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brokenhal0 has a brilliant futurebrokenhal0 has a brilliant futurebrokenhal0 has a brilliant futurebrokenhal0 has a brilliant futurebrokenhal0 has a brilliant futurebrokenhal0 has a brilliant futurebrokenhal0 has a brilliant futurebrokenhal0 has a brilliant futurebrokenhal0 has a brilliant futurebrokenhal0 has a brilliant futurebrokenhal0 has a brilliant future

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. Diablo
    10-25-2023 06:00 PM
    I feel like not having a story to mine definitely left the door open for you to drop a storytelling piece and that likely worked against me tactically, you definitely flipped what I came with on its head and turned it around back on me so that was strong also, I probably shouldn’t have been as predictable and gone for the comparison between us both - it wasn’t my most inspired choice all in all and you probably deserved more from it than the two single sentence votes you had your way just not even breaking things down after you wrote 60 lines of material. No bullshit, just my straight up opinion. I wouldn’t tell it any other way.
  2. Diablo
    10-25-2023 06:00 PM
    It’s not just what’s being said, but how it’s being said, and I thought the word choices there were strong to create a mental picture in the minds eye of the reader for a visual. The final stanzas closer with the mention of the camera flash momentarily having “caught the shark off guard,” was nice too, because you had to be honest - There was no word from you all week and I thought maybe you were noshowing so I didn’t end up writing the full 60 and kept it at what I had which was around 40(?) I think. It was getting late the night before it was due so I just tied up what I had and dropped something save no-showing.
  3. Diablo
    10-25-2023 05:58 PM
    The meek evolving was another nice jab, don’t recall many (of any) pointing that one out either offhand but I got it. It’s subtle but it’s there. The weight of its own skins was nice too, even caught the horror wording reference thrown my way. It has layers, for sure, the naming of the shark and then “How the devil did I sink to this?” was fire. I actually wrote mine and was sort of kicking myself that I didn’t go for a STORY because it felt a bit one dimensional just having this extended metaphor on us both and the league or the site, really, there was only really so much I could explore with that one angle without beating it to death. The shark references and imagery in those verses (I think third and second from last?) were dope to me, I really liked “A testament to years of ruthless survival,” aimed at me but also just the simplicity of something like “It’s lifeless eyes, black and soulless,” really conjures up a great description of the creature using just a few select words.
  4. Diablo
    10-25-2023 05:57 PM
    I thought you did really well conceptually, I don’t know if you wrote that with an idea as to what I might go for or held off it until after you saw my drop and did something… but I thought what you put up was almost like a response to what I did, addressed the different points about rising up from the bottom and whatnot, I’m not entirely sure everyone even caught the “laws of seven” reference if I’m honest because none of the voters mentioned it but I caught it - I’m aware of Gurdjieff and that there are always ups and downs in our lifetimes, vibrations cast that have cosmic domino effects throughout the universe. They slept on that one somewhat in relation to the image, no doubt. The whole calling my bluff thing was a nice way to end that section, you set your stall out early and I was like “Oh shit, he flipped it on me here!” haha!
  5. emcee squared
    04-30-2023 08:37 PM
    emcee squared
    i just try get amped up so i drop better bars, dude
    hal0...yeah its quackery yeah YOURs ARENT quackery-imageryMind fuks ok lol
    Yeah keep playin possum like AJ
    I kno ur not real I ASKED CUZ UR BEING DENIED entry on your League-join attempts due to accusations of Already being a Participant in the league.>>

    Is this crazy ^?
  6. Pharaohs Army
    04-28-2023 07:15 PM
    Pharaohs Army
    I am officially requesting the identity of your main Alias, and if you'd be so kind #3,&4 as well.
  7. House of Leaves
    04-20-2023 06:42 AM
    House of Leaves
    A decorated editor has personally re-reviewed your old Santa Topical verse:
    HOF-worthy and shoulda won, let alone NOT be swept. lol.
    This place has changed since then though.
  8. Saint
    01-26-2018 11:23 PM
    Have a verse?
  9. House of Leaves
    10-04-2016 01:28 AM
    House of Leaves
    pharaoh living life

    .5 is past tense
  10. emcee squared
    09-28-2016 03:54 PM
    emcee squared
    living life

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  • About brokenhal0
    - AOWL Season IX


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  • Last Activity: 08-21-2024 11:04 PM
  • Join Date: 06-16-2013


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04:22 AM - sral mentioned brokenhal0 in post TTT FINALS: SYMETRIK vs. ETHERWAVE
...1 Brenn Brian Bryan brokenhal0 BWHAHA Bxyunggritty ...
04:16 AM - sral mentioned brokenhal0 in post TTT FINALS: SYMETRIK vs. ETHERWAVE
...1 Brenn Brian Bryan brokenhal0 BWHAHA Bxyunggritty ...
04:06 AM - sral mentioned brokenhal0 in post TTT FINALS: SYMETRIK vs. ETHERWAVE
...1 Brenn Brian Bryan brokenhal0 BWHAHA Bxyunggritty ...
04:05 AM - sral mentioned brokenhal0 in post TTT FINALS: SYMETRIK vs. ETHERWAVE
...1 Brenn Brian Bryan brokenhal0 BWHAHA Bxyunggritty ...
11:46 AM - Frank mentioned brokenhal0 in post The Official Season XII Preseason Sign-Up Thread:
.... Cereal_Killa 10. Brokenhal0 11. Diablo 12. Sca...
03:18 PM - Frank mentioned brokenhal0 in post 12/25
... Razah brokenhal0 Ink Ce...
03:09 PM - Frank mentioned brokenhal0 in post The Official Season XII Preseason Sign-Up Thread:
.... Cereal_Killa 10. Brokenhal0 11. Diablo 12. Sca...
03:40 PM - Frank mentioned brokenhal0 in post The Official Season XII Preseason Sign-Up Thread:
...a Razah brokenhal0 Ink Certain ...
07:06 PM - Frank mentioned brokenhal0 in post Vote!
...enn Brian Bryan brokenhal0 BWHAHA Bxyunggri...
02:28 AM - sral mentioned brokenhal0 in post SZN XI Championship: Diablo (10-0) vs. Master Rock (8-3) vs. Universe (6-0) [DIABLO CHAMPS SZN XI!!!]
...Brenn Brian Bryan brokenhal0 BWHAHA Bxyunggritt...
02:01 AM - Frank mentioned brokenhal0 in post Universe you’re requested to topical battle
... brokenhal0 S...
01:32 AM - Frank mentioned brokenhal0 in post AOWL SEASON XI MAGAZINE — CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION: "CURTAIN CALL!"
...eason IX Champion: Brokenhal0 [6-2] Moderator: Ad...
06:29 PM - Frank mentioned brokenhal0 in post XI
...Universe Soule brokenhal0 dead man
11:55 AM - Frank mentioned brokenhal0 in post The End Of An Era
... NYCSPITZ brokenhal0
06:16 PM - Frank mentioned brokenhal0 in post AOWL SEASON XI MAGAZINE — SEMI FINALS EDITION: "SELL OUT!"
...y handed? brokenhal0, 8-3 "The Martyr f...
01:07 AM - Frank mentioned brokenhal0 in post SZN XI Semi-Finals: Diablo (9-0) vs. brokenhal0 (8-3) [DIABLO WINS 5-2]]
... Goodluck! Diablo brokenhal0 TOPIC: http://...
11:15 PM - Frank mentioned brokenhal0 in post Playoff Chat/Beef/Predictions
11:06 PM - Frank mentioned brokenhal0 in post XI
...d=giphy.gif&ct=g brokenhal0 ADVANCES!
05:51 PM - Frank mentioned brokenhal0 in post Vote!
...ymetrik brokenhal0 Scar ...
04:42 PM - Diablo mentioned brokenhal0 in post GUERRILLA WRITING LEAGUE - WEEK THREE MAGAZINE!
...point (I see you brokenhal0, don’t worry). *Sp...

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03:34 PM - brokenhal0 quoted Diablo in post The Official Season XII Preseason Sign-Up Thread:
Don’t think I forgot your...
03:00 PM - Diablo quoted brokenhal0 in post The Official Season XII Preseason Sign-Up Thread:
im in Don’t think I forgot...
07:14 AM - Diablo quoted brokenhal0 in post AOWL SEASON XI MAGAZINE — SEMI FINALS EDITION: "SELL OUT!"
diablo this aint the last battl...
09:23 PM - Soule quoted brokenhal0 in post AOWL SEASON XI MAGAZINE — SEMI FINALS EDITION: "SELL OUT!"
diablo this aint the last battl...
04:42 PM - Diablo quoted brokenhal0 in post GUERRILLA WRITING LEAGUE - WEEK THREE MAGAZINE!
...point (I see you brokenhal0, don’t worry). *Sp...
09:06 AM - Pharaohs Army quoted brokenhal0 in post NBL Season 17: Chat/Predictions
in initial old guess was a W.W...
01:32 AM - Pharaohs Army quoted brokenhal0 in post THE OPEN MIC CYPHER
hello again http://www.thesauru...
05:39 PM - Pharaohs Army quoted brokenhal0 in post THE OPEN MIC CYPHER
hello again it's never a wait t...
07:26 PM - symetrik quoted brokenhal0 in post XI WK VI Chat/Beef/Predictions
universe u got lucky you know e...
05:04 PM - Universe quoted brokenhal0 in post XI WK V Chat/Beef/Predictions
Universe i said the same thing ...
05:00 PM - brokenhal0 quoted Universe in post XI WK V Chat/Beef/Predictions
Universe - i said the same th...
05:00 PM - Diablo quoted brokenhal0 in post XI WK V Chat/Beef/Predictions
Universe i said the same thing ...
04:55 PM - Diablo quoted brokenhal0 in post XI WK V Chat/Beef/Predictions
...writing props sadly brokenhal0's not like other pug...
07:18 PM - Master Rock quoted brokenhal0 in post XI WK IV Chat/Beef/Predictions
10:51 PM - Diablo quoted brokenhal0 in post XI WK IV Chat/Beef/Predictions
Whats new another DQ victory to...
08:50 PM - symetrik quoted brokenhal0 in post XI WK IV Chat/Beef/Predictions
Whats new another DQ victory to...
10:03 PM - symetrik quoted brokenhal0 in post XI WK III Chat/Beef/Predictions
you totally swayed bro lmao ---...
09:30 PM - brokenhal0 quoted symetrik in post XI WK III Chat/Beef/Predictions
brokenhal0 not sway but hone...
09:41 AM - Civil Rawr xD quoted brokenhal0 in post Sticky: 1-2 Punch Season Chat
can i get in this Yes you wa...
08:22 PM - Adverse quoted brokenhal0 in post PLAYOFFS CHAT
Adverse i know i been breaking ...

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