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  1. Do you know where the weight room is?
  2. It's the Board ruining nigga
  3. give me a goddamn second and I'll turn everything on. looking at knux.
  4. U guys just up an leave me there with that fuckin geek swerve!?
  5. Avatars on. What else is wrong?
  6. anybody know how to install the battle hacks?
  7. start them leagues up.
  8. Hey GoW...
  9. I almost won my dads acceptance today
  10. do u wash new underwear before u wear it?
  11. Once we get some mods in place and more members.
  12. Prop Joe died today...
  13. UFC Tonight
  14. Are we in the final era of text now?
  15. If you need name changes, want your reg date changed etc. Here's who to holler at.
  16. Its a New Day in the Text Game.
  17. Swerve
  18. This is scary
  19. New to this text battling thingy
  20. Sik
  21. Pic Battle?
  22. Strikt...it's hard for me and Bags to acknowledge you at times...
  23. me and ill nuka are still the undisputed 5x defended heavyweoght tag team champions o
  24. I got the 5s early
  25. if netcees went back up tomorrow
  26. OM is coming together..
  27. on the real tho
  28. Quick 10?
  29. Seriously tho
  30. I feel like doing graphics
  31. so
  32. rise n shine mutha fuckaz..
  33. Hey
  34. Well, I'm here.
  35. Metts, GoW, Genocide?
  36. Y'all can thank me later
  37. Ravens baby.
  38. Possible things Lama could be doing right now instead of watching over our beloved NC
  39. Yo Personal Savior..
  40. How long y'all giving NC?
  42. Personal Jesus vs. Karaoke
  43. 9ers @ Falcons
  44. Who's site is this?
  45. Niggas can't go a weekend without boarding?
  46. 2CB
  47. fase 1 complete on the way to Harbaugh Bowl 2013
  48. -30 Wind Chill Tomorrow. umad?
  49. yoga pants are the devil!!!!
  50. 44 new members in a day and a half isn't too bad
  51. Patriots? More like Gaytriots.
  52. Blogs with "free" music.
  53. That hit was craaazy
  54. i dont know about yall, but what i just saw on that field was...
  55. there will be blood
  56. brother vs. brother in the superbowl?
  57. At a loss for words.
  58. Don't forget to get your SF predictions in.
  59. Is there different skins?
  60. How Does a Guest have the same IP adress
  61. You guys see me in the stands, on TV, at the Pats game?
  62. Wassup
  63. Who thinks they can run a successful league?
  64. Love my city.
  65. Flew a plane today
  66. MLK Day
  67. Pain & Gain movie trailer 2013
  68. very problematic issue / potentially detrimental to your board
  69. Lets try not to scare the female posters away
  70. getting the word out.
  71. Pic Battle
  72. no shoutbox, no care.
  73. Meth you shut down the forums and still couldn't get people to vote
  74. music
  75. All you people suggesting we separate ourselves netcees.
  76. Site Owner/Admins
  77. new netcees?
  78. Cypher Battle League - COMING SOON Idea/Rules inside
  79. What should the first tourney here be called?
  80. testing video from youtube
  81. What's that Ron burgundy
  82. She's gonna be a model one day
  83. New site, new leagues?
  84. ok, so who's the pedo?
  85. thinking of getting out the jordan game
  86. yo. Just Washed and Dried my ear buds, and..
  87. Pic battle
  88. Trying to find a biter
  89. hey codeman
  90. when im not trolling on a site.
  91. Crew Battle 2013
  92. Bags
  93. Met Stephen A & Ryan Ruocco today
  94. who can make skins yo
  95. Nothin' will stop me from molestin' you
  96. Pics?
  97. Back to Basics - 32 MAN TEXT TOURNAMENT - Sign ups ITT
  98. anybody here ever bought a car thru Craigslist???
  99. jessica williams is dope
  100. Yo its whatever lol
  101. Who fucks with with Jedi Mind Tricks
  102. Hats Off
  103. Loyal?
  104. A chat box
  105. gow.
  106. anybody watch Arrow?
  107. Tyler The Creator?
  108. the great genital is here
  109. This juristiction has now been filled
  110. uh-oh/ beatmakers
  111. The Following
  112. 10/10 club banga
  113. if you were about to die what would your last words be?
  114. Since this is a "new" site
  115. So I just got a Neighbor has mentioned you email
  116. hmm if you guys ever want to do a shoutbox tourny
  118. topical league....or topical battle????
  119. far cry 3
  120. Since we have so much free rein with the new site
  121. Anyone seen archer??
  122. AOBL
  123. Vado-Slime Flu 3
  124. This is why badweather is our brother of a different color
  125. Battle?
  126. Dammit I was nineteen wins away from 100
  127. Slime Flu 3
  128. This is a Goblin Shark.
  129. What the fuck is up.
  130. 100 post shout out
  131. 100 post shout out
  132. Topical Heads
  133. Crysis 3
  134. BA DISS 'Champ Cypher' is up
  135. Dont know if this has been done but..
  136. what you bumping
  137. This site is kinda like if the world ended, and we had a secret bunker.
  138. dia
  139. Topical battle
  140. Introduction
  141. iPod charger cords fucking suck
  142. AOB's first AESOP ROCK thread
  143. battle
  144. do u even lift?
  145. TrillClinton is lame.
  146. so whats shaken bastiids
  147. Ken Wins, Perfect
  148. Back 2 Basics - 1st Round is UP
  149. 200 post SHOUT OUTS
  152. Snow on Tha Bluff, on Netflix
  153. DIASIK
  154. how to be good at life
  155. so take two will be taking over WWE video games.
  156. Line 4 Line Cypher Tourney - Session I Is Up - READ THE RULES
  157. knux haters to thread
  158. Destroyer haters to thread
  159. Pictures
  160. bleak
  161. lol frog, u right. u damn right, frog.
  162. Pansies All Accepted.
  163. B2B match ups?
  164. Strikter's sig
  165. dagels farewell video to RIA lmaoo
  166. los - the crown aint safe
  167. NSFW: from the guy who brought you the titty slap gif, the gummi butt gif, and more -
  168. quitting smoking
  169. Most Improved Textcee: Rayge
  170. so now netcees is spread out between 4 sites
  171. What are you doing with your tax return ?
  172. My lol nigga pnut go harder than you..
  173. What is the best new game to get for PS3?
  175. I thought the world had gone and ended without me
  176. 20° high this week
  177. Sup Duke
  178. anybody get that Metal Gear Rising demo off the playstore
  179. Tastiest animal?
  180. How much y'all planing to get back from the federal govt
  181. Just saw The Last Stand
  182. FV2013
  183. liek dis if u cry everytim
  184. Sign up thread: Wanna get tutored by Namix & take others to school?
  185. general pancake stuff thread or whatever.
  186. what is the weirdest
  187. Collab...
  188. Anyone wanna collab?
  189. we've all heard the Biggie Smalls vs Tupac freestyle, but who won?
  190. The entity returns
  191. om needs a spike. any suggestions.. get at me
  192. 12 minutes for a fight night? pls stop it RIA
  193. Smart guys to thread
  194. Site collab 1.0
  195. Tough Mudder
  196. Diasick
  197. any one watch haunted house yet?
  198. so i can't keep track of my NC accounts no more.
  199. Im text boarded out lol
  200. Lmao netcees oh netcees
  201. Instrumental tunes
  202. They likes to gets wet
  203. mashups
  204. TAME ONE
  205. three days ago i benched with two 45's on one side and a 45 and a 35 on the other
  206. trolling trolling trolling
  208. Old Crow abd Keystone
  209. Rayge....
  210. Joe E Murder aka Ghostwriter
  211. Trill Motherfucking Clinton
  212. Bleak or Allen Knight????
  213. Question?..
  214. Black Ops 2 XBL
  215. So I bought a pair of 10s The Chicagos for the fuck of it
  216. what's the happs on the hops?
  217. Wheres the biddies @
  218. Peace is for faggots
  219. What if Mila had an ass tho?
  220. Rayge
  221. Drunk Fail compilation *NEW*
  222. muffy
  223. Quickk Wuun.
  224. bottomless mimosas
  225. introducing the TOPICAL Keys to Greatness league!
  227. Anyone battling or planning to battle/vote in the BA *READ*
  228. slight observation..maybe just an intoxicated thought
  231. Text Battle
  232. Win check
  233. thread tags
  235. DIASICK
  236. FG Yellow
  237. Great fights tonight
  238. Any cooking job I go to, I'm instantly the man.
  239. Chicken pad Thai
  240. gotta love those moments when you share that look in traffic..
  241. Were can i watch free tv episodes
  242. Battle
  243. Alright, who does audio battling & wants to get that fucking work?
  244. Best pandora stations?
  245. Anyone playing that EVE DUST beta
  246. I think you should start the league
  247. NCG Purp skin added.
  248. abscess in my broken tooth
  249. How tall are you
  250. Delta 88 riding music thread