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uh-oh 08-12-2017 01:17 PM

so what is happening, im stoned and playing video games and don't want to look into it yet personally


is it white nationalists (like actual nazi skinheads), or just the alt-right? everything im seeing has it like its white racists and shit just want to confirm

or is it more just like the proud boy type dudes who the media labels white nationalists but they're really just muricabros

Geno 08-12-2017 01:18 PM

Did i miss something?
Wtf is going on out there

uh-oh 08-12-2017 04:31 PM

Geno 08-12-2017 04:51 PM

Yholy fuck. Wth man

boof 08-12-2017 05:57 PM

it was a "unite the right" rally. so, all the above.

how many tens of thousands of nazi's have to go to an event like this before the average white person gives a fuck?

boof 08-12-2017 05:58 PM

ohio plates btw lmao

YDK 08-12-2017 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 619598)
it was a "unite the right" rally. so, all the above.

how many tens of thousands of nazi's have to go to an event like this before the average white person gives a fuck?

They won't tbh
Doesn't affect them unless they are near it

boof 08-12-2017 06:11 PM

not just muricabros tho, all white nationalists at the very minimum. chanting "one race, one nation, end immigration"

boof 08-12-2017 06:12 PM

@YDK i feel like if 1 million nazis held a rally in LA or NYC then non-racist whites would care. i just hope thats not where the line is though

oats 08-12-2017 06:50 PM

dudes are marching with swastika flags, so it's safe to call them nazis.

uh-oh 08-12-2017 06:52 PM

the problem is regular conservatives get lumped in with the nazis so when actual white supremacists gather and protest i don't know if they are white supremacists, or just LABELED white supremacists

know what im saying

Inno 08-12-2017 06:57 PM

stupid people with to much time on there hands.

Destroyer 08-12-2017 06:58 PM

I’m pro non-violence except when it comes to nazis
Fuck them all

Diode 08-12-2017 07:09 PM

any nazi wants to come get this work i'll open my garage for ya

that goes double for the POTUS who blamed people on the side AGAINST NAZIS for what happened

trapezoidal 08-12-2017 07:16 PM

^ yep.

boof 08-12-2017 07:18 PM

^ david duke says todays rally "fulfills the promise made by donald trump"

trump walked away at press conference when asked to denounce white supremacists

Anjahl 08-12-2017 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 619598)
it was a "unite the right" rally. so, all the above.

how many tens of thousands of nazi's have to go to an event like this before the average white person gives a fuck?

The average American white person is honestly racist as fuck. Especially after a certain age group. Or...are we forgetting Donald Trump actually got elected? Our little forum of friends and personal acquaintances are really in the minority guys.

uh-oh 08-12-2017 07:40 PM

the left is really out of control bros


Destroyer 08-12-2017 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Anjahl (Post 619620)
The average American white person is honestly racist as fuck. Especially after a certain age group. Or...are we forgetting Donald Trump actually got elected? Our little forum of friends and personal acquaintances are really in the minority guys.

Nah I think it’s like 75% not racist
25% racist and LOUD about it

boof 08-12-2017 08:40 PM

honestly i think anjahl's more accurate. if you didn't grow up in a diverse neighborhood, you're almost guaranteed to be lightweight racist without realizing it. and most white american's grow up in mostly white neighborhoods.

Destroyer 08-12-2017 08:47 PM

That’s just incorrect
I don’t know how to explain why or I don’t have the desire to
But trust me that’s incorrect

Destroyer 08-12-2017 08:49 PM

I mean that would assume that there aren’t black people out there teaching their kids that all white people are out to get them

Paytience 08-12-2017 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 619624)
Nah I think it’s like 75% not racist
25% racist and LOUD about it

Nah bro...the vote numbers literally don't back you up. There are people who will, sit here and say I'm not a racist and I voted for Trump. Well, Trump ran with a platform built on xenophobic, racist you might 'not be racist', but you're absolutely fine with our national policy being so...which in my opinion, makes you fucking racist. How deeply it runs, and how bigoted that racism is might be questionable, but the fact that it exists is not.

50 percent of this country's voter's, plus or minus 2-3 million, straight out agree and support racist fucking rhetoric. Point blank, period.

This is the result.

Paytience 08-12-2017 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 619625)
honestly i think anjahl's more accurate. if you didn't grow up in a diverse neighborhood, you're almost guaranteed to be lightweight racist without realizing it. and most white american's grow up in mostly white neighborhoods.

Ding, ding fucking ding. It's like this: if you are white and you make over a certain amount, or grew up in a family that makes more than say, 30-45k per year, than congratulations, half the people around you a probably racist or harboring extreme race leaning opinions or criticisms.

If you are a poor and whit and grew up in the country, you also probably have about half or more of your friends with racist tendencies. Just about the sub-demographic of white people who I would say that 50 percent estimate doesn't apply to, are poor white people who grew up in the city-the 35 and under suburbanites, or the urban cats from any age group.

Paytience 08-12-2017 09:21 PM


Destroyer 08-12-2017 09:39 PM

We can throw out numbers all day especially when no one is citing sources
Trust me, the media wants you to believe that the majority of people are racist
That simply isn’t true

PancakeBrah 08-12-2017 10:02 PM

Boof is my least favorite human ever created.

Paytience 08-12-2017 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 619637)
We can throw out numbers all day especially when no one is citing sources
Trust me, the media wants you to believe that the majority of people are racist
That simply isn’t true

I just named a source and a reason for it. If the majority of the people in this country were against racism, Donald Trump would not be president. Point blank motherfucking period.
You want to dig into how the vast majority of people in this country who are white do a damn fucking thing about the deeply racist "drug war", itself or the prison industrial complex it feeds? Or how the Supreme Court supports amployers right to discriminate against you based on hairstyle, specifically dreadlocks and afros? Or the practice of schools to suspend children for the same...EVERY single person who supports the men and women who pass and support these actions are straight out affecting fucking racism.

Those men and women, I'll remind you are the "representatives' in congress and sitting on the supreme court and in the office of the President...the fact that these people run a republic whose leaders are elected by vote should tell you all you need to know about how at least 50 percent of this country REALLY feels about the subject.

You want us to cite sources for something that is readily established in this country? How about you cite a source that shows us how all these laws, precedents, the representatives who support them, and the citizens who apparently voted for them, are not directly responsible for supporting and willfully perpetuating institutionalized racism.

"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the anti-war left and black people. You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or blacks, but by getting the country to associate mrijuana with hippies, and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did..."
-John Erlichmen
Advisor to Nixon

This country institutes laws ad regulations, sets precedents like this, and carries it out nightly on TV...and STILL, it continues. How can you honestly tell me, that a REPUBLIC, that is ostensibly driven by Democracy, can have this happen without recourse...can allow this to continue, and HAS been allowing to it not only continue, but expand for 50 can anything but HALF this country be supportive of it? How can we interpret it as mening anything BUT half this country is racist?
When racist laws and practices are allowed to not only pass but majority vote?

uh-oh 08-12-2017 10:35 PM

mods close this

Destroyer 08-13-2017 08:43 AM

No doubt. I forgot that the last president we had was totally white because of all of this racism in America

uh-oh 08-13-2017 09:02 AM

the problem is how we define what is "racist"

it always is, and its always why these discussions are garbo

everyone defines it differently. when i think of a racist, i think of a white supremacist, as in a real one. people who legitimately hate other races, and don't want any type of mixing socially of any way shape or form. you know, racists.

but alot of people will be lumped in the racism boat if they clutch their purse in an elevator if a black dude in a hoodie gets on. the white guy who crosses the street if black people are walking toward them. the old white man who cringes at the gas pump when an el dorado pulls up to the pump blaring music. etc. these people aren't RACIST, they're just so culturally different and been seperated from that lifestyle they are uncomfortable around it.

it won't stop them from voting for a black guy for president if that black guy has their values and ideaology

but word its all prejudices and blah blah

basically depending on your definition of what is racist, changes the made up percentage you assign

if we're talking actual racists i would say the number is as low as 10 percent, and thats remarkably high

but if we're talking about white people uncomfortable around blacks/mexicans/etc that number can skyrocket

but every group "fears" every other groups poor class. a random black dude walking through a trailer park full of white trash is as terrified as the random white dude walking through brownsville.

neither of them are racist to be uncomfortable

Destroyer 08-13-2017 09:16 AM

That’s true because there is a difference between racism and xenophobia though it can definitely be argued that one arises from the other.
But I’m inclined to believe that actual racism is taught where xenophobia is a natural quality that arose in human nature to basically not get eaten.
Racism is a concept that man thought up, and then spread. It doesn’t arise naturally.

Paytience 08-13-2017 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 619646)
No doubt. I forgot that the last president we had was totally white because of all of this racism in America

The last president we had got half this country slanging around racial slurs like it's cool. Remember how white folk hung nigger dools up to protest him? Remember how he was fillibustered more times than all other presidents in history combined?

Obama's presidency and the subsequent of Donald Trump serves to highlight the racism in this country, not mask it niggas.

PancakeBrah 08-13-2017 02:02 PM


uh-oh 08-13-2017 02:09 PM

puerto rico has 3 times the population as hawaii.

51st state. speaking on behalf of the racist whites of america i will accept these brown people in exchange for keeping the other brown people out with a wall.



boof 08-13-2017 02:21 PM

also what do you guys think about stuff like this? i've met a handful of people at big protests that were responding to similar ads. some of them ended up burning flags or starting riots during otherwise peaceful events. not trying to downplay america's racism, but this is always something to consider for how narratives transcend to a national level

uh-oh 08-14-2017 06:28 AM

yea its garbage.

but yo can we have an honest conversation here

why does everyone overlook the fact that the antifa and counter protesters are the ones that kick off the violence in all these scenarios?

my entire life and before it the KKK and skinheads have held "rallies" and public assemblies right, each dwindling with less members everytime as their nonsense has been recognised for what it was, ridiculous bigotry rooted in ignorance.

what is the point of countering this with a protest? legitimately? if no one showed up this was a random blip on the radar. the general lee statue comes down and the bigots lose, again.

instead you organise with overwhelming numbers, because nazis and kkk are a ridiculous minority to begin with, and you make the situation hostile, then cops stand down, and allow the violence to happen. because if they don't stand down, like in seattle, they get ripped apart for protecting nazis and attacking "freedom fighters" who cover their faces and assault people because they have different views

you are allowed to believe whatever you want. you have the right to public assembly.

i have no problem with counter protests

its just gross that the violence in every event is kicked off from the left, and anyone who points it out is demonized because WHAT YOU LIKE NAZIS BRO

the charlottesville incident happened to be actual nazis. and there was legit lethal violence that came from the "clashes", but are we all gonna pretend this has been building up this whole time? when you label normal people nazis, and attack them, trash property, and riot, can you really be surprised when your violence is answered back?

then we have seattle, where its pro trump prayer people, and again, they are "protested" and luckily the police did their job in protecting people, but they get portrayed as bad guys for using pepper spray and bean bags on the left protesters

its like yo

i dunno. i just don't understand it.

i get disagreeing, its just gross how the anti trump media continues to portray antifa as the good guys in all of this. to the point where trump comes out and strongly condemns ALL SIDES, but the media tears him apart like WHY NOT SINGLE OUT THE NAZIS BRO

its like smh. they were included lol.

just cuz ones ideology is blatantly worse, the actions of both are reprehensible

but even pointing this out someone will read this like YEA SO YOU LIKE NAZIS HUH, FUCK YOU BRO. FUCKING TRUMP IS A NAZI SYMPATHIZER. ok.

Destroyer 08-14-2017 07:15 AM

One group showed up armed, with helmets and shields and shit
The other group was in t-shirts
It’s not hard to see where the problem is

Diode 08-14-2017 07:49 AM

He's brainwashed breh.

uh-oh 08-14-2017 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 619700)
One group showed up armed, with helmets and shields and shit
The other group was in t-shirts
It’s not hard to see where the problem is

Why do you think they felt the need to show up with helmets and shields?

My point is the escalation of all of this. Skinheads and klansmen have been doing these things for decades, to dwindling crowds with dwindling attendances. No one gave a shit because they saw it for what it was. A bunch of ignorant fucks with no voice.

Until it became sexy for various media outlets and the uninformed to label all nationalist, america first people WHITE nationalists. People can excuse the violence when it occurs because hey it was a nazi, fuck em.

This gets perpetuated. Each event escalates. You get the rise of people like based stickman and other people who go to these places and wait to be attacked so they can "defend themselves"

This one in Virginia had an actual core of white supremacists. Not just a random buffoon like richard spencer tagging along.

Im in no way condoning the actions of anyone. Im just trying to understand how the left, antifa and others are somehow blameless in all of this.

We can nitpick each event, each skirmish, and each beating. There are plenty of instances of both sides being in the wrong. But when looking at it from distance its clear to me the media is gassing this whole shit

Right now cnn has an article up about how richard spencer and white supremacists are holding another event

NO ONE SHOULD GIVE A SHIT. theyre fuckos. But now im sure there will be a counter protest to that. Its all fucking stupid

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