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~RustyGunZ~ 05-16-2019 04:07 PM

God bless Alabama
What a brave state

Ryno 05-16-2019 04:11 PM

Speaking on the bill they’re about to pass? They’re beyond brave

~RustyGunZ~ 05-16-2019 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Ryno (Post 740376)
Speaking on the bill they’re about to pass? They’re beyond brave


Sharp 05-16-2019 04:34 PM

Do you think they heard about roe v Wade yet?

~RustyGunZ~ 05-16-2019 04:38 PM

Daddy Don is gonna take care of that

Hush 05-16-2019 06:24 PM

What a dick

boof 05-16-2019 09:06 PM

finally all these slutty little girls will understand accountability amirite seth?!

~RustyGunZ~ 05-16-2019 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 740411)
finally all these slutty little girls will understand accountability amirite seth?!


Sharp 05-16-2019 09:29 PM

Actually, the women aren't punished for having an abortion in this law, but the only exception is life of the mother (rape/incest babies are to be carried to term)

White LGI 05-16-2019 09:32 PM

That's why I love the south...

Pharaohs Army 05-16-2019 09:48 PM

So @seth you are in favor of forcing a rape victim to carry and give birth?

Pharaohs Army 05-16-2019 09:52 PM

Or a deformed incest kid

~RustyGunZ~ 05-16-2019 09:57 PM

I'd prefer there was a rape clause

But I think it's a lesser evil than millions of unjust murders of innocent babies

As for the incest, this is Alabama we're talking about.. Don't want their numbers dwindling that much.

Destroyer 05-16-2019 09:57 PM

Fuck you and your bullshit alpha male, I think abortion is bad so I’m going to force my opinion on other people’s own bodily autonomy attitude
You’re a moron, Jesus is fake and I hope you get aborted through time travel

Destroyer 05-16-2019 09:59 PM

Better yet, I hope you have a daughter, move to Alabama and she gets impregnated by a rapist so we can all see how truly pro life you are

Destroyer 05-16-2019 10:00 PM

Let’s force people to donate their blood and organs to save lives while we’re at it because otherwise it’s murder, right, you fucking fascist?
And a ginger
There’s nothing worse. Literally

~RustyGunZ~ 05-16-2019 10:03 PM

lmmaaoooooo jesus is fake, i'd survive the abortion, i would never move to alabama, and the donating blood and organs thing is the worst defense to this ever. legit double digit IQ response to this. learn to think critically.

Destroyer 05-16-2019 10:04 PM

Tell me how. Not doing it is causing death, right?
That’s murder. So why not mandate organ donations?
You can’t use organs from a fucking dead person if they didn’t give permission. You believe women have less bodily autonomy than dead people do?

Destroyer 05-16-2019 10:06 PM

I mean your post title implies belief in god, so realistically, I will already discount everything you say. Funny how you speak of double digit IQs yet profess belief in a higher power in your post title

~RustyGunZ~ 05-16-2019 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 740426)
Tell me how. Not doing it is causing death, right?
That’s murder. So why not mandate organ donations?
You can’t use organs from a fucking dead person if they didn’t give permission. You believe women have less bodily autonomy than dead people do?

This logic tree (very unintelligent one) is equivalent to the argument for universal healthcare

Do you support that?

~RustyGunZ~ 05-16-2019 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 740427)
I mean your post title implies belief in god, so realistically, I will already discount everything you say. Funny how you speak of double digit IQs yet profess belief in a higher power in your post title

It was more of a Merica thing

I see God and Jesus as Merica lore

Destroyer 05-16-2019 10:08 PM

What the fuck does that have to do with an individual’s right to their own bodily autonomy?

Destroyer 05-16-2019 10:09 PM

Tell me you believe an 11 year old rape victim should be forced to carry that baby to term

~RustyGunZ~ 05-16-2019 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 740431)
Tell me you believe an 11 year old rape victim should be forced to carry that baby to term

I think they just kept it out so it was extreme enough that when challenged they'll end up with something viable so not taking that to seriously

Why do you care about rape victims but not babies?

Destroyer 05-16-2019 10:12 PM

fetuses aren’t babies
To me, an 11 year-old is

~RustyGunZ~ 05-16-2019 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 740430)
What the fuck does that have to do with an individual’s right to their own bodily autonomy?

Because I need this, and you can provide without harm, you must give

I'm an organ donor and blood donor cus I'm a good person so maybe I'm not as heated about your argument as you are

~RustyGunZ~ 05-16-2019 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 740433)
fetuses aren’t babies
To me, an 11 year-old is

We won't agree on your first point ever so eh

Destroyer 05-16-2019 10:13 PM

You’re not mandated to be one
That’s the difference

Destroyer 05-16-2019 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by seth (Post 740435)
We won't agree on your first point ever so eh

True, I suppose that’s why if you’re wife had a miscarriage that would effect you the same as if your son died tomorrow, right?

~RustyGunZ~ 05-16-2019 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 740437)
True, I suppose that’s why if you’re wife had a miscarriage that would effect you the same as if your son died tomorrow, right?

That’s a bit harsh and unnecessary argument

You pro choice folk are really filled with rage

My grandparent, parent, close friends etc would affect me different too guess we’ll string em up outside

Destroyer 05-16-2019 10:22 PM

I mean, why can’t you just engage with that argument?
You say it’s harsh, but is it false?
The crux of your argument is that it kills babies
I’m saying, no, it doesn’t, and I’m giving you a simple example that you can relate to in order to at least try to get you to look at how it maybe isn’t that black and white
In turn, you bring up some off the wall shit about stringing up grandparents. That’s not the subject here. It’s if fetuses are babies and if you think they are, then you must believe your feelings about the above hypothetical would remain identical. If you can concede that they would not, which it seems you have, then why is that?

~RustyGunZ~ 05-16-2019 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 740436)
You’re not mandated to be one
That’s the difference

I wouldn't care personally

And all political stances and laws/regulations should be based on my personal preferences because I'm special and important so bring it on man

~RustyGunZ~ 05-16-2019 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 740440)
I mean, why can’t you just engage with that argument?
You say it’s harsh, but is it false?
The crux of your argument is that it kills babies
I’m saying, no, it doesn’t, and I’m giving you a simple example that you can relate to in order to at least try to get you to look at how it maybe isn’t that black and white
In turn, you bring up some off the wall shit about stringing up grandparents. That’s not the subject here. It’s if fetuses are babies and if you think they are, then you must believe your feelings about the above hypothetical would remain identical. If you can concede that they would not, which it seems you have, then why is that?

It's a nonargument is the issue. You need to do better if you want that buzzfeed job.

Your situational dilemma holds no weight in this discussion. It would be different because of an emotional progression, not because one isn't a life.

Would it equally affect you if your toddler died as if you had another child and it died within days of being born?

Don't lie here Freud

Destroyer 05-16-2019 10:30 PM

I don’t know
I’d have to have that happen
What I have had happen is my wife miscarrying 6 weeks in
And while I was disappointed, I didn’t lose a child
because there was no child yet
Why you seem to think your feelings matter enough to rule over the future, and not even your own future, but someone else’s, really just blows my mind
If you think that babies are dying every time they are being aborted, what the hell are you doing to prevent this mass genocide from occurring besides spouting alpha male bullshit on the internet? You should be out there blowing up abortion clinics fighting for the unborn, pussy.

~RustyGunZ~ 05-16-2019 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 740443)
I don’t know
I’d have to have that happen
What I have had happen is my wife miscarrying 6 weeks in
And while I was disappointed, I didn’t lose a child
because there was no child yet
Why you seem to think your feelings matter enough to rule over the future, and not even your own future, but someone else’s, really just blows my mind
If you think that babies are dying every time they are being aborted, what the hell are you doing to prevent this mass genocide from occurring besides spouting alpha male bullshit on the internet? You should be out there blowing up abortion clinics fighting for the unborn, pussy.

You're an actual idiot. No wonder buzzfeed won't take you in.

Also, you're just maybe more cynical than me? A bigger piece of shit? Idk. I'm not disagreeing it would be different, but I am disagreeing that the miscarriage is nothing. My wife had one too, probably around then as well. It still affects me, since I value life and it's potential. You clearly don't. :shrugemoji:

And that's the difference between level headed people and morons like you, I don't think my feelings should dictate anything, I think general morals should. YOU think your feelings and opinions should dictate it. But, you also have maybe 2 original thoughts in the political realm so it's not that important a thing to discuss anyway.

Blue Bayou 05-16-2019 10:37 PM

Damn at Des just owning Seth in this thread

~RustyGunZ~ 05-16-2019 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Blue Bayou (Post 740447)
Damn at Des just owning Seth in this thread

By bringing up an argument that got shit on when the parameters were tilted the slightest and defaulting back to facebook vomit argument 7?

~RustyGunZ~ 05-16-2019 10:39 PM

@Destroyer why aren't you out there bombing the houses and workplaces of these lawmakers? Or at the very least your local republicans pushing these agendas? Why aren't you out there shooting protesters at planned parenthood in the head?!?!?!

PuSS yYY!!

Blue Bayou 05-16-2019 10:40 PM

By intellectually bitch slapping you across the lime since half way through the first page.. that's how

Blue Bayou 05-16-2019 10:40 PM

I think Seth is drunk

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