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boof 04-16-2019 09:47 PM

ay bernie completely torched this fox news townhall i'm in disbelief
how could fox even let this happen? he straight roasted the hosts & had full crowd support and participation while calling Trump a pathological liar and stating he's taking on the military industrial complex on LIVE FOX NEWS TELEVISION.

i legit feared for his life during this thing this dudes energy is at an all time high somehow

veritas 04-16-2019 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 736729)
how could fox even let this happen? he straight roasted the hosts & had full crowd support and participation while calling Trump a pathological liar and stating he's taking on the military industrial complex on LIVE FOX NEWS TELEVISION.

i legit feared for his life during this thing this dudes energy is at an all time high somehow

He owns four different million dollar homes. Don’t be fooled.

Blas 04-16-2019 10:54 PM

what a fucking legend, absolutely slapping these morons around

Destroyer 04-16-2019 10:54 PM

He’s been saying exactly the same shit since the 1980s
Fooled about what?

boof 04-16-2019 10:55 PM

you should watch the video v, he addresses his income

but to be clear, me & people like me are not mad at "wealth" we are mad at the ultra wealthy who dodge taxes, fund legislation to benefit their business', exploit workers, etc. bernie voted against the tax bill that cut taxes for the wealthy. if you fight for the people and for good moral things then we don't care

~RustyGunZ~ 04-16-2019 10:58 PM

I was gonna make a thread asking you how you felt about this

He did extremely poorly. His good bits were targeted at people like you who already lean towards him/fully for him. He did nothing to earn moderate and undecided people.

boof 04-16-2019 11:06 PM

according to who?

Immolate 04-16-2019 11:07 PM

that's 1 way to look at it. another way is FOX just lost half its userbase to OAN (one america news). Trump roasted FOX today, but we already been saying they're sheep in wolves clothes for the past 6 months.

Sharp 04-16-2019 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by veritas (Post 736730)
He owns four different million dollar homes. Don’t be fooled.

Tbh, I don't like Bernie that much, but this argument against him bugs me, ignoring their values being closer to half a mil (though with DC prices, I'm sure his house there is worth more than it was in 2016)

One's his home in VT, ones a spot in DC, ones a vacation home somewhere?

The home in VT I get. The DC one isn't uncommon practice. With how long he's served it would be financially irresponsible to rent the whole time.

Considering the salary that he + his wife (who is/was some bigwig academic admin iirc) has, it makes sense they'd buy a vacation home. I know teachers, accountants, etc, who buy vacation homes.

He has actually laid out pretty specific stuff about how people like him would pay their share in his ideal world, more so than most polictians.

Video was cringy to me. Questioners were generally good, Bernie had some good answers that went on too long, but most of them felt like I was watching a 'greatest hits of 2016' vid, and the pundits asked some of the worst questions I could imagine. I get that they have an audience to appeal to, but it says a hell of a lot when the average shmuck from the Lehigh Valley is asking better questions than the professionals... But they're continually paid for such terrible work because enough people profit enough off of it

Thanks for rekindling my dark cloud mike

boof 04-16-2019 11:31 PM

nice i was literally typing out that exact explanation of the house situation and was like fuckit

his message in this and in general recently is really different from 16' imo. but i do think he brought up healthcare too often here, and failed to mention enough about low wages during the unemployment rate section, maybe my only critiques

honestly i'm just blown away at the balls he has to say 'your network isnt respected in my world but im here anyways' like jesus i almost spit my drink out

Geno 04-16-2019 11:33 PM

Ive never had negative feelings toward bernie. And perhaps i should do research and learn more about him. Im nowhere near as politically knowledgable as i should be and thats dissapointing when i think about it. Smh

~RustyGunZ~ 04-16-2019 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 736735)
according to who?


abortion til birth, snarky and run around talk about his taxes, wanting prisoners to vote (looool), and poorly presented his medicare plan. he gave as much insight into how we'd pay for that as trump did about his wall.

if I was going to vote left, I'd be voting for andrew yang at this point. unfortunately i can't participate in either primary so i'll wait til the end. i'll vote for bernie over trump personally but I know he didn't do well with a lot of people i know that could be swayed from trump.

i guess he has to fight for the left though cus you're all against eachother like a bunch of drooling doofuses though so what do i know

boof 04-16-2019 11:42 PM

you don't think prisoners should vote?

~RustyGunZ~ 04-16-2019 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 736745)
you don't think prisoners should vote?

i would support a system that allowed that as a right to low tier crimes. murderers, pedophiles and rapists should not be part of our society in a communal way.

~RustyGunZ~ 04-16-2019 11:47 PM

but hey. the left supports sexualizing children if they identify as trans cus it's sO sTrOnG n BraVe and supports killing breathing living babies so I guess they don't mind those fellas.

Destroyer 04-16-2019 11:57 PM

No one supports killing living breathing babies, dumb ass

Sharp 04-16-2019 11:58 PM


Trash tier for even gotcha journalism. Reminded me of that segment on Parks and Rec, but dragged out forever... Then trying to paint him as elitist with the special congress health care plan

Maybe I'm just seeing the same pitfalls? It seems like he's getting caught in the pitfall of owning the term socialism when he has to know he's not likely to get more support on that term. But I caught a lot of the old Bernie in watching most of it. Health care for all, wealthy paying their fair share, pandering to young, semi-educated without really talking about how he can make an appeal to the general public and to the other side of a compromise. Glad he replaced 'break up the big banks' with a bit about infrastructure. Tbh I don't think it's on him that I don't see much new material since most questions directed towards him, fox News or audience, are gonna be based on what's heavily known about him, which is all the 2016 primary

~RustyGunZ~ 04-17-2019 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 736749)
No one supports killing living breathing babies, dumb ass

You’ve done 0 research into anything relating to abortion laws in the last year if you think that. Don’t call me a dumb ass because you aren’t educated on something that you feel must be fact if you’re pretty sure it is maybe. Prick.

~RustyGunZ~ 04-17-2019 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Sharp (Post 736750)

Trash tier for even gotcha journalism. Reminded me of that segment on Parks and Rec, but dragged out forever... Then trying to paint him as elitist with the special congress health care plan

Maybe I'm just seeing the same pitfalls? It seems like he's getting caught in the pitfall of owning the term socialism when he has to know he's not likely to get more support on that term. But I caught a lot of the old Bernie in watching most of it. Health care for all, wealthy paying their fair share, pandering to young, semi-educated without really talking about how he can make an appeal to the general public and to the other side of a compromise. Glad he replaced 'break up the big banks' with a bit about infrastructure. Tbh I don't think it's on him that I don't see much new material since most questions directed towards him, fox News or audience, are gonna be based on what's heavily known about him, which is all the 2016 primary

shit tier moderating. should have asked him about the socialist in Venezuela. bret baier is a turd.

Destroyer 04-17-2019 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by seth (Post 736752)
You’ve done 0 research into anything relating to abortion laws in the last year if you think that. Don’t call me a dumb ass because you aren’t educated on something that you feel must be fact if you’re pretty sure it is maybe. Prick.

Point me to the “it’s ok to kill babies now because that’s totes abortion” law

~RustyGunZ~ 04-17-2019 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 736756)
Point me to the “it’s ok to kill babies now because that’s totes abortion” law

I'm no longer helping netcees members become educated and useful members of society

Google it if you care. You don't and won't. You will continue to have views based on nothing, so there really isn't a point in wasting my time failing to convince you on one of those views.

uh-oh 04-17-2019 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 736742)
honestly i'm just blown away at the balls he has to say 'your network isnt respected in my world but im here anyways' like jesus i almost spit my drink out



Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 736756)
Point me to the “it’s ok to kill babies now because that’s totes abortion” law

new york state made it legal to "abort" a baby up to, and after birth. the determination is made by doctors assessing the "health" of the mother. they broadened that definition from the mothers life being at risk, to all factors involved with "health". like mental/psychological health. so its basically a judgement call. virginia and other states are going the same direction if i remember right.

uh-oh 04-17-2019 05:36 AM

also to say no one supports it is kind of crazy, the only reason i know about it is because the left exploded with joy online over the decision. here is the governor of virginia talking about it

but yo as for bern dog

its bernie lol. i don't like the majority of any of his policies. i caught a clip here and there and its like word. i seen something the other day about his taxes though and basically running for president alone made him a millionaire. which is funny to me. if you start a business and make good in america providing jobs and some sort of service to americans you're evil, but if you talk sweet to the under privileged and downtrodden while milking them of 20 bucks here and there you're a good guy.

i don't fault the bern dog of his wealth though.

Sharp 04-17-2019 06:28 AM


Wth the abortions

Not the point of this thread that's Bernie's rambling and moderation that would make zelph respect bleak's work

But yeah

After the last time, I looked it up

This sums it up more or less

-Abortions within 24 weeks
-After 24 weeks, abortions allowed if mother's health is threatened or the fetus is not viable (as determined by a doctor)
-moves abortions from criminal to health code, so penalties for doctors who perform them late would be medical board or whatever tf they have as opposed to criminal court

I think your average left of center likes the 'unviable' part and that the state cemented their own policy on abortion. Considering the Supreme Court is more likely than ever to overturn roe v Wade, I don't think it's the worst idea

uh-oh 04-17-2019 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by Sharp (Post 736766)

Wth the abortions

Not the point of this thread that's Bernie's rambling and moderation that would make zelph respect bleak's work

But yeah

After the last time, I looked it up

This sums it up more or less

-Abortions within 24 weeks
-After 24 weeks, abortions allowed if mother's health is threatened or the fetus is not viable (as determined by a doctor)
-moves abortions from criminal to health code, so penalties for doctors who perform them late would be medical board or whatever tf they have as opposed to criminal court

I think your average left of center likes the 'unviable' part and that the state cemented their own policy on abortion. Considering the Supreme Court is more likely than ever to overturn roe v Wade, I don't think it's the worst idea


Roe v. Wade held that states may limit abortions after fetal viability, except in cases “necessary to preserve the life or health of the mother” (New York’s old law, which predated the decision, only allowed for late-term exceptions to protect the mother’s life.) Fetal viability was defined as being the point when a fetus was “potentially able to live outside the mother’s womb, albeit with artificial aid.”

New York’s new law does not explicitly define “health.”

In what is considered a companion case, Doe v. Bolton, the U.S. Supreme Court held that “medical judgment may be exercised in the light of all factors — physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman’s age — relevant to the wellbeing of the patient. All these factors may relate to health. This allows the attending physician the room he needs to make his best medical judgment.

uh-oh 04-17-2019 06:44 AM

also don't confuse this with me railing against abortion. i don't care if you brenda your baby in a dumpster months after it was born. i'd think you were a piece of shit, but i'd think you were weird for caring about what i think you do. you should just understand the laws that are passed and the wiggle room allotted in such cases

Sharp 04-17-2019 06:48 AM

Yeah, health of the mother

Would you prefer the state to have a definition of health? That sounds a little Orwellian to me

At the same time it becomes a medical code issue. I'm sure you'll have some doctors more likely than others to decide if abortion is the right decision for the mother's health, but if I understand it, this would be something they could lose licensure over

If you're gonna talk down to me at least post some sources

uh-oh 04-17-2019 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by Sharp (Post 736770)
Yeah, health of the mother

Would you prefer the state to have a definition of health? That sounds a little Orwellian to me

At the same time it becomes a medical code issue. I'm sure you'll have some doctors more likely than others to decide if abortion is the right decision for the mother's health, but if I understand it, this would be something they could lose licensure over

If you're gonna talk down to me at least post some sources

that was from your link. not trying to talk down to you, just pointing out what was glossed over. the definition of health is loose, and left to human judgement.

im not for the state taking part in any aspect of anyones life for the most part. im simply pointing out what Des thought wasn't happening, since knuck didn't want to

Sharp 04-17-2019 07:07 AM

I understand the wiggle room (made sure to say 'health' and not 'life') but it seems like everyone against the bill thinks there's a mysterious dark entity pushing for more abortions

It struck me as the state wanting its own abortion laws on book in case the SC overturns it but I swear the people I see talking about it are acting like this is a massive win for the abortion lobby. The wiggle room is the result of abortions being taken out of criminal code. I think the big thing they wanted to avoid was the horror stories of women being forced to carry unviable pregnancies to term or go out of state (if they can afford to)

(no, the abortion lobby isn't a thing)

~RustyGunZ~ 04-17-2019 07:22 AM

Read the actual act instead of an article by a pro choice news source. It’s online. From the official site. It removes any harm or death of a child inside the womb at any point from being a victim of any crime. It’s made infancide by nondoctors a possible business, removed protections for a child in womb from assault and made it up to the medical boards to determine the criteria. It also allows mental health to be a reason to abort a child that would survive outside the womb. You’re a legit piece of shit if you support that and that’s just the facts.

Destroyer 04-17-2019 07:35 AM

Pieces of shit support babies being born into hate and poverty
I’m glad that you, as a man who can never be pregnant, have such a strong view about how other humans should handle their own choices.
You can kill your child any time you want, knuck, just like I can
You’ll be thrown in jail, but you can do it. And then you will be forced to live with whatever consequences you face, mentally and judicially. And if you believe in a higher power, judged by said power as to your act. Why is that not enough when it comes to abortion?
Why is it ok to say “hey woman, we know you’re an actual living, breathing, feeling person who has their own perspective on life and people that care about you, but you need to die so that we can bring this other thing into the world that no one knows or cares about?”
When abortion is illegal, women die attempting to have one. For that reason alone, I’m for the right for them to choose. And the reason why I called you a dumb ass still stands. You can link every article about the shit, there’s not one where people are happy and excited to kill babies post-birth. The problem with abortion is it’s a personal choice, and everyone wants to offer their own opinion on it, which IMO, if you’re not a pregnant woman, means absolutely fuck all.

Sharp 04-17-2019 08:05 AM

You sent it to me

I read a decent enough chunk where I felt I understood it and found, what I thought, was a decent summary

I think it's just news outlets and policital entities riling up their audiences through semantics and how they frame it more than anything

Immolate 04-17-2019 08:44 AM

politics are for poor people

im actually working with a guy who ran for governor once. god i wish he wasnt so old. would run him again and run his campaign.

sjw fags can suck it, bernie won't ever win. Trump will win 2020 unless dems steal it with illegals voting and fake ballots. that's a fact

veritas 04-17-2019 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 736749)
No one supports killing living breathing babies, dumb ass


~RustyGunZ~ 04-17-2019 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 736781)
Pieces of shit support babies being born into hate and poverty
I’m glad that you, as a man who can never be pregnant, have such a strong view about how other humans should handle their own choices.
You can kill your child any time you want, knuck, just like I can
You’ll be thrown in jail, but you can do it. And then you will be forced to live with whatever consequences you face, mentally and judicially. And if you believe in a higher power, judged by said power as to your act. Why is that not enough when it comes to abortion?
Why is it ok to say “hey woman, we know you’re an actual living, breathing, feeling person who has their own perspective on life and people that care about you, but you need to die so that we can bring this other thing into the world that no one knows or cares about?”
When abortion is illegal, women die attempting to have one. For that reason alone, I’m for the right for them to choose. And the reason why I called you a dumb ass still stands. You can link every article about the shit, there’s not one where people are happy and excited to kill babies post-birth. The problem with abortion is it’s a personal choice, and everyone wants to offer their own opinion on it, which IMO, if you’re not a pregnant woman, means absolutely fuck all.

This whole line of argument actually makes YOU the dumb ass. It is your OPINION that it's an issue of personal choice. Saying I can't have an opinion because I can't be the main participant in an event, being pregnant here, is a non argument only DUMB ASSES would ever think to use in an actual conversation about conflicting ideas.

What in the actual fuck were you even trying to say with the whole we can kill our child, leave it to god shit? I'm not veritas you fucking shit brain I don't believe everyone should be judged by a higher power, and you don't go to jail for killing a baby in the womb so they aren't even slightly similar? Are you saying murderers and rapists shouldn't go to jail? Think about what you typed before you hit submit my guy you sound like an real life idiot with that shit.

To your point about saying it's okay to let a woman die instead of a baby is fucking stupid too. Only around a quarter of abortions are medical, and that includes ones that are about the baby not the mother. And if that's your issue, why can't these new laws keep the same criminal codes and simply make it okay for doctors to perform them later ONLY for physical medical risk (if you think mental health should be included you need to reformulate your argument, doesn't stand as is but def not with that)

But no, you back those extreme new laws because you don't give a shit about human life while preaching you do. You just want to be politically correct and left leaning. You cannot morally preach about the value of life if you're pro-choice.


1) I don't think abortion should be completely illegal, I think it was fine 2-3 years ago in most areas before this recent push for looser guidelines.

2) Even then, it was murder. That isn't up for debate. It's ending a life.

Don't put words in my mouth because you're used to talking to Judeo Christian boot lickers on facebook about this. It is ending a life, which politically I stand is sometimes justified. I do not believe banning anything works. I also don't care if it becomes completely illegal and women have to die with coat hangers in closets.

It comes down to one thing that no one wants to address. This wouldn't be an issue if we didn't raise women to be moral lacking sluts with no accountability. It's absolutely ridiculous people like you use 27% of abortions to justify the 73% that are people using it to avoid their lives being shit. It's a violent tool to further make it okay in our society for people to not be accountable for their actions. If you want to sleep around, deal with the consequences. If you die because of it, GOOD.

These places offering abortions at a cost people whose lifes would be changed because of it for the worse offer birth control. It's a complete lie to say it isn't accessible.

This can do so many levels but I've typed enough for now

Do what you will with that, dumb ass.

Zaddy 04-17-2019 09:37 AM

Looks like Trumps getting his walls after all

Destroyer 04-17-2019 09:38 AM

Lol @ this isn’t up for debate
I’m done conversing with you
If you don’t think abortion is ending a life is debatable, I have nothing to say because you clearly already know everything about everything

~RustyGunZ~ 04-17-2019 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 736799)
Lol @ this isn’t up for debate
I’m done conversing with you
If you don’t think abortion is ending a life is debatable, I have nothing to say because you clearly already know everything about everything

Prove it wrong, or be a little whiny baby about people having views that aren't yours. I say it's not up for debate because you can contradict two arguments for and against it with biology. So it's just an endless pit convo that doesn't end aside from maybe deciding on a point to call the "viable" part of the process that neither side actually agrees on. I wanted to move on to what I think is a more important piece of the issue, or an issue that affects this issue at least.

You've provided 0 evidence, or intellectual discussion to this topic so I could care less if you want to converse about it. If you want to change the tide and prove what you're saying to any extent that's cool. otherwise that's fine, no one is losing out on not hearing your completely opinion based horse shit.

Destroyer 04-17-2019 09:48 AM

It’s an endless convo because people don’t know all the answers
It’s unfortunate that they don’t have you there at all times to tell them what they are though.
Prove it? Yeah, give me five minutes to solve all of the universe’s greatest mysteries so I can win this internet argument.
You are below my level of intellect and not worth debating
This is a philosophical quandary and doesn’t have evidence

Destroyer 04-17-2019 09:49 AM

But just out of curiosity, how does all of these slutty harlots having abortions affect you personally, Knuck?

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