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~RustyGunZ~ 04-17-2019 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 736802)
But just out of curiosity, how does all of these slutty harlots having abortions affect you personally, Knuck?

Doesn't, how does it affect you?

Surely since it doesn't you should have no opinion on this topic right?

Since you aren't a woman that can get pregnant, you can't speak AGAINST the ones who are pro-life? Right?

Gone @ I'm below you intellectually. You went to college to be a journo and couldn't even hack it to being a buzzfeed writer that got fired and told to learn to code. Go fuck yourself. It's no wonder a cuck that can't hack it in his field and doesn't embrace his creative mind cuz life is hard and buzy sides with a bunch of idiots that think accountability and logic is scary.

You're not even in the same realm of intellect as me you fucking cretin.

Destroyer 04-17-2019 09:54 AM

Tell me how alpha you are now
You’ll always be a soul-less ginger

~RustyGunZ~ 04-17-2019 09:57 AM

You're unbelievably boring to even hurl insults at. Spend less time on reddit and more time getting an actual career by 40.

Destroyer 04-17-2019 10:02 AM

Yeah I’m gonna ignore the career advice from the guy who told me to work for buzz feed
Thanks tho
When I need advice on how to hold down an office job with an Ithaca degree, I’ll holla

~RustyGunZ~ 04-17-2019 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 736806)
Yeah I’m gonna ignore the career advice from the guy who told me to work for buzz feed
Thanks tho
When I need advice on how to hold down an office job with an Ithaca degree, I’ll holla

I literally had a job above yours in retail when I was 23

So if you need advice legit holla

Destroyer 04-17-2019 10:05 AM

Oh yeah, you were a district manager at 23?
Let’s hear this tale...

Destroyer 04-17-2019 10:06 AM

I had a fat wife at age 12. Get at me

~RustyGunZ~ 04-17-2019 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 736810)
I had a fat wife at age 12. Get at me

my girl when I was 12 was flat chested with man arms haha that's so weird!

puberty was a wild time for her

Destroyer 04-17-2019 10:08 AM

I mean we can throw up recent wife pics if need be

~RustyGunZ~ 04-17-2019 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 736809)
Oh yeah, you were a district manager at 23?
Let’s hear this tale...

big props thought you were interviewing for a store manager, which i was at 23

I skipped DM and went to auditor for the last job I worked, it made me want to drive my car into a lake every day

~RustyGunZ~ 04-17-2019 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 736812)
I mean we can throw up recent wife pics if need be

I'm not a teenager so doesn't sound like an appealing pissing contest to have with you as a distraction from looking like a mindless turd in an actual conversation

Destroyer 04-17-2019 10:10 AM

I was interviewing a year ago, got it
Got transferred to the highest volume store the 15th
Have had two un asked for raises which leads me to believe I’m getting fucked on pay
But whatayagonnnado?

~RustyGunZ~ 04-17-2019 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 736815)
I was interviewing a year ago, got it
Got transferred to the highest volume store the 15th
Have had two un asked for raises which leads me to believe I’m getting fucked on pay
But whatayagonnnado?

pretty sure a lot of places are getting hit with really fast growing bumps in pay due to labor laws so they're probably trying to keep up

if you think youre getting fucked on pay take a look at your female peers pays. I was getting over 10k more with less experience. pretty gross.

Destroyer 04-17-2019 10:14 AM

Yeah that shit is rampant and fucked
I’m just trying to get to the point where my wife can be a stay at home mom

~RustyGunZ~ 04-17-2019 10:17 AM


you should stop looking at her and other women as objects used to measure your and other males success biologically and be a part of the positive push towards a solution to kill that level of dominating misogyny my guy

Destroyer 04-17-2019 10:21 AM

I’m a libtard bro
You’re preaching to the choir
I want her to be a stay at home mom because parenting is hard and in my days off I have to do the shit

~RustyGunZ~ 04-17-2019 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 736819)
I’m a libtard bro
You’re preaching to the choir
I want her to be a stay at home mom because parenting is hard and in my days off I have to do the shit

That’s cool. Now stop entertaining conversations around her being used as a benchmark for your biological success. It belittles her existence and makes you look like a schoolyard pencil dick.

Destroyer 04-17-2019 10:31 AM

Can you reword that into words that make sense in the context of this conversation?

Destroyer 04-17-2019 10:33 AM

Or just post up a pic of your fat wife
Either way
Either way’s fine

~RustyGunZ~ 04-17-2019 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 736821)
Can you reword that into words that make sense in the context of this conversation?

I'll try but I've just an Ithaca degree and am far below your mid-western high IQ haven intellect

We were talking about a social debate. In this conversation I presented evidence and logic and you simply stated your opinions. When this didn't work for you, you got angry and started making it about how I thought I was sooo smart and I know everything oh man knuck knows everything guys. This is what a child would do in this situation. You then went on to insult me personally, and subconsciously admitted defeat to a one to one comparison involving you and I by insulting my wife for no reason. When I gave it back in the same format to show how dumb you looked for saying it, you wanted to pit your wife against mine. You can preach to the choir about womens rights all you want, but your ACTIONS show you consider them to be tools used to benchmark male success. If you want to be a "libtard" this is a learning lesson on how to not be a toxic male. If you would like you can "okay m'lady" me and try to insinuate I'm an alt-right parallel person like you have tried to before when I've made you sad. It would be a total power move man, very original. I suggest it.

Or just go maybe do an iota of research on one or two of your politic "views" so next time someone pushes against them you don't have to "spend time doing research to win an internet debate" because you'll just know the evidence since your opinions will now be based on something aside from your personal idea of how you think the world does or should work :)

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