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Sharp 05-24-2018 12:13 PM

What the fuck happened in this thread


Originally Posted by Amen (Post 667390)
California and Pennsylvanian are nothing alike - cost of living in California is probably 3x to 5x higher.

Have you ever been to Cali? Look online at the cost of houses out there lol...

But living in the bay area cheaply still means a shit house/neighborhood? That's what I'm getting at

Flow 05-24-2018 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Genocide (Post 667521)


Twodrop 05-24-2018 12:14 PM

Have we figured out what Men in Black kidnapped him for 7 months for weed?

I get it's illegal... but I'm confused on how you're in this mental institution, for 7 months, against your will... if you're not completely fucking suicidal/homicidal and releasing you into the public is a liability.

Is it like court ordered rehab?

You have plenty advice in this thread.

That new crib is gonna be dope tho

Amen 05-24-2018 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Sharp (Post 667523)
What the fuck happened in this thread

But living in the bay area cheaply still means a shit house/neighborhood? That's what I'm getting at


You will find CHEAPER houses the further inland you move but not by much man.

Got relatives in Oxnerd Cali, south of LA and it's expensive - and that's one of the cheaper areas of Cali. More expensive then NYC.

2tripple0 05-24-2018 12:16 PM

Thats fine man i understand i am a bit stubborn but what are these guys on netcees actually telling me basically im a freeloader who exploits the healthcare system and complains all the time thats fine whatever you guys are right im wrong i wont be able to afford a house in cali i should stop smoking weed and basically try to find a job even if its minimum wage and i probably will never afford my own house in england unless i use a hpusing scheme thats fine whatever....

Geno 05-24-2018 12:17 PM

Just roll up man

2tripple0 05-24-2018 12:24 PM

Lol and then what get locked in a mental hospital for another 6+ months and then do that the rest of my life in and out of a shit ass place that takes all my rights away and treats me like a criminal.... fuck that shit.... and is basically destroying all my creatifvity just because of my addiction to pot... i mean i dont get why they do it the doctors already know what pot does to you psychologically thats why its been decriminilised in a lot of states in america....

Geno 05-24-2018 12:25 PM

Or you could just twist 1

2tripple0 05-24-2018 12:32 PM

Plus in the hospital there is no internet connection there is basically no television reception theres no real communication with the outside world your basically treated like a thug by nhs staff and all you get is a shitty little cell with a horrible bathroom and people watching you all the time plus no cigarettes and no drugs whatsoever unless your very lucky..... and then you have to stay there up to 6 months if not longer there were people i met in there that have already been there for 2 years and they dont look like theyre getting out anytime soon so in some ways im very lucky that theyre even considering me for discharge.... and on top of that they put you on horrible antipsychotic medication and if you met me in real life im sure you would think he doesnt deserve to be on those meds the only reason im on that medication is because i smoke pot basically...... sorry man i cant live that life.....

Geno 05-24-2018 12:38 PM

Stop playing crippy..Spark the L

Amen 05-24-2018 12:43 PM


2tripple0 05-24-2018 12:44 PM

Not worth it sorry i want that house i want a family im sorry its not worth it.... if you want to do it thats your choice but for some reason they have a real problem with me lighting up....

Amen 05-24-2018 12:45 PM

2tripple0 05-24-2018 12:54 PM

Also in the uk and most of europe men are uncircumsized theyre penises aee fully intact and you may not think that makes a difference if your in america right now where most ment have uncircumsized cocks but when you come to europe and you look at the people here there are huge differences that i have noticed and whatever you can say that doesnt matter to you but as an american being one of the only ones here with a circumsized cock it is very difficult to get things like a a job or b a girl or get treated with respect in general just because im an american and you can say it makes no difference but it does there are hige differences ive noticed between american men and european men that i have noticed for one uncircumsized men dont seem to really give a fuck as much and are totally much more of like just not giving a fuck or just trying to be funny or just laughing at shit or making stupid silly jokes circumsized men are much more rigged and serious and try a bit too hard to get things right i think circumsized mens expectations are also a lot higher than most uncircumsized men...... im sorry i just had to say it but it makes a huge difference and truthfully i think theres a lot of animosity between the two groups when i meet europeans and ive been to a lot of european countries most of the people really do not like americans that much they are very wary of american people in general..... i dont know if thats cause theyre circumsized or its because of their political views but thats how most europeans view american people that i have met so therefore i think it would be very difficult for an average american person in general to make it in this country because of those differences unless that person was tom cruise and they had a hell of a lot of money to spend while in europe.... just my opinion anyways but i dont think most european establishments would want an american person like myself working for them sorry....

yzeOne 05-24-2018 12:55 PM


So weed is legal in Spain and Uraguay... Uraguay is expensiveAF...

BUT... check out this garage in spain for 19,900 euro


Get you a little portable A/C unit, sleeping bag, maybe like... a table or something... a bunch of extension cords to steal power with... DONE

Flow 05-24-2018 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by 2tripple0 (Post 667542)
Also in the uk and most of europe men are uncircumsized theyre penises aee fully intact and you may not think that makes a difference if your in america right now where most ment have uncircumsized cocks but when you come to europe and you look at the people here there are huge differences that i have noticed and whatever you can say that doesnt matter to you but as an american being one of the only ones here with a circumsized cock it is very difficult to get things like a a job or b a girl or get treated with respect in general just because im an american and you can say it makes no difference but it does there are hige differences ive noticed between american men and european men that i have noticed for one uncircumsized men dont seem to really give a fuck as much and are totally much more of like just not giving a fuck or just trying to be funny or just laughing at shit or making stupid silly jokes circumsized men are much more rigged and serious and try a bit too hard to get things right i think circumsized mens expectations are also a lot higher than most uncircumsized men...... im sorry i just had to say it but it makes a huge difference and truthfully i think theres a lot of animosity between the two groups when i meet europeans and ive been to a lot of european countries most of the people really do not like americans that much they are very wary of american people in general..... i dont know if thats cause theyre circumsized or its because of their political views but thats how most europeans view american people that i have met so therefore i think it would be very difficult for an average american person in general to make it in this country because of those differences unless that person was tom cruise and they had a hell of a lot of money to spend while in europe.... just my opinion anyways but i dont think most european establishments would want an american person like myself working for them sorry....

This thread just keeps giving an giving. I am so gone

2tripple0 05-24-2018 12:58 PM

Lol but 20000 euro isnt cheap and i dont have 20000 euro plus i dont speak spanish and spanish people can be highly dicks from whe i was there they are not extremely welcoming of outsiders but that was just my take on the place..... i think i would be better off in the united states.....

Twodrop 05-24-2018 01:00 PM

Yea you need to be around other circumcised dicks

Flow 05-24-2018 01:01 PM

People should be allowed to sit on the bus circumsized or not.

Circumsized gents unite.

Flow real supports your rights to work regardless of your cock coat

2tripple0 05-24-2018 01:02 PM

But yes i checked that house in spain out and it looks lovely and i would probably love to live there im not going to lie spanish women are extremely attractive from what i remember....

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