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Certain has a reputation beyond reputeCertain has a reputation beyond reputeCertain has a reputation beyond reputeCertain has a reputation beyond reputeCertain has a reputation beyond reputeCertain has a reputation beyond reputeCertain has a reputation beyond reputeCertain has a reputation beyond reputeCertain has a reputation beyond reputeCertain has a reputation beyond reputeCertain has a reputation beyond repute

Certain Certain is offline

Mad fucking dangerous.

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 42 of 42
  1. Angkor
    10-26-2013 08:21 AM
    Hey bro, would u mind taking me off the Untitled crew? I probably won't be as active in the upcoming weeks/months so it's not fair for the other members. Sorry to disappoint yall.
  2. Darth Yoda
    10-25-2013 12:07 AM
    Darth Yoda
    first msg comes from me

About Me

  • About Certain
    - AOWL Season 3
    - Art of Writing League (2x)
  • Signature
    I'm just swinging swords strictly based on keyboards, unbalanced like elephants and ants on seesaws.


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Join Date: 07-20-2013


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 16


02:01 PM - Frank mentioned Certain in post WEEK FOURTEEN SIGN IN/OUT UnbornBuddha Certain Pent uP PancakeBra...
02:20 AM - Frank mentioned Certain in post WEEK THIRTEEN SIGN IN/OUT
...UnbornBuddha Vulgar Certain Pent uP PancakeBrah ...
12:04 AM - Frank mentioned Certain in post WEEK TWELVE SIGN IN/OUT
...ornBuddha Vulgar Certain Pent uP PancakeBra...
09:37 PM - Frank mentioned Certain in post WEEK TWELVE SIGN IN/OUT
...lgar dead man Certain Pent uP Pancak...
09:42 AM - Frank mentioned Certain in post WEEK ELEVEN SIGN IN/OUT
...uddha Vulgar Certain Pent uP Pancak...
05:21 PM - Frank mentioned Certain in post WEEK TEN SIGN IN/OUT
...ha Vulgar dead man Certain Pent uP PancakeBrah ...
12:04 PM - Frank mentioned Certain in post WEEK NINE SIGN IN/OUT
... Vulgar Certain Pent uP ...
05:29 PM - Frank mentioned Certain in post WEEK EIGHT SIGN IN/OUT
... Vulgar Certain Pent uP ...
11:47 PM - Frank mentioned Certain in post WEEK EIGHT SIGN IN/OUT
...Vulgar Certain Pent uP...
10:33 AM - NYCSPITZ mentioned Certain in post WEEK SIX: ADONIS (2-2) vs FRANK (1-0) FRANK WINS 4-0
...k person it is oats Certain @deadman sacrifice f...
04:15 PM - NYCSPITZ mentioned Certain in post WEEK SEVEN SIGN IN/OUT
...rey dead man Vulgar Certain Pent uP PancakeBrah ...
03:34 PM - Master Rock mentioned Certain in post WEEK SEVEN SIGN IN/OUT
...rey dead man Vulgar Certain Pent uP PancakeBrah ...
02:13 PM - Adonis mentioned Certain in post WEEK SEVEN SIGN IN/OUT
... man Vulgar Certain Pent uP Panc...
05:27 AM - Frank mentioned Certain in post WEEK SEVEN SIGN IN/OUT man Vulgar Certain Pent uP Pancak...
11:38 AM - Frank mentioned Certain in post WEEK SIX SIGN IN/OUT
... Vulgar Certain Pent uP ...
06:22 PM - Frank mentioned Certain in post WEEK SIX SIGN IN/OUT
... Vulgar Certain Pent uP ...
03:51 PM - Adonis mentioned Certain in post WEEK TWO: ADONIS (1-0) vs BROKENHAL0 (1-0) HAL0 WINS 4-0
... I’m Certain he reacted, observe ...
02:18 AM - timeless mentioned Certain in post AOWL SZN 10 SIGN UPS
Frank oats Certain @deadman zygote NYCS...
05:11 AM - Scar mentioned Certain in post OFFICIAL SINACOG OPEN MIC THREAD, Pancakebruh, Certain and others rolling i...
11:51 AM - Inno mentioned Certain in post AOWL 2020 SIGNUPS!!!!!!!
... Certain ...

Thread Tags

06:14 PM - Certain tagged Siu Mi in thread Quarter Final: Richard Schwartz vs. Template [RICHARD SCHWARTZ WINS 6-2]
06:14 PM - Certain tagged Purple Puke in thread Quarter Final: Richard Schwartz vs. Template [RICHARD SCHWARTZ WINS 6-2]
06:14 PM - Certain tagged Piiz in thread Quarter Final: Richard Schwartz vs. Template [RICHARD SCHWARTZ WINS 6-2]
06:14 PM - Certain tagged Richard Schwartz in thread Quarter Final: Piiz vs. Purple Puke [PURPLE PUKE ADVANCES 6-1]
06:14 PM - Certain tagged Siu Mi in thread Quarter Final: Piiz vs. Purple Puke [PURPLE PUKE ADVANCES 6-1]
06:14 PM - Certain tagged SlutMachine in thread Quarter Final: Piiz vs. Purple Puke [PURPLE PUKE ADVANCES 6-1]
06:14 PM - Certain tagged Template in thread Quarter Final: Piiz vs. Purple Puke [PURPLE PUKE ADVANCES 6-1]
06:13 PM - Certain tagged Piiz in thread Quarter Final: Seymour Butts vs. Siu Mi [SEYMOUR BUTTS WINS 7-0]
06:13 PM - Certain tagged Purple Puke in thread Quarter Final: Seymour Butts vs. Siu Mi [SEYMOUR BUTTS WINS 7-0]
06:13 PM - Certain tagged Richard Schwartz in thread Quarter Final: Seymour Butts vs. Siu Mi [SEYMOUR BUTTS WINS 7-0]
06:13 PM - Certain tagged SlutMachine in thread Quarter Final: Seymour Butts vs. Siu Mi [SEYMOUR BUTTS WINS 7-0]
06:13 PM - Certain tagged Template in thread Quarter Final: Seymour Butts vs. Siu Mi [SEYMOUR BUTTS WINS 7-0]
01:22 AM - Certain tagged Fig in thread Meth is everything wrong with this world. (By Figurative and Certain.)
01:22 AM - Certain tagged Meth in thread Meth is everything wrong with this world. (By Figurative and Certain.)
12:09 AM - Certain tagged Split in thread Said nigga infront of a group of tongans and got away with it (success story itt/near death experience)
08:34 PM - Certain tagged Tic in thread BATTLE HALL OF FAME NOMINATIONS THREAD
08:34 PM - Certain tagged Swerve in thread BATTLE HALL OF FAME NOMINATIONS THREAD
08:34 PM - Certain tagged Sharp in thread BATTLE HALL OF FAME NOMINATIONS THREAD
08:34 PM - Certain tagged Paradigm in thread BATTLE HALL OF FAME NOMINATIONS THREAD
08:34 PM - Certain tagged Orc in thread BATTLE HALL OF FAME NOMINATIONS THREAD


12:11 PM - Chemist quoted Certain in post smh @ King Karoake
The Ghost Rider line was, ad...
08:39 PM - uh-oh quoted Certain in post meek taking another L
Nah, that was just the video...
08:18 PM - Certain quoted uh-oh in post meek taking another L
and the one with vida guer...
01:55 PM - Certain quoted Blanco Bishop in post meek taking another L
U don't like any of the DC trilogy...
01:37 PM - Blanco Bishop quoted Certain in post meek taking another L
The Game bores me. Meek Mill...
01:05 AM - Certain quoted Witty in post meek taking another L
Meek bores me tbh. The ...
04:28 PM - quoted Certain in post Summer Classic VII Finals Disc/Predictions/BEEF
So we all in agreement that ...
02:25 PM - Slechtn quoted Certain in post Anderson .Paak
I meant it more on vibe —n...
12:06 AM - Aero quoted Certain in post Summer Classic VII Finals Disc/Predictions/BEEF
So we all in agreement that ...
10:56 PM - R!canTheoryz quoted Certain in post 1-2 Chat.
This vote got me depressed. ...
08:01 PM - Certain quoted R!canTheoryz in post 1-2 Chat.
Pinot was dope cred was cool to b...
07:08 AM - sral quoted Certain in post THE OFFICIAL S.T.I DISCUSSION THREAD!
Jumping a whole round? Vu...
10:13 PM - Frank quoted Certain in post THE OFFICIAL S.T.I DISCUSSION THREAD! in by 11:59 PST. Certain
05:53 PM - Certain quoted big baby in post Dads and dads-to-be.
srs upshifting and downshifti...
05:11 PM - Certain quoted anime_boners in post Dads and dads-to-be.
01:26 AM - Diode quoted Certain in post Yo, 2 weeks into no fap and this shit...
veritas, it appears that TYS...
12:24 PM - sral quoted Certain in post THE OFFICIAL S.T.I ELITE EIGHT MAGAZINE!
Yeah, you have a weird obses...
11:27 AM - Cimmerian quoted Certain in post THE OFFICIAL S.T.I ELITE EIGHT MAGAZINE!
Makes sense. I might do a...
11:08 AM - TeckNeek quoted Certain in post Strip clubs...
Lares Viales was a different...
11:00 AM - Certain quoted in post THE OFFICIAL S.T.I ELITE EIGHT MAGAZINE!
I asked him if he wan...

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