into shape, til his fat ass puts down all those mayo sandwiches
Forkz (0-0) Vs Adverse (3-2)
My Grades: Adverse – 8/10 over Forkz – 3/10
Winner: Adverse 6-0

Adverse had my VOTW, even with a literal throw-away bar in it. 80% of his verse was nameplays, but it didn’t matter because they were all quality, and Forkz verse was piss poor.

Highlights –
Have some respect, flappin his gums dudes manners a mess
Watch your pitch, fork before you get one of them stabbed through your chest
Got the hammer on deck, shots to your belly and melon tear the fella to pieces
Gunplay leave fork twisted without me ever touching em - that’s telekinesis
Barcotic (2-2) Vs Wanderer (2-2)
My Grades: Barc – 5/10 over Wand – 5/10
Winner: Wanderer 5-3

If you let Barc tell it, we are all beneath him and can’t understand any of his lines and we all suck and and text is dead.. and he gets nothing but hate votes… and uh, hes the best to ever do it and fix his fucking record you peons. 89,593,287-12.

In reality, I DID think he won this battle, but BARELY. Most disagreed. This was one of only two battles to have multiple votes on both ends.

Highlights –
I plan on leaving big tracks for when the pigs flash their lights
They'll scrape Wander off a path...and not care bc he did that in life

My boys all equipped with tools that’ll end ur fuckin life
Don’t know what kinda company Barkeep... but they never shook cans or put anyone on ice
Neighbor (5-0) Vs Flow (4-1)
My Grades: Neighbor – 7/10 over Flow – N/A
Winner: Neighbor by NS, but “won” 4-0

This was a mess. Flow asked for an extension, Neighbor granted it and posted 20 Saturday night. It looked like a no show until Clutbuck & Zunto said Flow had a verse. Clutbuck posted it. Orc said the shit was fake. Neighbor won. But WHERE DID THAT “FLOW” VERSE COME FROM?
Whatever, what a waste. Neighbor had a good verse.

Highlights –
You ROBBED Des - every single punch you attempted was played.
16 lines of "old" angles & "tired" concepts; even had 1 or 2 where you referenced his age.
"Upset Champion," huh? I'ma take you a peg down in this League.
Only time you had a leg up on your opponent.. was on ya back while the ref counted to 3.

Inf (4-1) Vs Answer (3-0)
My Grades: Answer – 7/10 over Inf – 6/10
Winner: Answer 5-3

Easily the best battle of the week. Both verses had multiple lines that hit. Those who voted Inf thought his verse was easier to read and more consistent. Others thought Answer had the better hits. (I bet if I voted Inf, when he was up 2-0, he would’ve ending up winning, cuz nobody has the balls to go against the grain.)

Your stand-ups never packed clubs before closures been intact..
Fuck the steps to open up....Drunk hecklers ALWAYS called Al-Anon Essential act

I’ll bash the shit out this Narc til this bitch is bleeding, these fists are speedy as lightning
Hit u with so many repeated punches u gone pm Blue & snitch on me for recycling
No one wants to see your wack ass overworded concepts in line to go for the belt
Half the shit you write doesn’t register; but you will 3 times just to vote for yourself

-Bars of the Week-
No order….

Honorable Mention:
How'd you even get a vote? I'm just asking cos all that shit was poor
As far as dividing opinions...Now we enjoy text a fraction of what we did before

The set-up is relevant AND disses the opponent, rhyme scheme is ok, and the dividing opinions/fraction wp works well. But it could be better.
There’s a great opportunity to slightly tweak the bar for more harshness. Conceptually, instead of attacking his quality in the last battle, I’d instead attack his quality in every battle. For example: “He never gets votes” is harsher than “How’d you even get a vote?” (which implies he has skill). Not by leaps and bound, but it is. This change of tense and focus would lead to entirely different bar, but the same concept. The “as far as ___” could be better as well.

“You couldn’t divide our opinion if…”
“He tried to divide our opinion but…”
“Last time he divided our opinion…”

All of these slight changes can have more impact than “as far as…”, because of the negative connotation behind them.

Maybe throw a subtle math reference in the setup and you have an improved bar.


Snitching is Gangsta
I got a old dusty ratchet that don't mind randomly blowing on command
ain't spitting a gunbar...I'm talking bout that ugly bitch wit your ring on her hand

Voter opinion:
“I think this opener is the LOTB”
“Opener was dope”
“This is a bit long-winded for a punchline but execution is solid and it's kinda funny”
“Lol cool”

Rating: B+
This was a refreshing combination of being funny & harsh. Sure, dissing someone’s girl is not original, but the misdirection and wording of the set-up here made it work. Could’ve been better if you could’ve pulled it off without mentioning “aint spittin a gunbar”


U being fat is biblical. Seeing proof about ur weight is astounding dude
Cuz I’ve read about Miracle’s, & if he missed a meal we could feed five thousand too

Voter opinion:
“Feeding 5000 great opener”
“opener was cool”
“Lol, nice”
“that was my favorite line of the battle”
“opener - decent jab got half a nose exhale”

Rating: B+
Letterman has some of the best wording in the league. Fat jokes aren’t original, but this was a funny bar with some complexity. This was also his opener, arguably LOTB, and “I’ve read about miracles” makes the most contextual sense in an opener than anywhere else. All positives.


Got the hammer on deck, shots to your belly and melon tear the fella to pieces
Gunplay leave fork twisted without me ever touching em - that’s telekinesis

Voter opinion:
“Yeh nice”
“Might be the only gun bar I've ever liked”
“i fucked with”

Rating: A-
I talked about this one in the "Wouldn't bust a grape..." section.


My boys all equipped with tools that’ll end ur fuckin life
Don’t know what kinda company Barkeep... but they never shook cans or put anyone on ice

Voter opinion:
“barkeep is LOTB so far I fuck with that heavy”
“Barkeep line is dope”
“ “Barkeep” & “cartoon falls” were super solid bars”
“the barkeep idea is is played but the overall execution here was decent and it was a strong bar”
“barkeep is hella played, plus you dont shake cans wtf drinks arent spraypaint”

Rating: B+
This was not the greatest diss, and disses Bar’s companions more than him, but the wording was ace. Comparing the actions of a barkeep, with the act of fucking someone else up, was seamless. The set-up could’ve been wittier, but the punch tied it all together really well.


No one wants to see your wack ass overworded concepts in line to go for the belt
Half the shit you write doesn’t register; but you will 3 times just to vote for yourself

Voter opinion:
“Set up a bit ironic but the punch is good and a nice personal”
“Vote yourself - okay jab again/personal”
“This is an old idea. It’s funny though.”
“Register was a hard personal”

Rating: A-
This bar is a great combination of a double entendre, a relevant set-up, a good rhyme scheme, multiple disses, simplicity but harshness, and extremely easy to read wording. Bravo.


You ROBBED Des - every single punch you attempted was played.
16 lines of "old" angles & "tired" concepts; even had 1 or 2 where you referenced his age.

Voter opinion:
“Age reference was dope.”
“smooth & top line(s) of the battle”

Rating: A
Properly written misdirections are powerful. This was a smooth read, was personal, rhymed well, and had multiple disses. I personally am not a fan of bars that reference past battles, but that wasn’t the true focal point of this punch. Well done.

-Power Rankings-

I do them as tiers.... Tiers > Top 10s.

-There is no order in each individual tier.
-Everyone is favored against the people in lower tiers.

You’re ranked solely based off the verses I’ve seen in this league, this season. Pure writing ability.

(Fuck your clout and records don’t mean anything either.)

Troll Tier- - "I can't take you seriously"
Top ill dragster 2

IDK Tier- - "I haven't seen you battle yet"
Steve Fox

Hit or Miss Tier- - "I've seen some good. I've seen some dogshit"
Bomb Bard
Packed Graves
Snitching is Gangsta

Above Average Tier- - "Better than most of the league"

Top Tier- - "Their peak is better than your peak"
Allen Knight
Coop (yeah I did it, fuck you)

With that being said, let’s check out this week’s battles:


From least entertaining to most entertaining:

Ouch (0-1) VS Sinacog (0-6)
I’m surprised Sin’s still in the league. Ouch no showed once back in week 2, so I’ve seen nothing from him. But even if he shows up with complete dogshit, he will win against Sinacog’s fairy tales.
Prediction: Ouch gets every vote. All 4 of em.

Hush (0-1) VS Forkz (0-1)
Hush no showed all the way back in week 1. Forkz got absolutely destroyed by Adverse last week. Probably the largest margin of victory of the week. I have no clue about Hush, but I’m going to predict he wins if Forkz brings similar quality.
Prediction: Hush close

Snitching is Gangsta (1-1) VS Mac (0-2)
The website crashed and awarded SIG extra votes in his first battle two weeks ago, and he lost 7-0 in a poor showing to Zuch last week. I was the only one who thought Mac won his first battle two weeks ago (albeit with a 5/10 verse), and he posted some shit against a subpar Enbombz verse last week. I hope to God you both go 10.
Prediction: SIG’s one good bar is LOTB, and that’s enough to take a narrow victory

Plot (2-2) VS Incredible (2-4)
Plot no-showed week 1, lost to Seth with a weeak verse, was gifted Sinacog, and got a NS win last week. As far as I can tell, nothing special. Incredible lost to Barc, won via NS twice, then lost to Inno, FGR & Slecht. Yikes. We might have a snoozefest. Prove me wrong, but not with more than 10 lines.
Prediction: Voters stay awake JUST long enough to vote for Inc

Packed Graves (1-0) VS Enbombz (1-0)
Nbombz beat Mac last week in the D league special. Packed Graves beat someone who literally said he’d suck PG’s dick. Neither have been challenged, but neither has impressed. Based on last week’s verses, I think Eggbombz shit is easier to read, and has a slightly better style.
Prediction: Embombz by a handful

Defiant (2-4) VS Resin M-I-C (1-0)
Defiant lost to Inno, won 2 no shows, lost to Letterman, then no showed his last two battles. My money is on either him dropping subpar, or no showing. I was the only one who thought Resin lost last week. If they both drop, Resin wins but…
Prediction: Defiant no shows thrice in a row like a bitch

Wanderer (3-2) VS Zelph (2-2)
Wand beat Slecht & Ender, lost to Flow & Bomb Bard, and knocked Barcotic out the league last week. Zelph won via NS, lost via NS, won by a NS, then lost in his first battle, 6-0 to Ryno. Wanderer is simply better.
Prediction: Wanderer comfortably

Bomb Bard (3-2) VS Slect (3-4)
Bomb noshowed twice, won via ns, beat Ryno & Wanderer, then lost to Allen Knight last week in a subpar battle. By my count he should be 3-3. Slectk lost to AK, Flow, Wand, Adverse, then beat Sinacog, Mac and Incredible. I could see either winning this. Let me just flip this coin annnnddd…
Prediction: Bomb Bard

Schism (0-0) VS Hands (0-0) VS Steve Fox (0-0)
Oh great, a three way with a bunch of randoms. We might be in luck though… I did the math and there’s a 33% chance there’s some good shit in here.
Prediction: Steve Fox wins, either Schism or Hands ends up a very distant third place.

Coop (1-1) VS evaD (0-1)
You had some ok shit last week. I won't take this one lightly. You're done for.
Prediction: Me

Inf (4-2) VS Ryno (3-1)
Inf beat FGR & Orc, then AK in Contenders, lost in Champs to Cash, beat Aura, then lost in Contenders to Answer last week. Ryno “beat” Sin, lost to Bomb Bard, won via NS, then beat Zelph. Inf might be the better writer and will likely take this one, but I won’t be shocked if Ryno wins.
Prediction: Inf close

Allen Knight (3-1) VS Adverse (4-2)
AK beat Sleck, Ender, lost to Inf in a Contenders battle with 4 votes, then beat Bomb Bard in what I thought was his worst showing. Adverse lost to Letter and Aura, then beat Slecht, Smash, won via ns, then destroyed Forkz. I have them both in top tier for a reason, at their peak they write well. However, AK’s latest verse was his weakest, and Adverse’s latest was his best.
Prediction: BOTW. Adverse close

Neighbor (6-0) VS Answer (4-0)
It doesn’t get any better than a battle of top-tier undefeateds late in the season. Neighbor is the 3x reigning champ. He won via no show twice, and beat FGR, Destroyer, Cashius & Letterman by a total of 24-4 votes in his favor. Answer also won via NS twice (and posted decent NS verses in BOTH) then beat Barcotic and Inf 12-3. They’re going 30 lines, so it’s either going to be epic, or we’re all going to wish it was 16-20. This is a toss-up but I’ll go with
Prediction: Answer close


Idk if I'll do this weekly, but I'll definitely do another when playoffs start.

If you can't get out ya feelings, use it as motivation, maybe it’ll make you write better.

Sound off in the comments how you feel about the mag.

Thanks for reading. Pz.

Blue Bayou 05-26-2020 05:19 PM

Big props to @Coop for all this effort this week

Bomb Bard 05-26-2020 05:25 PM

Seen better mags. Appreciate the work though

UPN Zuch 05-26-2020 05:32 PM

Good mag buddy.

Orc 05-26-2020 05:33 PM

Who is this uppity nobody calling skinny

Good grief

Barcotic 05-26-2020 05:36 PM


This was actually pretty good ftmp. I'll still shit on the hatewagon any day tho n speak the truth whenever I feel fit
I give zero fucks

But yeah, dope read @Coop
Tier bit was cool minus the inaccuracies

Blue Bayou 05-26-2020 05:36 PM

Just noticed Resin in the tier thing lol

Steve Fox 05-26-2020 05:41 PM


Y’all know Smack URL, right?

Yeah, see… gun bars work there.

It’s cuz they’re somewhat believable.

Niggas look strapped up on stage. The best can throw the right amount of inflection in their voice to emphasize the aggression. It's effective.


I’ve been here 2 weeks and already seen like 7 pictures, and all of them look like skinny suburban white boys, or old rednecks. Just sayin…
I'll counter that with Fresco as an example. He decimated a legend in The Saurus using a bunch of gun bars, but they were either creative or had an interesting diss. Dude doesn't look like he'd hurt anyone or is even strapped. LMAO @ the shade though

great mag cooper kupp

Packed Graves 05-26-2020 05:42 PM

Lol this mag is hilarious ..

See you at 2-0 coop

Allen Knight 05-26-2020 05:46 PM

Lmaoo nigga made a mag just out of frustration

Funny shit but.

Smh, bro u talkin about gun bars like this jasnt been tallked about in 2015 an done, smh so u sayin u fuckin someone's girl more believable then shooting him.
Drop better verses an maybe ud win battles. Gluck props on mag

Packed Graves 05-26-2020 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Allen Knight (Post 773148)
Lmaoo nigga made a mag just out of frustration

Smh, bro u talkin about gun bars like this jasnt been tallked about in 2015 an done, smh so u sayin u fuckin someone's girl more believable then shooting him.
Drop better verses an maybe ud win battles. Gluck

Preach, lol him doing ranks or reviews shouldn’t happen after losing to Snitching lol.

Coop 05-26-2020 06:03 PM

I'ma do a one time... "thanks for the props".


Originally Posted by Barcotic (Post 773144)
Tier bit was cool minus the inaccuracies

This goes to everyone: feel free to expound on thoughts like these.


Originally Posted by Packed Graves (Post 773149)
Preach, lol him doing ranks or reviews shouldn’t happen after losing to Snitching lol.

Lol, by that same logic, from my perspective, anyone who voted for snitching is in the same category


Originally Posted by Allen Knight (Post 773148)
Lmaoo nigga made a mag just out of frustration

Funny shit but.

Smh, bro u talkin about gun bars like this jasnt been tallked about in 2015 an done, smh so u sayin u fuckin someone's girl more believable then shooting him.
Drop better verses an maybe ud win battles. Gluck props on mag

Bolded- Consider you're speaking to someone who hasn't been active since 08ish

Underline - Are you asking if it's easier for me to fuck your girl than shoot you? Yes.

Allen Knight 05-26-2020 06:06 PM

Cool bro we get ur have ocd over gun bars

But no one gives a fuck an makes u look mad af.

Write better ull be ok.

But mag was good

Neighbor 05-26-2020 06:15 PM

Pots stirred

Neighbor 05-26-2020 06:18 PM

In all seriousness, great Mag & effort put forth here

Shit was entertaining from start to finish

I appreciate it

evaD 05-26-2020 06:27 PM

Yo @Resin our battle was so bad we got 1.5 votes and left out the mag completely lmao

I’m gonna have to write some gun bars especially for you now @Coop

Enbombz 05-26-2020 06:31 PM

This was pretty entertaining. Def gonna annoy some folk.

Coop 05-26-2020 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by evaD (Post 773166)
Yo @Resin our battle was so bad we got 1.5 votes and left out the mag completely lmao

I’m gonna have to write some gun bars especially for you now @Coop

Hahaha be my guest.

And here:

evaD (0-0) Vs Resin M-I-C (0-0)
My Grades: evaD – 6/10 over Resin – 3/10
Winner: Resin M-I-C 4-1

A big contrast of styles. Resin got a style that would be great on the aformentioned URL. A lot of braggadocio and not as much of the cleverness I look for. I thought evaD had the 2 lines of the battle. Voters felt the opposite, and thought Resin was more consistent. Dave's sonning yourself bar is played to everyone but me, but I spoke on that.

Highlights –
this is murder 1.. son ur rhymes are in trouble..
Crime scene, yellow tape.. mahfucka ur verse is a clear sign of a struggle.

It’s cute you’re back and writing, can’t stay too long on the shelf
Cus Resin’s a Generational Talent the way he keep sonning himself

Adverse 05-26-2020 06:59 PM

Much respect for all the love for my verse, hit me all at once tbh. This was a dope mag Coop props on it.

FGR 05-26-2020 07:53 PM

No me vs orc predictions? Damn ...

@Packed Graves this is what I get for forgetting you last week haha

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