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Immolate 02-23-2019 02:01 AM

on god mike, i respect u but u just not about this life

Immolate 02-23-2019 02:02 AM

HMU when you seen your baby sister raped by illegals. then if u still feel all this SJW shit, ill respect you

boof 02-23-2019 02:07 AM

you're right

but i have seen one personal experience breed generations of racism

so, i feel for u. im sorry for what u saw.

still don't mean my boy should get deported

boof 02-23-2019 02:08 AM

like, yea deport every undocumented cat thats ever committed a serious violent crime

im with that

but that aint the objective

Immolate 02-23-2019 02:29 AM


its a complicated subject and im hella biased. there was a time i felt like you did

but then i seen niggas get shot by illegals. and i myself almost got popped when i was going to hook up with 3 norweigeian girls in Culver City. cuz some CxC13 illegal boys in my good part of town wanted to shoot me

i couldnt blame em yknow, i know niggas that put their guys on t shirts.


u not walking the block like i am. u not having illegals pulling guns on you while you freeze as they debate killing you or not. ya got no standing

at least yr open to hearing my side tho, ya know i love ya mike. im sorry if ... na im not, but i do love ya

Immolate 02-23-2019 02:31 AM

like its just not worth it

man you never walked home from school, wanting to talk to some girl and then some mexicans roll up on you and almost kill you for no other reason than being black

thatll make you want a wall, thats for god damn sure. especially when you were lucky and your boy is dead

boof 02-23-2019 02:56 AM

yea i get it. just 1 thing tho

my great uncle was killed by a couple black dudes in the 60s

i have family members that don't like you because of that

do you think thats reasonable?

Geno 02-23-2019 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by Immolate (Post 727782)
like its just not worth it

man you never walked home from school, wanting to talk to some girl and then some mexicans roll up on you and almost kill you for no other reason than being black

thatll make you want a wall, thats for god damn sure. especially when you were lucky and your boy is dead

Lies, this is somebody elses story. I dont buy it.

Geno 02-23-2019 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 727778)
like, yea deport every undocumented cat thats ever committed a serious violent crime

im with that

but that aint the objective

If its illegal they have to go. Plain and simple. Thats my stand point. I mean.. Same if the shoe was on the other foot and we invaded there country illegally. Took jobs. Sold there friends and familt our drugs. Killed raped and licked there womans assholes. I dont think they would be in a hurry to let us stay. And i wouldnt be surprised if they didnt build a wall themselves.

Anywho. Thats all. Broken law is broken law. Weather its a stolen candy bar. A parking ticket. Sellingdrugs. Committing murder. Or coming to our country illegally and trying to blend in like you aint do nothing wrong. And then pointing the finger at us? Nah... Someone should be held accountable. Same as any other criminal would be.

Ok done in here. Pz

Amen 02-23-2019 08:41 AM

"serious violent crime"

What do you consider a "serious" violent crime?

uh-oh 02-23-2019 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 727783)
yea i get it. just 1 thing tho

my great uncle was killed by a couple black dudes in the 60s

i have family members that don't like you because of that

do you think thats reasonable?

you are trying to draw the distinction of racism like immo is against the mexican nationality/hispanics as a whole. he's talking about illegals. people not supposed to be here in the first place


Originally Posted by Amen (Post 727798)
"serious violent crime"

What do you consider a "serious" violent crime?

im assuming he means any violent crime. assault/rape/murder/robbery etc. but it puts aside the fact its a crime to cross the border illegally in the first place.

"undocumented" immigrants is a garbage term as well. there are plenty of "documented" illegals as well who have visas that run out and etc. the term is illegal, but again they will refuse to use it because they don't believe its a crime in the first place.

its just insane to me that the same people who want the government(taxpayers) to pay everyones way in life also wants to open the borders to the entirety of the world. math how does it work???

boof 02-23-2019 01:59 PM

ive become friends with roughly 30-40 undocumented cats in my 3 years in cali so far

every single one of them has told me their story of how they got here

you wouldn't dare call them or their family criminals
so yeah, i dont believe its a crime to flee poverty and gang violence instead of waiting 10-20 years and dying in line just to appease your 'hey they say its a crime so its a CRIME' bullshit

yall never read 3 felonies a day? our law system is abhorrent

and most illegals ARE illegal from overstayed visas

border crossings are at a low

btw americans cross into mexico to use their cheap healthcare in mass numbers GENO. also trump administration isnt deporting just rapists and murderers they're deporting doctors that have been here for decades and 21 savage

if ICE was doing what they pretend they're doing i wouldnt have half the problem
also there's tens of thousands of children in detention camps since fucking april and some of those kids got sent back to the wrong fucking parents

we're literally committing crimes against humanity, children, to protect us from.... a record low border crossing

it aint about what they pretend its about

they "lost" 2,000 kids at LEAST

boof 02-23-2019 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by uh-oh (Post 727813)
its just insane to me that the same people who want the government(taxpayers) to pay everyones way in life also wants to open the borders to the entirety of the world. math how does it work???

no, they want the already existing tax money to go to the people that need it, whether they're here legally or seeking asylum. illegals are not the majority of our government hand outs. hint; its white people

also most people on the left don't want open borders, that's wayyy far left. most people on the left just dont want a wall because its expensive and ineffective

uh-oh 02-23-2019 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 727866)
no, they want the already existing tax money to go to the people that need it, whether they're here legally or seeking asylum. illegals are not the majority of our government hand outs. hint; its white people

also most people on the left don't want open borders, that's wayyy far left. most people on the left just dont want a wall because its expensive and ineffective

why should a tax paying american have to shoulder the burden of another nations people?

the free everything people might be far left, but they also want open borders. thats who i'm talking about.

also my weed/coke dealer is a criminal. im not going to shed a tear if the DEA runs down on him, (it'd suck finding a new guy though lol) but he knew he was breaking the law. he wanted a better life and more money to lift himself out of poverty too. lmao. i'm a criminal when im in possession of drugs, im commiting a crime. thats not the issue at hand though, its the lack of recognition that they are criminals. its the pretending they haven't committed a crime.

boof 02-24-2019 12:02 AM

1, what is the point of having that mindset like you dont know all wealthy people break the law constantly on a much larger scale and consistently get away with it? im baffled

2, "free everything" isn't a thing and what you mean to be describing is definitely not far left. medicare for all and tuition free public universities are supported by a majority of america and it is literally just a reallocation of tax money plus an increase mostly from the already set-for-life wealthy. like, by this logic we get "free" perpetual war & corporate welfare already and its 1,000x more expensive.

3, how much american tax money do you think goes to illegal immigrants/asylum seekers/legal immigrants(you need to specify that) and through what programs?

uh-oh 02-24-2019 12:21 AM

1. there is no point to it? i break the law myself. i don't concern myself with the wealthy or the poor. im just pointing out that they are breaking the law, they are criminals by the law of the land they seek to be apart of. you don't view it as a criminal act, but if they do something violent you do. you are the one drawing distinctions between actions. im simply stating they are criminals. not sure where the confusion lies there.

2. thats super far left. im sure there are polls backing what you say. but we all seen how well the polls did when trumpster bodied hillary. i'd personally love to have free healthcare and free college, but i aint for giving up anymore tax dollars for it. so if someone asked me if im for it, sure i'd be for it. if they could do it with the money they already have. if they have to raise taxes on anyone then i would be deadset against it.

3. if any amount goes it is far too much.

so again. why should an american taxpayer have to shoulder the burden of another nations people?

boof 02-24-2019 12:51 AM

no idea what your point is then with the criminal talk. you're just.... pointing out that its illegal to be illegal? ok

and you're not specifying who or what tax money you're even talking about so im just going to run through them. if it's an illegal "undocumented" border crossing immigrant, then you don't shoulder the burden. if you're undocumented you don't receive benefits, by law. if you're talking about asylum seekers, they receive help via american tax money only under special circumstance ie escaping war zones or victims of violence and we do that because its the right thing to do and its what most developed countries do and most of your taxes already go to subsidizing walmart and murdering syrian children so hopefully we can agree on that being a higher priority of "far too much" tax money being spent on the wrong things and literally your taxes were never in contention for being raised to fund either of these programs you don't make nearly enough money.

joog 02-24-2019 08:18 AM

I just wish ppl would come out and say that they dont like Mexicans and latinos that arent D.R or P.R.
Cuz thats pretty much what it boils down to.

-its not about "the law" or even "immigration"
Had it been... We'd be cracking down on Chinese immigration. You know... That country, we're in a trade war with? Who's citizens that buy real estate, at way above market price, forcing property values up, and are essentially the reason nobody can afford housing.

- most "illegals" are here for overstaying visas. Which i get is "illegal" but how does a wall stop ppl from coming over legally? It doesnt.

-crime/drugs? Lmao. Ur town is gonna be and was already shitty. Blaming Mexicans wont stop ppl in small towns from overdosing at higher rates than Chicago weekend shootings.

This is all to get yall worked up for election because "it was a campaign promise"

Yall niggas are weird

uh-oh 02-24-2019 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by boof (Post 727922)
no idea what your point is then with the criminal talk. you're just.... pointing out that its illegal to be illegal? ok

and you're not specifying who or what tax money you're even talking about so im just going to run through them. if it's an illegal "undocumented" border crossing immigrant, then you don't shoulder the burden. if you're undocumented you don't receive benefits, by law. if you're talking about asylum seekers, they receive help via american tax money only under special circumstance ie escaping war zones or victims of violence and we do that because its the right thing to do and its what most developed countries do and most of your taxes already go to subsidizing walmart and murdering syrian children so hopefully we can agree on that being a higher priority of "far too much" tax money being spent on the wrong things and literally your taxes were never in contention for being raised to fund either of these programs you don't make nearly enough money.

the illegal talk was mainly because its verbiage the leftist media and democrats refuse to use. they keep using undocumented immigrants. they are illegal immigrants. they ask things like are you for immigration? when they are referring to illegal immigration. its blatant. thats all.

as for the second part, stop it lol. they can leech on the welfare programs through their children, their kids get free public schooling, alot of states offer them lower tuitions for college, their strain on public health services etc. all for illegals. not just asylum seekers.

i get that you hate the wealthy and corporations. i get that you are for punishing them through taxes etc. i agree we frivolously spend money on things that don't benefit the american people, foreign wars and the like. but since we spend bad money in other places, doesn't justify to me spending bad money in places you feel are morally better. i'd rather we didn't spend the money at all, and the majority of it never leaves any americans checks. whether its finny or bezos

uh-oh 02-24-2019 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by joog (Post 727926)
I just wish ppl would come out and say that they dont like Mexicans and latinos that arent D.R or P.R.
Cuz thats pretty much what it boils down to.

-its not about "the law" or even "immigration"
Had it been... We'd be cracking down on Chinese immigration. You know... That country, we're in a trade war with? Who's citizens that buy real estate, at way above market price, forcing property values up, and are essentially the reason nobody can afford housing.

- most "illegals" are here for overstaying visas. Which i get is "illegal" but how does a wall stop ppl from coming over legally? It doesnt.

-crime/drugs? Lmao. Ur town is gonna be and was already shitty. Blaming Mexicans wont stop ppl in small towns from overdosing at higher rates than Chicago weekend shootings.

This is all to get yall worked up for election because "it was a campaign promise"

Yall niggas are weird

its a "campaign promise" because the people wanted it. thats what you are forgetting. if bernie sanders gets elected in 2020 (lmfao) and he was pushing for free college to get done, would it be seen as a shameless tactic at re-election, or would he simply be trying to deliver what he campaigned on? is that not the point?

how dare the chinese flood our economy with money by overpaying for real estate. lmao wtf?

anyone that doesn't "like mexicans" doesnt like dominicans cubans puerto ricans or any of them. cuz they're racist pieces of shit. thats not the issue.

i don't think the wall is the answer but i've seen countless shit of how it COULD pay for itself. when bush put up the fencing back in the early 2000's it hugely curtailed illegal immigration. if a "wall" stopped 10 percent of illegals in the next 5 years, at the current rate they're entering the country it would pay for itself.

but the issue isn't about the cost of it. we could pay for it twice, very literally with 1 WEEK, of the militaries budget

but since the media spun it as some racist EXPENSIVE nonsense endeavor that is just a campaign promise to make trump look good, yall are in here acting dumb about it.

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