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Vulgar 06-27-2015 11:15 PM

I can't get accepted into a university. What do I do?

oats 06-27-2015 11:19 PM

The trick is in how you present yourself now in lieu of those grades. Like, how you have grown, with examples to show that you're on an upward trend. Show how you've grown as a person.

Another trick is to tweak each application to the specific school. See what type of language they use on their mission statements and whatnot, and mold your application to present yourself somewhat similarly.

El Muffin 06-27-2015 11:22 PM

@Dr Dog

dead man 06-27-2015 11:34 PM

Weren't you in the military?

That helps nothing?

Junto 06-28-2015 12:04 AM

a) what year are you based on credits?
b) is English your first language?

if a = soph/junior and b = yes, change your major. You're wasting money.

Junto 06-28-2015 12:14 AM

Once you've switched to an economically viable career path, work harder, & then when you interview for a job/better school say you performed poorly in the past because you hadn't found your passion yet

UnbornBuddha 06-28-2015 12:34 AM

Vulgar can definitely write. No buts or maybe about that.

My suggestion is to try to raise your GPA to at least a 3.0. This and extracurricular activities can help ramp up your college resume. Also being passionate about your development, especially academical will help strengthen the possibility of being looked upon as a worthy candidate. Also, try to use your writing and its power to facilitate the process, and another thing that doesn't hurt is showing redemption about your past academic activities, which does not reflect who you are the moment, it just a snapshot of the bigger picture. Make them see the bigger picture, and I'm sure you will succeed.
Another thing to keep in the backburner of your mental CPU are grants, they can allow you passage to programs that you may have not considered. That's another thing to keep in mind, unorthodox programs, maybe even foreign ones if that's something that seems plausible and/or reasonable. There are various schools that consider the person as they are now, rather than the record, which as I said is not always the full spectrum of what schools look for.

Good luck.

Split Eight 06-28-2015 01:13 AM

A lot of universities will have partnership programs with community colleges. For instance, UMass Lowell has a partnership with Middlesex Community College. You complete two years there, then transfer into a 4-year program as basically an advanced junior level student.

If this were the route you were going to take, you should:
a) plan on getting all A's. I'd advise becoming a full-time student, get on-campus housing and charge it all to the student loan game. Trust me, work + university equals shitty grades and an extended stay. You get more out of your education by letting it demand all of your time. You accept that you will hemorrhage debt, with the promise that you are going to be successful enough to pay it off and you are starting right the fuck now.

b) you'll get placed into some introductory level classes. basic. boring. doesn't matter, you're there to get A's, and you're going to do it. find other people that are like-minded, spend all of your free time (on campus) working together, in a study group. You might hate these people. They might be pretentious cocks, whatever- they'll introduce you to people you CAN stand for more than thirty minutes. This is your clique and this is going to be how you graduate summa cum laude

c) spend time at your major's study spot of choice... engineering, it's the computer lab. Eventually, youll be introduced to seniors, who will casually ask you which classes you're taking. They'll laugh, say X Professor sucks, I remember all those horrible fucking pop quizzes etc. etc.- they'll also give you old tests to study, or at the very least old assignments. All you have to do is not be a fuckboy, and they'll take you under your wing

d) the MOST IMPORTANT THING is to shoot for a 4.0, nothing less. You and I both know what it feels like to pass in a piece of homework that will not get a grade of more than 60%... you can't do that. Tests alone are a difficult beast, you need every point possible so that when you get an 85% on the midterm you still have an A. Homework & participation are free points, and if you treat them as such you'll have above a 3.0 GPA.

e) What happens when your GPA dips? You take summer classes, that's what. Only one or two, you'll pay out the ass for them- but professors often treat these like Continuing Ed night classes... it's not enough time for a full semester of learning, so if you're there every day, arguing over 5 points on exams, asking questions, and generally showing that you care, you WILL pass

f) When your GPA isn't high enough to transfer in: you take continuing education courses that have no minimum GPA for you to get in. You're paying for A's, so get A's or else.

I essentially dropped out of Case Western, took two in-person + two online classes at $5K, and then transferred into ULowell on a full scholarship because those 4 A's were a Cialis shot to my GPA's vas deferens

Once you're accepted to a Name University (either a state school or a halfway decent private university... IE, someone from out of state/ two states away would recognize your school by name) and have a GPA above a 3.0, you can transfer into another University that you actually care about

BY THE WAY: when you transfer schools, your official GPA resets, you can choose not to report old schools' GPAs where you pulled D's or whatever. So don't be discouraged.

Split Eight 06-28-2015 01:14 AM

Also- once you're in, upperclassmen are your friend. NOTHING beats having you tell someone "don't take that class with Sullivan, he has a retarded HW policy and most people have to retake it" because being a super senior means another year or two of student loans. Once you are where you want to be, your goal is to graduate as fast as possible and to have as many accolades/ positive resume boosters as possible

El Muffin 06-28-2015 01:18 AM

Lmao. God I cannot relate but I lold

I knew Ud be the guy to summon

Life n times from UMass

Split Eight 06-28-2015 01:21 AM

Also: for the love of god, don't settle for a shit college because of location & being close to home... family & friends who aren't in school only serve as distractions

Dominate 06-28-2015 03:13 AM

Dr Dog's advice is sound. You've gotta make up for those early didn't-give-a-shit years.

Extra curricular activities and volunteering will look good too. If you can, make them relevant to what you want to study... maybe you could contribute articles to a student magazine. Or you could volunteer your time as an English tutor to poor or disadvantaged folks... there will be programs like that you could look into.


big baby 06-28-2015 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by Vulgar (Post 496788)
I can write. Well

good thing you ended the sentence we write

cus otherwise ud be lying

El Muffin 06-28-2015 03:40 AM

^Shut the fuck up Mc scorpion cock n it's pointing


TYSON 06-28-2015 06:16 AM

Just sell crack and u will be fine

Sn00p 06-28-2015 06:25 AM

oh wow @Dominate's back? wooo

and @Vulgar, if u want to try smth, u can always just send some of ur written material along w/ the application. it might not work every time, but it's smth different that might get people's attention. a friend of mine got his job as a TA at our university that way.

~RustyGunZ~ 06-28-2015 09:27 AM

You need to get it to a 3.2 atleast to get into an okay university

~RustyGunZ~ 06-28-2015 09:27 AM

Also make up or exaggerate awards and professional experiences

Vulgar 06-28-2015 10:31 AM

@quaker oats Thanks.

@dead man It doesn't help enough, no.

@Junto, good advice. I'm sticking with it though.

@UnbornBuddha Thanks man.

@Dr Dog I appreciate that, Dog. Great advice & breakdown. I will keep this as a reference.

@Dominate Thanks for the advice.

@big baby You're my biggest fan but I forgive your insecurities.

and thanks to the rest.

uh-oh 06-28-2015 10:50 AM

I'd help you but i'm a high school drop out who earned 0 credits in my 2 years of smoking weed and finger blasting

my advice to you would be, just write nigga

if you want to make it RICH, agree to co-write my epic saga that i'm still outlining.

i'm open to plot ideas and such, and creative changes that help the overall books, but i'm mainly looking for someone who can take my deformed illiterate sentences and rewrite them in a way that is professional/normal

richard corey keeps ducking me. apparently he wants to die BROKE


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