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boof 08-20-2017 06:46 PM

blacks and natives show up to protests UNARMED knowing the opposition will be heavily armed, and still get attacked for actually protesting peacefully. showing up armed to the core is not peaceful regardless of what you think the other side might show up with.

uh-oh 08-21-2017 06:33 AM

well this site is dead as shit so i guess we can keep this going lol.


Originally Posted by boof (Post 620269)
bro antifa is not an organization. it's just the political stance of being anti-fascism. if you are anti-fascism, you are antifa. the people in all black fucking shit up are black bloc protesters, they are more often than not paid provocateurs. nobody on the left is anti-free speech, they are only anti-hate speech/racism. if somebody is spreading a message of exterminating people based on race, do you stand around and respect their right to free speech or do you stop them. it's pretty simple.

you respect their RIGHT to free speech. because thats all it is, speech. the moment it becomes more than that, it isn't their "right" anymore. you can't pick and choose what speech you are free to use as an american. its all protected.

Originally Posted by boof (Post 620270)
we need to leave the media out of conversations like this. they are profit machines based on ratings and they are puppets given stories to divide and conquer. we all know this. lets just stick to what's happening on the ground.

they did not show up to charlottesville with AR'S and private militia's because they were afraid of fucking eggs and water bottles.

they showed up with AR's because its their 2nd amendment right to bear arms. are you against when the left open carries? because they've open carried AR's at their PEACEFUL protests. i'm 100 percent fine with it. i'm not for limiting ANYONES rights. the left want to pick and choose who has their rights. its a slippery slope bro.


Originally Posted by boof (Post 620271)
blacks and natives show up to protests UNARMED knowing the opposition will be heavily armed, and still get attacked for actually protesting peacefully. showing up armed to the core is not peaceful regardless of what you think the other side might show up with.

again, the left has shown up armed to their peaceful protests plenty of times. whether with rifles or their shields and sticks. anyone who is lawfully protesting doesn't deserve to be met with violence.

but like i've already stated we can nitpick each protest, skirmish, rally to support our views.

the main difference we have is you believe its ok to "stop" peoples right to free speech because you disagree with their message. i disagree with their message as well, but they have a right to espouse it. when you try to limit peoples rights you are only helping their cause by making them out to be the victim

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