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veritas 09-15-2013 10:52 PM


Diode 09-15-2013 10:55 PM


oats 09-16-2013 05:27 AM

Wait is the cancer thing legit? How does a paleo diet increase the risk of cancer?

I like diode and cake both, but neither of you have said anything about the topic at hand, I want to hear your perspectives.

Rawn MD 09-16-2013 06:21 AM

@oats paleo is vagitarian right

Witty 09-16-2013 07:12 AM

I thought you meant you were gonna become a dinosaur.

I really did.

uh-oh 09-16-2013 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Rawn MD (Post 152929)
@oats paleo is vagitarian right

paleo is where you eat whatever a caveman would

meats and veggies and fruits and shit

no breads, because its pre-farming/processed shit

just like steaks and EARS OF CORN

Zen 09-16-2013 08:05 AM

It seems like processed foods would give you cancer not natural ones...Unless the earth is trying to kill us because we've been trying to strangle it with plastic bags.

oats 09-16-2013 11:47 AM

Uh oh is correct, except for corn is typically not allowed. So you can eat meat, so long as it's grass fed/free range/organic/etc. No gluten/wheat/carbs though.

God Of War 09-16-2013 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by oats (Post 153098)
Uh oh is correct, except for corn is typically not allowed. So you can eat meat, so long as it's grass fed/free range/organic/etc. No gluten/wheat/carbs though.

go on a no gay diet!

Frank Metts 09-16-2013 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Neighbor (Post 152510)
I did strict paleo for 6 months.. felt good overall, but I don't think it's a sustainable way to eat

I do a modified paleo diet now & feel incredible.. basically cut out all sugar, yeast, gluten & processed foods.. you'll be fine

Says the guy who gorges on bags of Doritos?

oats 09-16-2013 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by God Of War (Post 153110)
go on a no gay diet!

Might have to slowly phase into that...CUZ I EAT FAGGOTS FOR BREAKFAST

Frank Metts 09-16-2013 01:45 PM

But idk about the whole hunter gather style diet .. yes your rich in protein but are body's habe evolved a lot since ... and I know america is obese because of over indulgence of carbs and lethargic nature but those types of and all types people live longer now as well .. some will argue medical advances which is also true but bodys evolve over time ... since the early 20th century life expectancy has more then doubled and so has the population.

People think the theories I've studied and believe are ass backwards but to much protein and muscle will make you age and die faster then an avg American man ... if you eat balanced then the slower your metabolism the better. when your body is trained to run off fewer calories and burns food slower then you'll be a lot healthier and not feel hungry.. carbs are good in food but 75-150 grams should be min/max ... protein is good but makes the body work to hard to get rid of it .. but when it needs it it will take it from what's stored in your muscles so you should have some daily intake just not a diet based around it
Also you know you need good and bad fats and oils l, not too much but enough to wear your body isn't constantly feeding off your stored energy source..

Shits a lifestyle change not a diet .. look at any study done on people who've lived past 100 and you'll find their slower metabolic rate to be a common factor in their long lives and theyve eaten what they wanted just didnt over indulge the metabolic rate is usually compared to how tortoises live so long as well .... faster metabolism make your body/heart work to hard and just like and engine that's over heated it could break down without warning

oats 09-16-2013 01:59 PM

@Frank Metts agreed about the "not a diet, it's a lifestyle change" part. Most of the centurions I've read about have an unconsciously paleo friendly diet tbh.

Untold 09-16-2013 02:15 PM

I took the "Paleo Challenge" for a month straight. It's got it's benefits:

First off, do it and prepare to spend MONEY! I bought most of my groceries from either Whole Foods or one of the local farmer markets. Anything local or organic is going to cost more and always sold in less quantities, so it's not mass produced. Another tip, when buying food, look up online what's ok to eat and what's not, then take your list and buy everything that you can eat/will eat for like the next week-2 weeks. Since your buying organic and non processed foods, you'll want to drop the dough on it out the gate so you won't be tempted to spend more money while on the diet. Shit gets expensive.

But a paleo cookbook or go online and get creative. CREATIVITY is almost a requirement on this diet because you can get bored real easy just eating meat and veggies. You'll want to set time out to certain meals, especially if you want to do a nice meal like Paleo chili renos with cauliflower rice on the side. Also made a killer salsa to go over it. Mouth watering shit. Or if you want to do Paleo sweet potato pancakes or waffles made out of almond flower and flax. Tons of recipes. I even made Paleo ice cream out of almost milk or coconut milk and bananas. It was intense.

Neighbor 09-16-2013 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Frank Metts (Post 153143)
Says the guy who gorges on bags of Doritos?

I cheat frequently

oats 09-16-2013 05:16 PM

@Untold appreciate the insight. I usually shop at whole foods anyway, just got my paleo groceries last night though, had to tweak my usual list. Def gonna be an expensive change.

I got the cookbook practical paleo, pretty helpful. Been making cauliflower rice and shit. Hit me if you have anything in particular that you like or found helpful, or if there's any challenge that you experienced or something. I would appreciate it.

Untold 09-16-2013 05:49 PM

@oats no prob. real talk, this was something my body had to get used to as well. at first, i couldn't take a shit properly. like i got all "corked" up and felt bloated all the time. but after the first week, my body started getting used to things and regulating. it was like finding an equilibrium. at like a week and a half, my body felt normal. i did get cravings for sugars and starches, but i found nuts(almonds, cashews and pistachios), fruits(pretty much anything) and random vegetable chips to feed that need. eventually it all just went away.

in all honesty, the only thing i wasn't able to stop drinking was COFFEE. i gave up all alcohols and drugs years ago, so that wasn't hard and i don't smoke cigarettes. but caffein was my DOC for the time and i would still use organic sugar IF i decided to sweeten my coffee and also used a coconut milk creamer(not completely pale friendly) when i wanted to cream my coffee. also, dark chocolate. try to find the darkest chocolate you can and eat it as a snack from time to time. or you can make your own snack bars. there was a recipe i loved and it was to make Paleo chocolate chip & bacon cookies. i used almond flower and dark chocolate chips, pure maple syrup(or honey, your preference and recipe) and that shit was BOMB.

i'll tell you this, by the end of it, i looked great, had loads of energy and seemed more focused in life. i've since done a retarded version of the Paleo diet(like one week on, 3 weeks off lol) and still do a little exercise. but when i finished, i didn't even work out. all i did was run and i was the most ripped i had been in years. i didn't have a huge gain in muscle mass, but everything i ate burned into muscle and my body fat was more non-existent than it is right now. but i agree with @Neighbor in modifying your diet to fit you once you do the Paleo diet for a month or longer. it's hard for me not to consider putting certain breads or starches in my body. i think we've advanced ourselves in food enough to where some of this stuff is actually beneficial to our diets.

just my 2 cents though. i really don't know anything :/

oats 09-16-2013 07:42 PM

@Untold thanks a lot man, that's all really helpful. have you heard of the bullet proof diet? I order coffee from them, paleo friendly. expensive, as you might guess, but it's really nice to continue drinking coffee. Though, I only let myself have coffee twice a week anyway, rest of the time I drink tea or I don't have caffeine. I'll let you know how it goes, I'm excited for it. Today has been day one, so far so good.

Untold 09-16-2013 08:22 PM

Word. Do it for at least a month. You've already invested the money, now invest the time!

Neighbor 09-16-2013 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by oats (Post 153461)
@Untold thanks a lot man, that's all really helpful. have you heard of the bullet proof diet? I order coffee from them, paleo friendly. expensive, as you might guess, but it's really nice to continue drinking coffee. Though, I only let myself have coffee twice a week anyway, rest of the time I drink tea or I don't have caffeine. I'll let you know how it goes, I'm excited for it. Today has been day one, so far so good.

I follow a lot of what Dave Asprey says.. he's actually the reason I started using nootropics

The Bulletproof Diet is a great way to start & if you find it sustainable, continue w/ it.. I keep my carbs down to quinoa, brown rice, sweet potato & rolled oats, w/ a cheat meal or two thrown in weekly

I would start w/ either Asprey's diet or something like Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint diet & go from there.. I have a degree in Herbal Medicine & am also a CNC, so feel free to pick my brain

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