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Geno 02-16-2019 04:42 PM

Trump declares his Wall a National Emergency in hopes of gaining access to billions that congress is against him recieving..
So this will go to the courts and i think its gonna be really interesting to see how this plays out. If im honest i just dont see trump getting his way. Hes already got a lot of people rallying against him. Heres a link.. Just thought you would be interested in this folks.

uh-oh 02-16-2019 05:47 PM

i love how somehow trumps biggest campaign promise, is now a "vanity project"

its so strange seeing how the media is melting down year after year over a president who is actually going through with what he ran on, using all the powers granted to his office to do so.

boof 02-16-2019 06:24 PM

maybe im wrong but i dont think using a fake crisis at the border to call for a national emergency to grab money from other departments is a power granted to him, hence why everybody is suing him for it

bleak 02-16-2019 06:39 PM

Not to have a hot Nazi take or anything, but this is exactly how Hitler claimed power over Germany.

uh-oh 02-16-2019 06:41 PM

its only become a fake crisis since trump used his powers

the caravans of people coming from honduras/venezuela/etc have all been considered by the same media as a crisis, and the situation in those countries specifically

they are painting it as trump doing something unprecedented when its been done literally dozens of times since the 70's, mostly because of crisis' abroad

these crisis' abroad are showing up along our border

you can disagree with the wall, like i do, but pretending its something it isn't is retarded and you are changing the narrative to fit your own

uh-oh 02-16-2019 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by bleak (Post 726875)
Not to have a hot Nazi take or anything, but this is exactly how Hitler claimed power over Germany.

might wanna hit that history book again doggie

maybe if hitler was to build a wall along the border with austria instead of annexing it?

Aero 02-16-2019 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by uh-oh (Post 726877)
might wanna hit that history book again doggie

maybe if hitler was to build a wall along the border with austria instead of annexing it?

You don’t have to defend Trump at every turn makes you look sheepish and weak. The wall is a battle you’ll lose in any debate especially since he can’t get Mexico to pay for it.

bleak 02-16-2019 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by uh-oh (Post 726877)
might wanna hit that history book again doggie

maybe if hitler was to build a wall along the border with austria instead of annexing it?

Im talking about the national emergency

uh-oh 02-16-2019 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Aero (Post 726885)
You don’t have to defend Trump at every turn makes you look sheepish and weak. The wall is a battle you’ll lose in any debate especially since he can’t get Mexico to pay for it.

i'm pointing out the realities

mainstream media reports on humanitarian crisis at the border a couple months ago, tijuana begging the UN for help from the thousands of people flooding in from honduras. now mainstream media reports the crisis is manufactured. ok cool

the only sheep are those who walk in step with what they force feed you

i could give a fuck about the wall, was never for it, think its retarded etc. i'm simply commenting on how trump is bodying the job of president, in the sense that he is coming through on basically EVERY single campaign promise, making everyone of his predecessors seem ridiculously inefficient and incompetent

Originally Posted by bleak (Post 726887)
Im talking about the national emergency

again, hit that history book.

obama's ndaa is more in line with hitlers "national emergency" act, than this. but maybe i'm ignorant? put me on. i'm just assuming you're referring to the shit hitler put in that allowed him to spy on and censor citizens, and detain them without trial etc. none of that has anything to do with the topic at hand

Destroyer 02-16-2019 07:53 PM

Very conservative and very cool!

Witty 02-16-2019 08:05 PM

His timing in really beginning to push for the wall is significant and a typical political move. He is trying to get re-elected. If he doesn't appear to be pushing for this wall as strongly as possible he will have much less chance of being re-elected, as it was the heart of his campaign. At least now he can blame it on the other side if it doesn't happen. If you really believe he is doing it because he believes in keeping promises I think you're being very naive.

bleak 02-16-2019 08:14 PM

Always remember Trump had a Republican led Congress for 2 years, and waited til now to push his agenda.

uh-oh 02-16-2019 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Witty (Post 726897)
His timing in really beginning to push for the wall is significant and a typical political move. He is trying to get re-elected. If he doesn't appear to be pushing for this wall as strongly as possible he will have much less chance of being re-elected, as it was the heart of his campaign. At least now he can blame it on the other side if it doesn't happen. If you really believe he is doing it because he believes in keeping promises I think you're being very naive.

no arguments here

i agree with all of that, and i don't believe anyone thinks he wants to keep his promises because of some moral "goodness" or whatever. its all about just completing the tasks he said he would do. he's an absolute ego maniac who only cares about winning. the thing the left leaning media doesnt understand is there is a massive amount of americans who want those tasks completed, whether its trump or whoever. lower taxes plz. on it. get rid of obamacare mandates. on it. build a wall. on it. etc. etc.

he ain't making shit up as he goes lol. he's playing to the people who elected him. the difference is, it hasn't been empty promises and excuses, its been actual effective action.

~RustyGunZ~ 02-16-2019 08:55 PM

trump makes uh oh look dumb a lot

there's nothing to defend here my guy

uh-oh 02-16-2019 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Knucklehead (Post 726905)
trump makes uh oh look dumb a lot

there's nothing to defend here my guy

point to where i'm wrong in this thread doggie and be prepared to get bombarded with truth bombs

i've got the documents

boof 02-16-2019 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by uh-oh (Post 726876)
its only become a fake crisis since trump used his powers

the caravans of people coming from honduras/venezuela/etc have all been considered by the same media as a crisis, and the situation in those countries specifically

they are painting it as trump doing something unprecedented when its been done literally dozens of times since the 70's, mostly because of crisis' abroad

these crisis' abroad are showing up along our border

you can disagree with the wall, like i do, but pretending its something it isn't is retarded and you are changing the narrative to fit your own

of course the caravan is a real crisis, for those people. not an illegal american border crossing crisis. literally the caravan that came is not that unusual, im sure you know that. illegal crossings are at a low, and the timing as already discussed is completely disingenuous. because like i said, its a fake crisis(illegal border crossing) and we neeed to be talking about what we did to these countries(actual crisis) and how mothers are getting less than half of their children back that were separated at the border and the ones they're getting back aren't even theirs(actual crisis)

it pains me that we're even talking about this circus instead of anything real

uh-oh 02-17-2019 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 726910)
of course the caravan is a real crisis, for those people. not an illegal american border crossing crisis. literally the caravan that came is not that unusual, im sure you know that. illegal crossings are at a low, and the timing as already discussed is completely disingenuous. because like i said, its a fake crisis(illegal border crossing) and we neeed to be talking about what we did to these countries(actual crisis) and how mothers are getting less than half of their children back that were separated at the border and the ones they're getting back aren't even theirs(actual crisis)

it pains me that we're even talking about this circus instead of anything real

its because this circus actually affects the american people though. i'm with you in thinking its fucked all the terrible shit happening abroad, i just don't think that we as taxpayers should care enough about it to fund any attempts at fixing it, because we are ridiculously bad at intervening in those types of matters

like this fiasco with venezuela, huge misstep by the trumpster

but the actual topic at hand, if we're only looking at the number of apprehensions to consider it a crisis then sure, compared to 20 years ago its way down. but its still 400k people (ACTUALLY apprehended, not counting those that make it), and the world is a different place than it was in 2000. one main thing you seemed to forget was drugs. i've seen articles talking about how the majority come through legal ports of entry, but they also gloss over the fact that the initial 5.7 billion number wasn't just to build the wall, but hire more border agents. im assuming that 8 billion number he gets from declaring it an emergency would also hire more border agents

again i don't think ANY of it will work lol. but thats besides the point. if you are on the political spectrum that sides with not even acknowledging the term "illegal immigrant", any number of illegal border crossings don't present a crisis to you, because you don't think its illegal in the first place.

the same media that claims its a fake crisis, (even though you named 3 different crisis' that all stem from this "non-crisis") doesnt even use the correct terminology lol. (undocumented immigrants lol wtf, they're ILLEGALS)

Immolate 02-19-2019 02:25 AM

@boof You never here blacks in the ghetto calling this a "fake crisis" only white kids in the suburbs. same white kids who think voter ID would be discriminatory cuz blacks are too stupid or poor to get ID

Racial Hate Feeds a Gang War’s Senseless Killing

Racial Hate Feeds a Gang War’s Senseless Killing

The Latino gang members were looking for a black person, any black person, to shoot, the police said, and they found one. Cheryl Green, perched near her scooter chatting with friends, was shot dead in a spray of bullets that left several other young people injured.
Latino gang members firebombed black residents to drive them out of Boyle Heights project, prosecutors allege

I remember on black block, my grandpa who's grandpa was a slave. he came all the way from Virginia, built a house with his own hands in east la. he moved my dad and my dad moved me there. then i saw ILLEGAL mexicans take over, make tons of gangs, and it got to a point where i was terrified to walk my block. even my mexican homies were getting jumped

then they started killing us just for being black. even if we weren't gang related

"it's not a crisis" shut the fuck up bitch you dont know SHIT

Immolate 02-19-2019 02:27 AM

I legit have re-occuring dreams of mexican gang members from the block one street over all the time. shit is traumatizing. they over here shooting up our block, raping our girls, but mic boof & the rest of the shit libs say it's not a crisis and trump is abusing his power

up to me i'd ship all these illegals, and their kids, back to their home country.

yall ruined my block on god

joog 02-19-2019 11:21 AM

Whats w this weird "wall boner" ppl seem to have?
Like who actually thinks its gonna be beneficial?

Like how does the average guy, in lets sayyyyyy rural ohio benefit from a wall around texas?
-immigration? Studies have proven immigration to be beneficial over the long term. The short term job displacement( miniscule) will actually benefit the average worker.
-drugs? Mexican/Colombian/etc cocaine isnt what got middle Americans dropping like flies by the multiple dozens. Its fent. Which mostly comes from China
The cartels selling fent, are doing to compete w an existing market.

So why would i, someone in Boston, gaf about a wall in Texas?

uh-oh 02-19-2019 11:55 AM

I used to live around a bunch of hondurans in my old apartment building. They were great people.

The main thing is the jobs they take. Hence the jokes in like south park and shit. Last year they did a huge bust at fresh mark, which is one of the bigger employers in stark county (where im at). Its shitty factory work but so many people want those jobs there are waiting lists. They do like cold cuts and hot dogs and shit like that. Apparently theyre huge with referrals too which move you up the lists and since its basically just labor there arent skills and shit you need so its entry level. Ive had buddies that worked there in the past and they joked about needing to know spanish to be able to work there cuz it was all mexicans and the like.

But anyways there were 200 employees fired for having fake documentation/social security numbers of others to get hired etc.

Its a decent job too they start at 10-12 an hour, the average job here is like 8 an hour for example, and quarterly raises etc so people want those jobs

But word than its compounded because you got 2 families living in a 450 dollar apartment, and they send alot of the money back to there families removing it from the area

But all that aside a wall isnt going to stop that. People want SOMETHING done, and since a wall was mentioned theyve rallied behind that. Its not just jobs tho, ohio amd places like it are plagued by the heroin/fentanyl epidemic , and again i dont think a wall would put a dent in that, but it leads to people wanting something done.

~RustyGunZ~ 02-19-2019 12:04 PM

Oh no low IQ turds won’t be able to feed their low IQ family

Good riddance to their decaying bodies if you ask me

uh-oh 02-19-2019 12:19 PM

Learn to code amiright

~RustyGunZ~ 02-19-2019 12:24 PM

journos aren’t smart enough to code

They need those sweet factory jobs the messicans are stealing

Can’t wait for them to decay with the low IQ dirts while our new Hispanic friends spread good Christian values and hard work ethic throughout our society

joog 02-19-2019 03:27 PM

So about jobs, my previous post explained how the "they took our jobs" meme, is exactly that. A meme. And that its far from true, in fact immigration of any kind, legal or illegal, is actually beneficial for native born workers. This linked study goes more into detail.

"At least its something" is pretty much settling for a 5bn$ non solution to a problem. Its almost silly.

If we wanted to curtail this, why not penalize/prosecute big business owners who hire illegals instead of citizens? Because immigrants arents hiring themselves....
I hear of ICE detaining/arresting ppl everyday. But i never heard of a business getting shut down for hiring them in the first place.

Also, min wage is getting boosted up. 11, 12, 15$hr in some places. Do you realize the increase in produce costs if farms had to pay their workers 15$hr? Its not doable.
And who? Who tf is picking oranges in the sun for min wage? Not no americans.

Amen 02-19-2019 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by joog (Post 727358)
Whats w this weird "wall boner" ppl seem to have?
Like who actually thinks its gonna be beneficial?

Like how does the average guy, in lets sayyyyyy rural ohio benefit from a wall around texas?
-immigration? Studies have proven immigration to be beneficial over the long term. The short term job displacement( miniscule) will actually benefit the average worker.
-drugs? Mexican/Colombian/etc cocaine isnt what got middle Americans dropping like flies by the multiple dozens. Its fent. Which mostly comes from China
The cartels selling fent, are doing to compete w an existing market.

So why would i, someone in Boston, gaf about a wall in Texas?

Majority of heroin smuggled in to the US comes from Mexico.

Fent is killing people now, sure BUT heroin's always killed people.

uh-oh 02-19-2019 06:09 PM

and the fentanyl is killing people because its being laced into the heroin, which is the epidemic. no one just buys fentanyl lol. they buy H. you get some fentanyl and that OZ of H just became 10. stomp the fuck out of it and bring the potency back up with it


Originally Posted by joog (Post 727394)
So about jobs, my previous post explained how the "they took our jobs" meme, is exactly that. A meme. And that its far from true, in fact immigration of any kind, legal or illegal, is actually beneficial for native born workers. This linked study goes more into detail.

"At least its something" is pretty much settling for a 5bn$ non solution to a problem. Its almost silly.

If we wanted to curtail this, why not penalize/prosecute big business owners who hire illegals instead of citizens? Because immigrants arents hiring themselves....
I hear of ICE detaining/arresting ppl everyday. But i never heard of a business getting shut down for hiring them in the first place.

Also, min wage is getting boosted up. 11, 12, 15$hr in some places. Do you realize the increase in produce costs if farms had to pay their workers 15$hr? Its not doable.
And who? Who tf is picking oranges in the sun for min wage? Not no americans.

i mean you're from boston so you probably know people from the poor experience, but city poor is a different mentality. theres money everywhere, its a hub for people

if you're in rural america, or even a failed shit city, people will work whatever they can get. that article you linked is malarkey. its referencing wage growth and a higher educated workforce off the bat, when this discussion is literally about the uneducated dirt of america. the ones that fall through the cracks etc

i gave anecdotal evidence sure, but its evidence anyone from any failed midwest city could give you, at which point it isn't anecdotal. its actual experience. its a meme for a reason, politicians and others point to it because they are playing to bases where it ISN'T just a meme. its that type of thinking that led people into thinking trump had no shot.

those are realities for a giant swathe of america

but yea, i think they're misguided in thinking the wall will solve their problems. i too think businesses should face the brunt of the punishment if found employing illegals, whether they were duped or not. have background checks etc whatever is needed. i think that would make a massive difference the wall wouldn't

but you asked why people are for the wall. and thats why. they either believe it will work or believe it will help. those same people could give a fuck about nasa, which has a miniscule budget anymore, but there are tons of things they don't give a fuck about that the government spends money on, so its easy to get behind something ridiculous they feel helps them

boof 02-20-2019 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Immolate (Post 727319)
I legit have re-occuring dreams of mexican gang members from the block one street over all the time. shit is traumatizing. they over here shooting up our block, raping our girls, but mic boof & the rest of the shit libs say it's not a crisis and trump is abusing his power

up to me i'd ship all these illegals, and their kids, back to their home country.

yall ruined my block on god

what percentage of those mexican gangs crossed the southern border illegally

and where was that at

genuine questions

Immolate 02-21-2019 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 727624)
what percentage of those mexican gangs crossed the southern border illegally

and where was that at

genuine questions


cant say where they crossed, who u think i am, Diode? asking detailed background questions and shit

what i know is they came from mexico border illegally. not even sure my cousin's girl is mexican or honduras or what, but i know like 10 people live with them and some of their sons ended up gang members

i legit cant talk to my nephews grandma cuz this bitch dont know english. neither does 80% of her family. i know a lil spanish so we can kinda talk but not really

Immolate 02-21-2019 10:52 PM

look up PF13 thats the hood i grew up in. check out

Immolate 02-21-2019 10:56 PM honest to god wouldnt even post this link if i wasnt thousands of miles away

these boys dont play >:)

Immolate 02-21-2019 10:58 PM

i remember when ghetto boyz (hispanic gang) shot up the park id been going to since i was 10 years old. they were shooting at PF 13. same week they beat the shit outta my boy just for walking home. he was lucky he aint get popped

but originally that was a completely black hood we were segregated to. then mexicans came and segregated us farther

"ItS NoT A NaTiOnAl EmERgyCy" you right, i guess in a way.

Immolate 02-22-2019 12:04 AM

stupid ass dummy white boys who's fathers werent even slave msters. yall niggas dont know shit.

ya grand dad aint even annex a territory. faggot ass niggas

Immolate 02-22-2019 12:05 AM

hur hur hur hur trial of tears WAH WAH WHA


u aint know shit. them niggas used to skin ours girls and make em as fucking lamp shades.
guess who their ancestors are?

same mexicans fucking shooting up my lil niece for no reason other than being black

ItS NotA NAtIonAl EmErgEncy

faggoty ass

Immolate 02-23-2019 12:27 AM

this white boy asked me

"so u are against illegal immigration but you have illegal immigrants in your family?"

i told that nigga "yes"

fuck my cousin's wife idgaf, i seen my niggas shot up, i got ptsd from these illegal bitches. fuck i care about 1 when i seen 1000

Immolate 02-23-2019 12:27 AM


Immolate 02-23-2019 12:28 AM

i voted for trump cuz i thought we were gonna bus these niggas out. fuck this weenie ass nigga. deporting like 2k immigrants a year when there's 40 million of them in los angeles lmao

Immolate 02-23-2019 12:28 AM


boof 02-23-2019 01:51 AM

yeah i mean u segway'd pretty well into my point "i guess in a way"

you can call it a socal emergency if you want. i mean that sounds fucking awful. i'm not surprised, i know those cats do wild shit, but that's been going on since you were a kid. its not new, and its not affecting 99.99% of america --

but there's millions of people in the rest of america who want as many brown people deported as possible for literally no reason other than unfounded racism & economic disdain from a lifetime of programming and an absence of interaction with anyone that's not white

while every undocumented immigrant i know in socal is a standup person, works full time, and contributes to the local community more than half of the suburban white kids i grew up with that ended up murdering each other from listening to too much young jeezy or od'd on heroin because they couldn't cope with peaking in high school

on top of that ice is doing a miserable job of deporting undocumented immigrants with violent crimes and a bunch of people undeserving of action have had their lives fucked because of this administration not to mention everyone that's showed up at the border in the last 10 months

but then again i realize you're not somebody thats going to think much outside of your personal experiences so i get it. also u prolly wasted

Immolate 02-23-2019 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 727771)
yeah i mean u segway'd pretty well into my point "i guess in a way"

you can call it a socal emergency if you want. i mean that sounds fucking awful. i'm not surprised, i know those cats do wild shit, but that's been going on since you were a kid. its not new, and its not affecting 99.99% of america --

but there's millions of people in the rest of america who want as many brown people deported as possible for literally no reason other than unfounded racism & economic disdain from a lifetime of programming and an absence of interaction with anyone that's not white

while every undocumented immigrant i know in socal is a standup person, works full time, and contributes to the local community more than half of the suburban white kids i grew up with that ended up murdering each other from listening to too much young jeezy or od'd on heroin because they couldn't cope with peaking in high school

on top of that ice is doing a miserable job of deporting undocumented immigrants with violent crimes and a bunch of people undeserving of action have had their lives fucked because of this administration not to mention everyone that's showed up at the border in the last 10 months

but then again i realize you're not somebody thats going to think much outside of your personal experiences so i get it. also u prolly wasted

yeah yeah yeah

you a white kid who neer seen his sister raped by a mexican gang who were all born angry anchor babies

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