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Big Bolo 09-08-2018 12:19 AM

The loneliest man in the world is more popular than all of us combined...

Destroyer 09-08-2018 11:21 AM

Legit though it should be “be mindful of the future”
That’s what you are doing
You can’t really “remember the future”

Amen 09-08-2018 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by veritas (Post 699671)
joy and happiness is not the same things. They are conceptually different, and not just mere semantics, dre.

And remembering the future makes no sense.

Hush 09-08-2018 12:03 PM


veritas 09-08-2018 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Big Bolo (Post 699760)
The loneliest man in the world is more popular than all of us combined...

interesting idea...not sure how that is a code of being however? please elab

veritas 09-08-2018 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 699776)
Legit though it should be “be mindful of the future”
That’s what you are doing
You can’t really “remember the future”

I am going to say something with the risk that it upsets your feelings ok? Jude, I want you to help me understand you better, for real. So when you make comments like you just did, in combination with similar comments that you have made to me (often unprovoked) over almost the last decade, it makes me logically draw reasonable conclusions. Conclusions such as:

1. Jude does not understand semantics
2. In all the dreams Jude has dreamed (that he can remember) he has never, not even once, dreamed of something that has later come to pass EXACTLY as the dream foretold
3. Jude is an almost fifty year old man who has yet to learn how to either communicate nor reason eloquently or accurately
4. Jude is just coming into a serious thread (it says so in the title) and trying to derail it by starting nonsensical arguments with me, which he only ever ends up losing, which is in itself a form of insanity.

So really, me understand. I do not want to think that you are that obtuse and cannot see that living in the now in a manner which brings about the future you want is not the same thing as "remembering" the future you want and living in the present now to make that future a reality.

Also the dream thing. that legit never happen to you? because it has to me. alot. unless you no longer believe in subjective reality? Cool then.

I await your response, Jude.

veritas 09-08-2018 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Amen (Post 699778)
And remembering the future makes no sense.


It seems like you relapsed by coming into my thread and making a claim that was wrong and then doubled down by saying that we were ACTUALLY saying the same thing, when we LITERALLY were not, sir. Then when I confronted you about this, you got offended and brought the above nonsensical comment out of pure emotion. fair?

now then, please tell me how you would like this interaction to proceed. This is a serious thread, so I am not going to play around with you. 1. We can go back to fallacy of living for happiness, and I can break it down for you to show you the error of your words, and educate you and make you a better person. 2. We can discuss how your quoted statement is simply nonsensical. 3. you can double down on your double down (quadruple down?) and choose to neither be educated, nor to stop making assinine statements that betray the very nature of common sense. A statement that even Jude could understand and agree with.

I await your response, sir.

Amen 09-08-2018 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by veritas (Post 699786)

It seems like you relapsed by coming into my thread and making a claim that was wrong and then doubled down by saying that we were ACTUALLY saying the same thing, when we LITERALLY were not, sir. Then when I confronted you about this, you got offended and brought the above nonsensical comment out of pure emotion. fair?

now then, please tell me how you would like this interaction to proceed. This is a serious thread, so I am not going to play around with you. 1. We can go back to fallacy of living for happiness, and I can break it down for you to show you the error of your words, and educate you and make you a better person. 2. We can discuss how your quoted statement is simply nonsensical. 3. you can double down on your double down (quadruple down?) and choose to neither be educated, nor to stop making assinine statements that betray the very nature of common sense. A statement that even Jude could understand and agree with.

I await your response, sir.

No emotions. After reading your response about the dream stuff - I now understand what you meant by remembering the future - so it makes sense to me.

And no, we did basically say the same thing - you just wanted to get technical with words. Like I said in my response, TO ME; joy is happiness. And those who pursuit happiness shouldn't. They should find happiness from with in and live happy - which goes back to my phrase - There is no path to happiness - happiness is the path.

veritas 09-08-2018 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Amen (Post 699787)
No emotions. After reading your response about the dream stuff - I now understand what you meant by remembering the future - so it makes sense to me.

And no, we did basically say the same thing - you just wanted to get technical with words. Like I said in my response, TO ME; joy is happiness. And those who pursuit happiness shouldn't. They should find happiness from with in and live happy - which goes back to my phrase - There is no path to happiness - happiness is the path.

SO you are choosIng to double down your double and refusing education then corrrect?

Amen 09-08-2018 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by veritas (Post 699788)
SO you are choosIng to double down your double and refusing education then corrrect?

I'd never refuse education.

Show me the "error" in my logic on the matter, because I'm not really seeing it, unless your taken the phrase out of context?

IDK man. Enlighten me, tho.

Inno 09-08-2018 03:02 PM

Lasagna scone come forth, and I shall bestow reps upon you

Destroyer 09-08-2018 03:28 PM

Whoa, like how do I respond to that?
It sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo to me
I clearly do understand semantics, thus my argument based in them
I didn’t realize you believe that you have been shown the future and you are remembering that.
I assumed you meant before you do something, you think about how it will affect the future. Which, you did, but I didn’t realize you had already been shown the future in your dreams, so that’s my bad.

Destroyer 09-08-2018 03:29 PM

But chill on the “almost 50” shit, damn

veritas 09-08-2018 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 699794)
Whoa, like how do I respond to that?
It sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo to me
I clearly do understand semantics, thus my argument based in them
I didn’t realize you believe that you have been shown the future and you are remembering that.
I assumed you meant before you do something, you think about how it will affect the future. Which, you did, but I didn’t realize you had already been shown the future in your dreams, so that’s my bad.

Remembering means both to me sir.

Sorry about the almost 50. This has been our best interaction. I am glad my gamble paid off speaking to you today.

veritas 09-08-2018 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Amen (Post 699789)
I'd never refuse education.

Show me the "error" in my logic on the matter, because I'm not really seeing it, unless your taken the phrase out of context?

IDK man. Enlighten me, tho.

Ok...awesome peep game Dre

Happiness is derived from happenstance. Which means something needs to happen. Which means your internal state is seeking a pleasurable feeling regulated literally by things happening in a way that you want them to.


But things do not always go your way.

Joy on the other hand is an internal peace. A dynamo. It feeds and recharges off of itself.

So...simply stated:

Happiness says your internal state is dependent upon favorable external conditions.
Joy says that your internal state is independent of external circumstances irregardless of favorable or unfavorable.

So choose joy.


Amen 09-08-2018 04:45 PM

So remembering can mean both to you but Happiness and Joy can not mean the same to me without being technical by definition and literal? When Joy/Joyfulness is the synonym for Happiness.


the state of being happy.
"she struggled to find happiness in her life"
synonyms: pleasure, contentment, satisfaction, cheerfulness, merriment, gaiety, joy, joyfulness, joviality, jollity, glee, delight, good spirits, lightheartedness, well-being, enjoyment; exuberance, exhilaration, elation, ecstasy, jubilation, rapture, bliss, blissfulness, euphoria, transports of delight; Hollywood ending
"trying to rediscover the happiness we once knew"
While I get what you are saying, again you were being technical to prove your point.

And as far as things not always going your way, I get it. Doesn't mean you lose happiness over it. While I understand some would - that is the whole point of the phrase; HAPPINESS is the path you must create rather then pursuing this imaginary path or chasing this idea of happiness.

So again, we were saying the same thing but you choose to get technical. Maybe happiness wasn't the right word (Int his case you're right) HOWEVER happiness is the word used in the phrase and that phrase was the message I was trying to deliver.

Remain happy or the proper word "Joyful" and optimistic - no matter the circumstances. There are others in worse condition/situations. Glass half full rather then empty.

veritas 09-08-2018 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Amen (Post 699804)
So remembering can mean both to you but Happiness and Joy can not mean the same to me without being technical by definition and literal? When Joy/Joyfulness is the synonym for Happiness.

While I get what you are saying, again you were being technical to prove your point.

And as far as things not always going your way, I get it. Doesn't mean you lose happiness over it. While I understand some would - that is the whole point of the phrase; HAPPINESS is the path you must create rather then pursuing this imaginary path or chasing this idea of happiness.

So again, we were saying the same thing but you choose to get technical. Maybe happiness wasn't the right word (Int his case you're right) HOWEVER happiness is the word used in the phrase and that phrase was the message I was trying to deliver.

Remain happy or the proper word "Joyful" and optimistic - no matter the circumstances. There are others in worse condition/situations. Glass half full rather then empty.

of course remembering can mean both lol. it means that I have a vision of the future me, and I remember it through my actions and sacrifices today. Plus I literally remember my future from dreams.

now then:

just because something is a synonym does not mean they are the same. Please refrain from stretching like a turtleneck.

example: cars and trains and planes and boats are all modes of transportation....but all very different.

joy is the goal...not happiness. this is irrefutable.

Happiness is determined by happenstance which is not always favorable. this is irrefutable.

Joy is an intrinsic construct, not dependant upon external circumstances. This is irrefutable.


and people very much lose happiness over external circumstances, sometimes even within minutes of getting a piece of happiness. Basic human observation sir.

Amen 09-08-2018 05:06 PM

Lol, jesus.

Ok man. Technically they are different but all forms of transportation which make them the same in regards to transportation. If you want to get technical - yes there are DIFFERENT METHODS of transportation by land, sea or air which separates them but again - all of them are means of transportation.

Truck, bus, car. All different, thats the obvious - however they are all alike because they are means of transporting something or someone.

I'm done here, tho. Enjoy your weekend.

veritas 09-08-2018 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Amen (Post 699806)
Lol, jesus.

Ok man. Technically they are different but all forms of transportation which make them the same in regards to transportation. If you want to get technical - yes there are DIFFERENT METHODS of transportation by land, sea or air which separates them but again - all of them are means of transportation.

Truck, bus, car. All different, thats the obvious - however they are all alike because they are means of transporting something or someone.

I'm done here, tho. Enjoy your weekend.

I am. I will. Before you dip: Can we agree that it is a wiser course of action to let the internal remain constant amidst the external turmoil than to let the internal be dependable on the xternal?

Amen 09-08-2018 05:41 PM

I never said I disagreed with you, V lol.

I agree with you, my man and you are absolutely correct - however, I've been saying the same thing with a shitty way to convey the message, lol. You just have a more accurate and more technical precise way with words.

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