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Ouch 02-18-2020 01:42 AM

If you’re running and maintaining a car, insurance.. gas.. new plates when you need it...paying rent.. food... internet/tv... cell phone bill... on 40 hr a week at 10$ an hour, it’s not possible

Not really even possible on 18$ an hour... you’ve got to either live with your parents, a roommate or 2, or have a spouse that pulls in as much as you do to even make it remotely comfortable or plausible... I know I’ve been relatively poor all my life, with no help from family.. I’ve got some money in cash and have 9k in the bank right now and that’s the most I’ve ever had

Exis 02-18-2020 02:41 AM

Yes, I live in Australia @Finnydot

Exis 02-18-2020 02:45 AM

@Ouch currencey here is different fam, it's not doubled on some UK shit...I think Australian money is around 82 cents equals a doller in the US...

Ouch 02-18-2020 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by Exis (Post 757484)
@Ouch currencey here is different fam, it's not doubled on some UK shit...I think Australian money is around 82 cents equals a doller in the US...

Ok after I typed that I thought, actually I think aus has their own currency not the euro... but despite all that it’d be hard to translate like ok so if I came to aus with $ and had it transferred to your money obviously there a pure exchange rate..

But it would be hard to factor in like.. the cost of living and etc based on that vs. somewhere in America. A lot of variables

Exis 02-18-2020 03:01 AM

When I came to Australia in 2001 with 10 thousand it gave me just above 15 on exchange, Now...That would be in the red like my rep bro.

Ouch 02-18-2020 03:10 AM

Yeah but that still doesn’t even explain anything and I’m not asking you to it would be too hard... too many variables.. be like saying ok if you came from your country to America transferred your Australia queen victoria money to $.. we know the exchange rate... but how would that translate to.. say getting an average 2 bedroom apt in Lincoln Nebraska vs. getting one in Manhattan. And the explaining the difference, too many variables.

But what is that rep power even mean I really don’t know.. because I’d down vote some people on here if I knew how

Finnydot 02-20-2020 03:56 PM

Getting my meds adjusted today. Starting that job on Monday. Been hanging with my nieces and nephews a bunch, got my PS4 back and a little place i can space out and relax at the house. Things are good today.

Blue Bayou 02-20-2020 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Finnydot (Post 757963)
Getting my meds adjusted today. Starting that job on Monday. Been hanging with my nieces and nephews a bunch, got my PS4 back and a little place i can space out and relax at the house. Things are good today.


Blas 02-21-2020 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Finnydot (Post 757963)
Getting my meds adjusted today. Starting that job on Monday. Been hanging with my nieces and nephews a bunch, got my PS4 back and a little place i can space out and relax at the house. Things are good today.

legend. keep grinding man.

Ouch 02-21-2020 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Finnydot (Post 757963)
Getting my meds adjusted today. Starting that job on Monday. Been hanging with my nieces and nephews a bunch, got my PS4 back and a little place i can space out and relax at the house. Things are good today.

What meds do you take I was prescribed Prozac/fluoxetine that’s just the generic version ...same thing when I was in rehab.. and gabapentin at the same time.

I didn’t notice any difference, with things like Prozac and other SSRI’s I know supposedly it’s supposed to take like, months and months to actually have an affect on your depression. And I don’t even know what gabapentin is, thats just what they prescribed me.

And when I was is prison I got on Thorazine.. dunno what that even for but if you get lucky and get to even see a doctor in prison, they just randomly give you that.

Amen 02-21-2020 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Ouch (Post 757416)
Good job on getting a job man, if you had all those jobs in the past what happened if I may ask? Probably all different reasons. Anyway My last job paid 22$ but it’s not doable in the winter. So you’re kind of fucked there.

And you got lucky on the mouth swab... it must be cheaper for the company than a UA? But yeah lucky with the swab never had that, I hadn’t smoked for sure in 2 months one time and I showed for weed.

Good luck 18$ isn’t too bad to start off if you don’t live in a city.

Not cheaper. Both require 3rd party lab for results.

The goal is to hire people. So why Restrict.

For an example; a UA can detect excessive levels of THC for up to 3 weeks prior. A swab; 24 hours. Employers desperately need people, so rather then turn a guy away who smoked pot 3 weeks ago, they don’t care to see what he did 3 weeks ago and only concerned what you did the night before. The probability of hiring the individual is a lot higher with a swab then a UA.

Ouch 02-21-2020 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Amen (Post 758044)
Not cheaper. Both require 3rd party lab for results.

The goal is to hire people. So why Restrict.

For an example; a UA can detect excessive levels of THC for up to 3 weeks prior. A swab; 24 hours. Employers desperately need people, so rather then turn a guy away who smoked pot 3 weeks ago, they don’t care to see what he did 3 weeks ago and only concerned what you did the night before. The probability of hiring the individual is a lot higher with a swab then a UA.

I’m just going off what I know from personal experience.. and I’m quite knowledgeable on being a fuck up. All the jobs that I got back in the day required a drug test before you started and I had one that I didn’t smoke weed for like 2 months, and it showed up.

It’s fucked up that 3- 4 days before a UA you could smoke crack, do, do heroin while smoking meth and it won’t show up. But if smoked weed a month and a half ago it will.

Bottom line is clean your ass up before the first drug test.... and with all of the formal jobs I’ve had they threaten you like, we could pop a random drug test on you at anytime and therefore fire you, none of them ever did.

Only time that’s ever going to happen is if you’re showing up to work clearly fucked up

Amen 02-21-2020 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Ouch (Post 758046)
I’m just going off what I know from personal experience.. and I’m quite knowledgeable on being a fuck up. All the jobs that I got back in the day required a drug test before you started and I had one that I didn’t smoke weed for like 2 months, and it showed up.

It’s fucked up that 3- 4 days before a UA you could smoke crack, do, do heroin while smoking meth and it won’t show up. But if smoked weed a month and a half ago it will.

Bottom line is clean your ass up before the first drug test.... and with all of the formal jobs I’ve had they threaten you like, we could pop a random drug test on you at anytime and therefore fire you, none of them ever did.

Only time that’s ever going to happen is if you’re showing up to work clearly fucked up

Not entirely accurate, Cocaine can take up to 7 days. Weed can be out of someone’s system on a week depending on frequency and metabolism. Everyone is different. They say, the more fatty cells you have - the longer the THC takes to dilute. THC stores in fat. So you must be overweight? Idk... but yea, everyone is different. I deal with this shit often being in the Occupational Safety & Health field.

Ouch 02-21-2020 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Amen (Post 758048)
Not entirely accurate, Cocaine can take up to 7 days. Weed can be out of someone’s system on a week depending on frequency and metabolism. Everyone is different. They say, the more fatty cells you have - the longer the THC takes to dilute. THC stores in fat. So you must be overweight? Idk... but yea, everyone is different. I deal with this shit often being in the Occupational Safety & Health field.

There no point in arguing this at all.. I’ve worked all of my life, a lot of different jobs a majority of which drug tested before you were hired, been on parole and probation... I’ve had parole officers stare at my dick in a tiny bathroom while while trying to piss and not been able to do it, because I felt like I was on the spot.

And I’m randomly going with what I personally know to be true... and basically any drug... opiates last a little longer than coke/crack/meth but for all those only a few days.. I’m not fat, never have been and I know that thc stores in fat cells.. so if a 5’10 140lb guy smoked weed it’s going to be out of there system faster than 250lb guy

Ouch 02-21-2020 12:24 PM

I don’t have very many skills and things that I know about, I know something about everything... but not a lot about anything

But yeah, I really know a lot about drug tests... and I guess my point was that it sucks that weed stays in your system for a long time and other shit doesn’t

Ouch 02-21-2020 12:26 PM

I live in Michigan... weed is recreationally legal here now... as it should be... I’ve never been to a dispensary though and legally bought weed..

Ouch 02-21-2020 12:29 PM

It’ll be legal pretty soon in almost all states, the government doesn’t give a fuck they’re just trying to figure out the best way to tax it.. so cali and Washington Colorado and Michigan ar like a dry test run

Amen 02-21-2020 01:00 PM

No one is arguing? I was trying f to help you understand the “why” part.

Again, weed stores in fat cells. Which takes more time for the body to break it down. That is why.

the Munster 02-23-2020 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Finnydot (Post 756736)
So I'm not "fixed" yet. And i know I've started 100 jobs since i started posting almost 20 years ago now. But this should be cake for me. Training starts next Monday 7am. 6 weeks of 7am and then when I'm out of training my shift will start at 11.

Have a mouth swab drug test tomorrow. It's funny... I didn't smoke for 3 months but started last weekend. I looked it up, should be able to pass after not smoking for 24 hours.

Hope is weird.

I took a mouth swag test once about 39 mins after putting the blunt out and passed

Blue Bayou 02-23-2020 05:44 PM

Ouch couldn't even get Finnys old job real talk

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